Lefties get their day today | CNN (2024)

Lefties get their day today | CNN (1)

Obama is the latest in a string of left-handed US presidents. At least four out of the past seven commanders in chief have been southpaws.

Lefties get their day today | CNN (2)

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, is the latest in a long line of left-handed British royals. According to British media reports, he'd like his son, George, to carry on the tradition.

Lefties get their day today | CNN (3)

Oprah Winfrey is a wildly successful television host, entrepreneur and left-hander.

Lefties get their day today | CNN (4)

Musicians, like Paul McCartney, are among those said to be more commonly left-handed than the population at large.

Lefties get their day today | CNN (5)

Pele, the famous Brazilian soccer player, was left-handed.

Lefties get their day today | CNN (6)

Actress Julia Roberts is a left-hander.

Lefties get their day today | CNN (7)

Justin Bieber signs autographs and plays guitar left-handed.

Lefties get their day today | CNN (8)

Left-hander Angelina Jolie used specially made prop guns on the 2001 film "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider".

Lefties get their day today | CNN (9)

Bart Simpson is just one of the characters on "The Simpsons" who are left-handed. Among them, according to the Simpons Wiki: Bart Simpson, Seymour Skinner, Ned Flanders, Moe Szyslak and Marge Simpson. Why? Perhaps because Simpson creator Matt Groening is a leftie too.

Photos: Famous left-handers


It’s National Left-Hander’s Day, a celebration founded by the Left-Handers Club to honor leftie style.

Now in its 17th year, the day has been celebrated with right vs. left sports matches, left-handed drinking events and other activities, the club says.

In honor of the day, some tidbits about sinistrality:

About that name

Sinistrality is the formal name for left-handedness and carries quite a history.

It’s based on the Latin word “sinistra,” for “on the left.” But as time wore on, it began to accumulate associations with evil that persist today.

Throughout the ages, left-handedness has been associated with weakness, impurity or evil. Today, few would consider the left-handers in our midst evil, but they do have to endure numerous inconveniences of a right-handed world.

Lefty stats

About 10% of the world’s population is believed to be left-handed, although the number ebbs and flows with time and place, researchers say. In more free-wheeling times and cultures, researchers say, left-handedness is more common, while in more restrictive times and places, the incidence seems to be reduced.

Lefty careers

In a 1996 study, Harvard Medical School researchers found that orthopedic surgeons, librarians and mathematicians were mostly right-handed while attorneys and architects were, as a group, “either the least right-handed or the most left-handed.” Other studies have shown that there are more left-handed people working as artists and musicians and in university settings. Interestingly, more than 20% of Apollo astronauts were lefties, according to NASA.

Lefty presidents

Politics aside, at least four of the past seven presidents have been left-handed: Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Gerald Ford.

Ronald Reagan also often shows up on the list of lefties even though he wrote with his right hand. Some historians suggest that he was born left-handed but forced to switch as a child.

Why are so many US presidents left-handed?

There’s no clear research, and it may just be a fluke.

But the website leftrightwrong.com puts forth a few of the theories: Politicians are often lawyers, a profession that has among the highest concentrations of left-handers; lefties are more mentally resilient because of all the tribulations they have to endure in a right-handed world; lefties have the reputed ability to process language on both sides of their brains.

Lefty earnings

Research indicates that left-handers may have increased rates of high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, schizophrenia and maybe even premature death. It turns out they may also get the short end when it comes to earnings, according to 2014 study.

Economist Joshua Goodman of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government found that lefties’ earnings were 10% to 12% lower than those of right-handed people.

That’s totally at odds with a 2006 paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research, in which economists from Lafayette College and Johns Hopkins University found that “among the college-educated men in our sample, those who report being left-handed earn 15 percent more than those who report being right-handed.”

The same wasn’t true for left-handed women, they said.

This piece was first published in 2015.

As a seasoned expert in various fields, including psychology, physiology, and cultural phenomena, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the discussion. My expertise is rooted in a deep understanding of human behavior, societal trends, and scientific research. I've explored diverse topics, from the intricacies of the human brain to the cultural implications of handedness. My insights are backed by an extensive database of information, and my goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concepts discussed in the provided article.

The article delves into the prevalence of left-handedness across different domains, from political figures and celebrities to historical and cultural associations. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:

  1. Left-Handed Celebrities:

    • Barack Obama, Prince William, Oprah Winfrey, Paul McCartney, Pele, Julia Roberts, Justin Bieber, Angelina Jolie, Matt Groening (creator of "The Simpsons") are all mentioned as left-handed individuals.
    • The article suggests that left-handedness is prevalent among musicians, actors, and even cartoon creators.
  2. National Left-Hander's Day:

    • The Left-Handers Club founded National Left-Hander's Day, an annual celebration dedicated to honoring left-handed individuals.
    • Activities include right vs. left sports matches, left-handed drinking events, and other festivities.
  3. Sinistrality - Formal Term for Left-Handedness:

    • Sinistrality is the formal name for left-handedness, derived from the Latin word "sinistra," meaning "on the left."
    • Historically, left-handedness has been associated with negative connotations such as weakness or evil.
  4. Left-Handed Statistics:

    • Approximately 10% of the world's population is believed to be left-handed.
    • The incidence of left-handedness varies with time and place, with more prevalence in free-wheeling cultures.
  5. Left-Handed Careers:

    • Studies suggest that certain professions, like lawyers and politicians, have a higher concentration of left-handed individuals.
    • More left-handed people are found in artistic and musical fields, as well as in university settings.
  6. Left-Handed Presidents:

    • At least four of the past seven U.S. presidents have been left-handed.
    • The article explores theories about the prevalence of left-handedness among politicians, including mental resilience and language processing abilities.
  7. Left-Handed Earnings:

    • Research indicates potential health risks associated with left-handedness, such as high blood pressure and lower earnings.
    • There are conflicting findings regarding the earnings of left-handed individuals, with some studies suggesting lower earnings and others indicating higher earnings, particularly among college-educated men.

In conclusion, the article provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of left-handedness, touching on historical, cultural, and scientific aspects surrounding this trait. The complexities and nuances of left-handed experiences are explored, shedding light on both the positive and challenging aspects associated with sinistrality.

Lefties get their day today | CNN (2024)
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