5 Ways to Make Your House Smell Amazing (2024)

Kristin Appenbrink

Kristin Appenbrink

Kristin is the co-founder of Part Time Vegan and Silent Book Club. As a former editor at Real Simple, she is compulsively organized and loves solving people's problems. She has a weakness for desserts, especially ice cream.

updated Jun 6, 2019

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5 Ways to Make Your House Smell Amazing (1)

If you’re like us, your home starts to get a little stale this time of year. Your pine-scented Christmas tree is long gone, and it’s too cold to open the windows. So how do you freshen things up? Naturally we have a few ideas, from DIY candles to recipes guaranteed to make your home smell amazing.

1. Light a candle.

We know that many of you have strong opinions about whether or not scented candles belong in the kitchen, but for us, it all depends on the scent. We like ones that are fresh, but not cloying (which, admittedly can be difficult to find without spending a lot of money). That’s why we prefer to make our own candles in empty Mason or jam jars. You can add a few drops of an essential oil to the mix to make them ever-so-slightly scented. Try rosemary or lemon oil to make your kitchen smell delicious and fresh.

2. Simmer some spices.

You know how good your apartment smells when you’re making mulled wine or cider? You can have that all the time, even if you aren’t prepping big-batch co*cktails for a party. Simply take a few sticks of cinnamon and simmer them in a small pot of water on your stove. Once your house house smells all warm and cinnamon-y, switch off the burner, and fish out the cinnamon sticks. Let them dry and you can use them a few more times before they lose their potency.

3. Enlist your slow cooker.

If you don’t like the idea of leaving a burner on when you’re not in the kitchen, use your slow cooker instead. This strategy not only makes your home smell amazing when you add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, but it also absorbs any odors that might be lingering. Plus, you can use it in any room of the house — like maybe the basem*nt TV room where your teenager and his friends hang out.

4. “Bake” an air freshener.

The genius of this “baked” air freshener is that it uses ingredients that were likely destined for your compost bin. Instead of tossing those apple cores or orange peels, place them in a piece of parchment, and sprinkle them with a few of your favorite spices. Once again, cinnamon is a real winner here. Then simply place the parchment in your oven (we recommend putting it inside a small oven-safe ramekin or dish) and set it to 200°F for as long as you want the smell to last. Get the full instructions over on Apartment Therapy.

5. Cook something.

Of course, our favorite way to make your house smell positively amazing is to cook something that fills your home with an appetizing aroma. Stews, braises, and meals in the slow cooker are some of our favorites, but bread, cookies, and cakes — not to mention roast chicken! — will also do the trick.

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5 Ways to Make Your House Smell Amazing (2024)


5 Ways to Make Your House Smell Amazing? ›

Housekeepers have several methods to make homes smell good, depending on personal preference and the type of cleaning required. These methods range from using natural scents such as essential oils and herbs to more commercial options like air fresheners and cleaning products with added fragrances.

How do I make my house smell nice all the time? ›

Tips to make your house smell good:
  1. Display fragrant plants.
  2. Use scented candles and diffusers.
  3. Get rid of any unpleasant smells.
  4. Ventilate your home.
  5. Make potpourri.
  6. Bake or brew something delicious.
  7. Use essential oils.

What do housekeepers use to make a house smell good? ›

Housekeepers have several methods to make homes smell good, depending on personal preference and the type of cleaning required. These methods range from using natural scents such as essential oils and herbs to more commercial options like air fresheners and cleaning products with added fragrances.

How do I deodorize my house? ›

How To Deodorize House: Important Steps
  1. White vinegar. Removes odors naturally, both on surfaces around the home and in the air.
  2. Baking soda. Absorbs odors. ...
  3. Boiling spices. Like cinnamon in a little bit of water releases their fragrance into the air in a non-harmful, chemical-free way.
  4. Burn soy or beeswax candles.
Jan 24, 2011

What is the best smell for your house? ›

Bergamot, eucalyptus, white musk, florals, and rosemary are pleasantly energizing scents that go well in living rooms, says interior designer Sherrell Neal of the Houston-based Sherrell Design Studio.

How do people keep their houses smelling nice? ›

If you want your home to smell good, use a natural aroma instead of synthetic. Simmering a bowl of fresh herbs (like rosemary), lemon and water is the easiest way. Just keep an eye on the water levels to ensure there's always enough liquid.

What do hotels use to make the rooms smell clean? ›

It's all thanks to a clever gizmo known as an HVAC scent diffuser. These are ultra-quiet attachments to heating/air conditioning systems that use high amounts of air pressure to deliver nanoparticles of scented oils uniformly around a room, area, or building.

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Citrus helps sell houses. That's because people associate citrus smells with concepts like “fresh” and “clean,” and it means that even a subtle citrus scent can make a big difference with prospective buyers. Clean scents, like the scent of freshly washed laundry, are among buyers' favorites, too.

Does vinegar make your house smell good? ›

A bottle of white distilled vinegar can eliminate odors, sanitize surfaces, and more. Alex is the senior home editor for Martha Stewart. She has over 10 years of experience producing digital content in the home and lifestyle space, ranging from cleaning and organizing to etiquette and home design.

How to quickly deodorize a room? ›

Some of the best odor eliminators are coffee grounds, tea, vinegar, oats, and baking soda. Leaving a bowl of any of these odor absorbers out in a room that's due for a little freshening up will help clear out the less-than-pleasant smells from the air.

What removes odors from the air? ›

Air Conditioning and Filtration

Many household odors are the result of airborne contaminants that can only be eliminated through deodorizing filters that use natural substances such as catechin or enzymes to attack odor molecules. Some systems incorporate nanotechnology to trap contaminants on the atomic level.

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ProductsProduct LinksEffectiveness
Best Overall: Moso Natural Air Purifying Bag$39 at Amazon5/5
Best for Bathrooms: Poo-Pourri Before-You-Go Toilet Spray$10 at Amazon5/5
Best for Fabric Upholstery: Febreze Fabric Refresher$22 at Amazon5/5
Best for Refrigerators: Ellis Harper Fridge Ninja Deodorizer$18 at Amazon5/5
4 more rows
Jan 9, 2024

What is the most welcoming smell? ›

Citrus scents, such as lemon or orange, are fresh, fragrant, and long lasting. They also have a calming effect, which can make the home you're showing feel more welcoming.

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'Natural oils disperse slowly and maintain their aroma longer,' explains Grace, while candles with synthetic scents will overpower your space and dissipate quickly. Really, though, reed diffusers are the longest-lasting home fragrance you can choose.

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Essential oil diffusers are especially useful if you have young kids around and are wary of lighting candles. Citrus scents, like lemon and orange, lavender, and eucalyptus are some of my favorites to diffuse. I like to keep our diffuser in our guest room and turn it on before guests stay over.

What essential oils make your house smell good? ›

Use a diffuser or a room spray. Rose, geranium, orange, and lavender are pleasing, uplifting essential oils. For an intimate atmosphere, use sandalwood, or patchouli. For unwinding choose geranium, lavender, sandalwood or ylang ylang.

How do hotels smell so good? ›

From automated spritzers and countertop diffusers to plug-ins and scent sticks, there are several types of hotel air fresheners to choose from. Avoid over-scenting smaller areas with concentrated diffusers or spray mists; find the right tool for the room.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.