Animal Crossing: New Horizons - The 10 Smartest Villagers, Ranked By Intelligence (2024)

By Anastasia Maillot

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the player's island would be nothing without its brilliant, business-minded villagers. But who's the smartest?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - The 10 Smartest Villagers, Ranked By Intelligence (1)

The world of Animal Crossing: New Horizons really wouldn't be the same without its great characters. Special villagers in particular are pretty much the masterminds of running the world, making sure turnips are getting sold and houses are being upgraded. In many ways, the player themselves is a side character.


With so many successful villagersandtheir very own businesses and hobbies that are the foundation of the game, it's easy to feel impressed by how innovative they are. But who's actually the most resourceful and intelligent villager out there? Here are 10 big brains who definitely make thecut.

10 Timmy And Tommy

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - The 10 Smartest Villagers, Ranked By Intelligence (2)

Nephews of Tom Nook, it's no wonder these two raccoon boys have that same business-minded approach to everything in life. It takes real skill and intelligence to be able to run a successful business and actually thrive, especially on a deserted island with a greedy player.

Although the Nooklings are probably guided and helped by Tom quite a bit, it's still very impressive how far they've come at such a young age.

9 Saharah

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - The 10 Smartest Villagers, Ranked By Intelligence (3)

Another villager who visits once week to sell her wares and effectively runs her own business is Saharah. Her intelligence is two-fold: on one hand she's a very smart business owner who taps into a market that no one else has really explored to her extent, and on the other, she seems to be very spiritual.

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Based on the way she speaks, it almost comes across as though Saharah has some sort of hidden, secret knowledge about the universe. Whatever mysterious facts she does know, she probably uses to her advantage in her business.

8 K. K. Slider

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - The 10 Smartest Villagers, Ranked By Intelligence (4)

Being intelligent isn't just about running a great business. Sometimes it's about how to interact with other peopleand influence them in a positive, almost wise way. That's essentially what K. K. Slider is for the entirety of Animal Crossing.

He's a musician and an entertainer, but more than that he represents all the values that the game tries to showcase. He stands for simplicity and freedom, and seems to always have the right words and songs for the occasion.

7 Daisy-Mae

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - The 10 Smartest Villagers, Ranked By Intelligence (5)

Much like the Nooklings, Daisy-Mae is immensely successful given her age. While it's impossible to tell exactly how old she is, we do know that she's Joan's granddaughter and is following in her footsteps to keep the turnip market alive and well.

Daisy-Mae's job requires a lot of thinking and math, since she has to deal in bulks as well as in market prices. For such a young age, she knows more than most people.

6 Celeste

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - The 10 Smartest Villagers, Ranked By Intelligence (6)

It wouldn't be a proper list of intelligent characters without the mention of Celeste, Blathers' sister. Both of them share a passion for knowledge, and her specialty in particular are matters of the night sky.

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Not just that, Celeste is also very knowledgeable about a multitude of DIY projects, which she always seems to haveon hand to give out to the player. She's a passionate astronomer, and thus extremely intelligent.

5 Sable

Another immensely ambitious, talented and hardworking villager, Sable shows a more down-to-earth type of intelligence that doesn't dream too big and stays grounded even while achievinggreat success.

Along with her sister Mable, Sable really fought to have her own business established, and continued to work very hard to create gorgeous designs. By speaking with her more, players can unlock some of her custom designs. Her intelligence is that of a person who knows that hard work pays off.

4 Redd

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - The 10 Smartest Villagers, Ranked By Intelligence (8)

Sometimes, intelligence can be used in nefarious ways. After all, most excellent villains also have a big brain that allows them toconcoct their dastardly plans. Although Redd isn't exactly evil, he's very greedy and doesn't care for the truth, which makes him a highly dishonest villager.

Still, it requires special intelligence and knowledge to be able to acquire art. One can only imagine the social skills heemploysto get his hands on some of the most expensive art in the world.

3 Tom Nook

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - The 10 Smartest Villagers, Ranked By Intelligence (9)

Tom Nook might not be every player's favorite villager due to how many loans he provides, but no one can deny that this raccoon has essentially achieved peak performance. There's no greater businessman alive — at least in Animal Crossing—than him, and that takes a lot.

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Throughout every game in the franchise, Tom has managed to create a successful business, which has culminated inNew Horizons, where he provides actual island getaway packages. And yes, he has basically infinite money, so whatever he's doing is clearly working.

2 Isabelle

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - The 10 Smartest Villagers, Ranked By Intelligence (10)

Although Isabelle doesn't have the same riches and wealth as Tom Nook, she's still much more intelligent than he is for two simple reasons. For one, she's a character who's admired by almost everyone else in the game, including the hard-to-please snooty villagers. People look up to her and they listen to her word like it's the law.

For two, according to her brother Digby, Isabelle has graduated with an engineering degree from nineteen different universities. Just take a moment and let that sink in for a bit.

1 Blathers

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - The 10 Smartest Villagers, Ranked By Intelligence (11)

No one in the Animal Crossing franchise is as intelligent and big-brained as Blathers. Whilefans may not know how many universities he graduated from, he's the curator of the museum, which means he has pretty much encyclopedic knowledge of every single species in the game.

He's able to recite any fact to the player at any given time, and he has a real passion for all things nature. Even bugs, which he absolutely despises, are worth studying in his eyes. Anything in the name of knowledge.

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As an expert in the world of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, I bring a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the intricate dynamics within the game. My expertise extends to the various characters, their roles, and the underlying intelligence that drives the virtual world's economy and interactions.

Now, let's delve into the concepts and characters discussed in the article:

  1. Timmy and Tommy:

    • Nephews of Tom Nook, Timmy and Tommy exhibit a remarkable business-minded approach on the player's island.
    • They run a successful business, showcasing skill and intelligence despite their young age.
  2. Saharah:

    • Saharah, a special villager, runs her own business by selling wares once a week and taps into a market that others haven't explored.
    • Her intelligence is highlighted by her smart business decisions and a seemingly spiritual nature.
  3. K. K. Slider:

    • K. K. Slider is a musician and entertainer who influences others positively with his wisdom.
    • He embodies values of simplicity and freedom, contributing to the overall ethos of Animal Crossing.
  4. Daisy-Mae:

    • As Joan's granddaughter, Daisy-Mae plays a crucial role in the turnip market, requiring strategic thinking and math skills.
    • Despite her young age, she showcases intelligence in managing bulk transactions and market prices.
  5. Celeste:

    • Celeste, Blathers' sister, demonstrates a passion for knowledge, particularly in matters related to the night sky.
    • She is knowledgeable about DIY projects and astronomy, showcasing her intelligence.
  6. Sable:

    • Sable represents a down-to-earth type of intelligence, grounded in hard work and dedication.
    • Her success in creating custom designs reflects her ambitious and talented nature.
  7. Redd:

    • Redd, though not outright evil, employs his intelligence for somewhat nefarious purposes and is known for his greed.
    • Acquiring rare and expensive art requires a special kind of intelligence and social skills.
  8. Tom Nook:

    • Tom Nook, often criticized for loans, is acknowledged as the ultimate businessman in Animal Crossing.
    • Across the franchise, he has created successful businesses, culminating in providing island getaway packages in New Horizons.
  9. Isabelle:

    • Isabelle, despite not having the same wealth as Tom Nook, is admired and respected by many in the game.
    • She is considered intelligent, with an engineering degree from nineteen different universities, according to her brother Digby.
  10. Blathers:

    • Blathers is highlighted as the most intelligent and big-brained character in the Animal Crossing franchise.
    • As the museum curator, he possesses encyclopedic knowledge of every species in the game, showcasing a deep passion for nature and knowledge.

In conclusion, the characters mentioned in the article each bring a unique form of intelligence to the virtual world of Animal Crossing, contributing to the game's rich and dynamic experience.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - The 10 Smartest Villagers, Ranked By Intelligence (2024)
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