how to get the solo operative mod in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph (2024)

The solo operative mod in the Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph is arguably one of the best ones to use for any player. This is one of those rare mods that greatly amplifies the damage from every aspect when a player plays the game alone.

The said mod increases the damage permanently across all PvE content when there's only one person in a fireteam. This makes it an ideal companion for those who might not have friends to play with or love to play the game alone. The mod also works with other buffs from multiple sources, making it stackable and highly useful.

This raises the big question: how to get the solo operative mod in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph? After all, the mod and its effects will be of no use unless and until a player gets to use them. To utilize its effects, players will need to know how to unlock it.

Thankfully, the method is quite simple, and players can do it quite easily once they become aware of the overall process. It begins with unlocking the seasonal artifact, which is found during a particular mission.

The solo operative mod takes time to unlock in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph but is well worth the effort

how to get the solo operative mod in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph (2)

The process of unlocking the solo operative mod in Destiny 2 isn't too difficult, but the overall process is a bit complicated. It might not be very clear for those who have recently started the game, and Season of the Seraph might be the first time they’ve played it.

It all begins with getting Seraph Cipher, which will be needed as the first thing. This can be done from the "Hierarchy" mission, which is incidentally the debut of the Seraph season. Players must continue until the first cutscene and proceed with the following steps:

  • Go to the Helm.
  • Go down the stairs to find the Prototype Braytech hardware Exoframe.
  • The prototype will hand you the Seraph Cipher Artifact. This can then be checked from the inventory.
  • Once the Seraph Cipher Artifact has been received, it will need to be leveled up. This can be done by gaining XPs; each level unlocks a column.
  • To use the solo operative mod, players need to unlock the fifth column, which is incidentally the last one. So it will not happen instantly and require plenty of XP to unlock.
  • Once the fifth column has been unlocked, players can then unlock the said mod, and all its effects will be activated.

how to get the solo operative mod in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph (3)

There's no rocket science to getting more XP, but the overall process can be hastened. Completing different bounties at all times will be extremely useful as they give out additional XP on completion. The ongoing Dawning event will also help Destiny 2 players get more experience points and accelerate their process of unlocking more mods.

The solo operative mod offers a 15% boost to all forms of damage when players play independently. It's perfect for those who play solo, irrespective of their PvE content. Because it is also stackable, the aforementioned mod has gained popularity in the current season.

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Edited by Yasho Amonkar


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As an avid Destiny 2 player and enthusiast deeply involved in the game's mechanics and seasonal content, I've extensively explored the intricacies of the Destiny 2 universe. I've spent countless hours mastering the gameplay, keeping up-to-date with changes, and participating in various events and challenges within the game.

Regarding the article discussing the Solo Operative mod in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph, let's break down the concepts and information highlighted:

1. Solo Operative Mod

The Solo Operative mod is a unique enhancement available in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph. It's tailored for solo players, significantly boosting damage output across all Player vs. Environment (PvE) content when a player operates alone within a fireteam.

2. How to Obtain the Solo Operative Mod

To acquire the Solo Operative mod:

  • Start by unlocking the Seasonal Artifact, found during a specific mission related to the Seraph season.
  • Obtain the Seraph Cipher Artifact from the Prototype Braytech hardware Exoframe in the Helm location.
  • Level up the Seraph Cipher Artifact by gaining XP. Each level unlocked reveals a new column.
  • Unlock the fifth column, which houses the Solo Operative mod. This requires significant XP accumulation.
  • Upon unlocking the fifth column, the Solo Operative mod becomes available for activation.

3. Acquiring XP and Unlocking Mods Faster

Earning XP to unlock the Solo Operative mod can be expedited by:

  • Completing various bounties, as they offer additional XP upon completion.
  • Participating in ongoing events like the Dawning, which provides extra experience points, accelerating the unlocking process.

4. Benefits and Impact

The Solo Operative mod grants a 15% damage boost across all types of damage in PvE scenarios for solo players. Its stackable nature amplifies its usefulness, contributing significantly to player strategies and gameplay tactics.

5. Quick Links and Additional Information

The article ends with quick links related to Destiny 2, Esports, and Sportskeeda's social media platforms, inviting further engagement and exploration of related content.

To summarize, the Solo Operative mod in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph serves as a game-changing enhancement for solo players, enhancing damage output significantly across various PvE activities. Its acquisition involves a sequential process tied to unlocking the Seasonal Artifact, leveling it up through XP accumulation, and targeting the specific mod column for activation.

Feel free to explore the provided steps and tips to maximize your Destiny 2 gaming experience, especially if you prefer playing solo or are seeking ways to amplify your damage output in PvE content.

how to get the solo operative mod in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph (2024)


How to get the solo operative mod in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph? ›

Once the Seraph Cipher Artifact has been received, it will need to be leveled up. This can be done by gaining XPs; each level unlocks a column. To use the solo operative mod, players need to unlock the fifth column, which is incidentally the last one. So it will not happen instantly and require plenty of XP to unlock.

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But I just completed my first Operation Seraph Shield run solo. My light level is currently sitting at 1554. I had tried to join up on fireteams in hopes of getting help through it but I had no such luck. With that being said the Riskrunner helped me get through all of it right up until the end.

What is the solo operative artifact perk? ›

Solo Operative grants a 15% damage buff for both weapons and abilities while you're the only member of your fireteam. This perk only works in PvE activities—it won't trigger in Rumble, for example. Unlike most buffs, Solo Operative stacks with other empowering buffs, doing so multiplicatively.

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Increases Weapon and Ability Damage against PVE Combatants by 15% while you are the only member of your fireteam.

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Revision Zero is the unique exotic you'll get for completing Operation: Seraph's Shield. Able to fire a two-round burst, four-round burst, or powerful sniper-like shots, this pulse rifle is truly a jack of all trades. It's also craftable, allowing you to customize it to your liking.

Does solo operative stack with weakened clear? ›

This buff is exceptionally strong when combined with another new mod called Solo Operative. This is also a season 19 mod which costs 5 energy and also a class item. When playing solo, this mod gives 15% increased damage and stacks with Weakened Clear.

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With a maximum of 12 artifact unlocks, they need to be included in loadouts.

How to get solo operative? ›

Once the Seraph Cipher Artifact has been received, it will need to be leveled up. This can be done by gaining XPs; each level unlocks a column. To use the solo operative mod, players need to unlock the fifth column, which is incidentally the last one. So it will not happen instantly and require plenty of XP to unlock.

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Source: Exotic engrams; extremely rare world drops.

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Scatter Signal PvE god roll

Scatter Signal is arguably one of the best Fusion Rifles in the game, and as such, we need to push its strengths to the limit to obtain its optimal form. It has some great base Range and Stability, but its Recoil Direction is slightly erratic.

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Many playlist activities — Strikes, Gambit, Crucible — will drop items “at Power,” so keep an eye out for any gear that's lagging behind.

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Golden Tricorn: Kill a target to gain a 15% damage buff. Land a matching elemental ability kill, and that buff increases to 50%. One for All: Grants a 35% damage buff for hitting three unique enemies.

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Radiant does NOT stack with Well of Radiance or any other empowering buff besides the two mentioned above.

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Seraph Shield duration from 8 seconds at all ranks to 8/10/11/12 seconds at ranks 1 through 4.

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The Guardian's Best Friend Triumph in Destiny 2 is awarded for petting a dog. In fact, this is a special mechanical dog! Being able to pet the dog will take a bit of work, including unlocking an Exotic weapon, destroying security drones, and then playing the Operation: Seraph's Shield mission.

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And there is NO checkpoint ! It also scales with fireteam size. So the user you quoted is actually making it harder for themselves by having a full fireteam.

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No Champions, encounter timers, or mechanic differences are present in either difficulty mode.

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.