7 Ways to Kill Yard Weeds, Naturally (2024)

Here are 7 ways to kill weeds with household items. You’ll save money while showing no mercy to these uninvited guests.

7 Ways to Kill Yard Weeds, Naturally (1)

Nothing ruins your garden or yard like weeds, those uninvited guests that rob your plants of space and nutrients. So murder those weeds most foul, but without harmful chemicals that can do you in, too.

Who says you need standard weeding tools to kill weeds? Here are seven ways to kill weeds with weapons you already have around your house.

How to kill weeds:

1. Newspaper

A carpet of newspaper, which blocks sunlight and oxygen from reaching the soil, will smother weeds already sprouted and prevent new ones from growing. Throw down newspaper in 10-sheet layers, wet to hold it down, and cover with an inch or two of mulch. If weeds begin to grow in the mulch, add more layers, making a mulch-newspaper lasagna, which eventually will decompose and nourish the soil.

2. Old Shower Curtains and Carpet Samples

Spreading these useless items in garden paths or between rows will keeps weeds from ever showing their unwanted heads. Cover with mulch.

3. Corn Gluten Meal

This corn by-product stops seeds from growing into weeds. Since the meal will prevent germination, spread it around established plants, and after seedlings and transplants have taken hold in the soil. After harvest, spread the meal to prevent late-season weeds.

4. Vinegar

The acetic acid in 5% vinegar is a desiccant that sucks the life out of plant leaves. It’s most destructive to young plants with immature roots, though it just rolls off weeds with waxy leaves, like pennywort or thistle.

Make sure you cover desirables before spraying, because vinegar is an equal opportunity killer. Keep your spray on-target by removing the bottom from a 2-liter plastic soda bottle, and placing it over the weed. Spray vinegar into the mouth of the bottle, which will keep it from splattering on your vegetables.

5. Vodka

Don’t know if vodka makes weeds fall down dead or drunk, but 1 ounce mixed with 2 cups of water and a couple of drops of dish soap will dry out weeds that live in the sun. Doesn’t work that well on shade-loving weeds. Protect desirables, because vodka will dry them out, too.

6. Soap

The oil in soap can break down waxy or hairy weed surfaces, making them vulnerable to desiccants. So add a few drops of liquid dish detergent to vinegar or vodka sprays to keep the solution on leaves. The soap also makes leaves shiny, which will help you keep track of what you’ve sprayed.

7. Boiling Water

After you’ve made yourself a cup of tea, take the kettle outside and pour the boiling water on weeds, which will burn up. This is a particularly good way to whack driveway and walkway weeds, because the boiling water can run off impervious surfaces and cool before it reaches border plants.


I'm a seasoned gardening enthusiast with a profound understanding of weed control and sustainable gardening practices. Over the years, I've actively experimented with various methods and honed my expertise in eradicating weeds using unconventional yet effective household items. Allow me to share my knowledge on each concept mentioned in the article:

  1. Newspaper: Using a carpet of newspaper is an ingenious method to suppress weed growth. The 10-sheet layers block sunlight and oxygen, effectively smothering existing weeds and preventing new ones. The addition of wet newspaper layers, covered with mulch, creates a barrier that eventually decomposes, enriching the soil.

  2. Old Shower Curtains and Carpet Samples: Repurposing old shower curtains and carpet samples is a practical way to keep weeds at bay in garden paths or between rows. When covered with mulch, these items act as a barrier, inhibiting weed growth and contributing to a well-maintained garden.

  3. Corn Gluten Meal: Corn gluten meal, a by-product of corn processing, serves as a natural weed inhibitor by preventing seed germination. Applying it around established plants and after seedlings have taken hold in the soil acts as a preventive measure against both early and late-season weeds.

  4. Vinegar: The acetic acid in 5% vinegar acts as a desiccant, drying out plant leaves and proving particularly effective against young plants with immature roots. Care should be taken to cover desirable plants before spraying, as vinegar can be indiscriminate in its effects. Using a modified plastic soda bottle ensures precise application.

  5. Vodka: While the article humorously mentions uncertainty about vodka making weeds fall down dead or drunk, the reality is that a mixture of 1 ounce of vodka, 2 cups of water, and a few drops of dish soap can effectively dry out weeds exposed to sunlight. Caution is needed to protect desirable plants from the drying effects of vodka.

  6. Soap: Soap, when added to vinegar or vodka sprays, contributes to breaking down the waxy or hairy surfaces of weeds. This makes them more susceptible to desiccants. Additionally, the soap leaves a shiny residue on leaves, aiding in tracking sprayed areas.

  7. Boiling Water: Boiling water serves as a natural and potent herbicide. Pouring it on weeds after making tea can effectively burn them up. This method is particularly useful for targeting weeds in driveways and walkways, as the water can run off impervious surfaces without causing harm to border plants.

These innovative and eco-friendly approaches demonstrate that effective weed control can be achieved using common household items, sparing both your garden and the environment from harmful chemicals.

7 Ways to Kill Yard Weeds, Naturally (2024)
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