How To Properly Dry Live Edge Slabs - Lancaster Live Edge (2024)

Drying live edge slabs properly is a process that can take over two years. I know, you just cut some beautiful slabs that you're ready to use for your next project, but the problem is that they're green and not quite ready to use just yet.

As a general rule of thumb, you should let your live edge slabs air dry for 1 year per every inch thick they are. Then, they should be kiln dried. You'll want them to be at most 20% moisture level when they are going in the kiln. When they're removed from the kiln, the ideal moisture level varies based on the environment the slab is going in. Typically this is 12% or less throughout the entire slab. For most of our wood slabs, we shoot for 8% moisture content.

If you do decide to build a dining room table or something else from a green slab, it will look fine, at first. The issue will arise after it's put in your home. As the slab naturally dries with time, your piece will begin to crack, warp, and ultimately become an eyesore of what was once a beautiful piece. Glued joints will begin to fall apart, and if you sold the piece to a customer, you'll likely be seeing a bad review shortly after this happens. These issues can happen as quickly as week 1 of being in a home or even as long as a year down the road.

So, now that we know the consequences of not drying your slabs properly, let's talk about how to dry them properly so your live edge furniture ages as it should.

Air Drying Your Slabs

Air drying is an essential first step to properly drying your slabs. At Lancaster Live Edge, we allow all of our slabs to air dry after they're cut for about 2 years. Allowing these to air dry prior to putting them in the kiln will help keep them from getting large cracks and warping from drying too fast.

After your slabs are cut, you'll want to immediately put them on sticks. This process is simple. We use small 1"x1" sticks in between each slab. We place these sticks every 16" or so across the face of the slab. When the slabs are then placed in storage as they air dry, the sticks allow air to flow through each slab so they all dry at the same rate.

These sticks also help support the weight of the slab. Some of the larger slabs we have weigh over 300lbs when they're cut. By supporting the slabs throughout the log with these sticks, and stacking them on top of each other, the weight and supports help keep the slabs straight and avoids warping. Below is a picture of green slabs that are being put on sticks prior to starting the air-drying process.

How To Know When The Slabs Are Done Air Drying?

We typically let our slabs air dry for 2 years, but many sellers do not. A general rule of thumb is that live edge slabs are ready to kiln dry when they reach 20% moisture level. This can be tested using a moisture meter.

If you're wondering how long this takes, the answer is that it will vary. Obviously, a thinner slab will dry much faster than one that's cut a few inches thick. A 2" slab dries in about 6 months, whereas a 3"+ thick slab will take much longer.

Kiln Drying Live Edge Slabs

After your live edge wood slabs are air-dried, you'll want to put them in a kiln for about 1-3 months. Assuming you don't have a kiln, you'll want to find a local shop that does. Many places that manufacture hardwood lumber, flooring, or other finished wood products will offer kiln drying services.

If you're using a third party to dry your slabs, you'll want to coordinate with them months in advance. Some places will have a backlog for their kiln and it may be months until they have room for your slabs.

After your slabs are kiln dried, it's important to verify their moisture levels. This will vary depending on where you're located. Where we're located in PA, we ideally want every slab to be 8-12% moisture level when we're building a table. The moisture level will vary at different parts of the slab, but the 8-12% range is what we shoot for.

How The Kiln Works

A wood kiln is essentially a chamber where air circulation, humidity, and temperature are controlled so that the moisture in wood gets reduced. When properly kiln dried, wood will get to a point where it won't have any drying defects.

A conventional kiln uses steam that's pushed through pipes and radiates heat into the chamber. The water within the wood is then converted to vapor and is released from the chamber with hot air. This type of kiln is not as efficient as a dehumidification kiln, so it isn't used as much anymore.

Dehumidification kilns are much more common. This type of kiln continuously recycles heat within the kiln. The water is condensed on the coils of the dehumidifier and removed as a liquid.

The Art Of Kiln Drying

Kiln drying lumber is an extremely delicate process. Every kiln and every species and cut of wood can dry a hair differently. At Lancaster Live Edge, we use an iDry Vacuum kiln. We have experts in-house at drying lumber. After all, we're the sister company to a sawmill that's been serving the east coast for several decades.

If you're looking for DIY drying for your slabs, being honest you're better to hire a professional. This process is extremely delicate. The larger (wider) of slabs you're working with, the more that can go wrong. You can get moisture pockets in your wood and even have your wood warp and crack to the point it's no longer usable. We've commonly heard customers with stories of drying their own wood. Some do things like sitting cinder blocks on the lumber to try to keep it from warping. At the end of the day, if wood wants to move, it will.

As with any art or craft, kiln drying slabs and lumber will require the right tools and equipment. At Lancaster Live Edge we're equipped with a professional kiln, as well as professional moisture meters and staff to ensure our lumber gets dried properly. The right equipment for this is not cheap, but it does help us ensure the quality of our furniture.

Finishing The Slab

After your slabs leave the kiln, they are ready to use! It may look a little uglier than you remember, but it'll look like it did when it was green after it's planed and sanded. You'll want to use a slab flattener to do this.

After you surface your slab, you'll want to use it in the near future. If you let your slab sit outside, or even store it against a wall once it's surfaced, it may warp with time. When it's surfaced the pours of the wood are opened back up, making it vulnerable until it's finished. This is typically only an issue if slabs are stored in humid locations or left outside for long periods of time after drying.

Have any questions or comments? We'll try our best to help! Drop them below in the comment box!

How To Properly Dry Live Edge Slabs - Lancaster Live Edge (1)

Nolan Barger

Nolan is one of the original members of the team at Lancaster Live Edge. Formerly, Nolan was the Marketing and Sales Manager at our company, and he also spent several hours a day building tables and custom furniture in our shop. Now, Nolan helps with our marketing initiatives. Prior to his time at Lancaster Live Edge, Nolan worked for years for his family’s custom home building company and has built everything from custom furniture to cabins to home additions.

How To Properly Dry Live Edge Slabs - Lancaster Live Edge (2024)


How do you dry a live edge slab? ›

Air drying is an essential first step to properly drying your slabs. At Lancaster Live Edge, we allow all of our slabs to air dry after they're cut for about 2 years. Allowing these to air dry prior to putting them in the kiln will help keep them from getting large cracks and warping from drying too fast.

How do you dry wood slabs without cracking them? ›

You can dry wood without cracking by applying a sealant, stabilizer, or salt paste before drying. Finally, you can apply boiled linseed oil or let logs dry as boards to avoid cracking when drying. Treating wood with stabilizing solution keeps wood from cracking when drying.

How do you dry wood slabs quickly? ›

All you need to do is set up a decent dehumidifier beside the stack of wood to be dried, let it run, and it will suck the moisture right out of the wood. This can speed up the drying time from months or weeks to just a few days. Even better is if you add an air fan into the mix to produce some extra airflow.

How do you stop live edge slabs from cracking? ›

When applied to wood, linseed oil is one of the most effective ways to prevent it from splitting and cracking. Apply boiled linseed oil to the wood and keep the wood out of direct sunlight.

How long do live edge slabs need to dry? ›

So based on the prior paragraph a theoretical drying time for 2 inch thick wood should be closer to 140-180 days, or close to half a year. Both research and the experience of many operators will tell you this can be pushed closer to perhaps 90-100 days as a practical minimum for most species.

What happens if wood is not properly dried? ›

Just as drying wood shrinks, wood that is absorbing moisture from its environment will swell in size. While that might cause a tight fit or even a potential split, in some wood projects and in wood floors it can also cause crowning or buckling.

What do you put on slabs before cracking? ›

The most commonly used grout to fill concrete cracks is Portland cement mixed with water. You need to add enough water to make a good quality grout mix. Besides cement grout, you can go with any other filler material or sealant to fill out the cracks.

How do you dry wood so it doesn't warp? ›

Store your lumber in a clean, cool, shaded and dry location. If you're storing wood in an area with high relative humidity—80 percent or more—be sure it's wrapped in material that is impermeable to vapor. This prevents the wood from absorbing significant amounts of moisture from the surrounding air.

How long do slabs take to dry? ›

The general rule of thumb is that concrete takes about 28 days to dry for every inch of slab thickness. Within 24 to 48 hours, the concrete will be ready for foot traffic.

What happens if you dry wood too fast? ›

Seal off the ends of each piece of lumber immediately after cutting to prevent moisture decay. Exposed ends can lead to drying that is too fast, which paves the way for end-grain cracking and splits. And since moisture escapes wood 10 to 12 times quicker from the ends, leaving them exposed is damaging to the wood.

How long does it take to air dry a slab of wood? ›

A rule of thumb for air drying wood slabs is to allow one year per inch of thickness.

How thick should I cut live edge slabs? ›

Start with a sharp blade, and keep extras on hand. *Cut slabs a minimum of 2" thick to minimize warping. Saw thicker slabs for specific purposes or projects. If you want to use the warp-prone pith (the log's center), cut it as a 4–5"-thick slab, as shown at right.

Can you keep the bark on a live edge slab? ›

yes, it's a good idea to remove the bark from a live edge slab. The bond between the bark and the wood isn't strong at all. Even if it feels solid when you get the slab, it will just be a matter of time before it crumbles and breaks off on its own.

How do I make my live edge smooth? ›

Sand the sharp edges on the ends of the slab, if needed.

Live edge slabs usually have bark on 2 sides; the other 2 sides are sometimes jagged from where they were cut. If this is the case with your slab, sand the roughness away with 120-grit sandpaper. Work your way to 150-, 180-, 220-, and 320-grit.

Do live edge slabs need to be kiln dried? ›

Two: Kiln Drying is a Must when buying a live edge slab.

In this condition, the wood is very unstable, and is prone to checking (cracking) and warp of all types. Kiln drying brings the moisture content down to 6-8% for lumber or below 10% for slabs, in order to make sure it's in a stable and ready to be worked with.

How long after laying slabs can you walk on them? ›

Once you've laid out all of your paving slabs, be sure not to walk on them until the mortar is completely dry, usually 24-48 hours after you finished the pointing.

How do you test slab moisture? ›

For this test, a calcium chloride disk is placed under a sealed plastic sheet and left to collect moisture vapor. After 24 hours, the disk is retrieved and weighed, and compared to the disk's pretest weight. This weight difference indicates how much moisture vapor has emerged from the slab in 24 hours.

Can wood be too dry turning? ›

The simple answer is yes, spalted woods can go beyond turning. The worse the wood the harder it is turn. Some woodturners see it as a challenge and seek out such wood.

Is it better to dry wood inside or outside? ›

3. The best place to dry freshly-cut firewood is outside. If you throw it straight into a wood shed, it will take twice as long (18-24 months) because it's not getting assistance from the sun or air movement.

How long should wood sit to dry? ›

It can take 3-12 months or longer to season firewood. On average, it usually takes around 6-months to dry out the cut-firewood that you purchased from a store or supplier. Depending on the original timber's moisture content, it can take more or less time to season.

How long can untreated wood wet? ›

Wood can Start to Rot in 1-6 months If:

Wood is untreated. The wooded area is sitting in water. Water and/or air space is hot & humid.

Does wood continue rot after dry? ›

Even when suitably damp, the natural resistance to decay of some timbers (and properly preserved timber) may prevent rot. Thus, dry rot is not inevitable if wood becomes and remains damp but timbers will certainly be at risk. Omnipresent in the environment, spores will therefore be present in all properties.

Do you wet slabs before laying? ›

Before you can start laying patio slabs, you need to dampen them so they don't dry out your concrete too quickly. Then, lower your first paving slab into position. Lay it into the concrete mix and gently tap it with a rubber mallet so it's fixed in place.

What should I brush between slabs? ›

Concrete Paving Slabs

Filling large gaps between paving slabs can be easily achieved with wet brush-in joint filler or polymeric sand. Wet brush-in filler is more flexible, making the joints less susceptible to cracking as the temperature changes throughout the year.

Why do they put foam in slabs? ›

Foam insulation under concrete slab avoids thermal discrepancies caused by uncontrollable temperature variations, heat transfers and losses and variable environmental conditions. This will help to reduce energy costs.

What is the best method to use in wood drying why? ›

Conventional kilns and solar drying both enable wood to be dried to any moisture content regardless of weather conditions. For most large-scale drying operations solar and conventional kiln drying are more efficient than air drying. Compartment-type kilns are most commonly used in timber companies.

What is the best method to use in wood drying? ›

The two most popular ways of drying your own timber is by kiln or in open-air. Air dried wood contains much less moisture than green wood, but a little bit more than the faster and more aggressive method of Kiln drying.

How do you keep live edge wood from warping? ›

How to avoid warping:
  1. Store it upright after it's flattened, not laying down.
  2. Store the slab wherever it's going to be used as a table for 1-2 weeks before finishing it. ...
  3. Check the moisture content before buying. ...
  4. Cover them with moving blankets and support the entire slab evenly when transporting them.
26 Jan 2021

Why do my slabs always look wet? ›

It may be down to a high salt content within the cement and it is coming through, because these are not natural stone and pre-cast from cement it looks as though they have reacted. Sealing will not help it will just seal in the stain, do not scrub or apply detergent as this may remove the dye or colour from the slabs.

Can you put slabs straight onto soil? ›

While it is possible to lay paving slabs on soil, it is not generally advised. The durability of any paving with a soil base can depend on many factors, including: Type of soil: Heavy clay soil will be far more durable and less likely to be compromised by British weather conditions.

Does wood dry faster in a pile? ›

There is less effort in stacking because you do it right where you split the wood. One of the biggest benefits of this method is that the wood dries faster. This is because of the chimney effect that is created within the pile.

Does wood dry faster in hot or cold? ›

Is it Possible to Dry Firewood in Winter? Yes, but firewood dries slower in winter. Sunlight—one of the key ingredients for drying wood—is in short supply in winter. Though drier winter air helps extract some moisture from the firewood, the process is much slower than in warmer weather.

Can wood dry 24 hours? ›

Pressure-Treated Wood: Similar to hardwood, pressure-treated wood can be used with just about any type of stain and takes about 4 to 8 hours to dry. It can also take about 24 to 48 hours to fully cure, though this depends on the temperature, humidity, and ventilation.

Does wood dry faster covered or uncovered? ›

Ideally, firewood should remain uncovered so it can be properly dried, but this is not practical when rain, snow and ice can quickly coat winter firewood. A good cover over the top of your woodpile will protect it, and be sure the cover is slanted to shed moisture away from the pile's base.

How do you stack wood slabs for drying? ›

Air Drying The Right Way

"Stickering" is the stacking of the green lumber boards with 1 inch wooden spacers in between the layers of wood. The stickers should be aligned vertically and should be separated by approximately 18 inches. A column of stickers should be placed near the ends of the drying stack.

Can you dry a slab of wood in the oven? ›

Advantages Of Drying Wood In The Kitchen Oven

The wood can be dried quickly, yet evenly, vastly reducing any moisture gradient between the edges and the core. This process avoids any drying defects that may occur with other-uneven-drying methods.

What is the best finish for live edge? ›

The three main players on the market are Odie's Oil, Osmo, and my personal choice, Rubio Monocoat. Unlike film finishes, hard-wax oils provide protection by penetrating and binding to the top most wood fibres on the live edge slab and then a seal layer of wax cures on the surface.

Does live edge wood need to be sealed? ›

It's also important to make sure your live edge wood has been properly sealed. At Hardwood Lumber Company, we carefully seal our live edge wood pieces and take precautionary steps with a crisp coat that serves as a protective boundary against stains.

How thick should live edge be? ›

For the best results, live edge wood should be milled to at least three inches in thickness. This size is sufficient to handle any changes that will naturally occur during the drying process. Reputable sawmills know that if they mill the wood slab any thinner than three inches, the wood can become twisted and warped.

How do you dry live edge slabs? ›

Air drying is an essential first step to properly drying your slabs. At Lancaster Live Edge, we allow all of our slabs to air dry after they're cut for about 2 years. Allowing these to air dry prior to putting them in the kiln will help keep them from getting large cracks and warping from drying too fast.

How do I keep my live edge slab flat? ›

1 - The first is by leaning them against a wall. Most slab showrooms will lean the slabs upright against the wall. This is known as the best way to store slabs once they're flattened and sanded. Each side of the wood is then evenly exposed to moisture in the air, which is ideal for keeping them flat.

What grit sandpaper for live edge wood? ›

Before sanding, use a chisel to peel off the bark section by section, making sure to work along the edges of your slab so you don't gouge the surface. Next, sand your wood slab using a portable belt sander or sandpaper, starting with 120-grit sandpaper and working your way up to 220-grit.

Should you sand a live edge? ›

For natural (live) edges use 60 grit sandpaper and be sure that your sander is not set on “grind”. You want to keep it at fine sanding, and be careful not to go overboard or you'll sand all the features out of the edge — it's a purely personal choice of how you want your live edge to look.

Does live edge need to be kiln dried? ›

Two: Kiln Drying is a Must when buying a live edge slab.

In this condition, the wood is very unstable, and is prone to checking (cracking) and warp of all types. Kiln drying brings the moisture content down to 6-8% for lumber or below 10% for slabs, in order to make sure it's in a stable and ready to be worked with.

How do you dry freshly milled wood? ›

The most common method used to air-dry lumber is to lay narrow sticks perpendicular to the layers of lumber to create an air space between each layer so the moisture can escape. A good foundation is critical to successfully drying wood.

Are live edge slabs kiln dried? ›

Unique Live Edge Wood Slabs

Our live edge pieces are used for dining room and conference tables, desks, counter tops, shelving, and bars, console and coffee tables. Each carefully kiln dried piece of lumber provides for a beautiful and dramatic solid wood surface that will last for generations.

Is it better to air dry or kiln dry wood? ›

There are many reasons why wood suppliers like Northern Log Supply believe kiln-dried logs are better than air-dried logs. Because of the high heat, kiln drying ensures that all insects, eggs, mold, and fungi in the wood are killed and dries off the resin, which would otherwise turn to liquid at room temperature.

At what temperature do you kiln dry wood? ›

Temperatures inside the kiln range from 120 to 190 degrees F, depending on the stage of drying. Although there are kilns in which temperatures reach up to 240 degrees F, they are usually limited to softwoods that dry very easily and low-value hardwoods.

How long does a slab take to dry? ›

The concrete curing time takes about 28 days to be fully cured. Differences in weather, mix, other items can slightly change the timeframe of the curing period. The general rule of thumb for concrete drying is 28 days to dry for every 1-inch of slab thickness.

How long do wood slabs take to air dry? ›

A rule of thumb for air drying wood slabs is to allow one year per inch of thickness. Some environments may demand more time. Use a moisture meter to check the material.

What 2 methods are used in the drying process of wood? ›

Conventional kiln and solar drying both enable wood to be dried to any moisture content regardless of weather conditions. For most large-scale drying operations solar and conventional kiln drying are more efficient than air drying. Compartment-type kilns are most commonly used in timber companies.

What is the fastest way to dry wood for woodworking? ›

Trees recently milled into lumber are 100 percent wet. A solar kiln is a great option to accelerate the drying process. Creating a south-facing enclosed shed with a clear plastic roof that heats up to 130 F or more will speed drying along. One must be careful to not dry the wood too fast, or it will warp and crack.

How thick should live edge slab be? ›

at 1.5” minimum for smaller pieces and ideally 1.75 or more for wide pieces. Most dining or conference tables we make land somewhere between 1.75” and 2.25” finished.

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