12 important insect pests of Citrus and their management (2024)

12 important insect pests of Citrus and their management (1)India ranks fifth in the production ofcitrusfruit in the world. Other major citrus producing countries are Spain,USA, Israel, Morocco, South Africa, Japan, Brazil, Turkey and Cuba. It occupies third position after mango and banana a in the production of fruits in India. Citrus fruits originated in the tropical and sub tropical regions of South East Asia, particularly India and China. North East India is the native place of many citrus species.

In India, citrus is commercially grown in over 846 thousand ha with production of 7464 thousand MT. It is of particular interest because of its high content of vitamin C and refreshing juice. Of the various types of citrus fruits grown in India, orange (mandarin or santra), sweet orange (mosambi, malta or satgudi) and lime/lemon are of commercial importance. Lime or acid lime is also commercially known as 'Pati lime' or 'Kagzi lime'. Sweet orange is commercially important for production of palatable juice. In India, citrus fruits are primarily grown in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Karnataka, Uttaranchal, Bihar, Orissa, Assam and Gujarat. In India, 250 species of insects and mites have been reported infesting different species of citrus. Citrus butterfly, leaf miner, blackfly, whitefly, psylla, scales etc. are the major pests that cause severe damage to the citrus crop. Majority of the insect pests occur at the new flush stage and damage the new growth thereby hampering the plant development.

1. Citrus Psylla, Diaphorina citri (Psyllidae: Hemiptera)

Both the adults and nymphs of this pest suck the sap from the tender parts of the buds, leaves, branches and injects a toxic substance into them. The nymphs excrete white crystalline waxy pellets on which black sooty mould may develop which reduces the photosynthetic area. In case of severe attack leaves get distorted, curled up and ultimately fall resulting in complete defoliation of the plant. This pest acts as a vector for spreading the 'citrus greening' disease.

12 important insect pests of Citrus and their management (2)

Nymph Adults of citrus psylla Waxy secretions by nymphs


A number of natural enemies such as species of coccinellids and ladybird beetles attack the nymphs of citrus psylla. The pest can be satisfactorily checked by spraying the plants with Phosphamidon (0.025%) and Parathion (0.025%). Also application of Monocrotophos (0.025%) or Malathion (0.03%) or Dimethoate (1.5%) is useful during March or with the appearance of the pest and again in the first week of September. Time of application may be adjusted with the appearance of the pest.

2.Bark Borer, Inderbela tetraonis, Inderbela quadrinotata(Cossidae: Lepidoptera)

The caterpillar makes holes into the branches and weakens the tree. Presence of webby mass ofchewed wood particle and excreta of larvae conspicuously plastered on tree trunks is the clear indication of damage by these borers. The feeding of these pests causes interruption in translocation of cell sap, which adversely affect the growth and fruiting of the plant.


The pest is satisfactorily controlled by removing the webbing followed by plugging the holes with cotton wool soaked in the 2-5ml of Dichlorvos 76EC solution (20ml/10 litres of water) or inject kerosene oil. The holes are then sealed with mud. The best time for its management is September-October and the operation should be repeated in January-February.

3.Citrus Leaf miner, Phyllocnistis citrella (Gracillaridae: Lepidoptera)

This pest causes damages both in nursery and in grown up stages of the citrus plant. It the larvae attack tender leaves and feed in the epidermal layers of the leaf by making serpentine mines in which air gets trapped and gives them silvery appearance. The affected leaves turn pale yellow, get distorted and crumpled. Such leaves gradually dry and die away. The attack of this pest also encourages the development of citrus canker disease.

12 important insect pests of Citrus and their management (3)

Leaf damaged by citrus leaf miner


To keep the pest population under check, pruning of all the affected parts during winter should be done. Spraying the plants with Methyl Demeton (0.03%) and Phosphamidon (0.035%) at the emergence of new leaves is highly beneficial. Application of Phorate 10 G (2.5 kg a.i./ha) applied one day before planting is effective in reducing the larval population of leaf miner.

4.Citrus White fly / Citrus Black fly, Dialeurodes citri; Aleurocanthus woglumi (Aleurodidae: Hemiptera)

These nymph and adults suck the sap of the plants and during this process, secrete honeydew due to which sooty mould develops on the leaves. Sometimes, the infestation is so severe that the whole orchard looks black. Fruits turn black in colour and have insipid taste. The attack is more intense on the shady side of the tree.


Drenching the trees with sufficient solution (preferably 8-10 litres for fully-grown tree) of either Monocrotophos (1.5 ml/litre of water) or Phosphamidon (0.7 ml/litre of water) or Acephate (0.8 ml/litre of water) controls the pest effectively.

5.Aphids, Toxoptera citricida,Myzus persicae and Aphis gossypii (Aphididae: Hemiptera)

Nymphs and adults suck sap from tender leaves and shoots. Affected leaves turn yellow, get curled, deformed and dry up. Growth of young shoots is adversely affected. Plant growth is stunted. Sooty mould is produced on honeydew excreted by aphids. Infestation of aphids at the time of flowering is associated with reduced fruit set. Black aphids and peach green aphids are vector of citrus tristeza virus (CTV).

12 important insect pests of Citrus and their management (4)12 important insect pests of Citrus and their management (5)

Sooty mould development due to aphids Coccinellid grub feeding on aphids


Population of this pest on citrus can be easily controlled by spraying the plants with Parathion (0.03%) and Malathion (0.03%). Also Monocrotophos (0.025%) or Phosphamidon (0.035%) effectively controls this pest. Spraying should be immediately undertaken as soon as the pest is observed. Conservation of coccinellid populations.

6.Citrus or Lemon Butterfly, Papilio demoleus (Papilionidae: Lepidoptera)

It is the most destructive pest in nurseries. The caterpillars feed on the young foliage at the nursery stage and also on young flushes of grown up trees. The caterpillar feed voraciously on leaf lamina leaving behind only the midrib. In case of severe infestation, entire tree is defoliated. The fully grown caterpillars are green in colour.

12 important insect pests of Citrus and their management (6)

Adult Larva Pupa


Hand picking of the larvae and spraying with Monocrotophos (1.5 ml/litre of water) is effective in managing the pest.

7.Fruit Sucking Moths, Eudocima fullonia and Eudocima maternal (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera)

The moths are nocturnal in habit. During the daytime, they hide in fallen leaves and in weeds and become active at dusk and swarm in large numbers when citrus fruits are about to ripen. The moths continue feeding throughout the night and cause colossal damage. They pierce the ripened fruits and suck the juice from them. Such fruits are exposed to the secondary infections of diseases and infestation of flies. The affected fruit usually falls within a few days.

12 important insect pests of Citrus and their management (7)

Adult fruit sucking moth


Elimination of alternate hosts plants from the vicinity of the orchards (especially Tinospora cardifolia) and collection and destruction of affected fruits reduce the pest population. Uses of poison baits have proved useful. Effective bait may be prepared by mixing 15g lead arsenate and 450g molasses in 10 litres of water. A little vinegar may be added to it and the bait should be suspended from trees in shallow wide-mouthed containers. Bagging of fruits at small scale is effective. Creating smoke in the orchards after sunset. Fallen fruits should be disposed off as they attract the moths. Spray trees with 1 kg of Sevin 50 WP (carbaryl) in 500 litres of water per acre at the time of maturity of fruits.

8. Fruit Flies, Bactrocera zonata and Bactrocera dorsalis (Tephritidae: Diptera)

The female adult fruit fly punctures the ripening fruits by penetrating its needle like ovipositor and lays the eggs inside. On hatching, the maggots feed on pulp. Fruits at colour break stage are more prone to its damage. Infested fruit shows many dark green depressions due to punctures caused by insertion of ovipositor by female fly. Later on, the damaged area around the punctures become enlarged and yellow. On squeezing the infested fruit, a number of jets of juice come out, as there are many holes on a single fruit. Rotting of the fruit occurs due to fungal and bacterial infection through the puncture hole and due to feeding by maggots, resulting in premature fruit fall.

12 important insect pests of Citrus and their management (8)

Fruit damaged by fruit fly


Collection and destruction of infested fruits reduces the insect population. Use of flytraps containing 1% Methyl Eugenol and 0.5% Malathion mixed with sugar syrup two months prior to harvesting is effective.

9.Citrus Mite, Eutetranychus orientalis

The mites damage the fruits by causing russetting and renders the fruits unfit for export. The insects feed on the leaves and produce multiple grey spots. The affected leaves defoliate.

12 important insect pests of Citrus and their management (9)

Damage of citrus mite (irregular wavy lines on fruit surface)


Mites can be controlled by application of Dicofol (1.5 ml/litre of water) or Wettable Sulphur (3.0 g/litre of water) or Monocrotophos (1.5 ml/litre of water).

10. Scale Insects:

Armoured scales, Aonidiella auriantii, A. citrina, A. orientalis, Chrysompahlus aonidum.Soft Scales, Coccus hesperidium, C. viridis (Coccidae: Hemiptera)

Citrus scales are of two distinct types-armoured scales, which have hard cover separate from the body providing protection to the body underneath. The soft scales the have no separate cover but sometimes a hard skin or a protective waxy secretion. The armoured scales damage the fruits and form as blemishes at low levels of infestation and in sever cases, they damage the tree badly. The soft scales secrete honeydew on which sooty mould fungus grows. A soft scale become serious when there is poor light penetration due to over crowding and waterlogged conditions.

12 important insect pests of Citrus and their management (10)12 important insect pests of Citrus and their management (11)

Scale insect on leaves Scale insect on fruit


Hard armoured scales are difficult to manage. However soft scales are effectively managed by spraying Monocrotophos (0.1%).

11. Mealybug, Planococcus citri (Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera)

Nymphs and females suck sap from leaves, twigs, tender shoots, and from fruits at the base near the fruit stalk. Besides they also excrete honeydew on which sooty mold fungus grows, giving the plant a blackish look. Flowers and fruit dry up and fall. They also damage citrus nursery seedlings. Black ants are associated with mealy bug infestation and number of ants can be seen moving up and down on the trees infested with mealy bugs .

12 important insect pests of Citrus and their management (12)

Mealybug on twig of young plant

Management: Do not grow tall crops like cotton, bajra, maize, berseem, okra and creeper like vegetables in the orchards. Regularly monitor the infestation of trees by this insect. Sanitation of the orchard is extremely important as weeds act as additional hosts. Uproot and destroy congress grass and castor plants in the vicinity of the orchards. Do not allow the branches of trees to touch the ground. Destroy ant nests in the orchards. Drench spray of 1875 ml Durmet/Dursban/Coroban 20 EC (chlorpyriphos) in 500 litres of water first on the appearance of the pest and repeat the spray 15 days after first spay. Other trees like papal, kikar, amaltas and ornamental plants like shoe flower and roses should also be sprayed.

12. Citrus thrips, Scirtothrips citri (Thripidae: Thysanoptera)

Thrips are minute insects but can be seen with naked eyes. They cause damage to flowers, leaves and young as well as grown-up fruits by lacerating, rasping and sucking the cell sap. The attacked flowers dry up and shrivels. On leaves, two whitish lines parallel to the midrib can be seen. Leaves become cup shaped, leathery, distorted and wrinkled. Thrips damage in nursery cause stunted growth of plant. Silvery-white irregular patches and a circular ring appear around the neck of fruit is a peculiar symptom of thrips damage on fruits. Fruits become discoloured, thereby reducing the consumer preference for such fruits.

12 important insect pests of Citrus and their management (13)

Thrips damage on fruit

(circular ring like pattern around the neck of fruit)


Spray 1250 ml Hostathion 40 EC (triazophos) or 1000 ml Metasystox 25 EC (oxydemeton methyl) or 1000 ml Fosmite 50 EC (ethion) twice in 500 litres of water. First spray is given in mid March and second in mid April.


Santoshkumar C. Kedar, Kumaranag K.M. and Datta M. Bawaskar

Department of Entomology,Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University,

Hisar-125004, Haryana, India.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

12 important insect pests of Citrus and their management (2024)


What are the important pests of citrus? ›

Aphids, particularly the citrus aphid, are the main vectors of citrus tristeza virus. Tristeza virus is one of the most important citrus diseases in Southeast Asia (see page 59). The aphids spread the virus by sucking the sap of an infected tree, and moving on to a healthy one, taking the virus with it.

Which of the following is a major insect pest of citrus nursery? ›

Citrus or Lemon Butterfly(Papilio demoleus) : It is the most destructive pest in nurseries. The caterpillars feed on the young foliage at the nursery stage and also on young flushes of grown up trees. The caterpillar feed voraciously on leaf lamina leaving behind only the midrib.

What are the pests and diseases of citrus plants? ›

  • Anthracnose.
  • Black spot.
  • Brown spot (Murcott, Nova and Emporer mandarins only)
  • Citrus canker.
  • Citrus powdery mildew.
  • Citrus tristeza virus.
  • Collar rot.
  • Mal secco.
7 Jul 2016

What are the 4 types of citrus? ›

In fact, citrus originated in Asia and Oceania. The four original species (pomelo, citron, mandarin and papeda) were moved around the world through human trade and migration.

What insects eat citrus leaves? ›

Identification tip: Young citrus leaves and shoots are chewed, rolled, and webbed by many different species of caterpillars including amorbia, fruittree leafroller, and orange tortrix. Light brown apple moth, an exotic leafroller (Tortricidae), also causes this damage.

What are the major pest? ›

Major pests include helicoverpa, spider mites, mirids, aphids and whiteflies. Minor pests include thrips, green vegetable bug, pale cotton stainer bug, cotton harlequin bug, soil insects (true and false wireworm), redshouldered leaf beetle, leafhoppers/jassids, and mealybug.

What are the four major pests? ›

Pests can be broken into four main categories
  • Vertebrate Pests. Have a backbone. Examples: Rodents, birds, reptiles, and other mammals.
  • Invertebrate Pests. No backbone. Examples: Insets, spiders, ticks, slugs.
  • Weeds. Any plant growing out of place.
  • Diseases. Fungi, bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms.
30 Jun 2022

How do you manage a citrus farm? ›

Orchard management starts from planning and goes through to harvest to achieve the best marketable yield.
Orchard monitoring
  1. pest, disease and disorders.
  2. flowering and growth stages.
  3. fruit size.
  4. water use.
  5. estimating crop load.
  6. management practices.
  7. actual yield and packout.
18 Jan 2017

What are the various diseases that affect citrus fruits? ›

Common diseases
  • Armillaria root rot.
  • Bacterial blast.
  • Citrus nematode.
  • Dothiorella blight.
  • Phytophthora gummosis.
  • Phytophthora root rot.
  • Sooty mold.
24 Jun 2016

How do you control citrus mealybugs? ›

Citrus mealybugs are not easy to control. If only a few plants are infested, mealybugs can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. The plant can then be washed with mild soapy water to remove residual wax left by the mealybugs (about 2% soap, not detergent).

How do you control citrus thrips? ›

Use sticky traps over a large area for mass-catching. Make sure not to disrupt the predatory species by the use of broad-scale pesticides. Avoid planting near alternative hosts and control weeds in and around the field. Keep plants well irrigated, and avoid excessive applications of nitrogen fertilizer.

How do you control citrus rust mites? ›

Mites are most active in the hottest months of the year and therefore treatments at this time are not recommended. If you wish to prevent some of this damage next year, apply horticultural oil sprays in July, August and September. Make sure and get good coverage of all foliage and fruit surfaces for best results.

What are the 3 main citrus fruits? ›

The three ancestral (sometimes characterized as "original" or "fundamental") species in the genus Citrus associated with modern Citrus cultivars are the mandarin orange, pomelo, and citron.

Why is citrus called citrus? ›

The name citrus was derived from the Greek word for cedar, perhaps because of similar smells. Citrus fruits are known as agrumes, which roughly means “sour fruits. '' Most citrus fruits are from a small group of plants that are probably derived from about four species in Southeast Asia.

What insect causes citrus leaves to curl? ›

Pests. Sap-sucking pests like aphids, mites, and psyllids feed on citrus leaves by extracting the juices directly from transport tissues. As populations grow, they can cause deformations including curling and cupping in leaves, as well as discoloration.

What insects eat lemons? ›

Insects, such as mites, flies, thrips and moths are often responsible for damaging American lemon crops. It is not unusual for some insects to spend the early stages of their lives dwelling within lemon crops. For example, citrus thrips require citrus plants in order to develop properly.

What are citrus thrips? ›

Adult citrus thrips are small, orange-yellow insects with fringed wings. During spring and summer, females lay about 25 eggs in new leaf tissue, young fruit, or green twigs; in fall, overwintering eggs are laid mostly in the last growth flush of the season.

What are the 7 main types of insects? ›

Most of them come from one of seven main groups: beetles, bees and their relatives, bugs, flies, butterflies, crickets, and dragonflies.

What are the 10 insects called? ›

Flying Insects : bee, wasp, fly, dragonfly, moth, butterfly, mosquito, grasshopper… Crawling Insects : caterpillar, co*ckroach, spider, louse, ant, worm…

What is pest management? ›

It combines biological, chemical, physical and crop specific (cultural) management strategies and practices to grow healthy crops and minimize the use of pesticides, reducing or minimizing risks posed by pesticides to human health and the environment for sustainable pest management.

What are the five insect pests? ›

Top 10 insect pests to plants
  • Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) ...
  • Tobacco whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) ...
  • Two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) ...
  • Diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) ...
  • Taro caterpillar (Spodoptera litura) ...
  • Red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum) ...
  • Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae)
20 Mar 2019

What are insect pests examples? ›

Some examples of pests are mosquitoes, rodents, and weeds. Not all insects are pests. Many different kinds of insects eat other insects and are beneficial species.

What are the 3 types of controls for pests? ›

Pest control involves a wide variety of strategies that typically fall into three main types of pest management.
  • Physical. Physical pest control is the process of trapping and exterminating or removal of pests to eliminate them from an environment. ...
  • Chemical. ...
  • Biological.
1 Aug 2022

What are the 3 harmful insects? ›

7 venomous or poisonous insects and spiders you never want to meet (or eat)
  • The Cow Killer. ...
  • The Red Imported Fire Ant. ...
  • Blister Beetles. ...
  • 4. Japanese Oriental Wasp. ...
  • Black Widow Spider. ...
  • The Monarch Caterpillar and Butterfly. ...
  • The Brown Recluse.
22 Jul 2014

What is the best control for aphids? ›

If insecticides are needed, insecticidal soaps and oils are the best choices for most situations. Oils may include petroleum-based horticultural oils or plant-derived oils such as neem or canola oil. These products kill primarily by smothering the aphid, so thorough coverage of infested foliage is required.

How do you control citrus psylla? ›

Once Asian citrus psyllid has established itself in a region and can no longer be locally eradicated, apply insecticides routinely throughout the season and especially during the fall and winter months to suppress the pest numbers.

How do you control and prevent aphids? ›

  1. Ants may protect Aphid colonies in return for a feed of honeydew. You can prevent Ants from climbing into trees by banding the trunks with horticultural glue.
  2. Trap Black Peach Aphids moving up and down the tree trunk by banding the trunk with horticultural glue.
  3. Some Aphid species breed in weeds. Control weeds.

How do you keep citrus plants healthy? ›

Citrus require more watering over the summer months - and well watered, well nourished citrus will have a better chance of keeping insect pests and diseases at bay. The weather, weeds, pest insects and diseases can all impact on the success of your citrus.

How do you manage citrus greening? ›

There is no cure for citrus greening, which explains why spotting citrus greening disease symptoms early is so crucial– rapid removal of infected trees is the only way to stop the spread of the bacteria responsible.

What is a good citrus fertilizer? ›

Most citrus growers in our area will use 13-13-13 fertilizer the first 3 years. The first 3 years the tree is to develop the root system. If fruit develops it is necessary to pick it off to allow for the root development. Trees 4 years and older can use 13-13-13 but 15-5-10 is the preferred fertilizer.

What is killing citrus trees? ›

A plant disease that kills citrus trees has been found in California. The disease, called Huanglongbing or citrus greening disease, isn't harmful to humans, but it is fatal for citrus trees and has no cure.

What causes yellow spots on citrus leaves? ›

Very often the yellow leaves or chlorosis on a citrus tree is caused by over watering or a nutrient deficiency. Citrus need regular water especially in the warm months but over watering can leach nutrients from the soil and cause root rot. If the roots are damaged they can't take up the nutrients the plant needs.

What causes citrus allergy? ›

People who are allergic to citrus fruit peels are often allergic to limonene, a chemical found in the peels of citrus fruits. Just touching the outside of a citrus fruit can cause contact dermatitis symptoms for these people, but they may be able to drink fresh juice just fine.

How do you control whiteflies citrus? ›

To kill some of the fluttering adults, you can set out yellow sticky traps and use a handheld vacuum. You can use water spray once a week. To get the immobile eggs and nymphs that are fastened to the plant, use the soap spray once a week or as suggested on the label.

What is best control for mealybugs? ›

Spot Treatment with Isopropyl Alcohol

On small infestations on houseplants, a 70% or less solution of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol in water may be dabbed directly on mealybugs with a cotton swab to kill them or remove them.

How do you treat and prevent mealybugs? ›

  1. Dip cotton balls and swabs in alcohol and remove all visible mealybugs. ...
  2. Mix 1 cup of rubbing alcohol with few drops of Dawn dish soap and 1 quart (32oz) of water. ...
  3. Spray the whole plant, not only where mealybugs are visible. ...
  4. Repeat the treatment once or twice a week until the issue is gone.

What is the best control for thrips? ›

Greenhouse thrips is readily controlled with thorough application of contact sprays such as horticultural oil, natural pyrethrins (plus piperonyl butoxide), or insecticidal soaps to the underside of infested leaves. Repeat applications may be necessary.

How do you prevent thrips? ›

Keep it clean: The first step in thrip management is prevention. Reducing the places where they may breed will help prevent an infestation. After pruning or pulling weeds, remove the plant debris immediately—thrips lay eggs in slits they cut in live plant leaves and stems or any type of green foliage.

What is the best pesticide for citrus trees? ›

One of the best pesticides for controlling citrus tree pests, including many types of scale and mites, is horticultural oil, which works by suffocating pests. Because it must make contact with insects to be effective, horticultural oil spray only works when pests are present and not as a preventative measure.

How do you control black spots on citrus? ›

Chemical Control

Treatments with guazatine or imazalil decrease the viability of the pathogen in black spot lesions. Fungicides such as strobilurins, dithiocarbamates and benzimidazoles are also efficient against the fungus, but resistances have also developed in many areas.

What is the common disease caused in citrus fruits? ›

Alternaria rot and brown rot cause similar injury and are more common diseases of citrus than Botrytis rot. Identification tip: White mycelia and blue or green spores develop on rinds and rinds may wrinkle when infection by Penicillium spp.

What disease kills citrus trees? ›

A plant disease that kills citrus trees has been found in California. The disease, called Huanglongbing or citrus greening disease, isn't harmful to humans, but it is fatal for citrus trees and has no cure. The disease is spread by a pest called the Asian citrus psyllid as it feeds on citrus tree leaves.

What are the major problems of citrus production in Nepal? ›

mismanagement (farmers' reluctance to invest on citrus orchard), wide use and distribution of unhealthy citrus saplings, increasing drought/dry- ness, lack of using balanced plant nutrition and application of updated technology are some of the major factors contributing citrus decline problem in nepal.

What is the most important predator of the citrus red mite? ›

The most important natural enemy is the predaceous mite (Euseius tularensis). These beneficial mites can establish their populations before citrus red mites are numerous because they have alternate food sources (pollen, citrus thrips larvae, leaf sap, nectar, and honeydew).

What is citrus infection? ›

Citrus canker is a bacterial disease that causes lesions on the leaves, stems, and fruit of plants including citrus and other plants in the citrus family. While not harmful to humans, the disease affects the health of infected citrus trees and the marketability of infected fruit. There is no cure for citrus canker.

What is the viral diseases for citrus? ›

Viral diseases
Citrus yellow mosaicgenus Badnavirus
Crinkly leafCrinkly leaf virus (strain of Citrus variegation virus)
Infectious variegationgenus Ilarvirus, Citrus variegation virus (CVV)
Navel infectious mottlingSatsuma dwarf-related virus
8 more rows

Which fungicide is best for citrus? ›

Copper-based fungicides can be used to manage several fungal diseases that affect citrus fruit and foliage. Examples include citrus scab in high rainfall areas, Septoria spot (Figure 1) in drier inland regions and Phytophthora brown rot, which can strike whenever conditions are favourable.

What causes powdery mildew in citrus? ›

Citrus powdery mildew is caused by the fungi Oidium citri and O. tingitaninum. Powdery mildew on other crops, though similar looking, is caused by different species of powdery mildew fungi.

What causes citrus blast? ›

The responsible agent of citrus blast and black pit is Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss) bacterium [8-10]. The phytopathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas syringae (Ps) is a polyphagous bacteria associated with more than 180 species, including perennial and annual crops.

What is the best red mite treatment? ›

Exzolt, from MSD, is considered one of the most effective treatments for red mite. Administered through drinking water, it kills mite that feed on hens while the drug is present in hens' blood.

What is the chemical control of mites? ›

miticide, also called Acaricide, any chemical substance used to control mites or ticks (especially species that damage ornamental or food plants), which are not susceptible to commonly used insecticides.

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