How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (2024)

If you've ever used resin, or are thinking of using it in the future, this is information you can't live without.

Here it is, the honest truth:
ost epoxy resins on the market are really bad for you.

  • Do you actually know if the epoxy resin you’re using can cause cancer?
  • Reproductive harm or respiratory distress?
  • Do you know if it’s corrosive or not?
  • How can you tell which resins are safe and which are dangerous?
  • And just how dangerous are they?

The Safety Data Sheet (SDS)is where you'll find the important information you need in order to stay safe.

ArtResin co-founder Rebecca Zak is hereto teach you how to be a smart resin consumer.
She is going to show you how to interpret a safety data sheet, what to look for, and how to spot the red flags.

This information could literally save your life.

What is an SDS and what is its purpose?

An SDS (formerly known as an MSDS) exists to educate people and to keep them safe.Itis an internationally standardized document that every chemical must have to make consumers aware of what the product is all about, how it performs, and what risks might be associated with its use.
How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (1)

Who is responsible for the SDS?

The responsibility for the SDS is on the business that manufactures, distributes or sells the chemical.The business must provide accurate information based on federal agency

OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration)regulations. The SDS must be revised if there are changes to the product formula, there is new data (such as test results) to report, or

when OSHA regulations are updated.
How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (2)

Where can I find the SDS?

The SDS must, by law, be made readily available to both employees and consumers. Manycompanies have made their SDS available for download on their website, but if you are unable to find the SDS online, you can request it from the company and they are obligated to provide it to you.

You can find ArtResin's SDS on our website.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (3)

What's in an SDS?

An SDS outlines important information such as
personal protective measures, potential hazards, first aid procedures, the product's ingredients and chemical properties, as well as safe storage, handling, transport and disposal considerations.


is templated into 16 standardized sections as perOSHA,so that the safety information is presented in the same way for every product. To be compliant with OSHA, the resin and hardener should have their own, separate Safety Data Sheet.

UsingArtResin's Resin SDSas an example, let's walk through, section by section, to highlight the information you need tobe aware of.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (4)

Section 1. Identification

This section identifies the chemical the SDS is for, the name that the product is commonly known by, and what its recommended use is. Section 1 must also list the name and contact information of the manufacturer, importer or distributor, including an emergency phone number.
Easy enough.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (5)

Section 2. Hazards Identification

Section 2 iswhere you’ll find language and pictograms to identify potential health risksassociated with the use of the product. This section is so important, they put it right after the product’s name and manufacturer. Section 2 includes the chemical's hazard classification, signal word, hazard and precautionary statements and pictograms.

If a product is carcinogenic, or it causes respiratory distress, or there's a risk of anything happening to you from using this product, Section 2 is where it must be listed.

It's important to note that every epoxy resin is classified as an irritant.This means that if it comes into contact with your skin, it can cause irritation, which is whyyou need to wear gloves when working with resin.

Any product that is classified as an irritant carries the signal word “Warning” and must show a pictogram of an exclamation in a red diamond.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (6)

There are hazard and precautionary statements to accompany these classifications and the

business is responsible for recording all the applicable statements from a huge list of possibilities. If they don't, their liability is on the line.

For ArtResin, we have precautionary statements like “Keep out of reach of children”, “Wear protective gloves”, “If skin irritation/rash occurs, get medical attention” etc. These are all things that make sense with the irritant classification.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (7)

However, if you look at the SDSs of other resins, you will frequentlysee pictograms like a skull and cross bone

to indicate the product can cause death or poisoning, and/or pictograms to indicate the product causes skin burns and corrosion, poses a health hazard, is flammable, and is harmful to the environment.Here is what's most concerning:although other resin companies might have these warning pictograms in their SDS, they often do not appear on the product label as required.In other words, these resins are mislabelled. Doing so hides the toxicity of the product and does not allow you, the consumer, to make an informed choice.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (8)
Along with these scary pictograms, you will also see hazard statements such as: "Causes serious eye damage"; "Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child"; "Very toxic" etc. In addition, the
signal word for these terrible resins has been escalated from WARNING to DANGER.ArtResin does not have hazard statements like this because it is NON-HAZARDOUS and we have certification to back that up.In no uncertain terms, the SDS lets you know what you’re dealing with - and why you may want to choose something that doesn’t make you fearful for your safety and wellbeing.

Down below are ArtResin's

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)and Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS®)ratings. These diamond-shaped pictograms follow a chemical rating system on a scale of 0 to 4 to show at-a-glance how flammable and hazardous the product is, respectively.

A rating of 0 indicates a low hazard, whereas a 4 would indicate high hazard. The diamonds are color-coded for quick reference:

  • blue for health hazard
  • red for flammability
  • yellow for chemical reactivity (NFPA) orphysical hazard (HMIS®)
  • white for another special hazard (NFPA) or personal protection (HMIS®)

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (9)

Section 3. Composition/Information On Ingredients

This section identifies the ingredients in the product, including their chemical name, common name and their CAS number. A CAS (or, “Chemical Abstracts Service”) number is assigned to chemicals for easy identification. You’ll see ours below:

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (10)

Section 4. First Aid Measures

Section 4 describes what first aid care is necessary
for an individual who has ingested or inhaled the product or who has come into direct contact with it through their eyes or skin. It also indicates what symptoms or effects may occur as a result of exposure.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (11)

Section 5. Fire Fighting Measures

This section provides recommendations for fighting a fire caused by this chemical
, including suitable extinguishers and protective equipment, as well as possible hazards that may occur as a result.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (12)

Section 6. Accidental Release Measures

Section 6 outlines the steps that should be taken if the product spills or releases, including clean up equipment and how best to contain the material.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (13)

Section 7. Handling And Storage

Section 7 provides guidance on safe handling practices while working with the product, as well as safe storage recommendations.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (14)

Section 8. Exposure Controls

This section offers guidance on the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required to handle the product, based on the hazards outlined in Section 2.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (15)

This letsyou know you need a pair of disposable gloves (as is the case with ArtResin) or if you're looking atsuiting up in a hazmat suit, a full-on gas mask and goggles. You may be surprised that the latter is the norm!

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (16)

Section 9. Physical And Chemical Properties

Section 9 describes the physical properties associated with the product, including its appearance and odor. It also describes the product's chemical properties.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (17)

Section 10. Stability And Reactivity.

Section 10 describes the product's chemical stability and reactivity information.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (18)

Section 11. Toxicological Information

This sectionidentifies if exposure to this product may result in toxic effects and what those might be.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (19)

Section 12. Ecological Information

Section 12 outlines the ecological impact this product might have if it was released into the environment.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (20)

Section 13. Disposal Considerations

This section tells you how to dispose of this product properly.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (21)

Section 14. Transport Information

This section provides transport information, including the transport classification, whether the product is hazardous and, if so, what precautions need to be taken to ship it safely.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (22)

Section 15. Regulatory Information

This sectionidentifies compliance with health and safety regulations not already covered in the previous sections, such as Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations and Proposition 65 regulations for the state of California.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (23)

Section 16. Other Information

This last section indicates when the SDS was prepared
and the date of the most recent revision. It also offers a space to mention any other information that was not already covered.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (24)

What part of the SDS should I look out for?

To stay safe under day-to-day, normal use, the sections you really want to focus on are Sections 2, 8 and 11; the Hazards, PPE, and Toxicity, respectively. These sections spell out in no uncertain terms what the chemical is capable of as far as harming you, and what precautions you need to take given its chemical composition.

In other words, if a resin is dangerous to breathe in without an industrial grade respirator, if it will burn your skin, poison you or seriously compromise your health, you have a right to know so you can THROW. IT. OUT.How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (25)

Why aren't all epoxy resins the same?

At this point, you're probably wondering what makes one resin so different from another? Why do some resins have the capacity to kill you or destroy your health, while others are totally safe to use?

The real differentiator in resins is FILLER.

The resins that have the potential to cause harm all have filler in them to drive down the cost, but because filler is almost always a solvent, that also makes the product toxic.These solvent fillers do not bond in the chemical reaction of the epoxy resin and because they have nowhere to go, they are released into the air as noxious fumes and VOCs.

There are so many fillers that can leach out over time which could never be used for food contact or skin contact. Furthermore, any resins with filler (which, unfortunately, is almost every resin on the market) will have respiratory warnings in sections 2 and 8. This means that unless you’re suiting up in a respirator, you’re doing damage to your body. Sometimes irreversible damage.

How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (26)

Is ArtResin safe?

ArtResin contains no fillers and no solvents that can cause unwanted toxic effects.Everything in the ArtResin formula bonds together chemically, and that means NO VOCs and no fumes that can cause respiratory distress.


Toback that up, we have certifications to show that we passed:

    In other words, if any component of the ArtResin formula contained dangerous fillers, solvents or hazardous chemicals that could harm you when used as directed, or the product released VOCs, fumes or other hazardous compounds that could leach out after curing, we could not have passed these tests.

    How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (27)

    A Toxicological Risk Assessment takes into account every aspect or state of the material throughout its process, including resin on its own in liquid form, hardener on its own in liquid form, resin + hardener combined in liquid form, while being torched and while curing.Below you can see a letter from a board certified toxicologist who performed a Risk Assessment test on ArtResin and determined that:

    • ArtResin meets safety standard ASTM D-4236
    • ArtResin is non-hazardousunder normal conditions of use.
    • Gloves are the only personal protective equipment required when using ArtResin, to prevent the product from coming into contact with the user's skin.

    How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (28)

    Restech Environmental Products LLC is a parent company to ResinVentures, who manufacture and distribute ArtResin. Read more about ResinVentures and ArtResin's story in our blogIs ArtResin A Proprietary Formula? Or Is ArtResin A Re-seller?

    Is Benzyl Alcohol safe?

    Many resin manufacturers include the ingredient Benzyl Alcohol in their resin formulations. Here are a few things to be aware of:

    • Benzyl Alcohol (CAS 100-51-6) isa semi-volatile solventthat is often added to epoxy resin as a diluent to reduce viscosity and improve flow.
    • Benzyl alcohol is non-reactivemeaning it does not form a chemical bond with other ingredients in the resin and will leach out after the resin cures.
    • The FDA has stringent limits on the amount of Benzyl Alcohol allowedin epoxy resin coatings intended for food contact, and furthermore, limits the use of coatings containing Benzyl Alcohol to industrial purposes: InTitle 21 of the FDA's Code of Federal Regulations under section 175.300(viii) (b) it states that "Benzyl alcohol (CAS Reg. No. 100-51-6), for use only in coatings at a level not to exceed 4 percent by weight of the resin when such coatings are intended for repeated use in contact with foods ..." and that "Use shall be limited to coatings for tanks of capacity greater than 530,000 gallons."
    • There are resins on the market containing more than twice the FDA's approved amountof 4% Benzyl Alcohol by weight, yet claim they are food safe for home use.

    ArtResin does not contain Benzyl Alcohol, or any other non-reactive diluents in our formula.If you examine an SDS and see that the resin or hardener you're using contains Benzyl Alcohol (CAS 100-51-6) under Section 3, BEWARE. It isespecially a cause for concern if the label, website or marketing claims that the product is food safe, or free of solvents, non-reactive diluents and VOCs.

    Do I need to use a respirator while using ArtResin?

    Formany resin brands on the market, wearing a respirator is a requirement.
    ArtResin, however, is a clean system, meaningyou do not need to use a respirator when using ArtResin as directed and in a well-ventilated area.

    It's important to note thatthe recommendation to wear a respirator while using ArtResin in a non-ventilated space is intended as anextra precaution,not as a requirement.Standard practice in the chemical industry is to over label and overwarnfor safety.

    Of course, out of an abundance of caution, the choice is always yours to wear a respirator.Wealways recommend that the user takes whatever precaution they wish to take in order to have the most comfortable experience.

    How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (29)

    IsArtResin'ssmell harmful?

    ArtResin has a very low odor, but it's important to note that what you are smelling is simply an odor and not
    fumes.In fact, ArtResin produces no fumes or VOCs so any scent you may detect is not an indication of potential danger. However, when it comes to odor, we all have different levels of tolerance. Should you find the odor bothersome when using ArtResin, wear a respirator to make your experience more comfortable. For more information, see our blog What's That Smell? Explaining Epoxy Resin's Odor.

    What if I have anallergic reaction to ArtResin?

    It’s possible to be allergic (or to become allergic) to an ingredient that is safe for the rest of the population. This is also true for epoxy resin.
    Approximately2%of epoxy resin users will demonstrate allergic symptoms to the basic chemical components of epoxy resin. This means that an epoxy allergy is not specific to a particular brand: If you're allergic to one epoxy resin, you will be allergic to all epoxy resins. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to tell whether someone will have an epoxy allergy until symptoms present themselves. Allergic symptom(s) typically present as temporary skin inflammation and/or swelling upon exposure.

    ⚠️PLEASE NOTE: In the event of these symptoms, regardless of when reactions occur or their severity, allergy sufferers should discontinue use of ALL epoxy resins indefinitely in order to protect themselves.

    It's also important to note that an allergic reaction is not the same as the serious health complications, including chronic respiratory issues, that may result from exposure to epoxy that contains VOCs/fumes, solvents or non-reactive diluents. For more information on epoxy resin allergies, please see our blogCan You Be Allergic To Epoxy Resin?

    Why is ArtResin so expensive?

    To be honest, it costs a LOT to produce a product like ArtResin, but if you’re uncompromising in quality and safety, then things cost more.

    The bottom line is that the resin you're using shouldn't hurt you.

    Dave and Rebecca developed the ArtResin formula with the help of a chemist after looking diligently for a brand of epoxy resin that wouldn’t give them headaches, and that they could use with kids and pets around at home. It didn’t exist, and they knew that other artists would also be interested in a safe resin option. After all, who doesn't want to stay safe?

    As with most things in life, you get what you pay for. You can have Triple A Wagyu steak for dinner, or you can have cat food. One of these can make you very sick. And if there is anything we’ve learned recently, being sick sucks.

    How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (30)

    So while we certainly think ArtResin is the best and we'd love to convince you of that too, what we really want is for you to be aware of the resin you're purchasing and what you're dealing with when you use it. To keep yourself safe, we urge you to:

    • Ask for the SDS of every resin you’re working with.
    • Look for the pictograms.
    • Read the hazard statements.
    • Put on the PPE accordingly.

    How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (31)

    We hope you’ve found this information insightful. Feel free to post any questions or comments down below and we will get back to you!Please share this information with your fellow artists and help to keep people safe.

    Do you want to learn more about epoxy resin and safety? Read our guides below:

    Is ArtResin Safe For Home Use?

    What Safety Precautions Should I Take When Using ArtResin?

    What Makes ArtResin Safe?

    Is ArtResin Food Safe?

    Safety Certifications - What Do They Mean?

    Food Safe Epoxy Guide

    Non Toxic Epoxy Resin

    Is ArtResin BPA Free?

    Can You Be Allergic To Epoxy Resin?

    ArtResin: Made For Artists, By Artists.

    As an enthusiast with extensive knowledge of epoxy resins and safety measures, I understand the critical importance of choosing the right resin for creative projects. The information I'm about to provide is crucial for anyone working with epoxy resins, ensuring their safety and well-being during the artistic process.

    The article you provided emphasizes the significance of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) in assessing the safety of epoxy resins. Let's break down the concepts discussed in the article:

    1. Safety Data Sheet (SDS): An SDS is an internationally standardized document required for every chemical. It provides information about the product's composition, potential hazards, first aid measures, and safe handling, among other details. The responsibility for creating and updating the SDS lies with the business that manufactures, distributes, or sells the chemical.

    2. Sections of an SDS: The article explains the different sections of an SDS and their importance, ranging from product identification (Section 1) to regulatory information (Section 15) and other details (Section 16). It emphasizes the critical nature of Sections 2, 8, and 11 for understanding the hazards, required personal protective equipment (PPE), and toxicity of the product.

    3. Hazard Identification (Section 2): This section outlines potential health risks associated with the product, including hazard classification, signal words, hazard and precautionary statements, and pictograms. The article notes that epoxy resins are generally classified as irritants, necessitating precautions like wearing gloves.

    4. Fillers in Epoxy Resins: The article highlights a key differentiator among epoxy resins—fillers. Resins with potential harm often contain fillers, which, being solvents, can release toxic fumes. The presence of fillers is a crucial aspect to consider when evaluating the safety of epoxy resins.

    5. ArtResin's Safety Measures: The article uses ArtResin as an example, detailing its safety certifications and the absence of fillers and solvents in its formula. Certifications such as Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry tests and Toxicological Risk Assessments contribute to ArtResin's claim of being non-hazardous.

    6. Benzyl Alcohol: The article touches on the use of Benzyl Alcohol in epoxy resin formulations, noting its non-reactive nature and potential leaching after curing. It emphasizes FDA regulations on the permissible amount of Benzyl Alcohol in coatings intended for food contact.

    7. Respirator Use: The article addresses the need for respirators with some epoxy resin brands but emphasizes that ArtResin, being a clean system, doesn't require a respirator under normal use conditions. It encourages users to take precautions based on personal comfort.

    8. Odor and Allergic Reactions: The article explains that ArtResin has low odor, distinguishing between odor and fumes. It acknowledges the possibility of allergic reactions for a small percentage of users and advises discontinuation in such cases.

    9. Cost and Quality: The article concludes by discussing the cost of producing high-quality resin like ArtResin, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing safety over price and encouraging users to be aware of the resin they purchase.

    In summary, the provided article serves as a comprehensive guide for artists and creators, educating them on how to assess the safety of epoxy resins through SDS, product composition, and relevant certifications. It empowers users to make informed choices for their artistic endeavors while prioritizing their health and safety.

    How Dangerous Is Your Resin? Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Resin (2024)
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    Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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