14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (2024)

November’s in full swing, which means Christmas is just around the corner! This year, we’re stepping away from flashy decorations, and experimenting with more natural elements, instead.

Most of these decorations are DIY options you can make at home, with only a few supplies.

Read on for the best natural decor ideas for Christmas 2022!

Top 14 Ideas for Natural Christmas Decorations

According to the latest stats on Christmas spending, almost 50% of Americans don’t buy Christmas decorations every year. If you’re among them, you’ll be happy to hear that here you’ll find plenty of natural decoration options for Christmas. Some of them might require a bit of elbow grease, but most are simple and budget-friendly. Let’s check them out!

1. DIY Twig Wreath

14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (1)

To kick off this list of naturalmade Christmas decorations, let’s begin with door decor. For this simple but expensive-looking project, you’ll need a bunch of twigs of varying lengths, a pine cone or two, some greenery, and glitter or fairy lights.

Then, all you’ll need to do is carefully arrange the elements together—there are plenty of tutorials online—to create a statement piece for your entrance.

Get Spray Paint

2. Customized Christmas Tags and Cards

14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (2)

If you are on the hunt for DIY Christmas decorations to get crafty at home, here’s a fantastic alternative to standard store-bought festive tags and holiday greeting cards.

To start, you’ll need a couple of blank tags and cards. You can buy these, or cut them out at home from quality cardstock. Next, draw or print on your favorite design, and punch a hole at the top for a ribbon. These tags are perfect for gifts or holiday dinner invitations. The same goes for the cards—decorate the outside with ribbons, leaves, and evergreen sprigs. Glitter is welcome, too!

Get Christmas Tags

3. Green Festive Wreath

14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (3)

Another gorgeous outdoor decoration idea is creating a wreath from Christmasy greenery, such as spruce, holly, or redwood. This idea is perfect for anyone looking for natural greenery Christmas decorations on a tight budget.

Just pick your favorite evergreen, gather some sprigs and branches, and add cute details. We suggest attaching holly, dried leaves, or pinecones. If you’ve already made similar decorations for Halloween, you already know the basic steps.

Get Wreath Door Hanger

4. Mini Christmas Tree

14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (4)

Do you want a natural tree for your Christmas decor, but you’re not sure how to make it pop? For this project, you’ll need a miniature tree, some festive lights, and a garland or two.

This quick idea is excellent if you have unused room on the mantel above your fireplace or want to add some festive pizzazz to a plain table. Of course, if you’re feeling fancy, you can add a candle too—just make sure it’s electric, to avoid fire hazards.

Get Christmas Lights

5. Evergreen Candle-Holder Arrangement

14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (5)

Those in search of natural Christmas table decorations could start by collecting some festive candlesticks and candle holders. Next, you’ll want to get a bunch of winter greenery, such as pine or cedar.

The last step is to arrange the greenery around the candle holders to create a festive statement piece.

Get Candles

6. Jolly Ceiling Decorations

14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (6)

Christmas decorations from natural materials can be incorporated into all areas of your home. Make any room dazzle this holiday season with decorations made from organic materials that you’ll hang from the ceiling.

For this project, you’re going to need a DIY wreath (check the first idea to make one out of twigs), pine cones, holly, cinnamon sticks, and dehydrated citrus wedges. Now, hang the pieces on a string—it can be yarn, or something you have lying around, like a fishing line—and find a good spot to hang the whole thing. If you don’t have any convenient beams for this purpose, you can just use scotch tape to stick your decorations to the ceiling.

Get Jute Twine

7. Eco-Friendly Leafy Wreath

14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (7)

You can also make decor for Christmas with natural leaves. If you’re a minimalist or like the monochrome look, you can skip adding colorful elements to the wreath, and just let the greenery shine.

Instead, to make a simple evergreen wreath, get a small pile of different leaves you’ll arrange together. For a snow-kissed look, you can also lightly spray the finished wreath with white or silver.

Get Spray Paint

8. Holly, Holly Everywhere

14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (8)

One of the simplest natural tree decorating ideas is using holly for an additional touch of warmth. Since the plant has vibrant red berries, they can substitute artificial Christmas tree ornaments.

You can also use this idea to spruce up your mantel. Just get a bunch of evergreen leaves and branches and place the holly strategically across the greenery.

Get Christmas Stockings

9. Rustic Christmas Tree Decorations

14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (9)

This year, don’t buy artificial ornaments. Instead, consider natural Christmas tree decorations made from organic materials. For example, you can create cute ornaments out of clay in the shapes of reindeer, Christmas trees, gifts, stars, or even Santa Claus.

Alternatively, you can make decoration pieces using flour, salt, and just enough water to make a moldable dough ball. Then, roll it out, cut out the shapes and bake your ornaments!

Get Christmas Cookie Cutters

10. Accessorized Evergreen Wreath

14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (10)

As mentioned, porch decorations for Christmas from natural elements are an easy way to add a refined air to your home’s exterior.

Start with creating a wreath base with pine branches and leaves. What makes this design unique and particularly appealing is that the cinnamon sticks are on the front display. We also suggest adding tiny ornaments or pendants you may have lying around, and festive wooden cutouts. Don’t go overboard, though, or you won’t see the wreath from the clutter.

Get Cinnamon Sticks

11. Fresh Flower Bouquet

14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (11)

There’s nothing as simple and visually effective as adding a flower arrangement to your dinner table. To make a stunning bouquet, choose flowers that remind you of the Christmas spirit.

For instance, Poinsettias or red roses will look beautiful in an elegant white vase. To add volume to the bouquet, you can include foliage for a complete look.

Get a Vase

12. Christmas Tree Minimalism

14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (12)

If you’re looking for natural decorations for your Christmas tree but don’t want to go overboard, consider this suggestion. Keep things simple by picking and choosing only the essentials. First off, get a real tree instead of a plastic one. Then, choose just two elements to add to it. For example, fairy lights and strung pearls.

Also, if you have free space next to your tree and want to add some decoration, consider skipping the garlands. Instead, place a lovely boho-inspired wicker basket next to your tree, and put all the gifts in it.

Get Wicker Basket

13. Glass Ornaments for Winter

14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (13)

Pinecones are ideal for winter decoration since they can be combined with virtually anything. For example, you can pair them with transparent glass ornaments to create a simple but elegant look.

With that in mind, you can find plain glass ornament bulbs in dollar stores. To customize your natural Christmas ornaments, place small branches, fake snow, or even glitter into the opening of the bulb.

Get Glass Ornaments

14. Ceramic and Wood

14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (14)

If you want to go with ceramic decorations, you can easily do that by getting a pretty mug for your favorite holiday beverages. The cool thing about ceramic mugs is that you can make them at home from scratch with the help of DIY videos on the internet.

On the other hand, if wooden ornaments are more to your liking, grab a wooden box, and fill it with Christmas-inspired items like evergreen branches, berries, or dehydrated citrus wedges.

Get Decorative Wooden Crates


These were some of our best natural Christmas decorations for the jolliest holiday season yet. This way, you can save some money, be more responsible for the environment, and have fun being creative at the same time.

Which idea did you like the most? Let us know!


What is the traditional day to put Christmas decorations up?

Traditionally, you’ll put up the Christmas tree and decorate your home on the first day of Advent, which would be the fourth Sunday preceding Christmas. That’s why you’ll see many households start decorating at the end of November or the beginning of December.

How do you make homemade Christmas decorations?

You can make homemade decorations from various natural materials, including clay, wood, plants, and even flour dough.

Fortunately, countless tutorials on the internet will show you how to create personalized decorations for the holidays. Pick your favorite ideas, put together a list of the materials and tools you’ll need to make them, and then surrender to the creative process!

How do you make Christmas decorations eco-friendly?

Use organic or recyclable materials. For instance, wood, clay, and salt dough are excellent if you want to keep your ornaments all-natural.

Also, if you have recyclable items, like water bottles hanging around, you can transform them into a DIY Christmas tree or reuse them to create your decorations.

How can I decorate my Christmas tree naturally?

There are many ways you can decorate your Christmas tree without using artificial items. For instance, you can make your own clay ornaments, mini wreaths, customized cards, or even try paper-mache art.

In the end, no matter which natural Christmas decorations you choose, they’re sure to reflect the holiday spirit. Stay jolly!

14 Enchanting Natural Christmas Decorations for 2023 (2024)
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