How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (2024)

Growing vegetables indoors is fun and easy to do. If you were curious about growing bell peppers from scraps, continue reading. Bell peppers are colorful, full of antioxidants, and enjoyed raw or cooked. Shop for mature peppers at your local store for a good start.

You will need to harvest any seeds inside your bell peppers and prep them for germination into seedlings. It is best to use quality potting soil, a deep pot, and ensure the indoor climate is appropriate for your plants to thrive. When possible, choose organic peppers.

If you were interested in a plant easily grown from scraps indoors, try raising bell peppers indoors in containers. You can successfully grow bell peppers indoors with produce scraps via the following steps.

  1. Gather seeds from the inside of mature bell peppers. Dehydrate the seeds before germinating into seedlings
  2. Transfer stable sprouts to a larger pot and water. Within 60 to 90 days, a new crop of bell peppers will appear.

Be careful when growing bell peppers from scraps. Many hybrid or GMO vegetables purchased from stores may taste differently than the source of your scraps. However, with a little bit of patience and care, you can fight food waste and grow delicious bell peppers indoors.

How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (1)

About Indoor Bell Pepper Plants

How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (2)

If you can, you will want to start your bell pepper plants 8 to 10 weeks before the last frost of the spring season. Bell peppers are a warm-weather loving plant that thrive in balmier temperatures, but you can make adjustments to grow these plants year-round.

These veggies germinate the fastest if you can keep the temperatures between 77 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. If you can, place seedlings in a seed tray to germinate and set them on top of the refrigerator, in a sunny window, or near a heating pad.

To get a tastier crop of vegetables, it is suggested to use the scraps of ripened red bell peppers. Younger bell peppers are green in color, and require additional time on the vine to change color. Allow your peppers to wrinkle a bit before harvesting seeds.

Growing Bell Peppers Indoors

Growing vegetables at home is a rewarding activity. Using the scraps of bell peppers is an easy way to raise a fresh crop of tasty vegetables to enjoy in salads, soups, or sauces. Check out the following steps to make growing bell peppers an easy process.

  1. Take a mature bell pepper plant, split it lengthwise, and carefully remove any seeds inside. Discard discolored or damaged seeds.
  2. Place the seeds on a clean tray or paper towel to dry under the sun or a plant light for an hour.

How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (3)How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (4)

Check out this soil thermometer on Amazon.

3. Place seeds into a seed tray to germinate. Once you see sprouts with visible leaves, transfer to a larger pot after 1 to 4 weeks. 4. Keep plants 12 to 24 inches apart and place them in soil with good drainage. Water regularly. Wait 60 to 90 days to harvest peppers.

A quick note; bell peppers self-pollinate to produce fruit. It is good to give the plant a light shaking when you see blooms to spread the pollen around. Play around with the types of peppers you use to harvest seeds for their color and flavor and try cross-pollination.

Which Bell Peppers Scraps Are Best?

Start your indoor garden and choose bell peppers that are more likely to deliver great-tasting results. Understand, the bell peppers you use for scraps may be a hybrid or GMO. The peppers propagated from these types of plants often taste differently than the parents.

To increase the chances of growing a desirable crop of bell peppers with full flavor and texture, harvest scraps from red bell peppers. When bell peppers are red, they are the most mature, nutritious, and flavorful. A strong, ripe pepper breeds better-tasting crops.

How Much Light Do Bell Peppers Need?

For your bell pepper plants to thrive indoors they will require a minimum of six hours of sunlight daily. However, if you want your bell peppers to develop a lot of fruit, plan to expose your plants to 16 hours of light a day.

Opt for a strong plant light if you are growing bell peppers in a shady spot or enough natural sunlight exposure. Bell pepper plants do better when they have strong, direct light throughout their day. For an indoor garden, 40 watts for every square foot is good.

When purchasing a grow lamp for your bell peppers, choose a fixture with a broad spectrum. You will need a light with high intensity to promote growth. Look for effective LED grow lights that give off white, red light, and blue light to support a healthy plant.

How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (5)How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (6)

Check out this lamp for plants on Amazon.

How Long Does It Take To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors?

Under the right conditions, it doesn't take long to grow bell peppers indoors. It takes about two weeks for seeds to germinate into seedlings. After a week to 21 days you should have sprouts that can handle being transferred to a larger pot.

Keep the soil temperatures between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit to encourage your new bell pepper plants to thrive. Bell peppers love a warm, moist environment. After about 60 to 90 days following transplantation, each plant should display between 5 to 10 edible fruits.

Depending on the type of bell pepper used for seeds, indoor temperatures, soil quality, and watering, the amount of time to grow your vegetables may vary. For best results, use the scraps of mature red bell peppers. For the most part, you can expect veggies after 60 days.

How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (7)How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (8)

Check out these germination trays on Amazon.

Can I Grow Peppers Indoors All Year Round?

How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (9)

You can expect a bell pepper plant to survive an average of three years. However, under the right conditions, you may be able to grow healthy pepper plants for up to a decade. If your plants get enough sunlight or use a grow lamp, you can grow peppers year-round.

Some gardeners may grow peppers for one season after bearing fruit. But, if you take the proper steps to prep and care for your bell peppers over the winter, they can come back for years and continue to thrive and bear fruit. Choose the variety you grow wisely.

During the winter, reduce your watering schedule and make sure the plants are warm enough with a heating pad or use a small greenhouse set-up. Bell peppers are perennials that can survive year-round indoors, just make sure they are warm and get enough light.

How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (10)How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (11)

Check out this potting mix on Amazon.

Can Bell Peppers Be Grown In Pots?

How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (12)

If you are going to start growing bell peppers indoors, you will need to have some pots on hand. At a minimum, you will need to pot your plants in a container with a width and depth of 10 to 12 inches to accommodate growth. Choose a pot and soil that support drainage.

Ideally, when growing bell peppers in containers, there should be enough space for up to two gallons of soil. Plus, there should be enough drainage holes to prevent root rot, and maintain a reserve of water. Keep only one plant per pot to allow enough room for the roots.

Growing bell peppers in pots is more suitable for growing these plants indoors year-round. Two to three plants can nestle together when germinating your scraps from seed to seedlings, but they will need more space once established. The soil pH should be 6.5 to 6.8.

Don't stress starting your bell pepper plants in pots immediately. Use a seed tray for germinating young plants and transferring them to a large enough container once they are strong enough and have leaves. Use enough well-draining soil to cover the root ball and don't overwater.

.How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (13)How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (14)

Check out this pot with drainage on Amazon.


How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (15)

We hope the next time you purchase bell peppers, fight food waste and try growing a crop of these delicious veggies. Bell peppers are easy to grow at home, which is excellent for newbies and experienced green thumbs. Indoor vegetable gardening is also very satisfying.

Additionally, these vegetables don't take long to reach maturity. Indoor plant lovers can expect to see bell peppers on their plant after 60 to 90 days. Of course, the longer you let your bell peppers stay on the vine, they will change from green to red, orange, or yellow.

Before you go, you won't want to miss out on reading the following helpful articles.

Read More: How To Grow Vegetables In Sandy Soil

Read More: How Long Does Fertilizer Last In Soil?

How To Grow Bell Peppers Indoors [Inc. From Scraps] - (2024)


Can you grow bell peppers from scraps? ›

Now you're starting to wonder if you can grow bell peppers from scraps. Yes, you can absolutely take some of those tiny white seeds, dry them out and raise them into thriving, productive pepper plants.

Can I grow bell peppers indoors year round? ›

Thankfully, we can bring existing plants indoors to overwinter them. Or, if you prefer to keep your plants inside from the start, peppers can be grown indoors from seed to harvest.

Are Bell peppers easy to grow indoors? ›

Indoor pepper plants need the same requirements as those grown outside. They need enough space in a container for their roots to grow. They need plenty of sunlight; a south- or west-facing window is ideal. If you don't have enough light available, use a grow light.

When should you start growing peppers inside? ›

Peppers are usually started indoors six to eight weeks ahead of the last frost. That means, in some areas, you'll want to start seeds around Valentine's day. In more northern, high-altitude places that might mean tax day. And pepper plants aren't set out right after the first frost.

Can you grow plants from store bought bell peppers? ›

If the fruits you bought were red, orange, yellow or other ripe color, you've probably got mature seeds. Peppers can take 14 days to sprout inside, so give them consistent dampness and temperatures around 70 degrees to aid germination. I like to start my indoor seeds in old margarine tubs filled with vermiculite.

Can you grow peppers from the inside of a pepper? ›

Peppers can be grown from their seeds, even if the seeds are from peppers purchased at the supermarket. However, seeds should ideally be taken from ripe peppers because green, unripe peppers do not have fully developed seeds and their germination rate is low.

How many bell peppers will one plant yield? ›

Expect 5-10 large bell peppers per well-grown plant, and 20-50 hot peppers per plant.

How long can an indoor pepper plant live? ›

These peppers can live between 3-5 years. Some pepper growers growing in regions with cold winter weather bring their super hot pepper plants indoors to overwinter them to have a huge head start on the next season. Tabasco Peppers, Malaguetas, Thai Hot and many of the peppers grown in India.

Can you grow peppers in the winter indoors? ›

Overwintering Peppers Indoors

Contrary to popular belief, you can grow peppers indoors. If you want to try this method, then bring it inside before cold weather hits in the fall so it doesn't start going dormant. If your plant is too large to bring in, you can prune it to a smaller size.

Can you grow bell peppers on the windowsill? ›

You don't need a greenhouse to grow sweet peppers – as long as you have a warm, sheltered and sunny site, you should get a decent crop. Sweet peppers are attractive plants (especially when in fruit) so are ideal for growing on a south-facing patio or window sill.

What is the fastest way to germinate bell pepper seeds? ›

The secret to germinating pepper seeds quickly is to keep them warm and moist. We like to use a seedling heat mat to keep them around 80-90˚ F for the fastest germination.

Can you germinate bell pepper seeds in paper towel? ›

Starting hot pepper seeds in a wet paper towel enclosed in a ziploc bag has been the most reliable method for me over the years. I have been using this method since I first started growing hot chili peppers in 2002. I find it provides the best germination rates and quickest germination times.

Do bell peppers grow well in pots? ›

Growing peppers in containers is a great way to harvest homegrown produce even when you're short on space. With the right tools, the proper plants, sunlight, fertilizer and water, you'll be picking a peck of peppers before you know it.

Do peppers germinate better in light or dark? ›

Successful pepper seed germination requires a few things: heat (80˚-90˚ F), consistent moisture, and moderate light. Warmth is of the utmost importance, and you'll find if you provide heat (such as using a seedling mat or putting somewhere warm), you'll have a much faster & higher germination.

Do peppers need darkness to germinate? ›

Peppers seeds can germinate without light. However, seedlings will need light to grow. So, transplant your pepper seedlings into soil where they will get plenty of sun. If you are growing them indoors, put them near a window or under a grow light.

Can you grow bell peppers in a Mason jar? ›

1. Cut seeds out of a pepper and allow to dry for several days or purchase pepper seeds. 2. Place several inches of gravel into the bottom of a mason jar.

Can you plant pepper seeds from a pepper from the grocery store? ›

If the pepper you ate came from a hybrid cultivar (which is likely) then the seeds will not come true and the plants you grow will not be the same as the plant that produced the bell pepper you ate - and the peppers will not have the same quality. The pepper must have been fully ripe for the seeds to be viable.

What should not be planted by bell peppers? ›

There's really no evidence that certain plants will somehow affect pepper growth, but you may want to avoid planting peppers near cabbage and other brassicas such as broccoli and cauliflower (because peppers prefer slightly different soil acidity levels) and fennel (which some gardeners say inhibits pepper development) ...

How do you get peppers to flower indoors? ›

You can give them as much natural light as possible and then supplement the remaining hours with a grow light. However, if you provide sixteen hours of light for your pepper plants, this should encourage them to begin or continue producing indoors.

Can a bell pepper grow inside a bell pepper? ›

That little pepper inside a bigger pepper is called an “internal proliferation.” Its form can vary from irregular and contorted to a near-perfect but sterile fruit. A pepper growing inside a pepper is a type of parthenocarpy, which is the formation of fruits without fertilization or the formation of seeds.

How do you increase the yield of a bell pepper? ›

Steps to Increase Pepper Plant Yield:
  1. Start your pepper plants indoors.
  2. Use grow lights!
  3. Use the right soil.
  4. Use a big enough pot (for potted plants)
  5. Use the right fertilizer.
  6. Prune your plants.
  7. Optimize sunlight, heat and watering.
1 Nov 2022

Can you plant 2 bell pepper plants together? ›

Yes two peppers can be planted together – in fact, planting peppers with other peppers will still produce very successful harvests. However, since they are self-pollinating you don't necessarily need more than one plant if you're short of space. Peppers can also be planted with chilli jalapeño peppers.

What are the easiest peppers to grow? ›

2) What are the easiest peppers to grow? If you don't want to wait too long for germination, Capsicum Annuum are probably the easiest to grow. These include jalapeños, serranos, cayennes, Thai peppers, Anaheim, Hatch, poblano, many ornamentals and more.

How big do pepper plants need to be before planting? ›

Top pepper plants when the seedlings are at least 5 to 6 inches tall. On the other hand, don't wait too long to top your peppers or it can stunt their growth. We usually top our pepper seedlings about a month after they germinate, before transplanting them outside.

How do you keep bell peppers alive in the winter? ›

5 Tips for Overwintering Peppers
  1. Thoroughly prune your pepper plants. Remove all the leaves and all but a few of the nodes to reduce your pepper plant to a simple Y-shaped stem. ...
  2. Choose the hardiest plants. ...
  3. Clean the roots. ...
  4. Water the plants sparingly. ...
  5. Wait until the last frost to bring plants outdoors.
6 Jan 2022

What temperature is too cold for bell pepper plants? ›

Most peppers are not happy when temperatures drop below 50-60˚ F. If you live in a short season climate, we recommend starting pepper seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost of the spring is expected, and wait to transplant outside until it's warmed up to at least 55-60˚ F at night consistently.

Can you grow peppers in small pots? ›

Some of the more compact pepper varieties will do fine in pots as narrow as 8 inches. But larger plants will do best in containers at least a foot in diameter. In either case, make sure your pot is at least 10 inches deep to allow for adequate root growth. Five-gallon buckets are the perfect size for most peppers.

Can you grow peppers without direct sunlight? ›

If your gardening space is limited or covered, you may wonder if peppers can be grown in the shade. While peppers prefer plenty of direct sunshine, the plants may still be grown in partial shade. However, growing in full-shade is not recommended for peppers. Attempting this will lead to smaller plants and poor yields.

How deep do pots need to be for peppers? ›

Peppers have fairly large root systems, so the deeper the container, the better for healthy plants, and larger harvests. We recommend at least 14" deep, with an ideal depth of 18-24" (think whiskey barrel size.)

What seeds should not be soaked before planting? ›

By soaking the seed, it enables the new growth from the inside to push through the hard shell and grow. The seeds that could benefit from a good soaking include: corn, pumpkin, beans, chard, beets, and peas. The seeds you shouldn't soak include: carrots, lettuce, radish, celery, turnips, and spinach.

How do you germinate a seed with hydrogen peroxide? ›

Mix 30 millilitres of Hydrogen Peroxide 3% – Oxygen PlusTM for every 2 cups of water (8:1 ratio). Soak the seeds in the solution overnight and then plant as usual. To boost the health of your current plants, spray them with a solution of 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide 3% – Oxygen PlusTM to 32 parts water.

Should I soak bell pepper seeds before planting? ›

You don't have to soak pepper seeds before planting, but it does help soften the seed shell for easier germination.

What can I use instead of a heat mat? ›

If a heat pad is unavailable, a person can use a hot water bottle or heat a cloth bag of uncooked rice in the microwave.

Do you need a heat mat for pepper seedlings? ›

Keep the seeds consistently moist and warm – a seedling heat mat will greatly help in the success of getting the seeds to germinate. Pepper seeds sprout best when kept very warm at 80-90˚ F.

How far should pepper seedlings be from grow light? ›

The height of the light should generally be between 2 to 4 inches away from your seedlings. Some LED grow lights need to be 12″ or higher.

Is it better to germinate seeds in soil or paper towel? ›

Many seeds germinate much quicker in paper towels (versus seeds that are started in soil). The heat, moisture, and controlled conditions inside a plastic baggie help them germinate in only a few days (or less, depending on the seed).

Does soaking pepper seeds help germination? ›

A: Absolutely! Let your pepper seeds soak in warm water to help break dormancy and speed up germination.

How long should you leave seeds in paper towel? ›

They take 10 days to germinate. To germinate seeds in paper towels, gather the seeds, paper towels and silicone or plastic bags. Label the bags using tape (if using silicone bags) and a permanent marker, with the date and name of the plant.

Can I grow bell peppers from grocery store peppers? ›

If the fruits you bought were red, orange, yellow or other ripe color, you've probably got mature seeds. Peppers can take 14 days to sprout inside, so give them consistent dampness and temperatures around 70 degrees to aid germination. I like to start my indoor seeds in old margarine tubs filled with vermiculite.

Can you grow bell peppers in a mason jar? ›

1. Cut seeds out of a pepper and allow to dry for several days or purchase pepper seeds. 2. Place several inches of gravel into the bottom of a mason jar.

How many bell peppers can you get from one plant? ›

Expect 5-10 large bell peppers per well-grown plant, and 20-50 hot peppers per plant.

How long before bell peppers bear fruit? ›

Keep in mind that sweet bell peppers have a long growing season — they take between 60 to 90 days from sowing to harvesting — so the sooner you get started, the better. It's recommended to sow your bell pepper seeds 8 to 10 weeks before your last spring frost date.

How do you grow peppers indoors in the winter? ›

An attached garage or a basem*nt is ideal. For pepper winter care, the pepper plant won't need much light, so near a window or near a lamp with a fluorescent bulb will be enough light in these locations. Once you've placed the pepper plant in this location, cut back the watering.

How long will pepper plants last indoors? ›

Some pepper growers growing in regions with cold winter weather bring their super hot pepper plants indoors to overwinter them to have a huge head start on the next season. Tabasco Peppers, Malaguetas, Thai Hot and many of the peppers grown in India. These peppers can live between 3-8 years.

Can you grow pepper plants indoors in the winter? ›

Overwintering Peppers Indoors

Contrary to popular belief, you can grow peppers indoors. If you want to try this method, then bring it inside before cold weather hits in the fall so it doesn't start going dormant. If your plant is too large to bring in, you can prune it to a smaller size.

How many peppers can I put in a 5 gallon bucket? ›

How many Pepper Plants per Container? We usually plant one pepper plant in each 5 gallon pot, but if you have larger pots you can plant 2-3 peppers depending on the size of the container. It also depends on the variety, some peppers are smaller in size than others.

How deep do containers need to be for bell peppers? ›

Pots for growing peppers should be at least 10 inches deep. So a pot 12 wide and 10 deep is perfect.

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