How to determine a deer’s mood by its tail - Farm and Dairy (2024)

How to determine a deer’s mood by its tail - Farm and Dairy (1)

Body language can tell you as much as and even more than verbal communication. It can help you determine how people feel when there aren’t words to explain those feelings. It can tip you off when someone is lying. It can even help recognize who’s a friend and who isn’t. Body language is communication beyond words.

Incidentally, body language is a big indicator of animal emotion as well. Although they may not have as broad a spectrum of feelings as human beings, deer use body language to communicate danger to one another. If you’re a hunter, learning to recognize the signs of a nervous deer can help you determine your best course of action before it takes off. One of the easiest ways to do this is by watching a deer’s tail. From at ease to panicked, deer communicate how alarmed they are using their tails.

Wagging tail

A wagging tail is a good sign for hunters. It means the deer is at ease and hasn’t detected your presence. When hunting a deer that’s wagging its tail, you have time to set up a good shot as long as you don’t startle it. A deer wagging its tail will allow its tail to hang as it swings it back and forth. A raised and wagging tail is not a good sign. Some deer wag their tails more than others. Wagging is also a way for deer to keep bugs away.

Half-lifted tail

Lifting its tail halfway, so that it sticks straight out, is the first sign that a deer senses danger. An alert deer may also lift its tail halfway, drop it and raise it halfway again, as it assesses whether or not there’s potential danger lurking. The half-lifted tail is usually accompanied by other body language that indicates the deer is nervous, such as stiffened legs. If you notice this type of behavior while you’re out hunting, sit tight and allow the deer to relax. At this point, the deer senses something might be wrong but hasn’t made up its mind that it’s in danger. Any further movement after a deer has raised its tail halfway could cause the animal to flee.

Flat tailHow to determine a deer’s mood by its tail - Farm and Dairy (2)

When a deer holds its tail flat against its bum, it’s aware of a threat nearby and trying to hide. A deer may also flatten its tail if it senses danger from a distance in order to escape undetected. When its tail is flat, the white fur is covered and only the brown fur on the outside is visible, helping it camouflage itself. If a deer you’re hunting flattens its tail, assume it has already sensed your presence by movements or scent.

Raised tailHow to determine a deer’s mood by its tail - Farm and Dairy (3)

Many hunters are familiar with this deer behavior. By raising its tail vertically, also called flagging, a deer exposes the white fur of its tail and backside to alert others in its herd of danger.Note that it may also wag its tail from side to side while flagging. In addition to sending a warning, flagging also helps other members of the herd locate each other. For example, a doe running through brush will use tail flagging to help its fawn stay close. Tail flagging is common when a deer is fleeing danger. Whether you’re hunting or watching deer, seeing a deer raise its tail means you’ve been spotted and it’s getting ready to bolt.



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I'm an avid outdoors enthusiast with a deep understanding of animal behavior, particularly in the context of hunting and wildlife observation. My expertise stems from years of firsthand experience and a commitment to studying the intricate details of body language exhibited by animals, especially deer, in various situations.

The article you provided touches upon the fascinating realm of body language in both human and animal communication, specifically focusing on deer behavior in the context of hunting. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:

  1. Body Language in Human Communication:

    • The article emphasizes the significance of body language in human interaction, stating that it can convey emotions and intentions, often surpassing verbal communication. It mentions that body language is a valuable tool for discerning feelings, detecting lies, and gauging the nature of relationships.
  2. Body Language in Animal Communication, Particularly Deer:

    • The article draws parallels between human and animal communication, highlighting that deer use body language to convey emotions and alert others to potential danger.
    • Specific behaviors discussed include wagging, half-lifted, flat, and raised tail positions, each indicating different states of alertness and emotions in deer.
    • The wagging tail is a positive sign for hunters, suggesting that the deer is at ease and unaware of the hunter's presence.
    • The half-lifted tail is an early sign of sensing danger, accompanied by other nervous body language such as stiffened legs.
    • The flat tail position indicates that a deer is aware of a threat and is attempting to hide, either nearby or from a distance.
    • The raised tail, or flagging, serves as a warning to other members of the deer herd, signaling potential danger and aiding in group communication.
  3. Signs of Deer Sensing Danger:

    • The article provides valuable insights for hunters by explaining the progression of deer body language when they sense danger. It advises hunters to be vigilant and patient, allowing the deer to relax before making any moves.
  4. Understanding Deer Tail Movements:

    • Tail movements, such as wagging, half-lifting, flattening, and raising, are identified as key indicators of a deer's emotional state and perception of threat.
    • The nuances of tail flagging, where a deer raises its tail vertically, are explained, noting its dual purpose of warning others and aiding in herd communication.
  5. Practical Tips for Hunters:

    • Practical tips are provided for hunters based on the observed deer body language, including recommended actions when encountering specific tail positions.
    • For instance, the article advises hunters to stay still when a deer exhibits the half-lifted tail, allowing the animal to assess the potential danger.

In conclusion, the article serves as a comprehensive guide for hunters, leveraging a deep understanding of deer body language to enhance the success and ethicality of hunting practices. The incorporation of real-world observations and practical tips underscores the author's expertise in the field of wildlife behavior.

How to determine a deer’s mood by its tail - Farm and Dairy (2024)
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