How to Remove an Engraving From Your Jewelry (2024)

Written by Annabelle
April 30, 2020

How to Remove an Engraving From Your Jewelry (1)

While it’s fun to engrave an item, what happens when you’re no longer in love with the inscription? You can get it removed! However, it’s not an easy process and the procedure differs from item to item. Here’s what you need to know in order to remove an engraving.

How Is Jewelry Engraved?

How to Remove an Engraving From Your Jewelry (2)

This white gold ring had its engraving removed.

To understand how to remove an engraving, you need to know how the engraving is applied.

Typically, most engravings are done via laser engraving, which carves the engraving into the surface of the metal. When you touch the engraving, you can feel a difference between the engraved metal and the surrounding metal.

Other engravings are created in a “spray-paint stencil” like manner, and this is typically found on color-coated stainless steel jewelry. The item is “engraved” with an inscription that is created by covering the metal with the desired letters while the jewelry is coated. This creates a color contrast between the plain metal and the coated metal, allowing you to view the inscription.

Removing an Engraving

To remove an engraving, a jeweler has to laser the metal at the area of the engraving, blasting it to level out the texture of the metal. Once this is done, the jeweler polishes the item and restores it to a smooth, blank surface.

While this procedure is fairly easy to do with metals such as sterling silver, gold, platinum, and stainless steel, this becomes much trickier with gold or silver plated items. This is because gold and silver plated jewelry vary from high quality to low quality material underneath the plating, and the engraving removal process will take off the plating. In order to restore the look of the item, the jeweler has to replate the piece.

How to Remove an Engraving From Your Jewelry (3)

This gold-plated tungsten ring is showing the metal's color under the engraving.

This becomes more problematic when the metal underneath the plating is not conducive to any metalwork. Cheap costume jewelry metals that contains zinc, lead, or pewter do not react well at all to lasering or polishing, and may even disintegrate in the process. If your item is gold plated, the jeweler will inform you that there is a possibility the jewelry will be affected by the process and you need to confirm before they proceed with the work.

Finally, items such as tungsten, ceramic carbide, and titanium are near-impossible to polish out due to the nature of the metal. If you have an engraving on these materials, consider it permanent as any attempt at polishing will result in scuffing and even massive porosity as holes start appearing in the material.

Cost and Turnaround Time

Removing an engraving is the same price as your average polishing, and it starts at $21 depending on the material of your item. This can usually be done same-day, except for stainless steel which takes about 3-5 days to process.

Now you’re all set on how to remove an engraving! If you have something you want to erase, comment below and we can help you get started.

How to Remove an Engraving From Your Jewelry (2024)


How to Remove an Engraving From Your Jewelry? ›

To remove an engraving, a jeweler has to laser off the metal in the area of the inscription to level out the texture of the metal.

How to remove engraving at home? ›

Remove the engraving

Beginning with the finest sandpaper start to buff the engraved area, stopping to wash and buff dry at regular intervals and increasing the grit until the engraving is gone. If even the most coarse grit sandpaper is not removing the engraving, use a metal file.

Can engraving be removed from crystals? ›

To remove the etch mark, we will use Cerium Oxide. This is a fine polishing compound used by glass workers during the final polishing stage after a bevel or other feature has been ground into a piece of glass. Cerium Oxide is fairly easy to find and inexpensive.

How do you remove engraving from a gold pendant? ›

To remove an engraving, a jeweler has to laser the metal at the area of the engraving, blasting it to level out the texture of the metal. Once this is done, the jeweler polishes the item and restores it to a smooth, blank surface.

Can engraving be removed from glass? ›

Removing Engraving from Glass – removing engraving from glass can be challenging. You may wish to try using a glass polishing compound and a polishing wheel or a soft microfibre cloth to remove engraving. It's important to be extremely careful when working with glass as it is breakable and can become a hazard.

Can engraving on jewelry be removed? ›

Removing an engraving isn't super expensive, typically it's the same price as polishing, but depends on the material of the ring. Removal can usually be done in one day. It's important to note that the process of removing an engraving may not always result in a completely restored appearance.

Does engraving jewelry devalue it? ›

Engraving does not typically affect the intrinsic value of the ring itself. However, it might affect the resale value of the ring, which can affect you if you decide to sell your gold for cash at some point. Engraving is a personal choice that reflects the wearer's preferences and memories.

How to remove engraving from leather? ›

If you are using warm soapy water you might find that this in itself will remove enough of the embossing for you to be happy with. Especially if you dry it with either a hairdryer, heat gun on a low setting or an iron over a towel.

Is engraving permanent? ›

Laser marking, also known as laser engraving or laser etching, is a precise and permanent method of adding marks or designs to various materials.

Can Tiffany remove engraving? ›

Unfortunately, engraved items cannot be returned to Tiffany & Co.

How do you remove gold plated jewelry at home? ›

Heat it on a stove with direct fire - while this is easy to do at home, please do this only if you are sure the fire wont damage any stones or enamel on the piece. Polish with toothpaste or abrasive - this is a slow process, and would take several repeats to get the gold plating completely off the piece.

How to fix an engraving mistake? ›

Re-engraving Area

One of the best ways to fix a laser cutting or engraving mistake is to change the design to mask the mistake and re-engrave over the top. Of course, this is only practical if your design allows it.

How to remove engraving from crystal? ›

By grinding and polishing the etching can be removed .

How to undo glass etching? ›

How to Remove Etching from Glass
  1. Use distilled white vinegar to remove spots from your glasses. ...
  2. Mix a small amount of toothpaste with baking soda and apply the paste to your glassware with your finger, a soft cloth, or a toothbrush.
Jul 20, 2018

Does engraving wear off? ›

On softer metals, like gold, the ring will get scratched and the engraving will wear away over time, but on hard metals like tungsten, the engraving will not wear away as it is very difficult to scratch the ring.

How do you smooth metal after engraving? ›

Use caution when handling materials after engraving. The process can leave burrs and small fragments on metal surfaces and other materials. To smooth rough edges, use a polishing cloth or finishing grit sand paper (360-600 grit) to gently sand them down.

Can you remove engraving from a pen? ›

The only good way to remove engraving is to fill it completely to a level above the original surface (to allow for shrinkage as the volatiles flash off) and then bring the surface back down to its original level as I did with this Striped Duofold pencil. QM2, thanks for the referral!

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