How to keep the birds visiting your yard all winter long (2024)

(Photo by Glenn P. Knoblock)

Now that the days are noticeably colder and shorter, food supplies have become more scarce for many of the birds we see year-round.

Fruit from trees and shrubs is mostly gone, and insects are not as abundant as they were during the warmer months. The birds must still eat, though, and keeping your bird feeders stocked during late fall and winter can help.

Here are some good bird food choices for winter and somepointers and tips to keep birds visiting your yard for these next few months.

Seeds and nuts

Seeds and nuts are a dietary staple for many birds species, particularly those that remain in cold-weather climates for the winter. Plenty of options are available, but some birds prefer certain kinds of nuts and seeds over others.

Black-oil sunflower seed is the most universal of seeds, eaten by almost all birds that visit bird feeders, according to Bird Watcher's Digest. It's a good choice if you want to attract a variety of birds to your yard. The seeds can be a bit messy, but the already hulled seeds, called sunflower hearts, are a less-messy alternative. Striped sunflower seed is another good choice and can be good for attracting jays, cardinals and evening grosbeaks.

Cracked corn is a good choice for attracting doves, jays, blackbirds and sparrows. Northern cardinals particularly love safflower seed, and thistle is a favorite of finches of all kinds.Peanuts without their shells can attract a bevy of birds. Nuts removed from their shells may attract nuthatches, chickadees, titmice, woodpeckers and jays. Jays and woodpeckers will also eat peanuts in the shell, but smaller birds will not.

A few tips for backyard bird enthusiasts stocking feeders for winter:

  • Make sure you use a feeder that is appropriate for the kind of seed or nut you are putting out. For example, thistle seed requires a special thistle feeder because the seed is so small. And many bird feeders are not suitable for peanuts because the nuts are too big.
  • If you buy birdseed mixes, look for good mixes that don't have a lot of filler. Quality seed mixes have a high content of black-oil sunflower seeds, cracked corn and white proso millet, according to Bird Watcher's Digest. Avoid seed mixes with a lot of filler ingredients, including wheat and red milo.
  • Squirrels love to visit bird feeders for easy access to food. Afew food options — notably cracked corn and peanuts — are known favorites of squirrels. On the other hand, safflower seed is not a popular choice for squirrels.


In the winter, birds need more calories to stay warm, so offering high-fat foods is beneficial because fat has more calories per gram than carbohydrates or protein, according to the National Wildlife Federation. Suet is a good high-fat food for birds because it is readily available and relatively inexpensive.

Another good high-fat option, albeit more expensive, is peanut butter. Peanut butter doesn't come in neat little packs that you can easily pop into a feeder like suet does, but you can simply smear peanut butter on a tree trunk to offer it as a food option. Just be sure the brand is one that doesn't contain partially hydrogenated oil, or trans fat.

High-fat foods like suet and peanut butter are particularly good options for birds that eat a lot of insects in the warmer months. Nuthatches, chickadees and woodpeckers are among the birds that can benefit from the high fat content in suet and peanut butter, according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Don't forget water

Freezing temperatures can make water hard to come by in winter, and birds need water both to drink and so they can clean their feathers. Offering a steady supply of fresh water supply can attract birds, the Cornell Lab reports.

Shallow birdbaths are the best choice, but you can also improvise and make your own with objects such as garbage can lids, pie plates or even a frying pan. Just make sure to clean it often and replenish it with water after freezing temperatures.

Feed the birds responsibly

While keeping your bird feeders stocked is beneficial to birds all year long, there are a few things you should do to help keep birds safe and free of disease.

To start, you should give your bird feeders a good cleaning at least a few times a year, the National Audubon Society advises. To get it clean, simply use a solution containing 10 percent non-chlorinated bleach and scrub all parts of the feeder. Make sure to let the feeder dry completely before refilling it. To keep your feeders clean all year long, clean them between seasons.

You should also regularly rake or clean up the seed that has fallen to the ground, Treehuggerreports. The fallen seed can get wet and soggy and sprout mold, which can make birds sick.

When filling feeders, put separate types of seed in separate feeders, the Audubon Society recommends. For example, putblack-oil sunflower seed in one feeder and cracked corn in another. Keeping seeds in separate feeders helps keep bird species that don't usually interact separate and also keeps waste and mess to a minimum.

If you have multiple bird feeders in your yard, consider putting some distance between them and keep them at different heights, Mother Nature Network advises. This will also help keep different species from interacting and decrease the likelihood of the spread of disease.


How to keep the birds visiting your yard all winter long (2024)


How to keep the birds visiting your yard all winter long? ›

It's best to use feeders that keep seed dry, and to establish feeding stations in areas that are sheltered and that provide natural cover for birds as they wait for their turn to feed. Tray feeders should be placed near the ground; hopper and tube feeders hung or suspended from tree limbs, shepherd's hooks, etc.

What is a homemade remedy to keep birds away? ›

How to get rid of birds naturally
  1. Baking soda: Sprinkle baking soda where you have noticed birds in your yard. ...
  2. Chili pepper mixture: Mix 24 chili peppers (green or red) with half a gallon of water and a quarter cup of vinegar. ...
  3. Bird netting: Place some bird netting over the area you want the birds to stay out of.
Jun 30, 2021

What is the most effective bird deterrent? ›

Bird Spikes are a simple but effective deterrent for birds. The blunt, harmless spikes thwart birds' efforts to land without harming them in any way. Spikes can be permanently or temporarily installed.

What smells do birds hate the most? ›

Some smells birds hate include:
  • Essential oils. These scents are overpowering to birds, especially peppermint oil. ...
  • Peppers. With most peppers being spicy, their smell often creates a burning sensation. ...
  • Garlic. ...
  • Cinnamon. ...
  • Vinegar. ...
  • Citrus oil.
Dec 15, 2022

How to protect birds from cold weather? ›

There are a number of things you can do to help your bird neighbors survive frigid temperatures. First, provide them with high- quality roost sites such as brush piles, dense shrubs, vines and trees that retain their foliage throughout the winter. When possible, leave standing any dead trees that contain cavities.

Will spraying vinegar keep birds away? ›

Do vinegar effective to keep birds away? The smell of vinegar is very unpleasant for birds. It's a common household item, so you can easily put it in a spray bottle and use it anywhere you want to avoid birds in your garden.

How do farmers keep birds away? ›

Besides using scarecrows to scare away birds, many farmers also use sound cannons. These also work by emitting loud sounds that humans cannot hear, but the birds can. This will cause them to immediately leave the area, so they do not get hit with the cannon's sound blast.

How do I keep birds out of my yard? ›

Here are some of the most popular ways for keeping birds away.
  1. Wind Chimes: The sound of wind chimes can deter birds with constant noise, disrupting their comfort zones.
  2. Reflective Items: ...
  3. Garden Spinners: ...
  4. Protective Pets: ...
  5. Scarecrows: ...
  6. Balloons: ...
  7. Plastic Snakes & Owls: ...
  8. Chicken Wire & Garden Netting:
Jan 26, 2024

Is there a chemical to keep birds away? ›

Bird Repellent Products are proven in repelling many types of pest birds in a variety of situations. Nixalite offers safe chemical and visual bird repellents that are designed to help keep birds away. Nixalite has a solution you can count on.

Do wind chimes keep birds away? ›

The noise and movement of wind chimes will scare birds off your deck, patio, or porch. Reflective items. Birds are sensitive to bright, reflective colors and will typically avoid any place that has them. Take advantage of this by using reflective flash tape, small mirrors, or other reflective decorative items.

What do all birds hate? ›

Generally speaking, birds hate strong smells, shiny objects, and predators, such as birds of prey and larger animals or humans.

What color do birds hate? ›

One color that the majority of birds avoid is white. A dull or bright white signals alarm and danger to birds, causing them to avoid those areas.

Does WD-40 keep birds away? ›

No bird, pigeons included, tolerates the smell of WD-40. I have used it on my mailbox for years to keep the birds aloft. My information comes from the National Park Service, which uses WD-40 to keep pigeons off the Statue Of Liberty. Many large-city apartments use WD-40 on banisters.

What temperature is too cold for birds? ›

Birds (especially larger parrots) can generally tolerate temperatures as low as the 50s, but once the thermometer drops below that, they may get fluffed up (expending all of their energy trying to trap warm air between their feathers and their bodies to keep warm) and stop eating.

What to feed birds in winter? ›

Top 10 Foods for Winter Bird Feeding
  • Mealworms.
  • Cracked corn. ...
  • Safflower. ...
  • Nyjer/thistle seed. ...
  • Good mixed seed. ...
  • Suet. ...
  • Peanuts. ...
  • Black-oil sunflower seed. Thompson calls this seed the “hamburger” of the bird world: nearly every bird that stops by your feeder will eat it because its thin shell is easy to crack.
Feb 7, 2010

Where do birds sleep when it's cold? ›

They roost in cavities

Birds will never find a warmer spot to sleep than in their own down feathers, nestled in a nook small enough that they can warm it up with any extra heat that does escape.

How can I keep birds away from my porch? ›

How to Keep Birds Away from Your Deck – 6 Ways
  1. If You Have Bird Feeders, Keep Them Away From Your Porch. ...
  2. Keep Your Hedges Trimmed. ...
  3. Make Use of Hanging Mirrors, Pinwheels, or Shiny Moving Objects. ...
  4. Get Birds of Your Own. ...
  5. Install a Motion-Activated Sprinkler System. ...
  6. Use the Good Old Fishing Line Trick.
May 27, 2021

Does baking soda keep birds away? ›

Baking soda is an inexpensive and safe way to keep birds away from your property. Sprinkling it around areas where birds are known to frequent can help keep them at bay. The baking soda releases an unpleasant smell for birds, causing them to seek out other places to rest or feed.

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