Ignorance and Want: why Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol is as relevant today as ever (2024)

When I was eight or so and living in Gibraltar (my father was in the army and we were station there), my teacher read us A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens as a pre-Christmas treat. The setting of a cold and frosty Victorian London was far removed from 1960s Gibraltar - and maybe that’s one of the reasons it made such a lasting impression.

But A Christmas Carol is more than just a story. It is a tirade against greed, selfishness and neglect. It uses the story of a rich man - the startlingly nasty Scrooge - to highlight the plight of those affected by the greed and meanness he exemplifies.

The famous child in A Christmas Carol is poor “Tiny” Tim Cratchit but there are two others. When Scrooge meets the Ghost of Christmas Present, he is shocked when two wild and ragged children tumble out from the giant’s robes.

He thinks they must belong to the giant, but he tells Scrooge that they are Man’s. He tells him the boy is called Ignorance and the girl Want.

“Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy…”

Every Christmas through the 70s (I was now on a council estate in Newcastle where snow was more familiar), the BBC showed an Oscar-winning animated version of the story by Richard Williams, with Alistair Sim voicing Scrooge. It is beautifully animated in a style that evokes the John Leech illustrations from the original publication, but whereas the children are fairly bland creations in those engravings, here they are snarling beasts. I was - and remain - fascinated by them.

It is a brief moment in the story but surely a key moment - and a big part of why the story is still so relevant. Ignorance and Want remain the prime movers behind so many of the worlds ills.

Dickens was passionate about education - education for all. He was a steadfast campaigner for public libraries and would be - rightly - disgusted to see how little we seem to value them now.

But Dickens was having a go at his complacent readers - he was chastising them about their own ignorance - an ignorance that was in many cases a wilful ignoring of the plight of their fellow Londoners.

The Last of the Spirits attempts to use the structure of Dickens’ fable to tell the story of two homeless street children - a brother and sister - who will become those same two children the Ghost of Christmas Present calls Ignorance and Want.

I give them names - Sam and Lizzy - and a back story that weaves in and out of Scrooge’s own story of his relationship to his deceased partner Jacob Marley. It also hints at some of the hardship Dickens himself knew as a boy and which gifted him the ability to empathise with others who had not had not been lucky enough to escape a fate he might so easily have shared.

Ignorance and Want: why Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol is as relevant today as ever (1)

The Last of the Spirit is emphatically not a re-telling. It’s a response. It’s a thank you. It’s fan fiction.

Buy The Last of the Spirits at the Guardian bookshop

Ignorance and Want: why Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol is as relevant today as ever (2024)


What is the significance of Ignorance and Want in A Christmas Carol? ›

Instead of creating a community in which life can be enjoyed by all, Dickens highlights the injustice of wealth distribution. Dickens uses two wretched children, called Ignorance and Want, to represent the poor. a stale and shrivelled hand, like that of age, had pinched, and twisted them, and pulled them into shreds.

Why is A Christmas Carol relevant today? ›

A Christmas Carol is an integral part of our Christmas tradition not only because it has a moral, but because it is focused beyond the superficiality of Christmas in an aspect other than its Christian origins.

What does the Ghost of Christmas Present say Ignorance and Want belong to? ›

When Scrooge meets the Ghost of Christmas Present, he is shocked when two wild and ragged children tumble out from the giant's robes. He thinks they must belong to the giant, but he tells Scrooge that they are Man's. He tells him the boy is called Ignorance and the girl Want.

Why do Ignorance and Want cling to the ghost of Christmas present? ›

They remain in ignorance because they have no right to education, and want because nobody is looking after them. They do not speak, but their pleading gestures, kneeling at the Ghost's feet and clinging to its garment, show their helplessness.

What is Dickens message with Ignorance and Want? ›

Dickens believed that a country's moral wealth could be shown through its treatment of children and the representation of 'Ignorance and Want' suggests that children in the 1840s were not valued or protected.

What do the children want and Ignorance symbolize? ›

In A Christmas Carol, what do Ignorance and Want symbolize? Ignorance symbolizes ignoring the suffering of people, while Want symbolizes the need of the poor and homeless.

Is A Christmas Carol still relevant? ›

The story was first published in 1843, yet 176 years later it is still going strong. Most of us not only know the story, we can remember the names of many of the characters. There's Scrooge, the main character, and Jacob Marley, Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim. And who has not heard of the expression 'Bah Humbug'!

Why is Dickens still relevant? ›

Many of his characters were based on real people and their lives. That made people understand his stories more, and reflect on what Britain was like at that time.

What is a Christmas carols main message? ›

One reason many people enjoy the story of 'A Christmas Carol' is its moral narrative of compassion and redemption. The main character, Scrooge, revisits different Christmases in his life past, present and future, gaining a new and more empathetic perspective.

What is meant by Ignorance and Want? ›

· Ignorance and Want are allegorical characters that lack a personality and purely symbolise Scrooge's ignorance and want.

Where is Ignorance and Want in a Christmas carol? ›

Stave Three, pages 63–4: The children of humankind – Ignorance and Want.

Where do Ignorance and Want come from in a Christmas carol? ›

Ignorance and Want are two street urchin spirits that show up underneath The Ghost of Christmas Present's robes in Disney's A Christmas Carol. Ignorance snarls at Ebenezer Scrooge while Want cowers, a sign that they are ruthless.

Why is the Ghost of Christmas Present the most important? ›

If the Ghost can help Scrooge remember who he once was, there may still be hope for him. The Ghost of Christmas Present represents generosity and good will. He shows Scrooge scenes of people sharing what they have with each other, even if they have very little.

How does Dickens present the Ghost of Christmas Present? ›

According to Dickens' novel, the spirit appears to Scrooge as "a jolly giant" with dark brown curls. He wears a fur-lined green robe and on his head a holly wreath set with shining icicles. He carries a large torch, made to resemble a cornucopia, and appears accompanied by a great feast.

What is the message of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come? ›

The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come allows Scrooge to foresee the possible future consequences his past and present lack of feeling, giving him the opportunity to make his self anew, to 'live in the Past, the Present, and the Future', and to extend sympathy and charity towards Fred, the Cratchits and, crucially, the ...

What is the message of Charles Dickens? ›

Charles Dickens throughout the novel communicates; Charity, goodwill, family, kindliness and humility as moral messages, however, I personally feel Charles Dickens most powerful and important messages are Goodwill, Family and Charity however I will still look at all moral messages as they all play an important role in ...

What are the qualities of Ignorance and Want? ›

Ignorance and Want are the personification of humanity's worst attributes. Their description strips them of their humanity. They are animalistic, made by people like Scrooge.

Why is Ignorance important in learning? ›

First, ignorance is a very important educational starting point. By recognizing our ignorance—our lack of knowledge—we open up to a discovery of the world through curiosity, learning from mistakes, dialogue with other standpoints which is very similar to self-driven child play.

How does Ignorance of parents effect children? ›

2 The children of uninvolved parents generally perform poorly in nearly every area of life. These children tend to display deficits in cognition, attachment, emotional skills, and social skills.

What impact did A Christmas Carol have on society? ›

“A Christmas Carol was very influential in demonstrating to the Victorians that they could uphold the generosity of the Georgians' way of celebrating Christmas, the idea that the wealthy needed to provide for the poor, and move it into the city and into the private home.

What are three lessons that can be learned from A Christmas Carol? ›

7 treasured lessons from A Christmas Carole
  • Learning begins with listening. ...
  • Humility enhances vision. ...
  • Regret leads to renewal. ...
  • There's joy in starting over. ...
  • We must be present to win. ...
  • Seeking forgiveness is a strength, not a weakness. ...
  • It's never too late to change.

What does A Christmas Carol teach us about life and humanity? ›

“From Scrooge we learn about spiritual transformation and life-changing experiences; from Fred and Cratchit, we learn about forgiveness to those who wrong us; from Tiny Tim, we learn to remain positive and hopeful even when life's circ*mstances look bleak; from the ghosts, we learn about reflecting on our past, present ...

Why is Dickens considered one of the most important English writers? ›

He is now considered a literary genius because he created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. His novels and short stories enjoy lasting popularity.

How did Charles Dickens writing influence the world of literature? ›

But perhaps his greatest influence was in making novels a wildly popular form of entertainment. Dickens' novels were the first publishing “blockbusters,” and in many ways, he can be credited for the dizzying proliferation of novels being published today.

What is Scrooge's Dickens's idea of the true meaning of Christmas? ›

Scrooge's lesson was that no amount of money could buy happiness, and that love and friendship are worth more than all the material goods a person could acquire in a lifetime.

What does ignorance stand for? ›

: the state or fact of being ignorant : lack of knowledge, education, or awareness.

What is the saying about ignorance? ›

More Quotes on Ignorance

Better be unborn than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. It is poverty in a rich man to despise the poor and ignorance in a wise man to despise the ignorant. Ignorance is an enemy, even to its owner. Knowledge is a friend, even to its hater.

Who is worse ignorance or want? ›

The Ghost shows Scrooge two children called Ignorance and Want. He claims they have been created by the society in which Scrooge lives. The Ghost says both are bad, but Ignorance is more dangerous than Want.

Why are Ignorance and Want described as wolfish? ›

Dickens uses a list of horrific adjectives to describe Ignorance and Want: 'Yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling, wolfish' (p. 63). These emotive adjectives combine to create a sense of desperation and danger as the final word 'wolfish' suggests they will attack or hunt if required.

What are the two types of Ignorance in its subject? ›

The first category is when we do not know we are ignorant. This is primary ignorance. The second category is when we recognize our ignorance. This is called recognized ignorance.

What was included in the background of the illustration of Ignorance and Want? ›

Parenthetically, the blackened trees in "Ignorance and Want" may be "leafless" because the backdrop is a December scene, but they look blighted, withered, and dessicated, and to the smoke from the factory smokestack drifts down the right-hand margin of the vignetted edge towards the tree (plural), whose condition, like ...

What was the biggest lesson the Ghost of Christmas Present taught Scrooge? ›

The Ghost predicts that Mankind, Scrooge included, will suffer unless the lessons of generosity and tolerance are learned.

How does the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come impact Scrooge? ›

The presence of this ghost makes Scrooge afraid. His trembling legs and inability to stand firm show how he is worried about the future that the ghost will show him. The ghost points wherever he wants Scrooge to look and does not move until he obeyed.

What impact does the Ghost of Christmas Present have on Scrooge? ›

The Ghost of Christmas present taught him how to show kindness to others, and showed Scrooge how he affected those around him. Scrooge began his transformation into a good man when the Ghost of Christmas present shows him the Cratchit household.

How does the Ghost of Christmas Present change Scrooge quotes? ›

“'What then? If he be like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. ' Scrooge hung his head to his own words” The ghost quotes Scrooge as earlier he said the poor should die if they can't help themselves. The ghost does this to make Scrooge think about how he should change.

What does the Ghost of Christmas Future teach Scrooge? ›

This ghost shows Scrooge that if he continues down his current path, he will suffer the same fate as his partner, Jacob Marley. Through the use of supernatural ghosts, Dickens hopes to show the reader what really matters in life does not come from money but from the company and celebration of other people.

Who does the Ghost of Christmas Present say ignorance and want belong to? ›

When Scrooge meets the Ghost of Christmas Present, he is shocked when two wild and ragged children tumble out from the giant's robes. He thinks they must belong to the giant, but he tells Scrooge that they are Man's. He tells him the boy is called Ignorance and the girl Want.

What message does the story the best Christmas present in the world convey? ›

Answer: The story 'Best Christmas Present in the World' has beautifully depicted the moral lesson. It conveys that war and fight only bring sadness and humiliation all around the world. One should generally follow the path of peace for attaining happiness in theworld.

What does each Ghost represent in A Christmas Carol? ›

The Ghost of Christmas Past, with his glowing head symbolizing the mind, represents memory; the Ghost of Christmas Present represents generosity, empathy, and the Chri stmas spirit; and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come represents the fear of death and moral reckoning.

Why is ignorance important? ›

Often times, it is our ignorance that allows us to begin an endeavor and then it is sheer will and momentum that get us the rest of the way there. If we as leaders always really understood the true nature of the tasks before us, many of us would never get started.

What was Dickens message in A Christmas Carol? ›

The moral message of the novella is that all human beings have the opportunity to behave in kinder ways towards each other.

Who is worse Ignorance or want? ›

The Ghost shows Scrooge two children called Ignorance and Want. He claims they have been created by the society in which Scrooge lives. The Ghost says both are bad, but Ignorance is more dangerous than Want.

What are three 3 key lessons that can be learned from reading A Christmas Carol? ›

7 treasured lessons from A Christmas Carole
  • Learning begins with listening. ...
  • Humility enhances vision. ...
  • Regret leads to renewal. ...
  • There's joy in starting over. ...
  • We must be present to win. ...
  • Seeking forgiveness is a strength, not a weakness. ...
  • It's never too late to change.

What was the main message theme that the author of A Christmas Carol was sending the reader? ›

Throughout the tale, four ghosts visit Scrooge and try to change his opinion. Dickens was sending a message to his readers that Christmas is the time of year where everybody should rejoice and be happy. Dickens was obviously trying to make a statement that we should all enjoy life as we have only one chance to.

What is the main theme of this essay the Christmas carol? ›

In the book A Christmas Carol written by Charles Dickens there are a variety of themes that can teach us morals. But there is one theme that makes more of a statement than the other themes. This theme is being money can't buy happiness. This book demonstrates this across the book in a plethora of ways.

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.