Intelligent packaging detects meat quality (2024)

Intelligent packaging detects meat quality (1)

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An EU-funded consortium comprising European associations, research centres and SMEs developed an accurate, non-destructive and cost-effective method for determining the quality and shelf life of packaged meat.

Intelligent packaging detects meat quality (5)

Meat is a fragile product and its quality may be affected by any mistakes in its processing, packaging, distribution or at the point of sale. Failure to detect a pathogen will influence consumers’ perception of the product, thereby having a negative impact on the meat industry. In addition, lack of understanding of traditional food labels has created confusion in the minds of consumers, who prefer to rely more on the appearance of the product and ignore the expiry date. This has contributed to the generation of large amounts of food waste, unnecessary consumption of resources and the emission of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. An intelligent packaging system for determining the quality of fresh beef meat and for predicting shelf life was developed by the project TOXDTECT. The technology is based on the identification of specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are produced inside the packaging during the growth of microorganisms. These compounds are detected by VOC-sensitive sensors embedded within the film packaging while an external reader records an electric signal and correlates it with the state and properties of the meat. This information is then used to determine the remaining shelf life of the product according to existing food safety regulations. Although the initiative focused on beef in order to restore customer confidence in Europe’s beef industry, it could also be applied to poultry and other meat products. TOXDTECT technology provides consumers with a clear labelling system so they will no longer confuse ‘best before’ and ‘consume by’ dates, since the information they receive is provided in real time from the product they are purchasing. The information also informs consumers about the freshness of the packaged meat, since the signal from the sensors is affected by any changes in the supply chain. The project will thus help improve public health, support the European meat industry, reduce food waste and contribute to sustainable food production.


Packaging, meat quality, shelf life, food labels, TOXDTECT, volatile organic compounds

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Last update: 7 December 2017

Intelligent packaging detects meat quality (2024)


What is intelligent packaging in meat industry? ›

Intelligent packaging is a packaging system to detect, sense and record any deterioration inside the food package to enhance the safety, improve quality and warn about possible problems during food transport and storage (Yam et al.

What are the sensors in intelligent packaging? ›

To create sensors incorporated within food packaging, specific indicators are necessary to represent the state of the food product, either quantitatively or qualitatively. Indicators associated with food spoilage are usually linked to physical or chemical changes in the characteristics of the specific food.

What are intelligent food packaging indicators? ›

In the intelligent package of different kinds of food, the main releases that can indicate the freshness of food include carbon dioxide, volatile base nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide and other substances. Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of freshness indicator intelligent packaging.

What is the conclusion of smart packaging? ›

Smart packaging technologies are used to improve better communication of changes in food inside the package and to display various alerts of potential problems in the environment of the package that displays food quality relating to time, temperature, sensors, signs of freshness, integrity, and so on, pH, or volatile ...

What is the principle of intelligent packaging? ›

The EFSA defines intelligent packaging materials as “materials and articles that monitor the condition of packaged food or the environment surrounding the food” [16]. They have the ability to communicate the conditions of the packaged product, but they do not interact with the product [17].

Why is intelligent packaging important? ›

Understanding Intelligent Packaging

This kind of packaging is great for products that need specific storage conditions or have a short shelf-life. It gives accurate, real-time information about the product conditions, ensuring the product you get is high-quality and safe, and also helps reduce waste.

What is an intelligent detector? ›

An intelligent sensor is able to self-test, self-validate and self-adapt as well as self-identify. These sensors understand the environment they are put into and they can manage a wide range of conditions.

What sensors are used to detect food? ›

Optical sensors are used for detecting contaminants, foreign particles or irregularities in food products. They contribute to food safety and product quality.

Which is most advanced intelligent packaging technology? ›

#Intelligentpackaging is the most advanced type of packaging and includes technologies that allow for #realtime monitoring and communication of information between the product and the consumer. Examples include radio frequency identification ( #RFID ) tags and near-field communication (NFC) technologies.

What is quality control in food packaging? ›

What is food quality control? Quality control involves testing products to ascertain whether they meet required food safety regulations and customer requirements. Quality control (QC) is a reactive process and aims to identify and rectify the defects in finished products.

What are the food quality indicators? ›

Some examples of microbiological indicators are total plate count, coliform count, yeast and mold count, and pathogen detection. For example, you can use a culture method to measure the number of viable microorganisms in food samples, or a PCR method to identify specific pathogens in food samples.

What is active and intelligent food packaging? ›

Some materials and articles enhance the foods they contain or give information on the condition of foods and/or the surrounding environment. These are known as active or intelligent food contact materials. Last reviewed date: 11 April 2024.

What are the problems with smart packaging? ›

Safety is another concern. Active and smart packaging material are typically made from synthetic dyes, toxic inorganic and organic compounds, and solvents. These attach to the food packaging and may migrate into the foods, a potential health hazard.

What is the future of food packaging intelligent packaging? ›

With the increasing focus on sustainability and reducing waste, smart packaging usage is expected to grow. By incorporating features such as biodegradable materials and active packaging that extends the shelf life of products, businesses can reduce their environmental impact and improve their sustainability efforts.

What is the goal of food packaging? ›

The goal of food packaging is to contain food in a cost‐effective way that satisfies industry requirements and consumer desires, maintains food safety, and minimizes environmental impact.

What type of packaging is used for meat? ›

One of the most popular forms of retail meat packaging is fitting a tight PVC stretch film over a polystyrene tray or a gas-flushed package; it is referred to as case-ready meat: it uses a barrier tray with a breathable lidding, all of which are made of a combination of plastic resins.

What is the difference between intelligent and active packaging? ›

Intelligent Packaging: Contains sensors to determine the condition (e.g., freshness or temperature) of the product. Primarily used in food and beverage applications. Active Packaging: Interacts with the package contents to alter its condition, especially to extend freshness or shelf life.

What is artificial intelligence in the meat industry? ›

This broad technology can be used to optimize cutting in meat processing facilities and to determine optimal flavor combinations in value-added products. At the store level, retailers can rely on AI to better predict demand for right-size assortments and pricing.

What is meant by smart packaging? ›

Smart packaging, also known as connected packaging, is packaging that utilizes unique QR codes, barcodes, or other digital identities to engage with consumers, verify authenticity, and trace a product's journey.

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