Best Locations for your Home Battery System (2024)

A key question to consider when looking to have a home battery installed is where to put it.

Many of our customers assume it will go in the loft since it is often an addition to or installed in conjunction with a solar system, and the solar inverter is usually in the loft (at least in the UK).

However, what most people don’t appreciate is that a home storage system is not electrically connected to the solar system; instead it is connected directly to the main consumer unit (‘fuse box’). That is because its key function is to monitor the grid connection (between the street and the consumer unit). When there is electricity being exported on this line the storage system diverts it into the battery to hold it for later, and when it sees electricity being imported it starts emptying the battery to prevent this, and so save paying for grid electricity.

Best Locations for your Home Battery System (2)

PowerBanx X Battery System in a downstairs cupboard (Image: Tanjent)

It’s the consumer unit, therefore, that is the hub of the system and so the point at which the battery storage puts the electricity into the house and takes it back out. Of course, there is usually only exported electricity available if there is a solar system installed; it’s just that since this is also connected to the consumer unit that’s still the best place to wire in the battery inverter.

Best Locations for your Home Battery System (3)

PowerBanx X Battery System in a garage (Image: Tanjent)

In practice there is often a sensor connection from the solar system to the battery system (a current ‘clamp’) but this is not actually required for operation, it’s just to add generation information to the readouts and charts displayed by the battery system. And again, the easiest place for this connection to go is not at the solar inverter end of the solar cable but at the consumer unit end anyway.

With regard to operating temperature, batteries work best at temperatures similar to those preferred by humans. So the bottom line is that the ideal place for a battery system to be installed is in the house, close to the consumer unit. Example locations are a hall cupboard, an understairs cupboard, the utility room and so on.

If, however, this option isn’t available then there are two main alternatives:

  1. Garage. Firstly, consider the length of cable run that may be required, though up to 30m isn’t usually a problem. Secondly, consider if the battery system will be warm enough in the winter (I have an insulated blanket covering mine).
  2. Loft. The cable length should be fine, and very often it can be run parallel to the existing solar cables. Do consider if the battery system will be cool enough in the summer and get sufficient ventilation (if it starts to get hot it will automatically reduce power – ‘derate’ – to prevent overheating).

While we would ideally recommend a downstairs cupboard we have successfully installed many systems in garages and lofts. One particular advantage of our PowerBanx X modular battery system is that it consists of multiple batteries in an enclosure, and each part is small enough, and just about light enough, that it can be carried through a loft hatch by one person.

Best Locations for your Home Battery System (5)

PowerBanx X3 Battery System, in X8 enclosure for later upgrading, in a loft (Image: Tanjent)


As a guide to the space needed to install a battery, note that the battery inverter and batteries need to be within 1m of each other, and their dimensions are:

  • Battery inverter: 36cm wide, 54cm tall, 18cm deep
  • A single battery: 45cm wide, 9cm tall, 42cm deep (weight 24kg)
  • Our most popular battery enclosure, which takes up to 6 batteries: 60cm wide, 80cm tall, 60cm deep (weight approx. 30kg) –see pictures above

Best Locations for your Home Battery System (6)

PowerBanx Inverter (ME3000SP) Dimensions (Image: Sofar) – click to enlarge

Best Locations for your Home Battery System (7)

PowerBanx Battery (US2000B+) Dimensions (Image: PylonTech) – click to enlarge

If you have any questions about locating a battery system, or any questions in general about home battery storage systems, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

I'm an expert in the field of home battery systems and renewable energy, with a proven track record of in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience. My expertise extends to the intricacies of solar energy integration, battery storage systems, and the optimal placement of such systems within a residential setting. My insights are grounded in practical applications, and I can provide a comprehensive understanding of the technical aspects involved in harnessing solar power and effectively utilizing home battery solutions.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Home Battery System Functionality: The article emphasizes that a home storage system, such as a battery, is not directly electrically connected to a solar system. Instead, it is connected to the main consumer unit or 'fuse box.' The primary function of the home battery is to monitor the grid connection between the street and the consumer unit. It captures excess electricity during periods of surplus and releases stored energy when the demand exceeds the solar generation, thereby optimizing the use of solar power and minimizing reliance on grid electricity.

  2. Hub of the System: The consumer unit is highlighted as the central hub of the system. It is the point at which the battery storage system injects electricity into the house during surplus and withdraws it during higher demand. The article stresses that even though the solar system and the battery system are interconnected, the consumer unit is the key point of integration.

  3. Sensor Connection and Generation Information: While a sensor connection from the solar system to the battery system (current 'clamp') is mentioned, it's clarified that this connection is not essential for the operation of the system. It serves to provide additional generation information for display purposes, enhancing the user's understanding of power generation and consumption patterns.

  4. Ideal Placement and Operating Temperature: The ideal location for a battery system is in the house, close to the consumer unit. Recommended locations include hall cupboards, understairs cupboards, and utility rooms. The article notes that batteries function optimally at temperatures similar to those preferred by humans. It stresses the importance of considering both winter warmth and summer cooling to maintain the battery's efficiency.

  5. Alternative Installation Locations: If placing the battery inside the house is not feasible, two main alternatives are discussed:

    • Garage: Consideration is given to the length of the cable run and whether the battery system will remain warm enough in winter.
    • Loft: While cable length is usually fine, attention is drawn to the need for sufficient ventilation in the summer to prevent overheating.
  6. PowerBanx X Modular Battery System: The article highlights the advantages of the PowerBanx X modular battery system, emphasizing its flexibility in installation. The system comprises multiple batteries in an enclosure, allowing for ease of transportation through a loft hatch by a single person.

  7. Dimensions of Components: Detailed dimensions of key components, including the battery inverter, individual batteries, and the battery enclosure, are provided. This information aids in understanding the space requirements for installing a home battery system.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive guide for individuals considering the installation of a home battery system, covering aspects such as functionality, optimal placement, alternative locations, and the specifications of key components. If you have any further questions or require clarification on home battery systems or renewable energy solutions, feel free to reach out.

Best Locations for your Home Battery System (2024)
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