5 best weapons for Wanderer in Genshin Impact: 4-star and 5-star Catalysts ranked (2024)

Wanderer mains have several great Catalysts available to them in Genshin Impact 3.3. Several 4-star and 5-star weapons are viable for him, but not all of them can be on this list. Only five will be highlighted here, ranging from F2P options to items only spenders can get.

Note that these entries will only include Catalysts available in Genshin Impact 3.3. Viable weapons from future updates won't be listed here due to that disclaimer. Still, some players are interested in maximizing Wanderer's DPS, so let's look at some of his best options below.

Wanderer's best weapons in Genshin Impact (Five Catalysts)

5) The Widsith

5 best weapons for Wanderer in Genshin Impact: 4-star and 5-star Catalysts ranked (3)

The Widsith is an obtainable 4-star Catalyst that F2P players can realistically get without much trouble. It's not craftable, but it is available on all Event Wishes, thus making it easy to obtain.

This Catalyst has 510 ATK and 55.1% CRIT DMG at max level in Genshin Impact. Wanderer can greatly benefit from all two of its effects, too, as extra ATK and Elemental DMG, and can all increase his damage output.

4) Solar Pearl

5 best weapons for Wanderer in Genshin Impact: 4-star and 5-star Catalysts ranked (4)

Battle Pass subscribers can get several copies of Solar Pearl, an excellent 4-star Catalyst for Wanderer in Genshin Impact. It has 510 ATK and a 27.6% CRIT Rate at max level, which are good stats.

More importantly, its effect is always useful for him. Wanderer regularly uses his Normal Attacks, so having that buff his Elemental Skill and Burst DMG is great. Likewise, using his Elemental Skill or Burst to increase Normal Attack DMG is also wonderful.

Sadly, this weapon is 100% unobtainable for F2P players since you must spend real-life money to purchase the Gnostic Hymn.

3) Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds

5 best weapons for Wanderer in Genshin Impact: 4-star and 5-star Catalysts ranked (5)

5-star weapons tend to perform better than 4-star weapons on average in Genshin Impact, albeit they're much harder to obtain by comparison. Still, Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds has good stats (608 ATK and 33.1% CRIT Rate at max level) and a useful effect.

Its effect boosts the user's Movement SPD and their Elemental DMG. Both buffs are nice for the Wanderer, making Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds a solid option.

It's also available on all Epitome Invocations, making it less rare than other 5-star options.

2) Skyward Atlas

5 best weapons for Wanderer in Genshin Impact: 4-star and 5-star Catalysts ranked (6)

Skyward Atlas is a consistent weapon that's always valuable on Wanderer. It has an ATK stat of 674 and 33.1% extra ATK as its stats at its maximum level, with an effect that bolsters Elemental DMG. Furthermore, it has an additional effect where Normal Attacks have a 50% chance of creating a cloud that deals more damage to the enemy.

Although it's a 5-star Catalyst, it is worth noting that Skyward Atlas is available on all Epitome Invocations, making it a fairly common 5-star to get. Such a distinction is important when the next entry on this list is exclusive to banners that feature it.

1) Tullaytullah's Remembrance

5 best weapons for Wanderer in Genshin Impact: 4-star and 5-star Catalysts ranked (7)

Wanderer's signature weapon is, unsurprisingly, his best option. It's currently tied for having the highest ATK stat out of any Catalyst (674 at max level) while also having a respectable CRIT DMG secondary stat (44.1% at max level).

Tullaytullah's Remembrance also boosts his Normal Attack SPD and DMG, which are key stats to his DPS. There isn't any competition for a better Normal Attack Catalyst in Genshin Impact, making this weapon the best choice for this character.

Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective.

Poll : Do you have Tulaytullah’s Remembrance?



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Greetings, enthusiasts of Genshin Impact and fellow Wanderer mains! I'm thrilled to share my extensive knowledge on the topic of Catalyst weapons for Wanderer in Genshin Impact 3.3. My expertise is grounded in a deep understanding of the game mechanics, weapon stats, and the intricate details that contribute to optimizing Wanderer's DPS.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts and information provided in the article:

  1. The Widsith (4-star Catalyst):

    • Obtainable through Event Wishes.
    • Stats: 510 ATK and 55.1% CRIT DMG at max level.
    • Not craftable, but accessible to F2P players.
    • Offers extra ATK and Elemental DMG, enhancing Wanderer's damage output.
  2. Solar Pearl (4-star Catalyst):

    • Exclusive to Battle Pass subscribers (Gnostic Hymn).
    • Stats: 510 ATK and 27.6% CRIT Rate at max level.
    • Buffs Elemental Skill and Burst DMG, benefiting Wanderer's playstyle.
    • Unavailable for F2P players, as it requires real-life money for purchase.
  3. Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds (5-star Catalyst):

    • Boasts higher performance than 4-star weapons.
    • Stats: 608 ATK and 33.1% CRIT Rate at max level.
    • Effect boosts Movement SPD and Elemental DMG, a solid option for Wanderer.
    • Available on all Epitome Invocations, making it less rare than other 5-star options.
  4. Skyward Atlas (5-star Catalyst):

    • Consistent and valuable for Wanderer.
    • Stats: 674 ATK and 33.1% extra ATK at max level.
    • Elemental DMG is boosted, and Normal Attacks have a 50% chance to create a damaging cloud.
    • Commonly available on all Epitome Invocations, enhancing accessibility.
  5. Tullaytullah's Remembrance (Wanderer's signature weapon):

    • Best option for Wanderer.
    • Boasts the highest ATK stat among Catalysts (674 at max level) and 44.1% CRIT DMG.
    • Boosts Normal Attack SPD and DMG, crucial for Wanderer's DPS.
    • Unparalleled in terms of Normal Attack Catalysts in Genshin Impact.

It's crucial to note that while the article provides valuable insights, some aspects may be subjective. As an expert, I emphasize the significance of considering playstyle preferences and individual preferences when selecting the optimal Catalyst for Wanderer in Genshin Impact.

If you have any specific questions or require further clarification on these Catalysts, feel free to ask!

5 best weapons for Wanderer in Genshin Impact: 4-star and 5-star Catalysts ranked (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.