How to make your own cake flour substitute (2024)

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Making your own cake flour substitute is incredibly easy. Just take out two Tablespoons of flour from one cup of all purpose flour and add in two tablespoons of cornstarch or arrowroot powder to get one cup of cake flour. Read on for more info about how to make a successful cake flour substitute and why you can and cannot use it.

How to make your own cake flour substitute (1)

Cake flour isa low-protein flour that contains about 7-9% protein which causes less gluten development than your standard all-purpose flour. The more protein, the more gluten develops. The more gluten development, the chewier and firmer your final product will be. Cake flour has less protein and is used to make delicate cakes and baked goods that are soft, fluffy, and moist.

Protein is measured in percentage. Everything outside of the protein content is starch. Starch does not have any structure. If you've ever seen a video of how seitan (vegan chicken) is made, you can see them washing the dough to remove all the starch and all that is left is the protein structure.

Table of contents

  • What Is The Difference Between Different Flours?
    • Bread Flour: 12-15% protein
    • All Purpose Flour: 10-12% protein
    • Cake Flour: 6-8% protein
    • Pastry Flour: 8-10% protein
    • Whole Wheat Flour: 14% protein
  • Specialty Flours
  • How To Make An Easy Cake Flour Substitute
  • What Brands Of Cake Flour Are The Best?
  • No Cake Flour? No Problem... Cake Recipes That Don't Need Cake Flour

What Is The Difference Between Different Flours?

How to make your own cake flour substitute (2)

Most people are pretty familiar with AP flour (all-purpose flour) and may have never even thought to use a different kind of flour based on what they are baking. And the truth is, most things CAN be made with an all-purpose flour but if you really want to dial in your recipes to be the best they can be, maybe it's time you started looking at your flours in the grocery store aisle a little more closely.

Flour is often described as "hard wheat" or "soft wheat" depending on how much protein it contains. Bread and pizza flour is "hard" while pastry and cake flour is "soft".

Bread Flour: 12-15% protein

How to make your own cake flour substitute (3)

Used for making breads, pizza dough, laminated doughs and other baked goods that require a lot of gluten development to get that chewy texture.

All Purpose Flour: 10-12% protein

A general use flour that is used for some cakes, muffins, quick breads, carrot cake, and other baked goods that do not require a lot of mixing.

Cake Flour: 6-8% protein

How to make your own cake flour substitute (4)

Used for delicate baked goods like vanilla cake, angel food cake, white cakes, chocolate cake and other baked goods that need to have a soft texture.

Pastry Flour: 8-10% protein

Best to use for tender biscuits, muffins, cookies, pie crust, pastries, and other baked goods that need a tender crumb.

Whole Wheat Flour: 14% protein

Best used for whole wheat breads or baked goods that need more gluten development and fiber.

Specialty Flours

Almond Flour (or other nut flours): A finely milled flour made entirely of nuts. No gluten content whatsoever so recipes need to be adjusted with gums and leavening agent to recreate the same texture in baked goods.

Gluten-Free Flour: Typically created from a mixture of many types of flours including rice, potato starch, and gums (like xanthum gum). My favorite is Bobs Red Mill Gluten-Free Baking Mix which you can replace in any recipe 1:1.

How to make your own cake flour substitute (5)

Self-Rising Flour: Self rising flour can be all purpose flour or cake flour but with the addition of leavening agents like baking powder already added in. I don't recommend using this flour in your cake recipe unless it specifically calls for it.

Plain Flour: Usually similar to an all purpose flour. Check the protein content to see if it's a low protein flour or not.

Rice Flour: Can be used in some baked good recipes but the texture is not exactly the same. It's best to use recipes that call for rice flour.

How To Make An Easy Cake Flour Substitute

Measure 1 cup of flour by weight (5 ounces) or by volume using a measuring cup (scoop the flour into the measuring cup with another cup then level off the top).

  1. Measure out one cup of all purpose flour (5 ounces) and place it into a sifter over the top of a medium bowl.
  2. Subtract two Tablespoons of the flour (.5 ounces).
  3. Add in two Tablespoons of cornstarch.
  4. Sift the two ingredients together twice to make sure the cornstarch is evenly distributed.
How to make your own cake flour substitute (6)

If you're making a large batch of cake flour substitute to have on hand, you can multiply 4.5 ounces as many times as you need and do the same with the cornstarch and do it all by scale instead of having to add and subtract things one Tablespoon at a time. Much easier!

What Brands Of Cake Flour Are The Best?

Depending on where you are located, you will have access to different types of cake flour. I like Swan or Softsilk which is available at most grocery stores and are a bit expensive but come in small amounts. Good for if you don't bake much.

If you're buying in bulk (which I highly recommend) you can get fifty pounds Queen High Ratio cake flour for about thirty bucks from US Foods Chef Store.

If you're in the UK then do a search for Shipton Mills Cake Flour. Not cheap but the real deal!

Most places actually do carry low protein content cake flour but you might have to do some searching or ask some local cake decorating supply stores where to buy it.

No Cake Flour? No Problem... Cake Recipes That Don't Need Cake Flour

White Cake Recipe
Easy Chocolate Cake Recipe
Red Velvet Cake Recipe
Easy Vanilla Cake Recipe
Angel Food Cake
Coconut Cake
Carrot Cake


How to make your own cake flour substitute (7)

Cake Flour Substitute

The easiest way to make a cake flour substitute and you only need two ingredients plus a sifter.

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Prep Time: 5 minutes minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes minutes

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

Servings: 1 cup

Calories: 516kcal

Author: Elizabeth Marek


  • 1 Sifter


  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 2 Tablespoons cornstarch

US Customary - Metric


  • Measure out your flour and place into a medium bowl

  • Remove two Tablespoons of the flour

  • Add in two Tablespoons of cornstarch

  • Sift the two ingredients together two times to distribute the cornstarch evenly



You can also use arrowroot powder in place of cornstarch


Serving: 1cup | Calories: 516kcal | Carbohydrates: 110g | Protein: 13g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 0.2g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.1g | Sodium: 4mg | Potassium: 134mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 0.3g | Calcium: 19mg | Iron: 6mg

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How to make your own cake flour substitute (2024)


How to make your own cake flour substitute? ›

How to make cake flour: Whisk together 3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons (105g) all-purpose flour and 2 tablespoons (14g) cornstarch. Use in place of cake flour in a recipe, substituting by equal weight or volume.

What can I substitute for cake flour in a recipe? ›

Making a cake flour substitute is easy with the following two ingredients: all-purpose flour and either cornstarch or arrowroot powder. Start with one level cup of AP flour, remove two tablespoons of the flour, and add two tablespoons of cornstarch or arrowroot powder back in.

How to make 1/2 cup cake flour? ›

For every 1 cup of flour remove 2 Tbsp of flour. Now add 2 Tbsp of Cornstarch for every 1 cup of flour. (replacing the tablespoons of flour taken out). Sift 5-6 times and it's ready-to-use cake flour.

How to make cake flour from all-purpose flour in grams? ›

Make your own - one cup sifted cake flour can be substituted with 3/4 cup (84 grams) sifted bleached all-purpose flour plus 2 tablespoons (15 grams) cornstarch. Pastry flour is similar to cake flour, although it has not been chlorinated, with an 8-10% protein content and is made from soft wheat flour.

Is there really a difference between cake flour and all-purpose flour? ›

Because all-purpose flour is designed to work for every type of bake, its gluten content is moderate, at around 10 to 13%. Cake flour, however, has one of the lowest gluten contents, at around 7 to 9%, which makes a much softer, lighter crumb. Another important difference is grain size.

Does cake flour have baking powder in it? ›

No it doesn't. Cake flour doesn't contain any raising agents. So when using it, you will need to use baking powder or baking soda into your cake. When making your own homemade cake flour just note that cornstarch is not a raising agent.

What is a substitute for cake flour in angel food cake? ›

If you don't have cake flour, you can make a cake flour substitute: Begin with 1 level cup of all-purpose flour. Then remove 2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour, and add 2 tablespoons of either cornstarch or arrowroot powder to the flour.

What happens if I don't have cake flour? ›

You can make a cake flour substitute by mixing a few tablespoons of cornstarch (or a cornstarch substitute, but more on that later) into all-purpose flour, which will help inhibit gluten formation. The result? A cake that's just as tender as it would be if you used store-bought cake flour.

How to make cake flour in bulk? ›

  1. Measure out one cup of all-purpose flour.
  2. Remove two tablespoons of flour from the cup.
  3. Add two tablespoons of cornstarch. Sift together.
  4. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for up to 6 months.
Oct 26, 2011

Is self-rising flour the same as cake flour? ›

Cake Flour vs Self-Raising Flour: Cake flour is finely ground wheat flour with low protein and gluten levels but is bleached for health reasons. Self-raising flour, on the other hand, is not as finely grounded but has more protein and gluten content, with additional ingredients like salt and baking powder.

How is cake flour made? ›

To make one cup of cake flour, combine 14 tablespoons of all-purpose flour with 2 tablespoons of cornstarch. Whisk the two together and then sift at least once. We find it easier to start with one cup of all-purpose and then remove two tablespoons of it, replacing them with 2 tablespoons of cornstarch.

What is the best cake flour? ›

Some of my favorite brands are Swan's Down, King Arthur Flour, and Softasilk. They are all great products and will yield excellent results. But, if you find yourself in a pinch (or in Europe where it is more difficult to find) – don't panic! You CAN use all purpose flour as a substitute with a little doctoring.

Can I use 00 flour instead of cake flour? ›

In fact, even though '00' pizza flour's protein content is actually higher than cake flour's — closer to all-purpose flour, in fact — “the cake made with pizza flour is softer and lighter than if it's made with cake flour,” reports Sarah. “It will also rise a little bit taller.”

Does sifting flour make a difference? ›

Cakes with very fine crumbs or that rely on eggs or egg whites for lift, such as sponge or angel food cakes, benefit from sifted flour. You eliminate the risk of clumps and ensure that the flour can be stirred into the batter quicker and easier without knocking all the air out of your beaten eggs.

What is the substitution for cake flour with all-purpose flour? ›

Add an extra 2 tablespoons per cup of cake flour to equal the quantity in 1 cup of AP flour. If you're substituting all-purpose flour for cake flour, you'll want to reverse these ratios: Use 2 tablespoons less AP flour per cup of cake flour, and add 2 tablespoons of cornstarch per cup.

How to make 1 cup cake flour? ›

For every cup of cake flour called for in a recipe, measure one cup of all-purpose flour, remove 2 tablespoons of the flour, and then add the flour to a mixing bowl. Add in 2 tablespoons of cornstarch and whisk well to combine. Voila!

What happens if you use plain flour in a cake? ›

Because plain flour contains no extra ingredients, including rising agents, your cakes and pastries won't rise if you use this type of flour as it is. You'll need to add a rising agent, such as yeast or baking powder, into the plain flour if you want your baked goods to rise and become appetisingly fluffy.

What is cake flour also known as? ›

Cake flour is milled to an extra fine consistency (in fact, cake flour may be referred to by some as extra fine or super fine flour), which allows it to absorb a lot of water. This results in a fine crumb and a soft, tender texture.

Can I use bread flour instead of cake flour? ›

We tried using bread flour in several baked good recipes, including yellow cake and sugar cookies, but didn't have success. The cake had a dense, gummy texture and the cookies lacked crispness. There are important differences between wheat flours related to the proteins that form gluten when combined with water.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.