Does Paint Dissolve in Water? (Enamel, Acrylic, Latex) | Earth Eclipse (2024)

Are you looking to beautify your house? Painting or re-painting can completely change the look of a place. But there are so many varieties in the market. Which one do you pick?

In this article, we are going to see if paint dissolves in water. We will discuss how paint is composed of a pigment, binder, and solvent. Then we will look at the different kinds of paint—enamel, acrylic, latex—talk about their different features, advantages, etc. Finally, we will look at the ways in which you can get rid of leftover paint.

Table of Contents

  • Can Paint Dissolve in Water?
  • Does Powder Coating Dissolve in Water?
  • Does Enamel Paint Dissolve in Water?
  • Does Acrylic Paint Dissolve in Water?
    • 1. Pigment
    • 2. Binder
    • 3. Solvent
  • Does Latex Paint Dissolve in Water?
  • Can I Pour Paint Water Down the Drain?
  • Can You Pour Paint Down the Sink?
  • What Can You Do With Leftover Paint?
      • Conclusion

Can Paint Dissolve in Water?

Yes, but it depends on the kind of paint. Most commonly used paints are water-based and are soluble in water. Adding water thins the paint, which makes it more spreadable and gives larger coverage. However, if you add too much water, it will lead to discolouration.

Moreover, when adding excessive water, the paint will not form as thick a dry film as the paint manufacturer originally intended. The durability of the paint depends on its thickness, so highly diluted paints won’t last long.

The great thing about most paints is that, when they are fresh out of the container, they are soluble in water. But once you paint them, they dry into a dry film that is waterproof. Keep reading the article to find out the scientific explanation behind this.

Does Powder Coating Dissolve in Water?

No, powder coating is quite different from conventional liquid paint. It is applied electrostatically as a free-flowing, dry powder. It is then cured (the equivalent of paint hardening) under heat or with ultraviolet light.

When the thermosetting paint powder is exposed to heat, it melts, flows out, and then reacts to form a polymer in a network-like structure. This curing process is called crosslinking. The powder paint requires the prescribed temperature for the prescribed amount of time to cure completely and develop the full film properties.

Powder coating is used to create a finish that is harder than conventional liquid paint. It is mainly used for colouring metals: household appliances, automobiles, bicycle frames, etc.

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Does Enamel Paint Dissolve in Water?

Again, it depends on the kind of enamel paint we are talking about. Enamel paint is any solvent-based paint that dries to a hard, glass-like film, giving the surface a glossy look. Solvent-based paints are also known as oil-based paints, and they are contrasted with water-based paints.

While enamel usually meant solvent-based paints, paint manufacturers have made things a bit more confusing by attaching the word ‘enamel’ to water-based paints. So, now, we also have water-based paints that use enamel in their name, and these can indeed dissolve in water.

Enamel paint is usually used for outdoor areas or any surface prone to a lot of wearing or temperature variations. You can use it for projects that require high-durability or a glossy look: paint a door casing, renovate your barbecue grill, or touch up your kitchen appliances.

Does Acrylic Paint Dissolve in Water?

Yes, acrylic paint easily dissolves in water. Acrylic paint is water-based and is composed of pigment particles immersed in an acrylic polymer emulsion. Unlike the glossy look of enamel paint, acrylic paint has a matte finish.

As in most paints, there are three main components in acrylic paint:

1. Pigment

Pigments are tiny solids that gives the paint its color. They usually come in powder form and must be converted into a liquid state to be painted on a surface, which is what the solvent/vehicle does.

2. Binder

Binder keeps the pigment intact after the paint dries. In the case of acrylic paint, the acrylic polymer is the binder. After painting, the water evaporates and the binder forms a dry film over the surface.

3. Solvent

A solvent is something that dissolves something else. In paint, the solvent dissolves the pigment and binder, along with any other additives. By doing so, it creates an evenly consistent substance that can be painted.

The solvent used in acrylic paint is mostly water. When it is mixed with the binder (acrylic polymer), it creates a polymer emulsion. After you paint a surface, the water evaporates and the paint dries, creating a clear polymer film. This film traps the color pigments, which give the surface its beautiful color.

The wonderful thing about acrylic paint is that after the paint dries, it becomes water-resistant—even though the paint itself is made from water. Unlike enamel paint, acrylic paint does not require paint thinner to be cleaned; only soap and water are needed, so it’s easier to keep things tidy. Acrylic paints also don’t turn yellow over time like enamel.

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The biggest advantage of acrylic paints is that they are non-toxic and contain fewer VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Most oil-based enamel paints have 300 grams/litre of toxic chemicals, which is significantly higher than the LEED’s recommended guidelines of 150 grams/litre. On the other hand, acrylic paints have VOCs under 50 grams/litre, making them a safe and eco-friendly choice.

Does Latex Paint Dissolve in Water?

Yes, Latex paint dissolves in water because it is also water-based. Latex might bring up the idea of rubber in your mind. In fact, in old times, companies did use rubber as one form of resin (or solid) in paint, which was mixed with a solvent (or thinner) like water.

Today, companies do not generally use rubber as the resin. However, the term latex is still used to refer to paints that are actually “acrylic latex.” That is, they contain a plastic resin of acrylic or polyvinyl (instead of rubber) which is mixed with water.

Acrylic latex paints provide a lot of advantages: greater speed of drying, increased opacity (you can completely cover one color with another color), and washability. Since this paint is water-based, you no longer need to spend money on expensive thinners, which also pose the risk of fire hazards.

In general, latex paint is cheaper than acrylic paint and is quite easy to find. If you are painting a piece of furniture, it will give you good coverage in fewer coats. However, latex paints are comparatively less resistant to the sun and water than acrylic paints.

Can I Pour Paint Water Down the Drain?

No. Like any other cleaning product, paint should not be poured down the drain. It can clog your drain and also has the potential to pollute the environment. Oil-based paints must definitely not be poured down the drain, and you should take them to your local hazardous waste centre.

Water-based paints, unlike oil-based paints, are not considered toxic. Some brands manufacture zero-VOC (volatile organic compounds) paint, which means that these paints don’t release health-damaging fumes into your house.

But this does not mean that they do not contain any harmful chemicals. Even zero-VOC latex paint has biocides, acrylics, crystalline silica, and various other additives. Moreover, the painting process itself can sometimes add VOCs.

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That is why we should never directly pour paint down the drain. We should also be mindful about disposing of the water with which we clean our paint tools.

Can You Pour Paint Down the Sink?

No. You should not pour paint down the sink because, over time, the paint solids will clog up your plumbing, damaging your piping and drains. Besides the plumbing issues, this also causes environmental harm.

What Can You Do With Leftover Paint?

Instead of pouring paint down the drain or sink, you can follow these steps:

  • Begin by cleaning your paintbrush. Scrap it against the inside of the paint can restore any excess paint.
  • Different paints require different kinds of cleaning solvents: oil-based paints require strong solvents while water-based paints can be cleaned easily with soap and water. Read the instructions on the paint can.
  • Immerse the brush in the solvent to get completely rid of the paint. You can then rinse the brush in clean water and wrap it in heavy paper to allow it to retain its shape.

Once you have cleaned your paint brushes, you can move on to disposing of your paint water:

  • Keep the bucket of dirty paint water outside, letting the paint solids settle at the bottom.
  • When the water evaporates, take out the dried paint residue and throw off the hardened paint in a trash bag.
  • If you don’t want to wait for the water to evaporate, you can tip the clear water (without the paint solids) onto a flat, grassy area away from any water pipeline or source. After the residue solidifies, you can throw it in a trash bag.

Most cities and towns have a waste facility where you can dispose of your old or leftover paint. You can also try finding out about those.


In this article, we looked at how paint interacts with water. Paint is mainly composed of three elements: pigment, binder, and solvent. There are primarily two kinds of paints, water-based paint and oil-based paint, which can be further classified into enamel, acrylic, and latex paints.

We discussed the different features and advantages of these paints. We also looked briefly at powder coating, which is an alternative to conventional liquid paints. Finally, we looked at the right ways to clean up after painting.

Does Paint Dissolve in Water? (Enamel, Acrylic, Latex) | Earth Eclipse (2024)


Does enamel paint dissolve in water? ›

Enamel paints contain petroleum spirit, white lead, oil, and resinous materials. These paints are resistant to acids, alkalis, and water.

Does acrylic paint dissolve in water? ›

| Painting acrylics are pigments in a polymer emulsion thinned and liquefied by the addition of water. Superior types of acrylics dry to form a layer of colored plastic with near permanence. Because they are water-soluble, no harmful solvents are necessary in the painting process or when cleaning up.

Will water based paint dissolve in water? ›

Water based paints are water soluble, but become water-resistant when dry. As a binder, different types of material are used like acrylic, vinyl, PVA or alkyd.

Can you water down acrylic latex paint? ›

Add ½ cup (118 milliliters) of water for every gallon of paint. Mix thoroughly. Check the thickness by running the paint through a funnel. If it flows freely through the funnel, you know the paint is thinned enough.

Is acrylic enamel paint waterproof? ›

Enamel paint is also waterproof, making it perfectly suitable for any outdoor condition.

Is 100% acrylic enamel paint water-based? ›

The acrylic paint is water-based and it adheres extremely well so it's durable. The 100% acrylic sticks so much that it can be applied to almost any surface. It even sticks to the painter's fingers for several days (even when he scrubs) if he does not wear nitrile gloves.

Does latex dissolve in water? ›

Rubber (cis-1,4-polyisoprene) Where PVA can dissolve in water, latex rubber, which contains no polar groups and lacks the capacity to hydrogen bond to water, does not. This makes it a great material for making water balloons (and also condoms).

What paint does not dissolve in water? ›

Oil-based paint is nonpolar, so it doesn't dissolve in water. In other words, it is insoluble in water. Instead, a nonpolar solvent such as paint thinner must be used to dissolve nonpolar paint.

What happens when you mix acrylic paint with water? ›

Water breaks down the binder in acrylic, thinning the paint so that it looks like watercolor and allows it to sink into the surface, resulting in a matte finish.

How can you tell if paint is soluble in water? ›

Pick a spot on the surface you want to paint, dip a cotton ball or rag in some rubbing alcohol (acetone works too), and rub it on. If the old paint comes off easily onto the cotton ball or softens up, then that paint is a water-based paint. If the paint didn't budge, it's oil-based.

What type of paint is water soluble? ›

The Two Types of Water-Based Paint: Acrylic Paint and Latex Paint. Acrylic and latex make up the two types of water-based paints and each have their different purposes. Latex and acrylic paint are used primarily to paint homes, structures, and spaces.

Is all latex paint water soluble? ›

The terms "latex" and "water-based" refer to a single type of water-based paint products, including primer and paint. This means that the base of latex paint or primer is water-soluble. In addition to water-based primer, there are oil- and shellac-based primers, both of which have bases that do not dissolve in water.

What happens if you add water to latex paint? ›

Adding water to paint dilutes the paint and thus lightens its color, so additional coats may be necessary to improve the color quality.

Do professional painters water down paint? ›

“Watering Down” paint is a derogatory term used to describe a poor practice that cheap professional painters do to make their product go further. These painters add too much water to the paint, often as much as half a gallon of water per gallon of paint. This results in a lighter color and lesser quality finish.

Will water remove latex paint? ›

Latex paint is a water-based paint. So, cleaning it up when it's wet is simply. Use an absorbent cloth you don't mind staining. While it's still wet, you can also use water or soapy water to clean up the paint.

Is acrylic latex enamel water-based? ›

The main difference between acrylic and latex paint is that while they are both water-based, acrylic paint contains chemicals. The chemicals in acrylic paint allow it to expand and contract with the changing temperature and weather. This quality makes acrylic an excellent paint for exterior projects.

Is there a difference between acrylic paint and acrylic enamel paint? ›

Enamel paint is mostly used for painting the exterior walls of the house while acrylic paint is used to paint the interior of the house. Enamel paint finish takes a comparatively longer period to dry than acrylic paint. Enamel paint is an oil-based paint finish while acrylic paint is a water-based paint.

What is the difference between acrylic enamel and latex paint? ›

The main difference between the two paints is that acrylic paint is chemical-based and latex paint is water-based. Because it's chemical-based, the chemicals in acrylic paint make it more elastic than latex paint. What does that mean? The acrylic paint will contract and expand better than latex paint.

How can you tell if paint is water based or acrylic? ›

Do I have water-based or oil-based paint in my house? The test to determine whether your paint is oil-based or water-based is pretty easy. Simply put some methylated spirits on a rag and wipe at a small section of your wall. If the cloth is stained with the wall colour, it is water-based.

How long does water based acrylic paint last? ›

Unused latex and water-based acrylic paints last up to 10 years, and the shelf life of alkyd and oil-based can be as long as 15 years. Since unopened paint hasn't spent much time exposed to air, it still has the same ratio of liquids and semi-solids, although the ingredients have probably separated over time.

Which is better acrylic or water based paint? ›

Acrylic and latex paints are similar in that they are both water-based coatings and produced from acrylic resins. While latex paint is more user-friendly and easier to apply, acrylic coatings are more durable and resistant to flaking, chalking and peeling.

What will dissolve latex paint? ›

Krud Kutter® Latex Paint Remover is a proprietary solution that removes fresh or dried latex paint from a variety of surfaces. Perfect for cleaning paint spills or roller splatter. The biodegradable, low VOC formula will remove even old, fully cured latex paint.

What disintegrates latex? ›

It's easy to Google the research to back this up: studies have shown that mineral oil, a common ingredient in hand lotions, is especially hard on latex — as little as 60 seconds of exposure caused a 90% deterioration in the strength of condoms.

What happens if latex gets wet? ›

Latex clothing should not get wet because it will cause it to rot. It is also advisable to wipe down your latex clothing after use because sweat and oils will break down latex over time. You can shop a selection of latex designs from some of the world's top boutiques on 1stDibs.

What is the most water resistant paint? ›

  • 1 INSL-X Waterproof Acrylic Pool Paint – Best Overall.
  • 2 KILZ Waterproof Fence and Barn Paint – Great Value.
  • 3 Duralux Marine Waterproof Paint – Easiest to Use.
  • 4 Rust-Oleum Topside Waterproof Paint – Quick Drying.
  • 5 Majic Waterproof Satin Paint.
20 Aug 2022

What can I mix with paint to make it waterproof? ›

While acrylics are a tough paint, meaning that once they are dry water can't really harm them, it's still good to waterproof your painting. This can be done with a varnish, which is a special type of acrylic gloss.

Is there a paint that can be applied under water? ›

Satin Ocean Blue Swimming Pool Paint features a rubber-based formula that is designed for underwater use on masonry pools. This paint offers a durable, mildew-resistant coating that helps ensure long-lasting color. It contains low volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

What to add to acrylic paint to make it stay wet? ›

Bring a small spray bottle (also called a mister or atomizer) filled with water so that you can lightly mist your palette with water as often as necessary to keep the paints moist. Distilled water is recommended for best results, but if you don't have any on-hand you can use normal tap water, too.

How much acrylic paint do you mix with water? ›

A safe way to thin any ratio of paint to water: By using a minimum blend of 1 part acrylic medium to 10 parts water, we essentially eliminated sensitivity to water or other acrylics, even with highly sensitive pigments thinned at a 1:100 ratio.

How do I turn acrylic paint into water? ›

You can make your acrylic colors behave like watercolors, simply by thinning with a professional medium. Our Soft Body Acrylics and Acrylic Inks have a fluid consistency that build like traditional watercolors and due to the permanent nature of acrylics, you can build them without dissolving the layers.

Is latex and water based paint the same? ›

Water-Based Paint: (Latex paint is often called water-based) Commonly used on walls and ceilings, it is less toxic and easier to clean up than oil-based paints. Water-based paint comes in a variety of sheens including matte, eggshell or high-gloss.

What does 100% acrylic latex paint mean? ›

Quality latex paints that have “100% acrylic” binders are especially durable and highly flexible. They tend to adhere extremely well to a variety of exterior surfaces, which means they have greater resistance to troublesome paint failures like blistering, flaking and peeling.

How long does acrylic latex paint need to dry before rain? ›

If using acrylic paint, it needs to dry for two hours before the rain starts to fall, and even longer if heavier rain is on the way. Oil-based paint, on the other hand, needs even longer to dry. It's best to use this type of paint at least 24 hours before rain is in your area.

What happens if you mix latex and acrylic paint? ›

Because both are water-based, you can mix them. Most artists do not want to use house paint for fine arts because it doesn't last as long as artist's acrylic, but you may want to mix acrylics with latex to get the exact color or texture you need for a specific project.

What happens when you mix latex and acrylic paint together? ›

Adding acrylic paints to latex colors can help change the final color quickly. Although you can mix the two, it isn't typically recommended that you mix the two color variants together, especially if you are unsure of the final result. The key is to create a patch test first.

How do you know if you have a good painter? ›

5 signs you hired the right painting contractor
  • Prep is everything. Every painting contractor understands that proper surface preparation is the key to a long-lasting paint job. ...
  • Meticulous masking. ...
  • Product double check. ...
  • Good pros don't water down. ...
  • Double inspection.
20 Nov 2017

What should you not do while painting? ›

These are forteen things you shouldn't do when painting.
  1. Don't skip the tape. ...
  2. Don't paint without primer. ...
  3. Don't underestimate the amount of paint needed. ...
  4. Don't assume walls are clean. ...
  5. Don't skip surface prep. ...
  6. Don't be impatient. ...
  7. Don't start a painting project without first checking what materials you have or need.

Do professional painters wash walls before painting? ›

Do professional painters wash walls? Yes! For exterior painting, we usually power-wash the surface, or sometimes hand-scrub, to make sure it is free of surface contaminants. Inside, pressure washing is not an option, but in many cases the walls need to be washed prior to paint application.

Can paint be removed by water? ›

Fortunately, most paint splotches can be cleaned up with a few handy household cleansers and tools—rags, alcohol, nail polish remover, and sometimes just plain water—along with a bit of elbow grease.

How do you remove dried latex acrylic paint? ›

Use denatured alcohol, as it works the best on the most stubborn dried acrylic stains. Pour a little on a cloth or cotton ball and hold against the stain for a minute. With small circular motions, rub the paint until it lifts. Use a damp, soapy washcloth to wipe the area free of the alcohol.

Can paint come off with water? ›

Spray the stain until it's fully covered, and then give it a good scrub with an old toothbrush. This should loosen up the paint. You can also try running warm water over the stain after you've scrubbed it, and/or spritzing it with regular laundry stain remover. Then throw it in the washing machine.

What will dissolve enamel paint? ›

Turpentine, mineral spirits, paint thinner. They will all dissolve enamel paint.

Can enamel paint go down the drain? ›

Never dispose of enamel paints or thinners to sewer or stormwater drains. 1. Use a large bucket to wash brushes, rollers and other equipment (away from waterways, drains and grates).

What are the disadvantages of enamel paint? ›

Disadvantages of enamel paints:

They mostly give a sheen, glossy look hence they can be damaged by scratches, etc if the paint is of a low quality. Also, it shrinks more and on a wall with any imperfections, it can look very bad.

Is enamel paint removable? ›

Particular enamel paints are even designed to be more like acrylics and can be removed with water.

What liquid can dissolve paint? ›

The most common chemicals and solvents used to remove paint include methylene chloride, acetone, toluene, methanol, N-methyl-pyrrolidone, sodium hydroxide and ammonia hydroxide. Other paint removing chemical solvents include isopropyl alcohol, acetone, lacquer thinner and epoxy.

Does anything dissolve paint? ›

Most of us are not fond of chemicals and their fragrances. But, as a solution to remove paints from the metal surface, chemicals are considered as one of the best options in recent times. All over the globe, Ammonia and Acetone are the two widely used chemicals to remove paint from the metal surface.

What dissolves paint fast? ›

Use a plastic scraper or putty knife to gently scrape away paint (tip: vegetable oil can be used to soften up the paint). Denatured alcohol or acetone will work on tougher areas but be sure to spot test beforehand.

Can you pour paint water down the toilet? ›

Similar to cleaning products, paint should never be poured down the drain even though it's a liquid. It has the potential to pollute the environment and cause your drain to clog.

Is it OK to rinse paint brushes in sink? ›

You should never clean paint brushes in the sink. The biggest reason is paint can ruin a septic system. Even a small amount of paint can lead to blockages, contamination, a flammable hazard and costly repairs.

Can you rinse paint in the sink? ›

DON'T pour them down the drain- any drain in your home. Paint is highly flammable and dangerous to add to your plumbing system where its fumes can release into all parts of the house, or the paint can even ignite.

Is water based enamel paint any good? ›

Water based paints function brilliantly on exterior projects. Mainly because they are much more resistant to UV rays, letting them retain sheen levels and colour over lengthy periods. The flexibility in the water based paint allows materials to contract and expand which makes it perfect for outdoor use.

Which is stronger enamel paint or acrylic? ›

Enamel can last longer and it's more resistant to cracks and does not fade, unlike acrylic paint. Enamel is not the best choice for outdoors because it's less flexible than the acrylic and becomes harder which can lead to cracking.

How long does acrylic enamel paint last? ›

Acrylic enamel is oil-based and lasts much longer, usually between five and 10 years. Basically, it hardens after it's applied, immediately creating a sort of shell that protects the finish.

Is latex paint removable? ›

Krud Kutter® Latex Paint Remover is a proprietary solution that removes fresh or dried latex paint from a variety of surfaces. Perfect for cleaning paint spills or roller splatter. The biodegradable, low VOC formula will remove even old, fully cured latex paint.

What type of paint is easy to remove? ›

Water-based paints: Acrylic, fabric, latex, and spray paints

You can remove water-based paints more easily from your skin because they dissolve in water. Most of these paints are water-based: acrylic.

How do you remove latex enamel paint? ›

Denatured alcohol, a clean rag, and a lot of patience can remove latex paint without damaging wood. Oil-based paint spatters require mineral spirits, but be careful not to soak the wood, as this will cause damage. Wipe thoroughly with clean water and dry once the paint is removed.

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