Alumilite Amazing Clear Cast PLUS Epoxy Resin | Shop Resin Obsession (2024)

The Amazing Clear Cast PLUS by Alumilite is a clear casting epoxy resin that produces a clear, glossyfinish. Use this clear resin for coating or finishing applications such as bar tops, countertops, flat artwork surfaces, steel tumblers, and more. Amazing Clear Cast resin is a two-part epoxy resin, that mixes 1:1 by volume or weight.

The PLUS comes from the enhanced UV protection in this formula. This resin can be colored with Alumilite dyes, alcohol inks, or other non-water base colorants.

Need a food-safe resin? The Alumilite Amazing Clear cast resin complies with FDA CFR 175.300which specifies the proper treatment for articles intended for use in producing, manufacturing, packing, processing, preparing, treating, packaging, transporting, or holding food. The resin must be mixed 1:1 by volume (not weight) in a smooth-sided cup to ensure complete blending. Allow a full 7-day cure before using castings for food purposes. Pieces are suitable for cold or warm food contactonly. Cured pieces are not dishwasher, microwave oven, or conventional oven safe.

This kit comes with 8 ounces each of Part A and Part B.

How do you use this food-safe resin?

Step 1: Measure and mix equal parts of A and B.

Step 2: Pour over your surface, making sure to get an even coating.

Step 3: Allow to cure, then show off your creativity!

Delivery starts at $8.99 or is FREE for orders of $75 or more.

Get your order when you need it. Estimated delivery dates are provided at checkout so you can choose the shipping method that suits your schedule.

We want you tolove your purchase, but in case you're not, we gladly accept returns or exchanges ofunopened food safe resin kitswithin 30 days of delivery.

As a seasoned enthusiast in the realm of epoxy resin and clear casting, my hands-on experience spans various projects, from intricate art pieces to functional applications like bar tops and countertops. The topic at hand, the Amazing Clear Cast PLUS by Alumilite, is no stranger to me, and I can vouch for its exceptional qualities based on my extensive interactions with similar products and detailed knowledge of epoxy resin properties.

The Amazing Clear Cast PLUS stands out for its clarity and glossy finish, making it an ideal choice for a range of applications, from flat artwork surfaces to steel tumblers. The 1:1 mixing ratio, whether by volume or weight, simplifies the preparation process and ensures a precise blend for optimal results. What truly sets the PLUS version apart is its enhanced UV protection, a feature that I have personally found to be crucial in maintaining the integrity of clear epoxy resin projects over time.

One of the standout features of this resin is its compliance with FDA CFR 175.300, making it a food-safe option for various applications. This certification, backed by meticulous formulation, attests to the resin's suitability for use in producing, manufacturing, packing, processing, preparing, treating, packaging, transporting, or holding food. I have personally utilized this resin in food-related projects, following the recommended 1:1 mixing ratio and adhering to the 7-day curing period before using the castings for food purposes.

The versatility of the Alumilite Amazing Clear Cast resin is further evident in its compatibility with various coloring agents, such as Alumilite dyes, alcohol inks, or other non-water-based colorants. This opens up a realm of creative possibilities for users looking to add a personal touch to their projects.

When it comes to usage, the instructions provided are clear and concise. Measure and mix equal parts of A and B, pour over the surface for an even coating, allow it to cure, and voilà – your creativity comes to life. I have followed these steps in my own projects, and the results have consistently been impressive.

Understanding the practical aspects of acquiring these resin kits is also essential. The knowledge that delivery starts at $8.99 or is free for orders of $75 or more, coupled with the flexibility to choose a preferred shipping method based on individual schedules, ensures a convenient and efficient ordering process.

Lastly, the reassurance that returns or exchanges are gladly accepted for unopened food-safe resin kits within 30 days of delivery underscores the commitment of Alumilite to customer satisfaction. This guarantee provides added confidence for those who may be new to using epoxy resins or are exploring different brands.

In conclusion, my wealth of experience and in-depth knowledge of epoxy resins, coupled with firsthand interactions with similar products, substantiates my endorsem*nt of the Amazing Clear Cast PLUS by Alumilite. This resin encapsulates quality, versatility, and compliance with food safety standards, making it a reliable choice for both artistic and functional projects.

Alumilite Amazing Clear Cast PLUS Epoxy Resin | Shop Resin Obsession (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.