10 Tomato Pests That Will Destroy Your Tomato Plants (2024)

10 Tomato Pests That Will Destroy Your Tomato Plants (1)

Pests and diseases are tough challenges every home gardener faces. Unfortunately for tomato growers, tomatoes are susceptible to a large variety of both.

When it comes to pests, matters are only made worse. They not only attack your plants, but they can also spread diseases themselves. In other words, if you haven’t already, you should prioritize pest control in your tomato garden.

These 10 common tomato pests are the worst ones to watch out for.

1. Aphids

10 Tomato Pests That Will Destroy Your Tomato Plants (2)

The most common tomato pest, but also one of the most destructive, is the aphid. These critters have soft pear-shaped bodies and are typically white, black, brown, or even pink. Aphids affect a massive range of plants, including relatives of the tomato, potatoes and eggplants.

You will find them settling on new stems and the underside of young leaves. They are sap-sucking insects and will leave a sticky substance behind, which attracts various other pesky insects.

Despite being considered one of the most destructive, especially in more temperate climates, small infestations aren’t much of an issue. However, if left untreated, they will reduce your plant yield, and may ultimately kill the plant.

Luckily, aphids are easy to evict. We’ve dedicated an entire article to the subject.

Their small size means they can easily be wiped or picked off and killed using your fingers. Further, you could spray them off using a water spray bottle. The jet of water will blast them off the tomato plant, leaving no damage behind. A natural soap mixture applied using a spray bottle is another common remedy used to suffocate the bugs.

For extreme cases, pruning or pinching affected leaves or other parts of the plant may be necessary.

To prevent aphid infestations plant trap crops (like nasturtiums) to draw them away from your tomatoes, and choose plants that will attract predatory insects, such as ladybugs and hoverflies.

2. Cutworms

10 Tomato Pests That Will Destroy Your Tomato Plants (3)

Cutworms are capable of destroying a tomato plant overnight. These grey or brown caterpillars with black or yellow spots and are approximately two inches long and incredibly damaging.

These stealthy caterpillars work at night, leaving large holes in your tomatoes. But the fruit is not the only victim. Seedlings are typically the most vulnerable, but cutworms attack the stems too, eventually causing the plant to collapse. During the day, they hide beneath the soil or under plant debris.

The best way to prevent cutworms from taking hold is to till the soil frequently and remove all plant debris before planting tomatoes. Collars around the base of the stem are also known to deter the worms. The second you spot a cutworm, simply pick them off with your hands.

3.Flea beetles

10 Tomato Pests That Will Destroy Your Tomato Plants (4)

These little jumping bugs are shiny dark brown or black beetles, resembling fleas, sometimes with white or yellow stripes. Adults grow to only one-tenth of an inch. Germinating seeds are the most vulnerable to flea beetles, and they often carry many bacterial and viral diseases that can be detrimental to plant health.

As with cutworms, rotate crops, remove any debris, and till your soil.

A way of controlling infestations includes dusting diatomaceous earth over your plants. Diatomaceous earth is used to prevent and control several other infestations of pests on tomato plants, and other plants in home gardens.

There are a few good ways to prevent flea beetles from even settling into your soil and foliage, including using row covers and placing yellow sticky traps to capture adults.

4.Root-Knot Nematodes

10 Tomato Pests That Will Destroy Your Tomato Plants (5)

There are several nematode species, some of which are even used to control harmful pests. However, root-knot nematodes are one of the bad bugs.

These tiny worms cause wilting, yellow foliage, and stunting in plants. Further, as evidenced by their name, they cause swelling and knob-like growths on tomato roots. Root-knot nematodes are most common in warm areas with short winters.

These pests are not easy to control. They often hitch a ride on garden tools and boots, so the fundamental takeaway is good gardening hygiene.

Rotation of crops remains extremely important. Nematodes take several seasons to establish themselves into the soil. Crop rotation and tilling the soil will prevent them from becoming entrenched.

Planting nematode-resistant tomatoes is a perfect natural preventative measure. These will have an “N” listed next to their names.

5. Blister Beetles

10 Tomato Pests That Will Destroy Your Tomato Plants (6)

Blister beetles have a big appetite for tomato foliage and, if left unattended, will completely defoliate your plant. As damaging as they are to tomato plants, and many others, they are best known for what they do to humans. When crushed or even injured, they release the blistering agent, cantharidin.

Blistering beetles are black, red, or grey with stripes. They are most common in the Midwest, along with the eastern and southern parts of the US.

The best ways to control this pest are by picking them off with gloved hands and removing the damaged plants quickly. When picking them off, drop the beetles into a small bucket filled with soapy water, to prevent them from flying off.

If swarms of blister beetles are an issue in your region, protect your tomato plants using well-anchored row covers.


10 Tomato Pests That Will Destroy Your Tomato Plants (7)

Another harmful caterpillar species is the hornworm. These pests are larger than most, growing to about three inches long. They blend well with tomato and other plant foliage due to their light green color; making them difficult to spot and get rid of. Tomato hornworms specifically have a straight black horn, making them easy to identify once spotted.

They are capable of removing the leaves of an entire plant, and (though very rarely) may attack the surface of tomato fruits. They also lay eggs on the undersides of the leaves.

10 Tomato Pests That Will Destroy Your Tomato Plants (8)

Due to their size, picking them off by hand is the easiest solution.

Hornworms can normally be found on the underside of leaves. Do a full sweep of all your tomato plants, and any surrounding susceptible plants, to catch these large worms in the act. Once you’ve picked them off, move them far away from your crops. Keep an eye out for further infestations, in case you didn’t catch them all the first time around.

7.Slugs and Snails

10 Tomato Pests That Will Destroy Your Tomato Plants (9)

Slugs and snails are common garden critters. Harmless and cute as they may seem, their eating habits will severely damage tomato plants. They leave behind large holes in foliage and fruit, along with a trail of slime. They enjoy moist environments and are most active at night, making them difficult to spot.

The key is population control. The best ways to keep slugs and snails of tomatoes are by picking them off, changing watering practices, or using a beer trap.

10 Tomato Pests That Will Destroy Your Tomato Plants (10)

To create a beer trap, fill a dish or bucket with beer and place it at soil level in the garden around the plants. The slugs are attracted to the beer and will drown once they land in it. Always water in the morning to ensure the top layer of soil and the leaves are dried by the evening.

8. Spider Mites

10 Tomato Pests That Will Destroy Your Tomato Plants (11)

Spider mites are common in various climates but typically enjoy hot and dry weather. They infest in large groups, settling on the underside of leaves. The dainty webbing around leaves and stems will give them away.

A common symptom of spider mites is yellowing or reddish leaves. These little spiders suck the sap out of the plant. They will eventually cause defoliation as affected leaves continue to die and fall off.

Small as they are, they are quite resilient against many insect sprays, and their large numbers are difficult to control. However, the trick is managing their environment. Watering constantly and correctly helps reduce spider mites, as does the introduction of good parasitic pests. Oil-based sprays are also effective against smaller infestations.

However, if webbing continues to tighten around the tomato plant and its health continues to deteriorate, you may need to destroy the plant to prevent further spread.

9.Tomato Fruit Worms

10 Tomato Pests That Will Destroy Your Tomato Plants (12)

Tomato fruit worms, also known as corn earworms, are considered among the most damaging of tomato pests. They are known for attacking tomatoes, peppers, corn, and even tobacco.

These worms feed on tomato leaves and flesh, leaving distorted leaves behind. Their larvae bore into the fruit’s stalks and fruits, making them incredibly difficult to spot and remove without damaging the plant.

Adult tomato fruit worms are moths. Their larvae are greyish-yellow and around two inches long, laid in white eggs. These eggs can be found on the lower sides of smaller leaves, close to the fruits. Once hatched, the larvae will burrow into nearby fruit.

Handpick the worms or eggs off as soon as they appear. A good natural option to rid your plants of tomato fruit worms is introducing natural predators. These include minute pirate bugs and certain species of wasps. Avoid planting tomatoes near corn and completely destroy all infested fruit once identified.

10. Whitefly

10 Tomato Pests That Will Destroy Your Tomato Plants (13)

Whiteflies are minute insects, similar to aphids. They mostly affect tomatoes grown in greenhouses or indoors. Much like aphids, these pests enjoy sucking the sap out of the plant, affecting the overall growth of your plant. Whiteflies cause leaves to yellow and yield to reduce.

It is important to prevent and control whitefly infestations quickly as they can carry diseases. ‘Good’ insects, such as ladybugs, will reduce whitefly populations. Further, horticultural oil can be used to suffocate whiteflies at any stage of life.

The biggest takeaway from pest management (besides the fact that it is incredibly important) is that prevention is better than tackling an infestation.

Tilling soil, crop rotation, correct watering methods, keeping your plants generally healthy, and keeping a close eye out for signs of pests are invaluable tools in pest prevention. As a bonus, they will also protect your plants from disease.

10 Tomato Pests That Will Destroy Your Tomato Plants (2024)


What insects destroy tomato plants? ›

Aphids, flea beetles, leafminers, and spider mites threaten young plant-bed tomatoes. In the field, flea beetles, aphids, leafminers, stink bugs, and fruitworms cause minimal damage to the foliage. However, severe damage may result either from their feeding on the fruit or by spreading certain diseases.

What is destroying my tomato plants? ›

Aphids. The most common tomato pest, but also one of the most destructive, is the aphid. These critters have soft pear-shaped bodies and are typically white, black, brown, or even pink. Aphids affect a massive range of plants, including relatives of the tomato, potatoes and eggplants.

How do you identify tomato pests? ›

3 Sure Signs of Pests
  1. Leaves or fruits are partially eaten, have holes, or insect tracks are evident.
  2. Visibly seeing animals, eggs or larvae of aphids, weevils, or caterpillars on or near plants.
  3. Seedlings disappear completely or plants are defoliated.

What kills tomato plants fast? ›

Possible causes include lack of water, fungal wilt diseases, tomato spotted wilt virus, walnut toxicity and stalk borers. Lack of Water. Tomato plants require approximately 1 inch of water per week. Plants may wilt badly when soils are dry, but will revive rapidly when they are watered.

How do I keep tomatoes pest free? ›

Dusting your plants with plain talcum powder repels flea beetles away from tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and other plants. Catnip and basil also repel them.

What is the best pest control for tomatoes? ›

Contact insecticides such as bifenthrin, cypermethrin, cyhalothrin, permethrin, and esfenvalerate are effective in controlling stink bugs, leaf-footed bugs, aphids, fruitworms, and hornworms (See Tables 1 and 2). Do not use permethrin on tomato varieties with fruit less than one inch in diameter.

What is the best homemade bug spray for tomatoes? ›

What is best insect spray for tomato plants? To make an insect spray at home for tomato plans, mix 10 ounces of hydrogen peroxide, 1 gallon of water and 10 ounces of sugar together. Mix it well and spray it on and around the tomato plant and leaves.

What do tomato parasites look like? ›

At hatching, tomato fruitworm larvae are creamy white caterpillars with a black head and conspicuous black tubercles and hairs. Larger larvae vary in color from yellowish green to nearly black and develop fine white lines along the body but retain the black spots at the base of bristlelike hairs.

Can you spray dawn on tomato plants? ›

It's not recommended to use dish detergent (like Dawn), laundry detergent, or hand soap (even the “natural” versions), since these soaps contain abrasive ingredients that could harm your plants.

What does Epsom salt do for tomato plants? ›

Adding Epsom salts to your plant either through foliar spray or direct watering is a great way of boosting micronutrient absorption. This helps your tomato plant produce large, juicy, and very sweet fruits. Remember that a little bit goes a long way and too much can cause more problem than it fixes.

What does baking soda do for tomato plants? ›

Although it seems silly, this simple garden trick really works. The baking soda absorbs into the soil and lowers its acidity levels giving you tomatoes that are more sweet than tart.

What does aphid damage look like on tomatoes? ›

Symptoms of Aphids on Tomato Plants

Stunted leaves that are misshapen or curling around the edges are a sure sign of aphids. Because this pest sucks the sap and other nutrients out of leaves and stems, the leaves struggle to grow properly.

What do tomato plants hate? ›

Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, and kohlrabi can stunt the growth of your tomato plant because they out-compete them for the same nutrients. These vegetables are in the brassica family.

Can you spray baking soda on tomato plants? ›

To create a solution that prevents and treats disease, add a heaping tablespoon of baking soda, a teaspoon of vegetable oil, and a small amount of mild soap to a gallon of water and spray the tomato plants with this solution. This needs to be reapplied regularly to maintain its efficiency.

What eats tomato plants overnight? ›

Your plant is probably being attacked by hornworms. Despite their large size, these bright green caterpillars can easily hide among tomato leaves, staying out of sight until they have eaten most of the plant's foliage. Inspect your plants for hornworms now before they strip it down to bare stems.

Does vinegar help tomato plants grow? ›

The vinegar is probably the most important ingredient because of its available trace minerals and because of its ability to help other nutrients get into the plants.

Is vinegar OK to spray on tomato plants? ›

Just like weeds, your tomato plants can be killed by the use of vinegar. Instead, use a proper herbicide that is safe to use in the garden. And for your tomato plants, you should use proper fertilizer and fungicides, not vinegar.

Can I spray my tomato plants with soapy water? ›

Soaps and detergents can be toxic to tomato plants. A strong soapy solution that is sprayed on the tomato plants' leaves can disintegrate the waxy coating. This can result in water loss, dehydration and makes the plant susceptible to diseases.

How do you get rid of tomato bugs naturally? ›

Use a DIY natural homemade solution

Combine liquid dish soap and water and spray the plants and worms until covered. This should kill off the tomato hornworms without causing any type of further damage to your garden plants.

Do marigolds keep bugs away? ›

These flowers are colorful additions to landscaping, but they have a distinctive smell that repels mosquitoes and other garden pests, including squash bugs and tomato worms. Marigolds contain a natural compound used in many insect repellents.

How do you control pests and diseases in tomatoes? ›

Management. Ensure all tomato crop debris is removed and destroyed in Fall or plowed deep into soil; plant only disease-free material; avoid overhead irrigation; stake plants to increase air circulation through the foliage; apply appropriate fungicide if necessary.

What is eating holes in my tomatoes? ›

ANSWER: The critter eating the holes in the tomatoes is the tomato fruitworm. This common caterpillar eats holes in the fruit about the diameter of a cigarette. The holes can be shallow or deep. The wounds often enlarge when they become infected with secondary fungi and begin to rot.

Is Epsom salt good to spray on tomatoes? ›

Epsom salt used as a foliar spray or soil additive will help tomato and pepper plants grow and produce larger tastier yields.

Can you spray tomatoes with Epsom salt? ›

Make up a solution of about a teaspoon of Epsom salts per litre (quarter gallon) of water in a spray bottle. Simply wet the foliage on your tomato plants every two weeks using a fine spray setting. It will quickly be absorbed by the leaves.

What do nematodes look like on tomatoes? ›

Symptoms. The northern root-knot nematode produces small, discrete galls while the southern and javanese root-knot nematodes produce large galls and massive root swellings. Infected plants are stunted, appear yellow or pale green in color, and wilt easily, even when soil moisture is adequate.

What does diseased tomato look like? ›

Symptoms in tomato plants are the upward curling of leaves, yellow (chlorotic) leaf margins, smaller leaves than normal, plant stunting, and flower drop. If tomato plants are infected early in their growth, there may be no fruit formed. Infected plants may appear randomly throughout the garden.

What do tomato mites look like? ›

Gardeners will be able to identify spider mites on tomato and other plants by a characteristic stippling on the leaves - it almost looks like someone took a paint brush and flung it at the plant, leaving tiny pale yellow or white specks on the leaves, McMahon said.

How do you make homemade insecticide? ›

Oil Spray: Mix 1 cup of vegetable oil with 1 tablespoon of mild liquid soap. Add 2-8 teaspoons of this mixture to 1 quart of water and spray your plants as above. The oil in this spray smothers the insects so it is effective on aphids, thrips, mites, and scale.

Do marigolds keep hornworms away? ›

The essential oils in the marigold act as a repellent to many insects, including the moth that lays the tomato hornworm. Plant marigolds around crops that attract tomato hornworms, as well as throughout the garden. Beneficial insects are the most effective means of keeping tomato hornworms in check.

What home remedy gets rid of aphids on tomatoes? ›

Use natural sprays like neem oil or insecticidal soap to wash away aphids. - Add two tablespoons of castile soap into one gallon of water, then spray aphids directly. - Add two teaspoons of neem oil to one gallon of water, then spray aphids directly.

Can I just sprinkle Epsom salt in my garden? ›

Prep garden soil by sprinkling up to one cup of Ultra Epsom Salt per 100 square feet, and then work it into the soil before seeding or planting. This helps the seeds to germinate and start with a strong, healthy growth.

What is the best homemade fertilizer for tomatoes? ›

Some of the most popular materials used in making homemade fertilizer for tomatoes are:
  • Wood ashes (source of potassium)
  • Kelp meal (source of potassium)
  • Chopped banana peels (natural potassium source)
  • Epsom salt (rich in magnesium)
  • Water (for liquid tomato fertilizers)

What plants don't like Epsom salt? ›

Carnivorous plants — Pitcher plants, venus flytraps, and sundews are some insect-eating plants that should not be applied with Epsom salts. Because they are adapted to grow in mineral-poor and depleted soil, supplementing fertilizers with even a tiny dosage could mean death to the bug-trapping ornamentals.

What does hydrogen peroxide do for tomato plants? ›

Unlike baking soda spray, wettable sulfur spray, Serenade and Daconil which prevent diseases from from establishing and multiplying on your tomato leaves, hydrogen peroxide actually kills the fungi and bacteria. You have a new tool in your defense against fungal attacks.

Do coffee grounds help tomato plants? ›

Coffee grounds contain around 2% nitrogen as well as varying amounts of phosphorus and potassium which are all very important for the growth of tomato plants. By mixing some coffee grounds into the soil below your tomato plants you're introducing these nutrients that the plants need to thrive.

Can I pour milk on my tomato plants? ›

The same properties that make milk good for a human, such as the calcium and B vitamins, are what benefits plants. The calcium helps the plants grow, as well as prevent blossom end rot, which can be caused by a calcium deficiency. This condition is common in tomato, peppers, and squash plants.

What is eating holes in my tomato leaves? ›

Holes chewed in leaves and fruits can indicate the presence of a tomato hornworm. This large caterpillar has white diagonal stripes and a black horn projecting from the rear. Handpick these caterpillars (drop them in soapy water as you pick them). More information on tomato hornworm.

What is the best bug spray for tomato plants? ›

Bonide Pyrethrin Garden Insect Spray

The brand offers various pest control solutions, and its Garden Insect Spray is arguably the best insecticide for tomato plants. This pyrethrin-based product is designed to help eliminate aphids, beetles, webworms, leafhoppers, and a wide range of garden pests.

Which is the most serious pest of tomato? ›

Tomato fruitworm is potentially the most damaging insect pest of tomato. The larvae are variable in color, ranging from pale yellow, to red, to green, to brown with pale stripes running lengthwise.

What does spider mite damage look like on tomato plants? ›

Gardeners will be able to identify spider mites on tomato and other plants by a characteristic stippling on the leaves - it almost looks like someone took a paint brush and flung it at the plant, leaving tiny pale yellow or white specks on the leaves, McMahon said.

How do I protect my tomatoes from being eaten? ›

Bird netting helps protect tomato plants in the garden. Barriers, such as fencing, prevent animals from getting the goods. Chickenwire or plastic mesh fencing or lightweight bird netting (available at garden centers) can be installed around a pot or a row of plants.

Can I spray vinegar on my tomato plants? ›

Just like weeds, your tomato plants can be killed by the use of vinegar. Instead, use a proper herbicide that is safe to use in the garden. And for your tomato plants, you should use proper fertilizer and fungicides, not vinegar.

Can you spray soapy water on tomato plants? ›

Soaps and detergents can be toxic to tomato plants. A strong soapy solution that is sprayed on the tomato plants' leaves can disintegrate the waxy coating. This can result in water loss, dehydration and makes the plant susceptible to diseases.

How do I get rid of tomato pests? ›

Contact insecticides such as bifenthrin, cypermethrin, cyhalothrin, permethrin, and esfenvalerate are effective in controlling stink bugs, leaf-footed bugs, aphids, fruitworms, and hornworms (See Tables 1 and 2). Do not use permethrin on tomato varieties with fruit less than one inch in diameter.

How do you treat holes in tomato plant leaves? ›

Tomato hornworms can often be removed manually and destroyed by dropping them in soapy water. To prevent leaf spot and other diseases, provide young tomato plants with good air circulation and water the roots rather than the leaves.

What is a natural spray for tomato pests? ›

Mix 1 tablespoon of biodegradable dishwashing liquid with 1 teaspoon of cooking oil in 1 litre of water. Spray over the foliage of plants, particularly on the underside of leave where the pests often live.

What does Epsom salt spray do for tomato plants? ›

Late in the season use an Epsom salt spray to increase tomato and pepper yield and keep plants green and bushy; early in the season add Epsom salt to the soil to aid germination, early root and cell development, photosynthesis, plant growth, and to prevent blossom-end rot.

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.