Effects of aging on the absolute pitch judgment and frequency following responses of electroencephalograms (2024)

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October 01 2016

Minoru Tsuzaki;

Minoru Tsuzaki

Kyoto City Univ. of Arts, 13-6 Kutsukake-cho, Oe, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 610-1197, Japan, minoru.tsuzaki@kcua.ac.jp

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Satomi Tanaka;

Satomi Tanaka

Kyoto City Univ. of Arts, 13-6 Kutsukake-cho, Oe, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 610-1197, Japan, minoru.tsuzaki@kcua.ac.jp

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Junko Sonoda

Junko Sonoda

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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140, 3153 (2016)


Minoru Tsuzaki, Satomi Tanaka, Junko Sonoda; Effects of aging on the absolute pitch judgment and frequency following responses of electroencephalograms. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 October 2016; 140 (4_Supplement): 3153. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.4969887

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Absolute pitch (AP) possessors can name the pitch class of the note simply by hearing a periodic tone. It has been reported that the AP judgment can shift by one or two semitones when AP possessor become old. We confirmed this age-related AP shift by a series of psychophysical experiments with piano sounds as well as synthesized complex tones. AP possessors whose ages ranged from 20s to 50s participated in the experiments. The results showed that the aged participants were likely to assign the higher pitch classes than young participants for the piano sounds. Similar tendencies were observed for the synthesized, complex sounds if they contained lower order harmonics. The hearing levels, OAEs, and the frequency following responses (FFRs) of the EEG were also measured for the same participants. The hearing levels and OAE levels which could be indices in the cochlear mechanical properties could not explain the age-related AP shift. The phase locking values of the FFRs obtained at 98 and 220 Hz could neither be a good predictor of the AP shift. Although no plausible model to predict it exists, the age-related AP shift might bring another route of overlooked hearing problems.

© 2016 Acoustical Society of America.


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Effects of aging on the absolute pitch judgment and frequency following responses of electroencephalograms (2024)


Effects of aging on the absolute pitch judgment and frequency following responses of electroencephalograms? ›

Effects of aging on the absolute pitch judgment and frequency following responses of electroencephalograms. Absolute pitch (AP) possessors can name the pitch class of the note simply by hearing a periodic tone. It has been reported that the AP judgment can shift by one or two semitones when AP possessor become old.

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The decline in the magnitude in encoding pitch information at the subcortical level may arise from age-related decreases in GABA inhibition, which has been seen in animal models (Caspary et al., 1995, 2005).

Does pitch perception change with age? ›

Conclusion: Age-related declines in temporal processing contribute to deficits in melodic pitch perception. However, some exceptional older adults with normal audiograms preserve excellent temporal processing and continue to perform at levels that are typical of younger adults.

Does perfect pitch get worse with age? ›

Our amazing auditory systems, which include some 3500 inner hair cells providing the auditory channel plus the outer stereocilia which is likely to atrophy with age. This invites the likely loss of ones ability to identify pitch as one has been able to do ones entire life.

Does perfect pitch deteriorate? ›

Yes, believe it or not, but you can lose perfect pitch. Sometimes it just happens. You might mix up notes, and as this keeps happening, your perfect pitch disappears. Many adults gradually lose their perfect pitch over time, because they hear notes too sharp or flat.

What is the effect of pitch on frequency? ›

The frequency of a sound wave is associated with our perception of that sound's pitch. High-frequency sound waves are perceived as high-pitched sounds, while low-frequency sound waves are perceived as low-pitched sounds.

What are the four factors affecting pitch? ›

Short Answer. Answer: The factors that influence the pitch of a sound include the source of vibration, the medium through which the sound travels, the temperature of the medium, and the listener's perspective due to the Doppler effect.

How is perception affected by age? ›

It is well known that ageing is associated with declines in both perception and cognition. As we age, there is increased need for perceptual aids such as glasses and hearing aids, and we start to find cognitive tasks such as paying attention and remembering more difficult.

Is pitch is the perception of frequency? ›

We know that different frequencies of sound waves are associated with differences in our perception of the pitch of those sounds. Low-frequency sounds are lower pitched, and high-frequency sounds are higher pitched.

What affects pitch perception? ›

Complex pitch perception requires not only an adequate representation of the spectrum and periodicity of the stimulus, but some integration of temporal and spectral information across frequency regions, making it an interesting phenomenon from a developmental standpoint.

How does pitch change as a person gets older? ›

As adults age, the vocal cords become thinner, and the cartilage of the larynx becomes harder and less flexible, altering the voice. Aging often changes the pitch of the voice, causing it to become higher in older men and lower in older women.

What age is absolute pitch for? ›

“A child can be expected to learn absolute pitch before they are 4½ years old.” “The best time to begin training is between 3-3½. Parents often don't think of their children as “teachable” at this age, and neglect the best time for learning absolute pitch.” “A positive atmosphere is crucial.

Can absolute pitch be learned? ›

Adults who possess relative pitch but do not already have absolute pitch can learn "pseudo-absolute pitch" and become able to identify notes in a way that superficially resembles absolute pitch. Some people have been able to develop accurate pitch identification in adulthood through training.

Can you develop perfect pitch later in life? ›

Though perfect pitch was thought to be a rare ability that depended primarily on early musical training in a “critical period” of sensitivity in childhood, auditory learning studies at the University of Chicago and elsewhere have shown that some individuals can learn to identify musical notes by ear even later in life.

How rare is perfect pitch? ›

Perfect pitch is actually more common than you think. Research suggests the number hovers closer to 5/10,000 and, contrary to popular belief, it can be taught. However, few individuals can be taught to achieve the same accuracy as someone with a more innate sense of pitch.

What are the disadvantages of perfect pitch? ›

Key Disadvantages of Perfect Pitch

Perfect pitch can create problems for people that have it. When a song is transposed up or down from its original key, musicians who have perfect pitch may experience distress when hearing the piece. They feel it's “in the wrong key”.

What is pitch influenced by? ›

The pitch of a pure tone is determined primarily by its frequency, with low frequencies eliciting low-pitch sensations and high frequencies eliciting high-pitch sensations.

How does aging change sound? ›

As people get older, the larynx (voice box), vocal folds (cords), and voice-producing mechanism age along with the rest of the body. Age-related voice changes develop as muscle and other tissues in the larynx and vocal cords shrink, thin, and stiffen.

How does age affect sound? ›

Researchers found that older listeners develop an over-sensitivity to sounds as they age. They hear both quiet and loud sounds without being able to discern unnecessary auditory information. This lack of ability to reduce sensitivity to irrelevant sounds is the cause of hearing challenges in older individuals.

Why do older people have more difficulty hearing higher pitches? ›

It starts with problems hearing high-pitched sounds. Over time, the ability to hear lower-pitched sounds may be affected as well. This kind of hearing loss affects most older adults to some degree. The most frequent cause of age-related hearing loss is the natural breakdown of hair cells in the inner ear.

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