First Day of Hanukkah (2024)

The first day of Hanukkah marks the start of Hanukkah, also known as Chanukah or Festival of Lights. Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish observance that remembers the Jewish people's struggle for religious freedom.

First Day of Hanukkah (1)

What Do People Do?

Jewish communities worldwide celebrate Hanukkah between the 25th day of the month of Kislev to the second day of the month of Tevet in the Hebrew calendar. Jewish families celebrate this holiday by lighting a special Hanukkah menorah, a candelabrum with holders for 8 candles, one for each day of celebration, plus a ninth, the shammash or “server”, used to light the others during Hanukkah. One candle is lit on the first night, two on the second, three on the third, through to the eighth night when all are lit.

A special prayer is recited during the lighting and while the candles burn it is a time for songs and games, including the four-sided toy called dreidel. The dreidel is popular among children. Some children try to knock other players' dreidels down while others try to spin as many dreidels as possible at the one time. Other customs include gift-giving, especially to children, and decorating the home – much like the Christmas celebrations in Christian homes around this time of the year.

Food that is eaten around this time of the year include sufganiot (Hanukkah donuts), potato latkes (pancakes), Hanukkah candy, mandelbrot (a firm, cake-like cookie that can be made into a loaf and sliced like a hard bread), and rugelach (a type of pastry that can be used with different fillings, such as raisins, walnuts, cinnamon or chocolate). Dairy products are also often eaten during this period.

Public Life

The first day of Hanukkah is not a public holiday in Israel but it falls within the school holiday period. This event is also not a public holiday in countries such as Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. Some Jewish schools in these and other countries have their school vacation fall around the same time of Hanukkah.


Hanukkah commemorates the successful rebellion of the Jewish people against the Syrians in the Maccabean War of 162 BCE, but the military associations of this festival are played down. What is really being celebrated is the survival of Judaism. After the Jewish people's victory they ritually cleansed and rededicated the Temple, then re-lit the menorah or “perpetual lamp”; hence one of the other names for this celebration, the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah means “dedication” in Hebrew).

The story is told that although there was only enough consecrated oil to keep the lamp burning for one day and it would take 8 days to get more, the small bottle of oil miraculously lasted for the entire 8 days. It is for this reason that Hanukkah is also known as the Feast of Lights. The last day of Hanukkah, which marks the end of Hanukkah, falls on the eighth day of this period.


The eight-branched Hanukkah menorah, or candle holder, is an important element that symbolizes the tradition of Hanukkah. It relates well with why the holiday is called “the festival of lights”. The menorah is lit from the left side to the right and people say blessings when the menorah is lit. There are many different styles of the menorah – in many cases the ninth holder, known as the shammash (helper candle), is in the middle or to the left side.

The dreidel is a popular toy symbolizing the Hanukkah period. It is a spinning top with a different Hebrew letter inscribed in each of its four sides – the four letters form an acronym meaning “a great miracle happened here”. Some popular songs associated with Hanukkah in English-speaking countries include “Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel” and “Chanukah, Oh Chanukah”. Some songs in Israel include "Hanukkiah Li Yesh" ("I Have a Hanukkah Menora"), "Kad Katan" ("A Small Jug"), and "S'vivon Sov Sov Sov" ("Dreidel, Spin and Spin").

Jewish Holidays Last Longer Outside of Israel

In the Jewish diaspora—Jewish communities outside of Israel—an extra day is usually added to religious observances, with the exception of Yom Kippur, which lasts only one day worldwide, and Rosh Hashana, which is celebrated over two days in both Israel and the diaspora.

This custom has its roots in ancient times when the beginning of the months in the Jewish calendar still relied on the sighting of the crescent Moon following a New Moon.

The beginning of a new month was determined by the Sanhedrin, the supreme court of ancient Israel in Jerusalem. Once the date was published, messengers were dispatched to spread the news among Jews living abroad. Since this process took some time, it was decreed that Jews outside of ancient Israel were to observe every holiday for 2 days to make sure that the rules and customs applicable to each holiday were observed on the proper date. This rule is still observed today.

First Day of Hanukkah (2024)


What do you do the first day of Hanukkah? ›

One candle is lit on the first night of Hanukkah, and an additional candle is lit on each successive night, until, on the eighth night, the Chanukiah is fully illuminated. Hanukkah is also called the Feast of Lights or Festival of Lights due to the importance of the candle-lighting.

What's the first day of Hanukkah called? ›

First Day of Hanukkah 2023

The first day of Hanukkah marks the start of Hanukkah, also known as Chanukah or Festival of Lights. Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish observance that remembers the Jewish people's struggle for religious freedom. On the first day of Hanukkah, only the shammash and the first candle are lit.

How do you celebrate the first night of Hanukkah? ›

On the first night of Hanukkah, place a candle in the holder on the far right, and light it with the shamash. Then put the shamash back in its spot (leaving it lit). On the second night, light the candle second from the right, then the candle on the far right, and replace the lit shamash.

What are the 8 days of Hanukkah 2022? ›

Hanukkah (or Chanukah) begins at sundown on Sunday, December 18, 2022, and ends the evening of Monday, December 26, 2022 (8 nights).

What do you say to someone on the first night of Hanukkah? ›

On the first night of Hanukkah add this blessing: Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, shehecheyanu v-ki'y'manu v-higianu la-z'man ha-zeh. Blessed are you, Our God, Ruler of the Universe, for giving us life, for sustaining us, and for enabling us to reach this season.

What do you eat on the first day of Hanukkah? ›

A perfect Hanukkah meal might start with matzoh ball soup, have a traditional brisket at the center and a stack of potato latkes on the side. If brisket is not your thing, a simple roasted chicken would serve very nicely, too.

What are 3 Hanukkah traditions? ›

Hanukkah is celebrated in several ways. In addition to lighting each day one candle on the menorah, religious rituals can include daily reading of Scripture, recitation of some of the Psalms, almsgiving, and singing of a special hymn.

Is the first day of Hanukkah important? ›

The first day of Hanukkah is the start of a celebratory period in which a four-sided toy called dreidel is used for games. The first night of Hanukkah is also a night when people sing traditional songs to celebrate Hanukkah. Gift-giving is also popular at this time of the year.

Why is Hanukkah 8 days and not 7? ›

Even though there was only enough untainted olive oil to keep the menorah's candles burning for a single day, the flames continued flickering for eight nights, leaving them time to find a fresh supply. This wondrous event inspired the Jewish sages to proclaim a yearly eight-day festival.

What do families do on first night on Hanukkah? ›

The first night ritual is joyous. I usually cook a family dinner laden with delicious fried foods, such as fried potato latkes and jelly donuts, to honor the miracle. After dinner, our family gathers to light the menorah candles, recite blessings, and sing songs.

Do you give a gift on the first day of Hanukkah? ›

Traditionally, gifts were not a part of Hanukkah. Instead gelt -- a small amount of money or chocolate coins -- was given to children. However, some parents now include gift giving in their Hanukkah festivities.

Do you give a gift on the first night of Hanukkah? ›

“It's not historically part of Hanukkah at all.” In that, gift-giving on Hanukkah is not unlike gift-giving on Christmas — it has little, if anything, to do with the religious requirements of the celebration.

Why do Jews light 8 candles for Hanukkah? ›

Eight candles symbolize the number of days that the Temple lantern blazed; the ninth, the shamash, is a helper candle used to light the others. Families light one candle on the first day, two on the second (and so on) after sundown during the eight days of Hanukkah while reciting prayers and singing songs.

What are 5 traditions of Hanukkah? ›

Take part in Chanukah traditions such as lighting the menorah, playing the dreidel game, eating gelt, cooking and baking delicious food, and enjoying the fun of Hanukkah gifts.

What is special about the 8th day of Hanukkah? ›

The last day of Hanukkah is the eighth day of Hanukkah. It is known as Zose Hanukkah, Zos Hanukkah or Zot Hanukkah. It marks the day on which the great miracle of oil occurred, according to Jewish belief. It is a particularly special day because it encapsulates all of Hanukkah.

Is it OK to say Happy Hanukkah? ›

"Hanukkah sameach," which means "happy Hanukkah," can be used to greet one another during the festival.

How do you respectfully celebrate Hanukkah? ›

Here are eight Hanukkah traditions you can bring into your home:
  1. Tell the story of Hanukkah. ...
  2. Light the menorah. ...
  3. Give eight small gifts, one each night. ...
  4. Give out chocolate gelt. ...
  5. Play dreidel. ...
  6. Fry stuff! ...
  7. Have a party! ...
  8. Teach your kids about religious freedom.
18 Dec 2017

What do you drink on Hanukkah? ›

8 Non-Alcoholic co*cktails for Hanukkah
  • Ginger Ale Blueberry Spritzers.
  • Non-Alcoholic Sangria.
  • Hanukkah Gelt Hot Chocolate.
  • Hot Cranberry Apple Cider.
  • Pomegranate Iced Tea Punch.
  • Blueberry Virgin Mojito.
  • Virgin Apple Shrub Hot Toddy.
  • Ginger Punch.
15 Nov 2021

What two foods are eaten on Hanukkah? ›

Throughout the eight days of Hanukkah, Jewish families like mine celebrate by eating latkes (fried potato pancakes) and sufganiyot (fried jelly doughnuts). Notice a theme? Traditional Hanukkah foods are often fried because they're reminders of the oil in the legendary Hanukkah story.

What three foods are eaten during Hanukkah? ›

Three popular foods eaten on the Jewish holidays include loukoumades, pancakes, and latkes. Loukoumades are deep-fried puffs dipped in honey or sugar to represent the cakes the Maccabees ate, along with sufganiyot and zelebi.

What are the 2 miracles of Hanukkah? ›

There was only one small cruse of pure oil, enough to light the menorah in the Temple for one day. But it lasted eight days, in time to produce new pure oil and the menorah was able to remain lit and never burn out. This miracle is attributed to God and the faith that the Jews had in God.

What do people do on each night of Hanukkah? ›

Each night, one additional candle is lit by the shammash until all eight candles are lit together on the final night of the festival. Other Hanukkah festivities include singing Hanukkah songs, playing the game of dreidel and eating oil-based foods, such as latkes and sufganiyot, and dairy foods.

Do Jews celebrate Hanukkah instead of Christmas? ›

First, we should acknowledge that Christmas is a Christian holiday, and Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday. Hanukkah although widely celebrated among the Jewish community is not the biggest holiday for the Jewish people.

Why is Hanukkah same day as Christmas? ›

Exact coincidence of Hanukkah with Christmas

In 2005, the sunset of December 25 coincided with 25 Kislev, the first night of Hanukkah, making Christmas Day and the beginning of Hanukkah the same day. This will not happen again until 2024.

Why is Hanukkah not a high holiday? ›

According to the Jewish Virtual Library and The Pluralism Project at Harvard University, Hanukkah is considered a minor religious holiday because it is not mentioned in Jewish scripture but instead included in the Books of the Maccabees.

Do people give gifts on Hanukkah? ›

The plain answer to this question is, yes, Jews, particularly in America, do give gifts for Hanukkah in a way that is similar to Christmas.

What do you bring to someone's house for Hanukkah? ›

Traditional foods include potato latkes, applesauce and brisket. Spinning the dreidel (a four-sided top) for “Hanukkah gelt” (gold-wrapped chocolate coins) is another part of the celebration. Your host might appreciate gifts of chocolate, gourmet applesauce, candles, books or board games.

How much money do you give for Hanukkah? ›

Some prefer to follow the older custom of giving gelt. They give a dollar the first night, two the second night and so on. This adds up to $36—and happily, the number 36 is “double chai” (18 is the numerical equivalent of chai, the word for “life” in Hebrew).

Are you supposed to light all the candles on the first night of Hanukkah? ›

admin. The Mitzvah of lighting Chanukah candles: The minimum obligation is that every household should have one candle burning every night. It is customary to be scrupulous regarding this mitzvah: to have one candle on the first night and an additional candle every night (1-8), and everyone in the house as well.

Can you give alcohol as a Hanukkah gift? ›

So, find their favorite bottle of liquor, and give them a simplistic, yet fantastic gift this holiday! With the bottle of liquor, you could also add some gelt to this gift set to make it one of the coolest and most memorable first night of Hanukkah gifts ever!

What do people do for each day of Hanukkah? ›

Hanukkah is celebrated in several ways. In addition to lighting each day one candle on the menorah, religious rituals can include daily reading of Scripture, recitation of some of the Psalms, almsgiving, and singing of a special hymn.

What is forbidden during Hanukkah? ›

Any animal that does not have cloven hooves or which does not chew its cud is forbidden to be eaten on Hanukkah. Such animals include camel, hyrax, hare, pig etc. Any product derived from a forbidden animal is also prohibited, including fat, organs, milk, meat and eggs.

Should you wish someone Happy Hanukkah? ›

A simple 'Happy Hanukkah' in your native language would be greatly appreciated, but if you want to try Hebrew (the language used for Jewish prayer and study) then say 'Hanukkah Sameach! ' which means 'Happy Hanukkah! '. There is also 'Chag Sameach!

What do you wear on Hanukkah? ›

Although Hanukkah does not correspond to a specific traditional outfit, rule of thumb is to use a combination of blue and white colours in your dress or outfit. Colours blue and white hold a great symbolic significance to Jewish people.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.