Hands Down the Best Way to Kill Weeds • Everyday Cheapskate (2024)

If you think there’s no way a DIY homemade weed killer could possibly be effective, even potent, against weeds? Think again! But first a story …

In 1970, John Franz, a chemist for Monsanto, discovered that glyphosate is a potent herbicide that kills almost everyplant material imaginable. In no time, the company gave its miracle weed killer the brand name Roundup.

Farmers, especially, went wild for Roundup. Just one problem: It was nearly impossible to kill the weeds without also killing their crops. So Monsanto sent its chemists back to work to develop glyphosate-resistant, or “Roundup ready crops” that have had their DNA altered (genetically modified or GMO) to allow them to be immune to glyphosate. Now farmers could spray with abandon and not worry about their crops.

Hands Down the Best Way to Kill Weeds • Everyday Cheapskate (1)

To say that glyphosate, Roundup, and GMO foods have become a bit controversial would be, to put it mildly. There are some who say that glyphosate causes cancer in animals, and most likely humans, too. They insist that the side effects of long-term GMO food consumption are producing serious health risks for all living things. Despite all of this controversy and outcry about issues surrounding Roundup and GMO crops, so far the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not forced Roundup off the market. It’s a hot-button issue, that’s for sure.

There is one provable and very compelling reason not to buy Roundup: It’s too expensive! Even if it were proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Roundup is safe as water, I still wouldn’t shell out the high price for the stuff. I kill weeds like crazy with kitchen pantry items that are really cheap and non-toxic: white vinegar, ordinary table salt, and dishwashing liquid.

Hands Down the Best Way to Kill Weeds • Everyday Cheapskate (2)

First I will give you the ingredients, followed by two Weed Killer recipes using them:

White vinegar

Ordinary distilled white vinegar with 5% acidity is cheap and works great. If you can find a higher acidity, even up to 20%, it is going to work faster, but the end results will be the same.

Table salt

Use the cheapest kind of salt you can find in the supermarket—NOT sea salt, rock salt, Epsom salts (Epsom salt, chemically, is not even close to table salt, trust me on that) or anything fancy. Just cheap iodized or un-iodized generic salt also known as sodium chloride (NaCl).

Dishwashing liquid

You will be using only a few drops, so the brand doesn’t matter. The purpose of the soap is to break the surface tension of the vinegar so it sticks to the weeds, forcing them to absorb it more readily.

Weed Killer for Areas to be Replanted

If you have weeds in areas you want replant, fill an ordinary garden sprayer with white vinegar and add about one teaspoon liquid dishwashing soap like blue Dawnor Meyer’s CleanDay.Apply sprayer top and follow the instructions on the sprayer to get it ready to spray. That’s it. Seriously, it is that simple.

Pick a hot, dry day to spray weeds until saturated, and they will wilt and shrivel up within hours so be careful to not spray anything you want to live. However, do not worry about the vinegar killing anything below the soil. Because vinegar will not harm the soil, you can safely replant the area once the weeds have died.

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Weed Killer for Areas Never to Grow Again

To kill all vegetation in walkways, driveways and other areas where you don’t want any living thing to grow again, mix two cups ordinary table salt with one gallon of white vinegar. Do this in a container that is larger than one-gallon capacity so you have room for the salt. Apply the lid and shake to dissolve the salt. Salt dissolves more quickly in vinegar than in water, but it takes a bit of doing. It may not completely dissolve, but that’s okay.

Add 1 teaspoon of liquid dishwashing soap (this is to break the surface tension of the mixture so it will stick to the plant material you’ll be killing). Pour into an ordinary garden sprayer. Apply to weeds or grass on a dry, sunny day to areas you don’t want to see vegetation of any kind in the future.

The presence of salt in this recipe is what will eventually bring permanence to your weed killing. The salt will penetrate and leach into the soil. It may take several applications, but in time the presence of salt will “sterilize” the soil in this area so that nothing will grow there. Plan well before you go this permanent route.

These homemade weed killer recipes are not only cheap, but both are also completely non-toxic to humans and animals. In fact, except for the soap (not toxic, but not very tasty), you could have fun with the family tonight when you tell them you made the salad vinaigrette using 3 parts olive oil to 1 part weed killer!

MORE:How to Make Non-Toxic Natural Pest Control

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Hands Down the Best Way to Kill Weeds • Everyday Cheapskate (2024)


Hands Down the Best Way to Kill Weeds • Everyday Cheapskate? ›

I kill weeds like crazy with kitchen pantry items that are really cheap and non-toxic: white vinegar, ordinary table salt, and dishwashing liquid.

What is the best thing to kill weeds forever? ›

Boiling water and flaming will kill the roots of weeds. Vinegar kills roots, but it may take a few days for the roots to die off after the vinegar solution is applied.

Does vinegar Epsom salt and dawn dish soap really kill weeds? ›

Mixing vinegar with Epsom salts and Dawn liquid dish soap can make a safe, effective weed killer. The more concentrated the vinegar is, the more effective it will be at killing weeds.

Does vinegar and soap really kill weeds? ›

Yes, it's true…vinegar does kill weeds, especially when used along with dish soap. Dish soap, vinegar and a spray bottle are all you need for making your own weed killer. The acetic acid in vinegar “sucks out the water” from the weed, which dries it up.

What kills weeds permanently with vinegar? ›

According to Reutinger, the weed kill recipe calls for mixing together: 1 cup of salt. 1 tablespoon of dish soap. 1 gallon of vinegar.

How long does it take vinegar to kill weeds? ›

A bottle of household vinegar is about a 5-percent concentration. Canada thistle, one of the most tenacious weeds in the world, proved the most susceptible; the 5-percent concentration had a 100-percent kill rate of the perennial's top growth. The 20-percent concentration can do this in about 2 hours.

How long does it take for vinegar and dawn to kill weeds? ›

Vinegar kills weeds quickly—usually within 24 hours—but does not discriminate between the weeds you want to kill and the plants you want to grow, so apply the vinegar carefully and in the right conditions. Vinegar's efficacy depends on the weather and the solution's concentration.

What is the ratio of vinegar salt and dish soap to kill weeds? ›

How to make homemade weed killer. To make homemade weed killer, stir together 1 gallon of vinegar, 1 cup of salt, and 1 tablespoon of dish soap. Pour it into a spray bottle and thoroughly spray the weeds. This solution is most effective when it's applied while weeds are actively growing, says Elworthy.

How long does it take for the vinegar Epsom salt and dawn to kill weeds? ›

Shake up until combined. Let settle for 2 minutes then spray the weeds! Make sure you soak the entire weed with the formula. Let sit for a day then come back and see them dead!

Can I use bleach to kill weeds? ›

Spray undiluted bleach on the weeds and let stand. The solution will kill existing weeds and help prevent new ones from sprouting. Bleach will kill grass, flowers, and other vegetation as well, so take care where you aim!

Will WD 40 kill weeds? ›

WD-40. Don't let pesky prickly weeds like bull and Russian thistle ruin your yard or garden. Just spray some WD-40 on them and they'll wither and die.

How do you kill a large area of weeds? ›

Grab an herbicide.

Plant-killing chemicals, or herbicides, are one of the best weapons against brushy weeds, because they can kill leaves, stems and roots when applied properly. They're especially helpful when you're faced with a large weedy area.

Is vinegar as good as Roundup? ›

The acetic acid in even household vinegar was MORE toxic than Roundup! Going one step further, in this case a comparison of rate of application is a moot point. A 1% solution of glyphosate will kill most any annual weed listed on the label, and also the majority of perennial weeds.

Will Windex with vinegar kill weeds? ›

It's an effective window cleaner, disinfectant, stain remover, and it has the ability to help control weeds, too. However, you wouldn't want to use this acidic liquid in all areas of your landscape because it could damage any plant it touches.

How much vinegar does it take to kill weeds? ›

The one homemade recipe Strenge has seen work in action: 1 gallon of vinegar (5% acetic acid) mixed with 1 cup salt and 1 tablespoon dish soap, with an emphasis on the salt making its low concentration effective. “It will burn weeds on contact under the right conditions: warm, dry, sunny days,” he said.

What kind of vinegar is best for killing weeds? ›

5-percent household white vinegar is fine. It may take two or three days longer to kill the weeds with the lower concentration, but it does work.

How do I permanently get rid of weeds in my gravel driveway? ›

Rock salt is actually a super-effective and totally natural weed killer that is ace at clearing a gravel driveway. Simply sprinkle some rock salt on the ground surrounding any weeds you can see and then sit back and watch as the salt kills the weeds in just a matter of days. It's almost unbelievable.

Will grass grow back after vinegar? ›

Vinegar will burn the grass's blades immediately but will not completely kill the grass. It will temporarily eliminate grass and weeds, but they will soon grow back up. Sowed seedlings less than two weeks old will be killed by vinegar.

Do you need to dilute vinegar for killing weeds? ›

Water it down

Next, it's important to dilute the vinegar in water: 'The acetic acid must be watered down since it is toxic to the soil microbiome, and small mammals.

Does it have to be white vinegar to kill weeds? ›

White vinegar with an acetic acid content of at least 5% will be required to kill most weeds effectively. Apple cider vinegar with the same acid content will also work, though, for tough perennial weeds, you may need a specialised horticultural vinegar with 20% acetic acid.

What is the cheapest way to kill grass and weeds? ›

A solution of vinegar, salt and dish soap can be a cheap and effective tool against weeds. A solution of vinegar, salt and dish soap can be a cheap and effective tool against weeds.

What happens when you mix Epsom salt and vinegar? ›

Vinegar and Epsom salt would not create anything. Vinegar and zinc, though, would create hydrogen.

Does Dawn soap kill weeds? ›

Dawn dish soap weed killer is a popular choice for many gardeners because it is effective and safe. It works by breaking down the plant's cell walls, causing the plant to dehydrate and die.

What happens when you mix vinegar and dish soap? ›

“Vinegar is a good cleaner because it's acidic, but when you add dishwashing liquid/dish soap to it (which is a base or neutral) - you neutralise the vinegar. You take away the very thing that makes it work well. “The dishwashing liquid works that well on its own.

How much vinegar and Epsom salt kill weeds? ›

You can make a Reliable Weed Killer using these Ingredients: 1 Gallon of White Vinegar with 5% Dilution. ¼ Cup Liquid Dishwashing Detergent. 2 Cups Epsom Salt.

Will straight Epsom salt kill weeds? ›

Epsom salts (MgSO4) have historically been used as fertilizer; in theory, you could apply them at such high concentrations that they kill plants, but it would take a lot, and could damage soils long-term. ISN does not recommend using Epsom salt as an herbicide.

How long does it take Clorox to kill weeds? ›

Bleach Weed Killer

Shake for 30 seconds until combined. Spray on weeds in gardens (stay away from plants you don't want to kill). Focus on saturating the root to kill it fastest. Wait 1-3 days until it turns brown then rip the weeds out.

Can you mix bleach and vinegar? ›

Mixing bleach and vinegar creates potentially lethal chlorine gas. If you notice a pungent smell after mixing household cleaners, you should immediately leave the area and try to breathe in fresh air.

Will boiling water kill weeds? ›

Pouring boiling water on weeds can be used especially in situations where other plants are not nearby, such as in cracks in patios or sidewalks. Boiling water will act as a contact "herbicide", killing only the portion of the plant it comes in contact with. It is most effective on young, newly emerged weeds.

Does co*ke kill weeds? ›

Since vinegar kills weeds, it's easy to see how co*ke would kill weeds, too. Simply pour co*ke on weeds in cracks on the driveway or patio. This is not a selective weed killer, though. So whatever you pour the soda on will likely wither.

What do farmers spray to kill weeds? ›

Herbicides are chemicals used to manipulate or control undesirable vegetation. Herbicide application occurs most frequently in row-crop farming, where they are applied before or during planting to maximize crop productivity by minimizing other vegetation.

What is the best household chemical to kill weeds? ›

The most effective homemade option is a mixture of white vinegar, salt, and liquid dish soap. Each of these ingredients has special properties that combine to kill weeds. Both the salt and the vinegar contain acetic acid, which serves to dry out and kill the plants.

Will salt kill weeds permanently? ›

When salt is absorbed by plant root systems, it disrupts the water balance and causes the weed to eventually wilt and die. But salt by itself doesn't make a very effective weed killer.

Is it better to burn weeds or Roundup? ›

Flame weeding is considered an organic method of weed removal. However, if the weather is hot and the fire danger is moderate to extreme, Roundup may be the better option to avoid accidentally starting a fire or risking fines from the local fire district or other government agency.

How do you kill hard to reach weeds? ›

Bleach, table salt, vinegar, and rubbing alcohol all kill weeds without stretching your pocketbook. All can be sprayed or dumped directly on the pesky weeds. When using vinegar on weeds, try to use one with an acidity of 20 percent or higher.

Why has Roundup gel been discontinued? ›

Bayer will stop selling Roundup for residential use in 2023, an effort to prevent future cancer lawsuits. The company has lost several significant lawsuits from plaintiffs who alleged glyphosate gave them cancer.

What is a good substitute for Roundup? ›

Combining salt with vinegar will make your alternative to Roundup “extra strength.” Oil or Soap – Oil will break down any coating or other natural barriers that many weeds produce to protect their leaves. By using oil or soap in your mixture, you give the vinegar and salt a greater chance to penetrate the weed.

What will replace Roundup? ›

Organic Roundup alternatives include herbicidal soaps that use fatty acids to kill weeds and industrial vinegar, which contains much higher levels of acetic acid than what you have in your kitchen. Acid-based herbicides burn down some young weeds. Corn gluten meal can kill grass weeds and broadleaf weeds.

Can you use 75 vinegar to kill weeds? ›

For complete kill and non-reemergence use the following formula: Mix one quart of 75% vinegar. Fill with water to 2 gallons in a hand sprayer (this makes 10% concentration for immature or non-established weeds) Fill with water to 1 gallon in a hand sprayer (this makes 20% concentration for mature and established weeds)

Can you mix baking soda and white vinegar together? ›

Although mixing vinegar and baking soda is not considered dangerous, you should still avoid mixing these in a container. Vinegar is acidic and basic soda is basic, so the by-products are sodium acetate, carbon dioxide, and water that are not toxic.

How do you keep weeds from growing back? ›

Suppress Weeds with Mulch

Mulch helps retain soil moisture, keeps soil temperatures consistent and makes the garden look tidy. But did you know it has weed-preventing properties, too? A 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch deprives weed seeds of sunlight and reduces their ability to grow.

Does white vinegar kill weeds permanently? ›

Vinegar is acidic and will eventually kill most broadleaf weeds, but the acid will kill the leaves before reaching the root system, and the weeds may grow back quickly.

Is it better to pull or spray weeds? ›

There are pros and cons to both spraying and pulling weeds, and we have a good rule of thumb you can use when choosing a method. Hand-pulling is easier when you are focusing on a small area. Spraying weeds is ideal when you're dealing with a vast area or a loftier infestation of weeds.

What can I spray on gravel to keep weeds from growing? ›

  1. BEST OVERALL: Natural Armor All-Natural Weed and Grass Killer.
  2. RUNNER-UP: Natria Grass and Weed Control With Root Killer.
  3. BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK: Energen Carolina LLC Vinegar Weed and Grass Killer.
  4. BEST FOR GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS: Earth's Ally Weed and Grass Killer.
  5. BEST POST-EMERGENT: Green Gobbler Vinegar Weed and Grass Killer.
Mar 2, 2023

What kind of salt kills weeds? ›

Coarse or fine grain kitchen salt will work equally well at killing off weeds. Salt is always readily available and costs pennies compared to products you can buy in the shop. Curing salt is an effective herbicide and de-icing salt can also be used.

Which is better for killing weeds white vinegar or apple cider vinegar? ›

White vinegar with an acetic acid content of at least 5% will be required to kill most weeds effectively. Apple cider vinegar with the same acid content will also work, though, for tough perennial weeds, you may need a specialised horticultural vinegar with 20% acetic acid.

Does salt kill weeds permanently? ›

When salt is absorbed by plant root systems, it disrupts the water balance and causes the weed to eventually wilt and die. But salt by itself doesn't make a very effective weed killer.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.