Do cabbage plants produce more than one head? - Gardening Channel (2024)

Do cabbage plants produce more than one head? - Gardening Channel (1)

QUESTION: Do cabbage plants produce more than one head? Is there a way to harvest more cabbage? -Tommy W.

ANSWER: Cabbage plants do not produce multiple heads on their own. However, with this simple trick, you can double your cabbage harvest with every plant you grow and get your plants to produce several mini cabbages in the place of your original plant.

When harvesting your main cabbage head, leave just enough of the bottom leaves behind to keep the plant going. If you cut below the lowest leaves, the remaining bits will quickly shrivel and die, so be sure to leave behind enough green to be a viable surface for sprouting a second crop.

Treat the remaining greens as if they were a brand new plant. Cultivate it, water it, and work in some nutrient-rich manure into the first inch of soil, taking care not to injure the roots in the process. If executed correctly, in just under a week, you will start to see some small sprouts beginning to shoot up around the outer edge of the main head’s stub. Keep on cultivating it as if it was a new plant, and before long, the little sub-heads will expand to the size of a fist. There will not be just one new head, but several, usually three or four, but sometimes as many as six smaller heads will grow up around the rim of the original plant’s stub.

In total, the new sub-heads will provide as much food as the original cabbage head, but with a delicious difference. The cores of your new mini cabbages will be pale green, almost white, leafy and very tender. The outer leaves will be a darker green, but even those will be tender and tasty. In fact, these tiny cabbages are actually preferred by many gardeners to the larger main heads because of their extra tender texture and mild flavor.

Do cabbage plants produce more than one head? - Gardening Channel (2)


Do cabbage plants produce more than one head? - Gardening Channel (2024)


Will cabbage produce a second head? ›

ANSWER: Cabbage plants do not produce multiple heads on their own. However, with this simple trick, you can double your cabbage harvest with every plant you grow and get your plants to produce several mini cabbages in the place of your original plant.

How many heads of cabbage can you get out of one plant? ›

The plant will send up as many as 6 new heads – harvest when about tennis ball-size. Begin harvesting leaf cabbage about a month after planting by harvesting the outer leaves using the cut-and-come-again method.

Do you only get one head of cabbage per plant? ›

ANSWER: Cabbage plants do not produce multiple heads on their own. However, with this simple trick, you can double your cabbage harvest with every plant you grow and get your plants…

How many times can you harvest cabbage? ›

After the initial harvest, you can potentially continue to harvest additional heads from the same cabbage plant. Many times, several smaller heads of cabbage will grow in the place of the original cutting. You can expect around three or four heads, but some plants are able to produce up to six.

Will cabbage regrow after you cut it? ›

"Most types of cabbage, if you do cut off the bottoms to regrow again, will sprout out some fresh leaves," says Jabbour. Similar to lettuce, you can plant the cabbage once roots appear.

How do you harvest cabbage so it keeps growing? ›

  1. Harvest when heads reach desired size and are firm. ...
  2. To harvest, cut each cabbage head at its base with a sharp knife. ...
  3. To get two crops, cut the cabbage head out of the plant, leaving the outer leaves and root in the garden. ...
  4. After harvesting, remove the entire stem and root system from the soil to prevent disease.

What causes multiple heads in cabbage? ›

Multiple heads of cabbage caused by the cabbage worm, Hellula undalis.

What happens if cabbage is planted too close together? ›

Cabbage plants that are planted too close to one another can essentially run into one another, restricting growing space and resulting in cabbage heads that are stunted or don't grow properly.

How do you increase the size of your cabbage head? ›

When planting, make sure to give each seedling a plot that is large enough to grow the size heads that you want to cultivate. Two weeks after planting, side dress your cabbages with a high-nitrogen 20-10-10 fertilizer, as big headed cabbages will need lots of nitrogen to grow extra large.

Should you trim cabbage leaves? ›

You can prune the leaves any time you want so long as a head has started forming. Prior to that, the plant needs those outer leaves to feed the roots and the forming head. You can remove diseased or pest-damaged leaves at any old time, of course, to keep your crop healthy.

How many heads of cabbage do I need for 8 cups? ›

One medium head of cabbage makes about 8 cups of shredded cabbage.

Why are my cabbages growing tall? ›

What went wrong? The cabbage plants grow leggy for two reasons: The first one is that the plants are in a space that's too dark and/or too warm. They might have been under a grow light, but probably too far away from it. This is most likely what happened to my friend's sowing.

What should not be planted near cabbage? ›

Cabbage should never be planted near tomatoes, beans, peppers or strawberries. In fact, this holds true for all plants in the brassica family, such as broccoli, kale, and cauliflower.

How long can cabbage stay in the garden? ›

Some varieties can stay in the gardens for weeks after they are firm and solid, others must be harvested right away. Cabbages prefer cooler growing temperatures, between 55°-75°F/13°-24°C. Early or spring cabbages mature in 50 to 60 days.

Can cabbage be left in the ground over winter? ›

Certain crops such as broccoli, cabbage, claytonia, kale, and spinach can easily survive through the winter without any protection. Other crops like arugula, leeks and lettuce often die when unprotected during periods of extreme winter cold.

Should I let cabbage flower? ›

Bolting and flowering

Once a cabbage plant bolts, a head will not form — but you can still eat the leaves! Harvest them as soon as possible, or they'll start to taste bitter. Growing your own garden should be simple, accessible and attainable.

Can you cut the top off a cabbage tree? ›

If your cabbage tree becomes too tall for your taste, you can simply cut it down to your preferred height. Use a sharp pair of shears, leaving just the bare stem.

Do you wash cabbage after harvesting? ›

There's good reason: Worms or other insects could be inside the cabbage, so to be safe, remove the thick outer leaves, cut the cabbage into wedges, and rinse them in a colander under running water.

Does cabbage grow back every year? ›

ANSWER: Cabbage plants do not come back year after year, as it is considered an annual plant, however, cabbage may actually be a biennial if treated properly. When harvesting, leave just enough of the bottom leaves behind to keep the plant alive to support further growth.

How long does it take for cabbage to grow to full size? ›

Cabbage takes between 60 and 100 days to mature. A July planting will begin to form a head as summer turns to fall, and be ready to harvest before a hard freeze.

Why are my cabbages so small? ›

High Temperatures

Cabbages require cool temperatures to form a head, so it's important to plant cabbages at the right time of the year (consult a gardening calendar) so the head will have time to form when daytime temperatures are still below 27°C (80°F).

How do you keep cabbage heads from splitting? ›

Cabbage head splitting can be avoided by keeping the soil uniformly moist near harvest time. Splitting can also be prevented by root pruning the plant about the time the heads mature. This can be done by cultivating near the plant or simply twisting the plant to break some of the roots.

How long does it take for a cabbage to form a head? ›

The answer to, “When will cabbage make a head?” is, it depends. The common green cabbages form heads more quickly than the huge Savoy cabbage. You can expect to see heads in approximately 71 days with green cabbage. Red cabbage takes slightly longer and Nappa cabbage will form small heads in only 57 days.

Why should you not plant cabbage near tomatoes? ›

Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, and kohlrabi can stunt the growth of your tomato plant because they out-compete them for the same nutrients. These vegetables are in the brassica family.

Can you plant cabbage next to tomatoes? ›

Tomatoes cannot be planted near cabbages because they will stop growing, nor near sweet corn or potatoes. However; tomatoes can be planted near asparagus, carrots, celery, cucumbers, onions, parsley, peppers or mint.

Can cucumbers and cabbage be planted together? ›

Plants to Avoid Growing with Cucumbers

Cucumbers don't grow well near: Brassicas. Plants in the brassica family (like brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and kohlrabi) have a mixed relationship with cucumbers.

What causes cabbages not to form heads? ›

Cabbage Won't Form a Head If It's Not Getting Enough Water

A common reason why cabbage isn't forming a head is that it's not being properly watered. Water is so important for all lettuces really, but especially for cabbage, which is 92 percent water in its makeup.

What is best fertilizer for cabbage? ›

Best Fertilizer for Cabbage Reviews
  1. Dr. Earth Premium Gold All Purpose Fertilizer 4-4-4. ...
  2. JR Peters Classic Fertilizer 20-20-20. ...
  3. Triple 10 All Purpose Liquid Fertilizer 10-10-10. ...
  4. Jobe's Organics Plant Food for Vegetables 2-5-3. ...
  5. Fox Farm Grow Big Liquid Fertilizer 6-4-4. ...
  6. Osmocote Smart-Release Plant Food Plus 15-9-12.

How often should cabbage be watered? ›

Cabbage demands even moisture to produce good heads. Mulch with compost, finely ground leaves, or finely ground bark to keep the soil cool and moist and to keep down weeds. Water regularly, applying 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week if it doesn't rain.

What is a good companion plant for cabbage? ›

Plants like chamomile, wormwood, chives, summer savory, coriander, tansy, yarrow, dill, mint, thyme, hyssop, chervil, geranium, rue, sage, and oregano are all very beneficial companion plants to cabbage.

Is chicken manure good for cabbage? ›

Chicken manure applied at 12.5 or 25 kg 10 m-2 showed a significant increase in the growth rate of cabbage during the first 8 weeks after transplanting in both seasons.

Can you freeze cabbage? ›

Can you freeze cabbage? You sure can. This leafy vegetable is versatile in the kitchen and adapts well to the freezing process.

How many heads of cabbage do I need to feed 100 people? ›

Chart of Food Estimates
Beets7–1/2 pounds30 pounds
Cabbage for cole slaw5 pounds20 pounds
Carrots7–1/2 pounds30 pounds
Lettuce for salad (heads)520
31 more rows

How many cups does a cabbage yield? ›

When shredded, 1 medium raw head (more on size follows) yields about 8 to 9 cups. As such, 1/8 of a head of cabbage is likely more than enough for 1 cup of shredded cabbage. When cabbage is cooked, the quantity reduces by about half.

Do you need to tie cabbage heads? ›

Cabbage plants grow firm, round heads surrounded by large, loose outer foliage. Tying up the outer leaves is not a required step in the growing process. As long as plants are healthy, they should produce a head regardless of whether they are tied or not.

How Big Should I let my cabbage grow? ›

Quick Reference Growing Chart
Plant Type:Biennial grown as an annual1.5 inches per week
Spacing:12-18 inchesStrawberries, tomatoes
Planting Depth:1/4-1/2 inch (seeds)Brassicaceae
Height:12-14 inchesBrassica
Spread:18-24 inchesoleracea
7 more rows
20 Sept 2019

Can you eat cabbage plant leaves? ›

The answer is yes, you can eat the outer leaves of cabbage, both raw or cooked. The outer leaves of cabbage can be used in salads or to make coleslaw. You can also eat them as an alternative to lettuce.

Why do cabbages split in the garden? ›

Sometimes your cabbage heads will split. This is common after a heavy rain when the heads take up too much moisture. If your cabbage head splits, harvest it immediately, cut off the split section, and use the rest.

What plants repel cabbage worms? ›

Wormwood, thyme, marigolds, tomatoes, tansy and peppermint are all believed to help keep the cabbage worms away. You can also use companion plants like buckwheat and yarrow to attract beneficial insects to fight the cabbage worms for you.

Does cabbage prefer sun or shade? ›

Once your cabbage is planted: Let the sunshine in: Cabbages need full sun – at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day. Water wisely: It's best to water in the morning and at the base of the plant (soil level) keeping the foliage dry.

Are coffee grounds good for cabbage plants? ›

Plants that love coffee grounds

Plants like coffee grounds include roses, azaleas, radishes, blueberries, cabbage, carrots, hollies, rhododendrons, and lilies. All these plants mentioned are acid-loving plants and thus, grow best in acidic soil.

Can you harvest cabbage twice? ›

A freshly harvested head of a good variety of cabbage is a treat, even if it's not quite as tasty as one maturing during the cool, moist weather of autumn. Actually, you could harvest a crop now and then again in autumn from the same plant. Just cut the head, when harvesting, just above the bottom whorl of leaves.

Do cabbage plants spread? ›

There will not be just one new head, but several, usually three or four, but sometimes as many as six smaller heads will grow up around the rim of the original plant's stub. In total, the new sub-heads will provide as much food as the original cabbage head, but with a delicious difference.

How do you winterize cabbage? ›

Remove any damaged leaves on the outside and lay the cabbage on racks or in the crisper in a single layer. The temperature must be close to freezing, but not quite there. Keeping cabbages over winter will reward you with the crisp, zingy flavors in early spring, before the first crop of the season is ready for harvest.

Do you need to cover cabbage from frost? ›

Provide Protection from Cold

Most cabbages can survive light frosts, but when temperatures dip below 20ºF this can damage them. If you live in an area where the temperature gets this cold, plan to protect your plants.

What is too cold for cabbage? ›

Cabbages can take cool temperatures down to about 26 º F. They are often planted later in the year for a fall harvest, but if you start them early enough, you can still get a crop before it gets too hot. A light frost improves the sweetness of cabbages.

How does cabbage multiply? ›

They all have the same seeding and pollination habit. These plants produce a flower stalk that needs to be cross-pollinated by insects. This means that they won't accept their own pollen. The cabbage plant sends this flower/seed stalk directly out of the cabbage core.

How do you encourage a cabbage to head? ›

Add a little phosphorus-rich fertilizer. The idea here is to push more phosphorus instead of nitrogen into the roots of these cabbage plants so that the focus is more on forming that nice head rather than just giving you all these greens.

Should I remove outer leaves of cabbage? ›

So, the answer is yes, pruning cabbage plants is possible and, in some cases, necessary. The purpose of pruning cabbage leaves back is to create overall healthier plants. Along with cabbage pruning, maintenance may also involve actual thinning.

What to do with bolted cabbage? ›

Bolting and flowering

Once a cabbage plant bolts, a head will not form — but you can still eat the leaves! Harvest them as soon as possible, or they'll start to taste bitter.

Does cabbage regrow every year? ›

ANSWER: Cabbage plants do not come back year after year, as it is considered an annual plant, however, cabbage may actually be a biennial if treated properly. When harvesting, leave just enough of the bottom leaves behind to keep the plant alive to support further growth.

Why is vinegar added to cabbage? ›

Always cook red cabbage with a little vinegar as this preserves the beautiful purple colour – without it, the cabbage will turn blue!

What does baking soda do to cabbage? ›

Adding baking soda to your boiling cabbage can help reduce the objectionable smell and maintain the green color long after when it typically turns grayish from cooking for too long.

Should you tie cabbage heads? ›

Cabbage plants grow firm, round heads surrounded by large, loose outer foliage. Tying up the outer leaves is not a required step in the growing process. As long as plants are healthy, they should produce a head regardless of whether they are tied or not.

What should you not plant next to cabbage? ›

Cabbage should never be planted near tomatoes, beans, peppers or strawberries. In fact, this holds true for all plants in the brassica family, such as broccoli, kale, and cauliflower.

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