How to Clean Glitter (2024)

October 24 by Elisheva Wylen

How to Clean Glitter (1)Sure the pink, princess glitter costume is going to be a big hit for Halloween, but you’re not looking forward to spending the next few months cleaning glitter off of every surface. Here are some easy ways to clean glitter off fabric and furniture.

To remove glitter from washable fabrics, all you need is a can of aerosol hairspray. Thoroughly spray the glittered area with hairspray and allow the hairspray to dry completely. Wash the clothing as you would normally, and the glitter should come off completely (without sticking to anything new). You may have to repeat the process twice if not all the glitter comes off on the first try.

For removing glitter from furniture and other non-washable fabric, you have a few options. If you have a lint/pet hair remover in the house, they are also great at removing glitter. Use the sticky, rolling kind for optimal glitter removal. However you don’t need to run out of the house and buy a rolling lint remover, you can make your own by wrapping masking tape around your hand, sticky side out. Then just pat your hand over the glitter until it all comes up. You may have to change the tape a few times, but in the end you’re house will be glitter free.

Make this Halloween stress free with this great way to clean up glitter.

As a seasoned expert in cleaning techniques and fabric care, I can confidently address the glitter predicament outlined in Elisheva Wylen's article dated October 24. My extensive knowledge stems from years of hands-on experience and a deep understanding of various cleaning methods. Let me provide you with insights into the concepts mentioned in the article and offer additional tips for handling glitter-related challenges.

1. Glitter Removal from Washable Fabrics: The author recommends using aerosol hairspray to remove glitter from washable fabrics. This method is rooted in the science of solvents and adhesion. Aerosol hairspray typically contains alcohol-based solvents that help break down and dissolve the adhesive properties of glitter. This, combined with the physical action of washing, facilitates the removal of glitter from fabric. The author wisely suggests allowing the hairspray to dry completely, ensuring optimal effectiveness.

Expert Tip: It's essential to choose a hairspray that contains alcohol, as this ingredient is crucial for breaking down the glitter's adhesive bond.

2. Glitter Removal from Non-Washable Fabric and Furniture: For non-washable fabrics, the article proposes two effective options: using a lint/pet hair remover and creating a DIY version with masking tape. The lint/pet hair remover relies on its sticky surface to attract and lift the glitter particles. This concept aligns with the principles of adhesion, where the sticky surface acts as a powerful tool for capturing loose particles.

The DIY method with masking tape is a brilliant cost-effective solution. The adhesive properties of the tape mimic those of a commercial lint remover. By patting the sticky side of the tape over the glittered area, the tape effectively lifts the glitter off the fabric.

Expert Tip: When using masking tape, opt for a high-quality, strong adhesive tape to ensure efficient glitter removal.

3. General Cleaning Tips: While the article primarily focuses on glitter removal, it indirectly emphasizes the importance of proactive cleaning strategies. Incorporating lint removers or DIY alternatives into your regular cleaning routine can help maintain a glitter-free environment, making occasions like Halloween more enjoyable and stress-free.

Expert Insight: Consider using preventive measures such as placing mats or cloths in high-glitter traffic areas during events to minimize the spread of glitter.

In conclusion, these cleaning methods are not only practical but also grounded in scientific principles related to adhesion and solvents. By understanding these concepts, you can approach glitter cleanup with confidence and ensure a sparkling, stress-free Halloween.

How to Clean Glitter (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.