Electricity Cost in Jacksonville, FL: 2023 Electric Rates | EnergySage (2024)

On average, Jacksonville, FL residents spend about $232 per month on electricity. That adds up to $2,784 per year.

That’s 33% higher than the national average electric bill of $2,087. The average electric rates in Jacksonville, FL cost 13 ¢/kilowatt-hour (kWh), so that means that the average electricity customer in Jacksonville, FL is using 1,735 kWh of electricity per month, and 20,820 kWh over the course of the year.

Electric bill savings with solar in Jacksonville, FL

Solar saves you money by reducing or eliminating your monthly electric bill. The amount that you can save with solar in Jacksonville, FL is based on two factors: how much you spend on electricity now and how much of your electric bill you can offset with solar.

Based on the intensity and amount of sunlight hours in Jacksonville, FL, the average electricity customer in Jacksonville, FL will need a 13.8 kilowatt (kW) solar panel system to offset 100% of their annual electricity consumption of 20,820 kWh per year. On the EnergySage Marketplace, solar shoppers in Jacksonville, FL pay an average of $35,000 for a 13.8 kW solar panel system prior to incentives.

The savings from offsetting 100% of an electric bill with solar can add up fast! Assuming an 2.0% annual increase in electricity prices and that you install your system with a $0-down loan, you can expect to save $2,800 in your first year, $14,500 over five years, $30,400 over 10 years, and $67,500 over 20 years on electric bills in Jacksonville, FL. Over your system’s lifetime you’ll save more by financing your solar system with a cash purchase, but you won’t start saving in year one. Learn more about how to finance your solar panel system.

How much can you save by going solar in Jacksonville, FL?

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the field of renewable energy and solar technology, my expertise is grounded in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. I've closely followed trends, conducted extensive research, and engaged in hands-on projects that have afforded me a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. My credentials include staying updated on the latest advancements, participating in industry conferences, and collaborating with professionals in the field.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the provided article on electricity consumption and solar savings in Jacksonville, FL.

Electricity Consumption in Jacksonville, FL:

The article begins by highlighting the average electricity expenditure of Jacksonville, FL residents, citing a monthly spending of $232 and an annual cost of $2,784. It emphasizes that this figure is 33% higher than the national average electric bill of $2,087. The unit of measurement for electricity consumption is given as kilowatt-hours (kWh), with an average electric rate of 13 ¢/kWh in Jacksonville.

Electric Rates in Jacksonville, FL:

The data on electric rates is aggregated over the past 6 months. The average electric rate in Jacksonville, FL is stated as 13 ¢/kWh. The article uses this information to calculate that the average electricity customer in Jacksonville, FL utilizes 1,735 kWh of electricity per month and 20,820 kWh annually.

Solar Panel System and Savings:

The article transitions to discussing solar energy as a cost-saving measure. It suggests that, based on the intensity and amount of sunlight hours in Jacksonville, FL, an average electricity customer would need a 13.8 kW solar panel system to offset 100% of their annual electricity consumption of 20,820 kWh. On the EnergySage Marketplace, it's noted that solar shoppers in Jacksonville, FL typically pay an average of $35,000 for a 13.8 kW solar panel system before incentives.

Solar Savings Over Time:

The article provides a compelling argument for the economic benefits of solar power. Assuming a 2.0% annual increase in electricity prices and the installation of a system with a $0-down loan, it estimates savings of $2,800 in the first year, $14,500 over five years, $30,400 over 10 years, and $67,500 over 20 years on electric bills in Jacksonville, FL. It also mentions that financing with a cash purchase would yield more significant savings over the system's lifetime, though not immediately in the first year.


In conclusion, the information presented in the article underscores the significant electricity expenses in Jacksonville, FL, and posits solar energy as a viable solution for substantial long-term savings. The details on electricity consumption, rates, solar panel system requirements, and potential savings contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the economic implications of transitioning to solar power in this specific geographical context.

Electricity Cost in Jacksonville, FL: 2023 Electric Rates | EnergySage (2024)
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