In what order? (2024)

In what order? (1)


12 years ago

Do you decorate your tree? Does the garland come after the lights and before the ornaments? or is it the last thing you put on the tree?

Featured Answer

  • In what order? (2)


    12 years ago

    Welcome monablair...
    The lights would definitely be the First to go on the tree.
    You wouldn't want to mess with dangling wires working over and around your ornaments.
    As for garland, some people put their garland on next, then their ornaments.
    I somehow find it easier to arrange the garland (beaded and ribbon) last. I like to tuck the ribbon under and round my ornaments. I do the same with the beaded garland, I find it easier to loop it over and under the ornaments.
    Below are two trees - one with just beaded garland...and the other with both ribbon and beads..the ribbon went on before the beads.
    Hope this is helpful.

    In what order? (3)

    In what order? (4)

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    What is the smart way to ask a question? ›

    How to ask smart questions
    1. Think about what you already know. Reviewing your existing knowledge on a subject can help you pinpoint any gaps. ...
    2. Confirm what you want to learn. ...
    3. Create a draft of your questions. ...
    4. Refine your questions. ...
    5. Ensure simplicity. ...
    6. Ask your questions confidently and politely.
    18 Oct 2021

    How do you ask open ended questions? ›

    Open-ended questions begin with the following words: why, how, what, describe, tell me about..., or what do you think about... 3. Use open-ended questions as follow ups for other questions. These follow ups can be asked after open or closed-ended questions.

    How do you say ask in a formal way? ›

    formality and politeness

    It's important to be aware that, in addition to this difference in meaning,request is a much more formal and polite word than ask, and it is used less often.

    How do you say ask professionally? ›

    Some common synonyms of ask are inquire, interrogate, query, and question.

    How do you ask someone to clarify a question? ›

    Today, we'll introduce 10 polite English expressions for requesting clarification.
    1. What do you mean by ... ? ...
    2. I don't understand. ...
    3. I'm (a little) confused. ...
    4. I don't (quite) follow. ...
    5. You mean ... ? ...
    6. As in ... ...
    7. So you're saying ... ? ...
    8. If I understand you correctly ...
    1 Feb 2022

    How do you answer a smart question? ›

    Take a beat, watch your tone, and other techniques to deal with a challenging line of questioning.
    1. Make Sure You Understand The Question. ...
    2. Take Time To Respond. ...
    3. Answer Part Of The Question. ...
    4. Postpone Your Answer. ...
    5. Turn Around the Pronouns. ...
    6. Divert The Question. ...
    7. Give The Asker Some Control. ...
    8. Watch Your Tone.
    28 Oct 2016

    What is the fastest way to ask for a response? ›

    As this matter is urgent, I would appreciate a reply as soon as possible.” “I would be grateful for your prompt reply.” “I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.” “I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.” (Slightly old-fashioned.)

    How do you come up with an answer quickly? ›

    Think Fast: Ways To Be Prepared For Any Question
    1. Listen Attentively. Listen carefully to the very end. ...
    2. Focus On The Trigger Word. ...
    3. Always Give The Short Answer First. ...
    4. Know When To Stop. ...
    5. Don't Repeat A Negative Question. ...
    6. Strengthen Your Weak Points. ...
    7. Create A Few Slides For Some Answers. ...
    8. Use A Structure.
    26 Nov 2013

    What are the four ways of asking questions? ›

    In English, there are four types of questions: general or yes/no questions, special questions using wh-words, choice questions, and disjunctive or tag/tail questions. Each of these different types of questions is used commonly in English, and to give the correct answer to each you'll need to be able to be prepared.

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    How to ask help for technical problems?
    1. Ask your question, don't ask if someone can help. Let's start with the first message you send. ...
    2. Explain what you are trying to achieve. ...
    3. Include example input and output data. ...
    4. Share the errors. ...
    5. Show your code. ...
    6. Create a Minimal, Complete, Reproducible Example.
    28 Oct 2020

    What are 3 examples of open-ended questions? ›

    Examples of open-ended questions include:
    • Tell me about your relationship with your supervisor.
    • How do you see your future?
    • Tell me about the children in this photograph.
    • What is the purpose of government?
    • Why did you choose that answer?

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    Here are the questions and how to put them to use:
    1. What sense do you make of this? ...
    2. What questions can you think of? ...
    3. What part do you know for sure? ...
    4. What part do you understand? ...
    5. What do you notice? ...
    6. What kind of pattern do you notice? ...
    7. What do you wish was easier? ...
    8. Why?
    9 Aug 2018

    How do you politely ask in an email? ›

    Follow these steps to ask for help using email:
    1. Use a clear, direct subject line. ...
    2. Greet your reader. ...
    3. Establish your credibility. ...
    4. Put the question in the first or second sentence. ...
    5. Use a call to action to clarify the next steps. ...
    6. Make your email easy to read. ...
    7. Give your reader a deadline. ...
    8. Close the email politely and thoughtfully.

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    Generally, just add a question word/phrase to the beginning of a yes/no question. The structure of a “wh- question” is usually like this: [“Wh-” Question Word/Phrase] + [Auxiliary Verb] + [Subject] + [Main Verb] + [Object or Other Information] + ?

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    Verb I need to ask a question. Did you ask her yet? “Have you seen the movie yet?” he asked.

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    Asking for information
    1. I am writing to enquire about…
    2. I would be grateful if you could give me some information/further details about…
    3. I would appreciate some information about…
    4. I would be interested to receive further details about…

    How do you answer yes professionally? ›

    Polite Ways to Say Yes in English
    1. Yeah, sure. Here you go.
    2. No problem! I'm always happy to help.
    3. Yep! I will be right there. (Yep is another informal way to say yes like yeah.)
    4. Yeah, I'd be happy to!
    5. Cool. (Yes, cool can really be used to say yes or to show agreement.)
    6. You got it.
    7. Okay.
    20 Sept 2017

    What's a professional way to say yes? ›

    Ways of saying yes - thesaurus
    1. yes. adverb. used for telling someone that what they have said or asked is true or correct.
    2. definitely. adverb. used for emphasizing that you mean 'yes'
    3. of course. adverb. ...
    4. sure. adverb. ...
    5. naturally. adverb. ...
    6. that's right. phrase. ...
    7. I don't mind if I do. phrase. ...
    8. by all means. phrase.

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    synonyms for quickly
    1. expeditiously.
    2. hastily.
    3. hurriedly.
    4. immediately.
    5. instantaneously.
    6. instantly.
    7. promptly.
    8. rapidly.

    How do you say just to clarify politely? ›

    There are a few simple steps to follow when you're looking for further explanation.
    1. Admit you need clarification. Admitting you need more information makes the next step much easier for the person you ask. ...
    2. Don't blame the other person. Own your confusion. ...
    3. Summarize. ...
    4. Be specific.
    20 May 2019

    How do I short my answer? ›

    To form the short answer, you use the first word from the question. (This is either an auxiliary verb or a form of 'be'.) Use the long form (he does) in affirmative answers (yes). Use the short form (he doesn't) in negative answers (no).

    What is a best answer test? ›

    A single question is posed with typically five alternate answers, from which the candidate must choose the best answer. This method avoids the problems of past examinations of a similar form described as Single Correct Answer.

    How do you say you are waiting for a response? ›

    7 alternatives to “I look forward to hearing from you”
    1. 1 Use a call-to-action. ...
    2. 2 I'm eager to receive your feedback. ...
    3. 3 I appreciate your quick response. ...
    4. 4 Always happy to hear from you. ...
    5. 5 Keep me informed . . . ...
    6. 6 I await your immediate response. ...
    7. 7 Write soon!
    3 Sept 2021

    How do you politely follow up after no response? ›

    How to Write a Follow-Up Email After No Response
    1. Ask yourself if you included a close in your first attempt.
    2. Resist the urge to re-send your first email.
    3. Don't follow up too quickly.
    4. Write a truthful subject line.
    5. Start the message with a reminder of your last touchpoint.
    14 Mar 2022

    How do you make an impressive answer? ›

    Try to cover both sides of an argument; never answer questions from just one perspective. Build your opinion in the main body of your answer sheet and conclude with a critical analysis. Most of the students choose to write a straightforward answer, but this approach, in reality, will not fetch you more marks.

    How do you make people answer? ›

    To increase your chances of getting of a reply, here are nine tricks you can try:
    1. Ask For A Response In Your Subject Line. ...
    2. Change The Subject Line When The Topic Changes. ...
    3. Don't Skip The Greeting. ...
    4. Start Your Message With A Clear Request. ...
    5. Stay In The Sweet Spot When It Comes To Length. ...
    6. Use Third-Grade Language. ...
    7. Use Emotion.
    30 Mar 2016

    How can I get answers to anything? ›

    Below is a list of some of the most popular sites on the Internet dedicated to questions and answers, listed in alphabetical order.
    1. Answerbag. Answerbag is a website that helps answer questions in almost all types of different categories. ...
    2. ...
    3. Ask Me Help Desk. ...
    4. Ask MetaFilter. ...
    5. Avvo. ...
    6. Blurtit. ...
    7. Brainly. ...
    12 Apr 2021

    What is the 3 question rule? ›

    Put simply, the three question rule is this: when you start a conversation with someone, ask a question, listen to the person's response, and then follow up with two more questions in the same way. Easy right?

    What are the 5 questioning techniques? ›

    5 essential questioning techniques for legal professionals
    • #1 Open-ended versus closed-ended questioning.
    • #2 Funnel questioning.
    • #3 Asking probing questions.
    • #4 Asking leading questions.
    • #5 Asking rhetorical questions.
    12 Aug 2016

    What are the 4 steps to solving a problem concern? ›

    The 4-step Problem Solving Method
    1. Develop a Problem Statement.
    2. Determine Root Causes.
    3. Rank Root Causes in Order of Importance.
    4. Create an Action Plan.
    7 Jun 2017

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    synonyms for problem-solving
    • analytical.
    • investigative.
    • inquiring.
    • rational.
    • sound.
    • systematic.

    When someone can't answer a yes or no question? ›

    Open-ended questions are questions that cannot be answered with a simple 'yes' or 'no', and instead require the respondent to elaborate on their points.

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    Close-ended questions are question formats that provoke a simple response from a respondent. They are designed such there isn't much thought into the single word answer. An example of a close ended question is, “Are you hungry?”. Individuals generally enjoy talking about themselves.

    What are 5 close ended questions? ›

    Types of Close-Ended Questions
    • Dichotomous Questions. These are the questions that consist of two answer options. ...
    • Multiple-Choice Questions. Here, respondents are presented with multiple-choice answer options. ...
    • Rating-Scale Questions. ...
    • Ranking Order Questions. ...
    • Likert-scale Questions.
    30 Aug 2022

    How do you approach challenging problems? ›

    6 Ways to Deal With Daily Challenges and Obstacles
    1. Always Have a Plan.
    2. Clearly Define What's Bothering You.
    3. Take a Gratitude Approach.
    4. Seek/Accept Support.
    5. The Obstacle Is the Way: Adopt a Growth Mindset.
    6. Nurture a Positive Way of Thinking.
    7. Focus on Your Ideal Self.

    How do you politely ask someone in a message? ›

    When you are ready to make your request, here are three phrases you can use to make the request sound polite:
    1. Could you or could you please…? Could you send me more information about your schedule? ...
    2. Would it be possible to…? Would it be possible to change our meeting from 10 to 11? ...
    3. I was wondering if…

    What are different ways to ask a question? ›

    The 8 essential questioning techniques you need to know
    • Closed questions (aka the 'Polar' question) ...
    • Open questions. ...
    • Probing questions. ...
    • Leading questions. ...
    • Loaded questions. ...
    • Funnel questions. ...
    • Recall and process questions. ...
    • Rhetorical questions.
    23 Oct 2018

    How do you politely ask a question in an email? ›

    In formal letters or emails, direct questions are rarely used; you should use indirect questions.
    1. I would be grateful if you could tell me… ...
    2. I would appreciate it if you could tell me…
    3. I would like to know…
    4. I was wondering if you could tell me…
    5. Would you mind telling me…?
    6. Could you tell me…?

    How do you ask a question in a sentence? ›

    Direct questions within a sentence

    When a direct question occurs within a larger sentence, it takes a question mark. Note that in the examples below, the question mark supplants the comma that would syntactically belong in its place.

    How do you ask someone for their reply? ›

    Show activity on this post.
    1. An early reply would be appreciated.
    2. I look forward to your reply.
    3. I look forward to hearing from you.
    4. I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.
    5. Your earliest attention would be appreciated.
    1 Apr 2013

    How do you ask someone to do a quick reply? ›

    As this matter is urgent, I would appreciate a reply as soon as possible.” “I would be grateful for your prompt reply.” “I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.” “I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.” (Slightly old-fashioned.)

    How do you ask a clear question? ›

    How to ask better questions at work
    1. Know what kind of answer you're looking for. The first step to formulating a question is figuring out what kind of answer you're looking for. ...
    2. Ask open-ended questions. ...
    3. Be a good listener. ...
    4. Ask follow-up questions. ...
    5. Say thank you.

    How do you write a professional email asking for something? ›

    How to write an email requesting something
    1. Organize your request. ...
    2. Write an approachable subject line. ...
    3. Begin with a formal salutation. ...
    4. Express your request. ...
    5. Include benefits for the recipient. ...
    6. Conclude with a call to action. ...
    7. Focus on the recipient. ...
    8. Include additional documents.

    How do you start a question sentence? ›

    Interrogative sentences often start with interrogative pronouns and end with a question mark. Interrogative pronouns, typically “wh” words, include “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” “which,” “whose,” and “whom.”

    What is asking and answering questions? ›

    We ask questions in order to learn more information about something, and we answer questions to provide more information. Asking and answering questions is not only a part of how we learn, but it is also a part of our social skills; we ask and answer questions to be polite and build and maintain relationships.

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    Author information

    Name: Tish Haag

    Birthday: 1999-11-18

    Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

    Phone: +4215847628708

    Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

    Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

    Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.