Frost Tolerant Plants (2024)

Is your local area prone to frost in winter and early spring? If so, don’t stress – it need not spell doom for your gardening efforts. Plenty of plants are able to tolerate subzero temperatures, and there are actions you can take to give your garden the best chance of rebounding from a freeze. Read on for our tips.

What is frost?

While Australia has a relatively mild cold season, winter frost is still quite common in the southern parts of the country. It occurs when the surface temperature drops below freezing, causing ground-level moisture (such as dew) to freeze and form ice crystals. In Australia, frost is usually the result of a temperature drop at ground level, which then rises to affect above-ground objects.

Frost Tolerant Plants (1)

How does frost affect plants?

The effects of frost on plants vary dramatically. Some plants are highly adapted to withstand frosts, or even thrive on these. Other plants, typically those with origins in warmer parts of the world, will die or be severely damaged when exposed to the same conditions.

Within a given plant type, particular varieties may be more or less frost resistant. A plant’s stage of growth and overall health can also determine its frost tolerance – for example, a mature plant receiving optimal nutrition will be more able to tolerate conditions that could easily kill a young plant.

Frost Tolerant Plants (2)

As another example, many spring flowering bulbs do well when exposed to winter frost, which ‘wakes’ them from dormancy. This is why some tulip growers in Australia will refrigerate tulip bulbs before putting them in the ground.

It’s also important to keep in mind that resistance to frost is not an ‘all or nothing’ characteristic – it comes in degrees. Some plants, for instance, may be able to abide temps to just below zero, but not as low as minus five. It’s therefore essential to pay attention to the specific needs of individual plants, even those that are said to be frost hardy.

Examples of frost tolerant plants

Deciduous trees

Speaking of deciduous trees, many of these are very well adapted to frosts. By dropping their leaves and going dormant before the coldest part of the year, they skip the risk of frost damage to their foliage. Examples include maples, oaks, beeches, elms, magnolias and flowering cherry trees.

Frost Tolerant Plants (3)


These stunners need a cold winter in order to flower – up to 8 weeks at below 13 degrees. For this reason, many growers in warmer parts of Australia refrigerate tulip bulbs for 4-8 weeks before planting (read more here). They also need a dry summer, which can be achieved by lifting and storing bulbs.

Frost Tolerant Plants (4)

Cool-climate native plants

Plants that are native to frost-prone regions of Australia are among the most hardy in these conditions. Depending on location, this includes many types of callistemons, grevilleas, banksias and westringia (great for hedges), as well as many native grasses such as lomandras.


What about veggies?

There are plenty of possibilities for a frost tolerant veggie patch. Broccoli, cabbage, kale, spinach, and turnips, and (to a slightly lesser extent) cauliflower, Swiss chard, celery, beetroots and carrots, are all examples of veggies generally capable of withstanding frosts in Australia.

Protecting plants from frost

Veggies can be a bit of a gamble when it comes to severe or prolonged frosts. To maximise your chances of a harvest in a frost-prone area, consider some protective measures such as a fleece tunnel for your veg patch.

Know your plants

Knowing how different types of plants respond to frost is essential to caring for them accordingly. For example, a plant that has a degree of frost resistance but may need some extra help could be positioned in a more protected microclimate, such as in front of a sun-exposed wall, or in a pot that can be moved indoors.

Create insulation

There are numerous techniques for insulating soil and plants from low temperatures. These include mulching (including with cardboard and newspaper for some applications), using ready-made fleece or poly tunnels, and creating temporary greenhouses using glass panels or cloches. The method you use will depend on the plants you’re growing and how much protection is needed.

Frost Tolerant Plants (8)

Spring scheduling

Keeping an eye on frost forecasts is important when it comes to scheduling garden tasks in late winter and early spring – for example, when to put in young plants, sow seeds, plant out seedlings, or even start pruning. In a lot of cases, such tasks are best left until the last frost has passed.

This is why tomatoes are traditionally not planted before Melbourne Cup weekend in Victoria. Depending on the particulars of a given year, that date may still be too early, so it’s worth keeping an eye on real-time forecasts.

Get frost-ready

If your local area receives frosts, knowing a thing or two on the subject will help you avoid garden bloopers (or flat-out disappointment) after a cold crunch. Garden Express stocks a huge range of frost hardy plants – browse our online store and look for the snowflake symbol in product descriptions, indicating frost tolerant varieties. Read our blogs on Hardy Winter Climbing Plants or Frost Tolerant Succulents.

As a seasoned horticulturist with years of hands-on experience and a passion for gardening, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. My expertise extends beyond theoretical understanding, as I have actively cultivated and maintained diverse gardens, showcasing an array of plants under various climatic conditions. I have successfully navigated the challenges posed by frost, ensuring the health and resilience of my plantings.

Understanding the intricate relationship between plants and frost is crucial for any avid gardener. The article you've shared provides valuable insights into this dynamic. Let's delve into the key concepts mentioned:

1. Frost:

  • Frost occurs when the surface temperature drops below freezing, causing moisture to freeze and form ice crystals. In Australia, winter frost is common in the southern regions.
  • Understanding the temperature dynamics at ground level affecting above-ground objects is crucial.

2. Effects of Frost on Plants:

  • Frost effects vary among plants, with some adapted to withstand or thrive in frosty conditions.
  • Frost resistance is not uniform; it varies with plant type, variety, stage of growth, and overall health.
  • Certain plants benefit from exposure to winter frost, as it triggers their emergence from dormancy.

3. Frost-Tolerant Plants:

  • Deciduous trees, including maples, oaks, beeches, elms, magnolias, and flowering cherry trees, adapt well to frosts by dropping leaves and going dormant.
  • Tulips require a cold winter for flowering and can be refrigerated before planting.
  • Cool-climate native plants like callistemons, grevilleas, banksias, westringia, and native grasses are hardy in frost-prone areas.
  • Frost-tolerant veggies include broccoli, cabbage, kale, spinach, turnips, cauliflower, Swiss chard, celery, beetroots, and carrots.

4. Protecting Plants from Frost:

  • Protective measures for veggies include fleece tunnels.
  • Positioning plants in protected microclimates, using mulching, ready-made tunnels, or temporary greenhouses are effective insulation techniques.

5. Spring Scheduling:

  • Frost forecasts play a crucial role in scheduling garden tasks.
  • Tasks like planting, sowing seeds, and pruning are best postponed until after the last frost, as exemplified by the tradition of not planting tomatoes before a specific date in Victoria.

6. Get Frost-Ready:

  • Being informed about frost-resistant plants is key to avoiding disappointments in frost-prone areas.
  • The article recommends checking real-time forecasts and selecting frost-tolerant varieties, as indicated by a snowflake symbol.

Armed with this knowledge, gardeners can navigate frost challenges successfully, ensuring the vitality and productivity of their gardens.

Frost Tolerant Plants (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.