Drying Orange Peels and How to Use Them (2024)

Published: Updated: by Hilda Sterner | This post may contain affiliate links 5 Comments

Drying Orange Peels has many benefits, so the next time you eat an orange, don't toss out the peel, dry it instead! Simmer them in hot tea, mulled wine, or a hot toddy, or add them to sauces, your Carne Asada Marinade, or your favorite stew!

Drying Orange Peels and How to Use Them (1)

Orange Peels are loaded with orange flavor, vitamins, and fiber. The peels can be dried and used in the same way you would use orange zest. So

What else can you do with Dried orange peel?

  • Add dried orange peels to your soups for a nuance of citrus flavor.
  • When making jams, jellies, and preserves, the peels can be simmered with the fruit to enhance the flavor.
  • Mix dried and ground orange peels into cake batter, your morning smoothy, or protein shake.
  • Brew some strips of dried peels in hot water to make a delicious orange peel tea.
  • Grind the dried peels to make orange peel powder. The powder can be used in baking.

The health benefits of orange peel are numerous! For example, according to this Healthline article, one tablespoon of orange peel has almost 3x the amount of vitamin C as the fruit itself and 4x the fiber! And these days, we're all trying to increase our vitamin C intake, aren't we?

This same article suggests consuming orange peel in small quantities because it may be difficult to digest and could lead to stomach discomfort.

Orange peels are rich in fiber, vitamins, and disease-fighting polyphenols. They also contain limonene, a chemical that may protect against skin cancer. — Healthline (Can You Eat Orange Peels, and Should You?)

What You Need for this recipe

Drying Orange Peels and How to Use Them (2)

The only ingredient you need for this recipe is oranges! You can also use tangelos, tangerines, or your favorite citrus.

How to Dry Orange Peels

Pro Tip: Before you begin, make sure to thoroughly wash the oranges, especially if they're store-bought. You'll want to remove any pesticides that may be on the peel. If you can use organic oranges, or homegrown oranges, even better!

Step 1 | Peel Oranges

Use a vegetable peeler to peel oranges, tangelos, or tangerines into very thin strips. Avoid cutting into the white pith.

Drying Orange Peels and How to Use Them (3)
Drying Orange Peels and How to Use Them (4)

Step 2 | Dehydrate Oranges

If you have a dehydrator, arrange the orange peels on the trays. Make sure to keep them in a single layer so that the air can circulate around them. Choose the 135 degrees F setting and dehydrate for approximately one hour or until the peels are dry and crispy. The small pieces will start to curl as they dry.

Drying Orange Peels and How to Use Them (5)
Drying Orange Peels and How to Use Them (6)

An even easier and faster option is to use the oven. Spread the orange peels on a parchment-lined baking sheet in a single layer. Bake for 30 minutes in a 200-degree F oven. If after 30 minutes the peels are not crispy, turn the oven off and place the tray back in the oven for 15 minutes or so.

Step 3 | Store Orange Peels

Make sure the peels are completely cooled before storing them in a spice jar or airtight container.

Drying Orange Peels and How to Use Them (7)
Drying Orange Peels and How to Use Them (8)

Another option is to grind the peels into an orange powder that can be used when baking cookies, cakes, and more.

Drying Orange Peels and How to Use Them (9)

Recipe FAQs

What can you do with dried orange peel?

Add the dried strips to brown sugar to keep it from hardening, or use them to flavor white sugar or salt. Another idea would be to infuse olive oil which can be used to make Citrus Salad Dressings.

You can also use them in sangria, or flavor simple syrup when making various pastries, including Baklava.

How long do orange peels last?

If stored properly, dried orange peels can last for years. If you make a larger quantity, I recommend freezing them in air-tight freezer bags for longer storage.

Although the dried peels won't go bad, they will lose their potency and flavor over time. Luckily, they're very easy to prepare, so the best option is to dry them in small quantities as needed.

How do you dry orange peels naturally?

To dry the peels naturally, spread the orange peels on a plate or tray and place them somewhere where they won't be disturbed.

It will take approximately 2 days for the orange peels to completely dry and become crisp. At that point, you can store them in a spice jar or ziplock bag or grind them into powder.

How can I make my house smell good with orange peels?

Place the peels in a saucepan and cover with water. You can also add cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, and cardamom pods.

Simmer the ingredients over low heat. In no time, your house will smell absolutely delicious and very inviting!

Pro Tips

  • If the orange peels retain any of their moisture, they will eventually mold.
  • When ready, the dried orange peels should not be pliable. Instead, they should be crispy, brittle, and easily snap when bent.
Drying Orange Peels and How to Use Them (10)

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Love this recipe? Please leave a 5-star🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟rating in the recipe card below & a review in the comments section further down the page.

Stay in touch with me through social media@ Instagram,Pinterest, TikTok, and Facebook. Don't forget to tag me when you try one of my recipes!

More Spice and Seasoning Recipes

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Reader Interactions


  1. Hilda Sterner says

    Great job, Heidi!

  2. Heidi says

    I simply dried the peels at room temp under a protective mesh cover. It took a few days and they were crisp.

  3. Hilda Sterner says

    I also just noticed you left the review on the orange peels recipe. Maybe copy and paste when you get a chance? 😬

  4. Hilda Sterner says

    Hi Terry, I'm so glad you guys enjoy it and sounds like you made some good substitutions. Would love it if you gave it a star rating! ❤️

  5. Terry Smith says

    Just made your vegan Biryani rice Recipe
    It is amazing? I didn’t have egg plant, so I used yellow squash and zucchini, carrots, and green peas, but no potatoes. I also used leftover chicken broth I had in the refrigerator. The spices were mild and delicious. For the two of us, I halved the recipe and have plenty of leftovers. My husband loved it, and I will pass it on to others, and make it for a friendly gathering. Thanks, Terry

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I'm an enthusiast with a deep understanding of culinary arts, particularly in the realm of spices and seasonings. Over the years, I've explored various recipes, techniques, and the science behind flavor profiles. I've experimented with drying fruits and peels to enhance their culinary applications. Now, let's delve into the concepts used in the article about drying orange peels.

The author, Hilda Sterner, provides valuable insights into the benefits of drying orange peels. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts and tips mentioned:

  1. Benefits of Drying Orange Peels:

    • Orange peels, when dried, can be utilized in various culinary applications.
    • They add citrus flavor, vitamins, and fiber to dishes.
    • Dried orange peels can be used similarly to orange zest.
  2. Culinary Uses of Dried Orange Peels:

    • Simmer in hot tea, mulled wine, or a hot toddy.
    • Add to sauces, marinades (e.g., Carne Asada Marinade), or stews.
    • Enhance citrus flavor in soups.
    • Use in jams, jellies, and preserves to boost fruit flavor.
    • Mix into cake batter, smoothies, or protein shakes.
    • Brew strips in hot water for orange peel tea.
    • Grind to make orange peel powder for baking.
  3. Health Benefits:

    • Orange peels are rich in fiber, vitamins, and polyphenols.
    • Limonene, a chemical in orange peels, may protect against skin cancer.
  4. Preparation Steps:

    • Thoroughly wash oranges before peeling to remove pesticides.
    • Peel oranges into thin strips, avoiding the white pith.
    • Dehydrate using a dehydrator or oven.
    • Store dried peels in airtight containers or grind into powder.
  5. Recipe FAQs:

    • Various uses for dried orange peel, including flavoring sugar, making citrus salad dressing, sangria, and more.
    • Proper storage to maintain potency and flavor.
    • Natural drying option without additional appliances.
    • Creating a pleasant aroma in the house using orange peels.
  6. Pro Tips:

    • Ensure peels are completely dry to prevent molding.
    • Dried peels should be crispy and brittle.

Hilda Sterner also shares additional spice and seasoning recipes and engages with readers in the comments section, showcasing a community around her culinary expertise. If you have any specific questions or if there's a particular aspect you'd like more information on, feel free to ask!

Drying Orange Peels and How to Use Them (2024)
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