Guppy Fish Laying on Bottom of Tank (6 Common Reasons & Remedies) (2024)

This is a question that comes up quite often, especially from beginners. The reasons behind guppy fish laying at the bottom of the tank can range from aquarium issues to pregnancy.

To help you identify the exact cause of your guppies laying at the bottom of the aquarium, I’m going to list all the possible causes and reasons why this usually happens.

So, why do guppy fish sit at the bottom of the tank and what can you do about it? Here are the most common reasons:

Pregnant Guppy Fish in Labor

One explanation for seeing a female guppy fish hanging out at the bottom of the aquarium is that she’s pregnant and in labor.

If you’re keeping both female and male guppies, chances are very high that they’ll reproduce and that the female will give birth to fry.

If the female guppy fish has an extended belly and seems to be seeking out peaceful or secluded corners of the aquarium, she’s preparing to give birth.

If you start seeing fry swimming around in the aquarium in a couple of hours, you can rest assured that the reason for her staying at the bottom of the aquarium was so she could release the fry peacefully.

Now that you’ve solved the issue of why is your guppy fish at the bottom of the aquarium, you’ll have another problem to worry about — what to do with all that guppy fry?

If you want to keep the fry, you should separate them from the adults, otherwise they will get eaten up by them.

What if the guppy that’s sitting at the bottom of the tank is not female, so it can’t be pregnant and in labor? If that’s the case, the issue is something else.

Stressed Guppy Fish

Stress can be another reason why your guppy fish may be hanging out at the bottom of the aquarium.

There are many things that can put stress on your fish including a noisy tank environment, too much handling (e.g. when fish is moved from one tank to the other), a poorly maintained tank.

Guppy fish can also become stressed if other fish are chasing them or hurting them. Female guppy fish can become stressed if male guppies are constantly pursuing them.

An overstocked aquarium can also cause stress because of heightened waste levels, toxins and lack of enough oxygen.

These are all problems that can stress out guppy fish and cause them to become more reclusive and stay at the bottom of the aquarium.

Poor Water Conditions

Bad water quality is one of the major stress factors and reasons why guppies may start behaving differently — they may become lethargic, they may lose their appetite and show symptoms of the disease.

When you set up a new aquarium — and this applies to any fish you’re trying to keep — you must first make sure that you properly cycle the tank.

Once that’s done, you can place your fish in one by one avoiding overstocking the tank. Guppy aquariums will also benefit from some plants that will provide coverage to fish and will help with water quality.

Additional equipment that you may need is a heater to keep the temperature stable and a filter system that will clean the water of debris and toxins. It’s also good to have an air pump that will keep the water well oxygenated.

But all these requirements are still not enough to ensure the best conditions for your guppies. Water changes performed regularly (weekly or biweekly) are also required.

Poor water conditions can hurt your guppy fish causing diseases, stress, which will eventually lead to the death of your fish.

Bad Tank Mates

Even if they may prefer water parameters in the same range, some fish just simply don’t get along with each other, this can lead to aggression, territorial behavior, fights, and injuries.

It’s also highly stressful on fish to be put into the same aquarium with fish they’re not compatible with. This can lead to behavioral issues like bullying, and weaker fish can end up dead.

When choosing tank mates for your guppy fish, make sure they’re compatible fish. Compatible tank mates for guppy fish include mollies, platies, swordtails, cory catfish, bristlenose plecos, etc.

Don’t keep guppy fish with large fish that may eat them or fin-nippers. Angelfish, cichlids, and Endler’s are not good options for guppy fish tank mates.

I also don’t recommend keeping fish that have different temperature requirements hoping that they’ll adapt. While some fish can adapt to live at temperatures outside their preferred range, most fish don’t.

Fish Disease

If your guppy fish is sick, you may find it laying at the bottom motionless or having difficulty swimming or breathing.

Many diseases can trigger this behavior or cause swimming issues including swim bladder disorder, dropsy, parasitic infections, bacterial infections, etc.

You should always try to look for other symptoms (e.g. spots or lesions on the body, ragged fins, loss of appetite, etc.) to help identify the type of disease that’s causing these issues.

If it’s a treatable disease, you should immediately use appropriate medication and perform water changes as required by the treatment.

You may need to transfer some of the sickly fish into a hospital tank for more personalized treatment and to prevent the spread of the disease to other fish.

Preventing diseases should always be your first line of defense. Always quarantine new fish, make your own cultured foods, perform regular water changes and set up all required equipment.

Ammonia Poisoning

Ammonia poisoning is another reason why you may find your guppy fish at the bottom of the aquarium. Ammonia poisoning can be deadly to your fish and ammonia levels should be monitored.

Ammonia poisoning can be sudden when there’s a huge ammonia spike in the aquarium (it can happen in newly cycled tanks) or it can happen slowly over a period of time if ammonia levels are not monitored and water changes are not regular.

Besides finding your guppy fish at the bottom of the aquarium, there are some other signs associated with ammonia stress or ammonia poisoning such as lethargy, loss of appetite, clamped fins, red streaks or bloody patches in advanced cases.

If noticed early, doing a major water change followed by frequent water changes can help lower the ammonia and prevent your fish from dying.

Why Guppy Swimming Strange at Bottom of the Tank?

If you notice your guppy swimming sideways or tipsy at the bottom of the tank, the organ that regulates their buoyancy, the swim bladder, may be damaged.

As a result, guppies may have trouble staying afloat and sink to the bottom of the tank. The most common cause is an enlarged abdomen or intestines caused by overeating or constipation.

Other times, the disease can be caused by an infection or parasite. Treatment depends on the root cause of the problem. If it’s caused by constipation, you should avoid feeding for a couple of days, then feed the cooked and skinned peas to ease constipation.

If the problem seems to be an infection or parasite, it should be treated with medication such as broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Why is my Guppy Fish Hiding?

There are a number of reasons why your guppy fish may seem like it’s hiding in the tank. The most common issue is an overstocked aquarium.

While a 10-gallon tank is recommended as the minimum tank size for guppy fish and anything smaller won’t do. Because these fish tend to breed very often, overstocking issues can easily appear.

If you add more fish and want to create a community aquarium, you’ll easily have an aquarium overstocking issue, and you’ll encounter problems with ammonia levels, oxygen levels, and diseases.

If an overstocked aquarium or water quality is not an issue in your case, your guppy may simply be pregnant and preparing to give birth.

Is my Guppy Sleeping at the Bottom?

Because guppy fish are diurnal animals, they do need to get some sleep during the night to recover and conserve energy.

If you notice that your guppy fish is floating above the gravel or other surface at the bottom of the tank during the night, you shouldn’t be alarmed, because your guppy is resting.

During this time, they may twitch a bit and flick their fins, but they’ll be generally in a resting state. If you have artificial lights in the aquarium, make sure to turn them off at night to allow your guppies to rest.

The situation is different, however, if you see this behavior happening during broad daylight. If this happens, then the problem may be one of the other issues I discussed in this article.


There are many reasons why guppy fish will be staying at the bottom of the aquarium including pregnancy, illness, overstocking issues, water quality problems, stress, etc.

If you notice this behavior in your guppies, you should first examine water conditions, perform a major water change if water parameters are off, and look for other symptoms to see if there’s also a disease involved.

Sometimes, you’ll notice guppies at the bottom simply because they’re resting at night or a female guppy may be preparing to spawn. Whatever the reason, it’s best to be prepared and know about these situations.

Updated: January 9, 2022

Guppy Fish Laying on Bottom of Tank (6 Common Reasons & Remedies) (2024)


How do you fix swim bladder disease in guppies? ›

What should I do?
  1. regularly testing your water for ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and pH and reacting accordingly.
  2. complete regular tank maintenance to ensure a clean and healthy tank.
  3. ensuring your aquarium is in a good position, away from natural light and lots of movement.

How do you save a dying guppy fish? ›

How to Save a Sick Fish
  1. Step 1: Check Your Water Quality. Poor water quality is the #1 cause of illness and disease in fish. ...
  2. Step 2: Fix Your Water Quality. ...
  3. Step 3: Check Your Fishes' Food. ...
  4. Step 4: Call Your Veterinarian About Your Sick Fish.
Feb 25, 2020

Why are my fish laying at the bottom of the tank still breathing? ›

If you see your fish lying on the substrate, gasping for breath, that could indicate the beginnings of nitrate poisoning, and you'll need to do an immediate water change.

What is new tank syndrome in guppies? ›

New Tank Syndrome is a term used to describe problems that occur due to the build-up of invisible, toxic compounds in an aquarium. It gets its name as the issue is most likely to occur when your filter is maturing when starting a new aquarium.

Can fish recover from swim bladder disease? ›

Depending on the cause, swim bladder disorders may be temporary or permanent. If your fish has a permanent swim bladder disorder, they can still live a full and happy life with some lifestyle modifications.

Can fish recover from swim bladder on their own? ›

Although commonly seen in goldfish and bettas, swim bladder disease can affect virtually any species of fish. The disorder is often treatable, and a fish can experience a full recovery.

Does Epsom salt help swim bladder? ›

Despite its name, Epsom salt doesn't contain sodium. Magnesium is a mineral that is important for many systems of the human body — especially the nerves and muscles. It's also beneficial to aquarium fish suffering from maladies such as dropsy, constipation, and swim bladder disorder.

What is the lifespan of a guppy? ›

Female guppies first produce offspring at 10–20 weeks of age, and they continue to reproduce until 20–34 months of age. Male guppies mature in 7 weeks or less. Total lifespan of guppies in the wild varies greatly, but it is typically around 2 years.

Does salt water help dying fish? ›

Yes, you can treat new fish using the level 1 low salt dosage for 2 weeks. This solution should eradicate roughly 60% of potential illnesses. You can also use this technique for healing any fish that got beat up and needs some solitary recovery time in a hospital tank.

Can salt save a dying fish? ›

Give your fish a salt bath.

Though goldfish are freshwater fish, a salt bath can be great for your fish's overall health and help him recover from a lack of oxygen.

What to do if your fish is sitting at the bottom of the tank? ›

They could also be bottom sitting due to water conditions, parasites or bacteria, stress, or gastrointestinal problems. If they are bottom sitting due to water conditions, then this needs to be corrected with checking the water daily and doing large water changes until the water is within appropriate parameters.

What are the signs of low oxygen in a fish tank? ›

Signs of Low Oxygen

They will swim less vigorously and even eat less often. As oxygen levels drop further, the fish will begin to show labored breathing and more rapid gill movements as they desperately attempt to get enough oxygen from the water by passing more water over their gills.

How do you treat fish sitting at the bottom of the tank? ›

Fish hanging out at bottom of tank
  1. Reduce feeding your fish or stop completely.
  2. Reduce the tank pH levels to below 7.0.
  3. Siphon half of your tank water out, then replace it with clean water.
  4. Use chemical additives to treat your water.

What are signs of swim bladder? ›

A change in swim pattern, and change in physical shape and appearance, are the most common signs that a fish is struggling with this disease.

Why is my fish not swimming but still alive? ›

Constipation, enlarged organs, or infection can all cause the swim bladder to stop functioning properly. Swim bladder disorder refers to issues affecting the swim bladder, rather than a single disease. Affected fish will inappropriately float or sink.

Can guppy recover from dropsy? ›

Dropsy is not easily cured. Treatment is geared toward correcting the underlying problem and providing supportive care to the sick fish. A broad spectrum antibiotic specifically formulated for gram-negative bacteria is recommended, like Mardel Maracyn® 2.

What does a stressed guppy look like? ›

Strange Swimming: When fish are stressed, they often develop odd swimming patterns. If your fish is swimming frantically without going anywhere, crashing at the bottom of his tank, rubbing himself on gravel or rocks, or locking his fins at his side, he may be experiencing significant stress.

What is a guppy syndrome? ›

The animal kingdom analog of the wedding ring effect is called the guppy syndrome because it was in the guppy that it was first documented. Perhaps it is more properly called mate-choice copying.

Do peas help swim bladder? ›

Frozen or cooked peas, will blast through the impaction and reduce the pressure on the fish's swim bladder. If your fish starts floating sideways, we recommend you stop feeding them for a few days and then hand feed peas to help clear up any blockages.

Is my fish suffering with swim bladder? ›

Your fish may float to the top of the tank or sink to the bottom of the tank. They may swim sideways or float upside down belly-up. In addition, the spine may look curved, and the belly area will look full or bloated. The swim bladder is located behind the rest of the internal organs.

Why is my fish floating at the top of the tank but not dead? ›

Positive buoyancy disorder, where the fish floats at the surface or on its side, is the most commonly presented form of swim bladder disease, especially in goldfish. Most likely, the cause is overinflation of the swim bladder. Overinflation usually takes place in the posterior chamber.

Can salt bath cure swim bladder? ›

Swim Bladder Disease

You will notice your Betta struggling to stay upright, with it swimming on its side or even upside down. The fish may also float to the top of the fish tank or down to the bottom substrate. A salt bath can relieve symptoms and allow the bladder to function correctly.

Can I leave Epsom salt in my fish tank? ›

Don't add epsom salts to your aquarium, always treat in a salt bath. This is because, as we mentioned earlier, Epsom salts can change the GH of your aquarium, and as a result, the pH. Only use it in your aquarium with the intent to change your water chemistry.

How long should I leave my fish in Epsom salt? ›

To that one gallon of tank water, add 1 tablespoon of epsom salt and mix it thoroughly until it completely dissolves. After you have it dissolved simply pick up your fish out of your tank and add them to the bath. Leave the fish in the bath for 15-35 minutes.

How many guppies must be kept together? ›

If you'd like to keep a mixed tank of guppies, then it's best to provide two or three females to every male. This golden ratio provides the most peaceful solution and one that many guppy keepers try to keep to.

How many guppies can you keep in a 10 gallon tank? ›

How Many Male and Female Guppies in a 10-Gallon Tank? As we calculated, a 10-gallon tank is enough room for 5-6 guppies. If we want to follow the golden ratio of 1 male to every 2-3 females, then a 10-gallon would give us enough space for four females and a maximum of two males.

What kills saltwater fish in aquarium? ›

Fish will usually exhibit disease symptoms for days if not weeks before perishing. Test the water. HIgh ammonia or nitrite levels, incorrect pH levels, and extreme temperatures can kill fish.

How can you save a dying fish quickly? ›

Simply cleaning the tank and changing the water may help immediately save your fish. Put your goldfish in a separate tank while cleaning and replacing the water. You should clean the tank once a week to keep it from forming bacteria.

What is the best thing to do with a dying fish? ›

Once all sign of gill movement has stopped, placing the fish in the freezer until fully frozen will make double sure the fish is dead and can be disposed of safely. Clove oil, like the anaesthetics MS-222 and benzocaine hydrochloride, is effective in achieving euthanasia.

How often should you add salt to a freshwater aquarium? ›

As a general rule, start with one tablespoon of salt for 5 gallons of aquarium water. This is a safe dosage for all fish and plants. Observe the aquarium for 24 hours. If there is no improvement, the salt dosage can be repeated for up to four days.

How do I know my fish is dying? ›

Staying near the water-surface or piping ('gasping' or mouthing for air) Increased respiratory rate or laboured breathing. Flashing (scraping/scratching themselves against objects) Clamped fins (fins held flat against the body).

How do I restore oxygen to my fish tank? ›

Increasing water movement is the quickest way to increase oxygen (O2) levels in a fish tank, as it allows more O2 to dissolve and carbon dioxide (CO2) to be released. This can be easily done using an air pump, performing large water changes, manually stirring the water, or placing a fan near the aquarium.

Does a bubbler add oxygen to aquarium? ›

Aerate the water

To do this, fish draw dissolved oxygen out of the water – without it, most breeds of fish will suffocate. Bubblers add oxygen to your aquarium.

How long can fish survive with low oxygen? ›

An aquarium fish can stay up to two days without oxygen (in still water) but they still need some more amount of oxygen to breathe and do their essential daily work.

Why is my fish laying on the bottom but still breathing? ›

If you see your fish lying on the substrate, gasping for breath, that could indicate the beginnings of nitrate poisoning, and you'll need to do an immediate water change.

Why is my fish dead lying in the bottom of the tank? ›

It's perfectly normal for fish to rest and sleep while lying at the bottom of the tank. Healthy fish will do this between sessions of active and energetic sessions of swimming. You should keep the lights on your aquarium on a diurnal schedule (8-10 hours of light per day) to encourage your pet fish to rest.

Why is my female guppy staying at the surface? ›

Oxygen Deficiency

The gills separate the oxygen from the rest of the water. When something happens that makes it difficult for the guppies to separate oxygen from the water, then they start to suffocate. As a result, they swim to the surface to gulp in the air instead.

How do I know if my guppy is stressed? ›

Strange Swimming: When fish are stressed, they often develop odd swimming patterns. If your fish is swimming frantically without going anywhere, crashing at the bottom of his tank, rubbing himself on gravel or rocks, or locking his fins at his side, he may be experiencing significant stress.

At what age can you tell if a guppy is male or female? ›

You can identify male and female guppies fairly easily once they are at least one week old. The sex of the guppy can be confirmed by examining the fish's body shape, fins, and coloring.

How many months is a guppy pregnant for? ›

Guppies are highly prolific livebearers giving birth to between five and 30 fry, though under extreme circ*mstances, she may give birth to only one or two or over 100. The gestation period of a guppy is typically 21–30 days, but can vary considerably.

How do I add more oxygen to my fish tank? ›

Increasing water movement is the quickest way to increase oxygen (O2) levels in a fish tank, as it allows more O2 to dissolve and carbon dioxide (CO2) to be released. This can be easily done using an air pump, performing large water changes, manually stirring the water, or placing a fan near the aquarium.

Why is my guppy not eating and staying at the bottom? ›

Guppy fish will stop eating due to various reasons such as expired or bad food, high level of stress or bullying, poor water parameters, low oxygen level or low temperature, disease or parasites, or even pregnancy. It is crucial to identify and treat these problems in time.

What does a sick guppy look like? ›

Staying near the water-surface or piping ('gasping' or mouthing for air) Increased respiratory rate or laboured breathing. Flashing (scraping/scratching themselves against objects) Clamped fins (fins held flat against the body).

Why is my fish not moving but still alive? ›

If fish are experiencing acute stress (i.e., gasping up at the surface, lying on the bottom and not moving, or darting around the aquarium), you can be pretty sure that the water has been poisoned in some way. Maybe cleaning sprays got into the aquarium, or something released toxins into the water.

How do I cure a stressed fish? ›

If you believe your fish has stress ich, give it an environment with plenty of clean water, high-quality foods, and low stress. Eliminate any sources of stress, such as: Wrong water parameters (e.g., pH, temperature, ammonia, nitrite) Current that is too strong.

Can guppies get pregnant without a male? ›

Although it's not possible for a female guppy to get pregnant without a male, it can appear that she did. Research has shown that a female guppy can hold a male guppy's sperm for 10 months or longer.

How long do guppies live? ›

As a rule of thumb, we can expect healthy guppies to live for an average lifespan of 1-3 years. In rare cases and with optimal care, guppies may live over five years.

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