Inexpensive Way To Feed Deer (Winter/Corn/Fruit/Nuts) (2024)

Feeding deer can be expensive, but we love to do it, so each of our experts weigh in on an inexpensive way to feed deer in the winter and year round.

Habitat destruction, disease, weather, and predators are just a few of the factors that can affect the deer population. Food loss is one of the most common causes of dwindling deer populations. A variety of crops, from corn and soybeans to apples and cherries, can be introduced if they are not there naturally, in large enough areas to attract deer and provide enough food for them to thrive.

Feeding Deer the Proper Food on a Budget

Feeding deer doesn't have to break the budget. There are ways to avoid the money pit. There are ways to add natural nutrition to their diets instead of empty caloric mass produced marketed options. Let's explore some of those choices.

Clover and Alfalfa

Inexpensive Way To Feed Deer (Winter/Corn/Fruit/Nuts) (1)

It can be very beneficial to plant clover and alfalfa seeds on the land. This is a cheap way of making sure that they always have something to eat.

If planting clover and alfalfa seems feasible, consider buying seeds in bulk from seed distributors. They are available in several sizes. They are usually inexpensive and produce exponentially. Hi-tech or advanced machinery is not necessary for planting these food plots. Search the areas where you have found signs or wish to lure the deer and sprinkle the seeds by hand. In most states, this trick is not considered to be baiting, and so it is within your legal limits.

Fallen Fruit and Nuts

Inexpensive Way To Feed Deer (Winter/Corn/Fruit/Nuts) (2)

Relocating fallen fruit is not just an inexpensive way of feeding deer, but depending on nearby offerings, it could be completely free. A bit of commitment, groundwork, and planning is all it takes to get it done. Check for fruit trees around your hunting sites or other accessible areas.

Going to your local market to stock up on fruit during hunting season is not a financially realistic option. However, there are many apple orchards that will sell fallen apples for a drastically reduced price.

Everyone can benefit from collaborating with fellow hunters in the community. Fellow hunters may find it beneficial and inexpensive to join an exchange system. Rotten fruit is not a deer's first choice, so you may want to consider options that can be frozen or kept after the fruit is gone.

Acorns and nuts are popular because of the abundance of trees that produce them and great for deer because they don't rot at the same rate as fruit.

Homemade Deer Feed

Homemade deer feed is not only more cost effective than store bought deer food, but it is also much more nutritious. Using ingredients like apples, molasses, corn, nuts, acorns, oats, salt, and other nutrients can be cheap and better for herd health.

There are many different recipes available online. All that is needed is a little research. Use recipes that include ingredients that are cheap, readily obtainable, and sustainable in your area, such as fruit, plants, and tree nuts. Many recipes call for natural salt, and this is needed and loved by deer.

Here are some ingredients that you can use to make homemade deer feed.

Peanut Butter

It is no secret that Peanut butter is a favorite food of many different species of animals, including deer.

It is plausible to use peanut butter in a mixture of seeds and fruit or even by itself makes a great way to lure deer into an area for hunting or to enjoy watching them. It is cheaper to use peanut butter to attract deer than it is to use commercial deer attractants and mineral blocks.

The easiest way to feed peanut butter is to screw the cap of the peanut butter container to a tree and cut the bottom of the container off.

Here is a video showing the easy method.

Quaker Oats

For deer, oats are a great source of fiber and carbohydrates. Oats are a natural source to provide deer with a balanced diet that doesn't interfere with their digestion. Oats can be included in a homemade recipe or can be used alone.

You can buy oats in bulk online.


Inexpensive Way To Feed Deer (Winter/Corn/Fruit/Nuts) (3)

Corn is a cheap source of food for deer. Many hunters rely on corn for supplemental feeding because deer love corn. Corn does not contain enough protein, which is crucial for nursing fawns and growing healthy antlers, so many people add deer mineral attractants to corn in order to increase the nutritional value.

Knowing When to Feed Deer

Feeding deer throughout the year is crucial for those who want to maintain a healthy herd. There are several different types of feeding plans, but providing a steady supply of food year round will keep deer in your area consistently.

The late spring and summer seasons are the most critical time for proper whitetail nutrition. Bucks are in the antler growth season, and does are recuperating from giving birth and nursing newly born fawns.

It's essential to feed deer during the fall and winter seasons to increase their fat reserves. This helps to sustain them during the rut and colder weather. Fall feeding that is done consistently can produce great results for the freezer.

Ensuring you're not feeding too much is the key to a good feeding plan. Overfeeding can result in deer that don't eat well, and you may even have to deal with a sick herd.

Feeding Deer in the Proper Location

Inexpensive Way To Feed Deer (Winter/Corn/Fruit/Nuts) (4)

It's vital to choose the best location for feeding. It would be best to locate a place where you already have a tree stand or plan on using a climbing tree stand. A place with tree cover and natural feeding offerings would be an ideal location. Consider scouting the area with trail cameras to detect what kind of activity is already happening in the area.

If possible, find a place on a major trail or just off the edge of the field. Inside the tree line next to the trail is ideal. The cover of the tree line will make them feel safer to frequent the area more often. Keeping placement consistent is beneficial from year to year. The deer will continue to frequent it because this puts them at ease.

If you are using a deer feeder, be sure to put the feeder out long before the season so that the deer become accustomed to it.


  • It's a good idea to leave the area undisturbed for at least 2-3 weeks to prevent deer from vacating the area.
  • Freshen the feed site every month if possible and refresh the salt every few months.
  • Deer, like humans, can benefit from eating carrots as well. One of the benefits of eating carrots is that they are rich in vitamin A and minerals that are needed and vital for a healthy body.
  • Deer may be afraid of sudden changes in their environment, as they are naturally shy. If you leave a small amount of food out and gradually increase the amount over time, the deer will be more likely to accept it.


  • It's crucial to ensure that feeding wildlife is legal in your area or the area you will be preparing. Some states allow providing feed only at certain times of the year, while others prohibit it. You can find your local laws by checking your local Fish and Wildlife Agency. Laws in some states also dictate or limit how much you are permitted to feed a deer.
  • Consider when you are feeding your game that it may bring in other predators and endanger the herd, such as wolves, coyotes and bears. Be careful to know what species of animals are frequently inhabiting the feeding area.
  • Do not feed deer kitchen scraps as most of these offerings are not able to be digested and could cause certain illnesses
  • Feeding deer is not recommended in areas with a known outbreak of CWD.

Final Thoughts

Feeding and attracting a deer population can be inexpensive when you consider the different varieties of foods available. Planting ground cover plants, fruit, nuts and seeds can offer a variety of options. It is important to make sure the supplements meet the nutrient needs of the herd with local and naturally available substances. Feeding deer all year can increase the success of your hunting experience without debate. Reach out and collaborate with other sportsmen to benefit the whole community. And as always, may your hunt be productful and your aim be steady.

As a seasoned wildlife enthusiast with extensive knowledge of deer behavior, habitat management, and feeding practices, I've spent years studying and actively engaging in various methods to support deer populations. My expertise in this area extends to practical applications, research, and conservation efforts aimed at fostering healthy deer herds.

Regarding the concepts touched upon in the article about feeding deer inexpensively and effectively, several critical elements stand out:

  1. Factors Impacting Deer Population: Understanding the multifaceted influences affecting deer populations is crucial. Habitat destruction, disease, weather fluctuations, and predation are among the myriad factors that significantly impact deer numbers. Food scarcity, in particular, plays a pivotal role in their survival.

  2. Feeding Strategies: The article emphasizes cost-effective and natural feeding strategies rather than relying on expensive commercial deer food. It discusses various options like planting clover and alfalfa, utilizing fallen fruit and nuts, creating homemade deer feed, using attractants like peanut butter, incorporating oats and corn, and considering the timing of feeding throughout the year.

  3. Nutritional Needs: Recognizing the nutritional requirements of deer is essential. Providing a well-rounded diet that includes fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and vitamins is critical for their overall health, antler growth, and reproduction. Balancing these elements through natural and affordable means is key.

  4. Feeding Location and Considerations: Selecting suitable feeding locations that align with deer movement patterns, natural cover, and existing trails is pivotal. Additionally, adhering to legal guidelines regarding feeding wildlife is imperative, along with cautiousness about potential risks like predation, wildlife diseases, and environmental disturbances.

  5. Community Collaboration: Collaboration among hunters and wildlife enthusiasts within the community can be beneficial. Sharing resources, exchanging information about feeding strategies, and ensuring responsible practices collectively support the deer population while enhancing hunting experiences.

  6. Cautionary Measures: Awareness of legal restrictions, potential risks, and best practices, such as avoiding overfeeding and ensuring a gradual introduction of food to mitigate environmental disruptions or animal hesitancy, is crucial.

The article not only emphasizes the importance of cost-effective feeding methods but also underscores the significance of ethical and sustainable practices in supporting deer populations. By incorporating natural elements into their diets and utilizing locally available resources, enthusiasts can nurture healthy deer herds without incurring substantial expenses. The holistic approach outlined in the article aims to balance conservation efforts with the interests of wildlife enthusiasts and hunters alike.

Inexpensive Way To Feed Deer (Winter/Corn/Fruit/Nuts) (2024)
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