Making money on Etsy: A guide to starting your own shop (2024)

Is using your creative talents and actually making money on Etsy possible? You bet! In this article, I share ten steps to getting your shop opened, along with some insights and tips to ensure your success. Don’t miss the free guide to creating printables that is included at the bottom of the post!

Making money on Etsy: A guide to starting your own shop (1)

When I started my Etsy shop, I had a million and one questions about how to take this passion of mine, and turnit into a successful business. Almost four years and 7,000+ sales later, I still don’t have all the answers, but I have definitely have learned a thing or two that I would love to pass on to anyone who is considering opening a shop of their own.

The key to making money on Etsy: belief that it is possible

I first want to start with some words of encouragement. If you are an artist, a crafter, a DIYer, a designer or anyone who has ever usedtheir creative talents to make something special, I believe that you should be sharing your work with others. Erase the phrase “starving artist” from your vocabulary. The internet has made it possible for creatives to not only sell our work but to create thriving businesses.

If you’ve got a passion for creating, a desire to makemoney and 20 cents, you have everything you need to open your own shop. Let’s get going!

Step 1: Research

Before you open your business, it’s a great idea to get inspired by other shops— particularly the successful ones. Start to do some Etsy searches for the types of products you will be selling and see what comes up in the results. Click on the listings that stand out to you, and take a look in the shop’s sidebar to see how many sales they’ve made since they have opened. Pay attention to how many items they have listed. Look at the keywords they have used to describetheir items, which can be found at the bottom of each listing.

There’s a great site called Craftcount that showcases the top Etsy shops, broken down by category so you can really be inspired by the most prosperoussellers.The goal here isn’t to completely copy another shop, but to identify the ingredients that are bringing them success. The future of your shop depends on you putting forth a product and brand that is unique, special, and has your own personal touch!

Step 2: Learn the rules

Etsy is a fantastic marketplace, but it’s important to remember that we are guests in a space where they call the shots. There are certain guidelines that we, as sellers, need to adhere to (most of which are for our own protection). I encourage you to read through these guidelines before launching your shop. I’ve heard cautionary tales of Etsy sellers who have had their shops shut down as a result of breaking a rule they didn’t even know existed, so take the time to learn em’ and stick to em’!

Step 3: Brand yourself

As soon as you open your shop for business, you are officially a professional— so make sure that you look the part. If you are just starting out, you don’t need to spend tons of money on hiring a designer to create business cards, banners, tags, etc. Other than your listing images, the only piece of artwork needed for your storefront is a simple banner that’s 3360 pixels x 840 pixels, which can be designed by you and created for free, using a program like Canva.

Step 4: Stock your shop

If you don’t already have your products created, now is the time to start. The minimum number of items you need for your shop to go live is one, but I definitely suggest showcasing more than that. This is just my personal recommendation, but I think 12-28 is a good number to start with.

I have noticed that more items usually lead to more sales. If you don’t have quite enough items to fill 12 spots, consider creating a few listings for custom, made-to-order items that can be created after your customer has purchased it or a special deal like “Buy 2, Get 2 Free!”

Making money on Etsy: A guide to starting your own shop (2)

Step 5: Take high-quality photos

This step is probably making a few of you cringe, but it’s really important. You’ve spent lots of time and energy creating your product, so make sure to take the same care in presenting it in a clear and professional manner. Use natural light when taking your photos and take your shots from different angles, close up and far away. Avoid using that flash whenever you can.

You may consider styling or showcasing your items in use. For example, if you sell scarves, display a photo of somebody wearing it. Smartphones take great photos, but if you want to kick it up a notch, a high-quality DSLR camera will definitely give you the best results.

If you are selling digital products as I do, you can get away with avoiding picture-taking altogether by displaying your items using stock photos and photo mockups. These have been a huge blessing and time saver for me! Save 15% on your subscription to HauteStock when you use code MICHELLE15.

Step 6: Write a killer description

The counterpart to your photos, is the place where you provide your customers with everything they need to know about the product they are about to purchase. In addition to the description of your item, you will also want to include relevant information such as the size, color, and materials used to create your product.

It’s important to include your turnaround time, shipping time, return policy, and special instructions if you are selling something custom. A great strategy that many Etsy sellers use is promoting your own products within your listing. For example, at the bottom of your description, you may want to include a note that says, “If you are looking for a handpainted vase to match your new plate, you can find our entire collection here <insert link>.”

Step 7: Price your products

Before you go looking at what other people are charging, make note of the money you have spent to create your item. What it is going to cost for you to package, and ship it? Figure out your operating costs and then add .20 (the cost to list an item on Etsy). This may be a no-brainer but make sure the amount you are going to charge is more than what you’ve spent to make it.

Factor in the time you’ve put into creating your item or the time you will be spending if you are offering custom-made products. THEN do some research and see what other shops in your niche are charging.

Remember that pricing yourself below everyone else is not a great strategy, even if you are just starting out— you don’t want to give the impression that your items are low quality (unless they legitimately are).

Making money on Etsy: A guide to starting your own shop (3)

Step 8:Do keyword research

This is when you need to think like a buyer. Imagine you were shopping for your item. What would you type into that Etsy search bar? Although Etsy limits the number of characters we can use for our keywords, it’s great to use phrases rather than words when we can get them to fit.

For example, instead of using the keyword “blue,” “vintage blue teacup” would be much more effective in helping a buyer find your item. Remember what I mentioned in Step 1— take note of what those all-star sellers use for their keywords!

Step 9: Prepare for Shipping

I’ve heard from a few different people that shipping is what is standing in the way of launching their Etsy business. Say it ain’t so! Etsy has made shipping extremelyeasy for us— once your item has sold, you have the ability tocreate a shipping label right from your dashboard.

If you are just starting out, you may want to consider selling within your own country only. This narrows your audience, but it will also keep your operations manageable while you get the hang of things.

Many sellers take advantage of USPS Flat Rate Shipping if you are within the US. As long as you know your item’s size, you know that the cost will be the same, no matter what, and you can easily add insurance to your items (I highly recommend this).

Additionally, you can schedule pick-up times with the post office, so you don’t even need to waste time running out to mail your items. If you are shipping using something other than flat rate shipping, I recommend either investing in a shipping scaleor bringing your core items to the post office, all packaged up, so you know exactly how much to charge your customers.

One more quick note about shipping! Keep that packaging as high quality as your product. You don’t need to spend an arm and a leg, but make sure your items are packed securely and with a clean presentation. It’s a great practice to include a business card and a small thank you note for your customers, so they know how much you appreciate them.

Step 10: Promote

Once you’ve created and researched your little heart out and your shop is stocked and ready for business, it’s time to get the word out there! If you already have a Pinterest account set up, this is a great place to start. You can pin images of your products directly from your Etsy page, which will drive your followers to your shop.

Now that you are a shop owner, you are officially a small business! Consider setting up additional social media feeds like Facebook and Instagram, which is the best way to get the word out there. If you are feeling particularly ambitious, you may even want to think about starting your own blog!

Another great way to get eyes on your products is to create “Treasuries“, which is a collection of Etsy products that you curate based on a certain theme, style or occasion. Other shop owners are notified when their items have been included in a Treasury, and it can be a great opportunity for you to connect with them and ask them to share or “like” the Treasury that includes both of your items.

I hope this mini-guide will get you on your way to selling your work and running a business where you do what you love.


Another great tip for making money on Etsy is to consider your income opportunities outside of Etsy. Starting my Etsy shop was what got my business kick-started, but today it’s only one of several streams of income.

Here are a few ways that you can use your Etsy shop as a starting point to leverage additional income:

  • Supplement your shop with a blog. Not only is this a great way to market yourself by sharing free goods with your audience, but it becomes an asset for you. Once you have a blog set up, you open yourself up to paid sponsorship opportunities, advertising, and collaborations with other brands that can help elevate your shop.
  • Become a niche brand. Many businesses have succeeded in focusing on one very small, specific area and becoming an authority. For example, if your Etsy shop sells printable props for photo booths and parties only— and you live, breathe, eat and sleep this topic through social media, you open yourself up to many sponsorship and collaboration opportunities.
  • Sell on other platforms. Once your Etsy shop is set up, you can multiply your efforts by recreating your shop on other platforms like Shopify, Society 6, Creative Market, and more.
  • License your work to another company, shop, or brand. Once you’ve established yourself as a shop, you can expand your reach by connecting with existing businesses to see if there might be an opportunity for you to create something specifically and exclusively for them.

Making money on Etsy: A guide to starting your own shop (4)

This post contains affiliate links.


Making money on Etsy: A guide to starting your own shop (2024)


Can you actually make money on Etsy? ›

While plenty of sellers make significant money on Etsy, others just pull in a little extra money from time to time. The key takeaway is that (much like with a physical business), you can make as much or as little money on Etsy as you want, depending on the time and effort you're willing to put in.

Is it profitable to open an Etsy shop? ›

Is it still profitable to sell on Etsy? Yes! Even with over 7.3 million active Etsy sellers, there are still roughly 13 buyers for every Etsy shop, so deciding to sell on Etsy can be a great way to make money online.

Can you make 10k a month on Etsy? ›

While starting an Etsy shop is easy, building it into a profitable business that generates consistent passive revenue takes work and strategic planning. However, with the right techniques and strategies, it is completely possible for Etsy sellers to earn $10,000 or more per month through passive income streams.

How to start an Etsy shop for beginners? ›

9 Steps To Set Up an Etsy Shop
  1. Create Your Etsy Account. To create a seller account, you must first have a consumer Etsy account. ...
  2. Enter Your Shop Preferences. ...
  3. Name Your Shop. ...
  4. Create Your Listings. ...
  5. Input Your Payment Settings. ...
  6. Enter Your Credit Card Details. ...
  7. Open Your Shop. ...
  8. Update Your Bio.
Apr 3, 2024

How much does an average Etsy seller make? ›

How Much Does The Average Etsy Seller Make? The average successful seller on Etsy earns between $43,000 and $46,000 per year which is a fantastic foundation to build on as top earners make over $65,000 per month!

What sells the easiest on Etsy? ›

Let's take a look at some of the most popular types of products you can sell on Etsy:
  1. Jewelry. Etsy features an extensive collection of jewelry items including necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets. ...
  2. Wedding products. ...
  3. Handmade clothes. ...
  4. Personalized gifts. ...
  5. Homemade beauty products. ...
  6. Candles. ...
  7. Accessories. ...
  8. Vintage.
Mar 19, 2024

What is the downside of Etsy? ›

Cons of selling on Etsy

This can make the site expensive for users whose product types require a high number of individual listings, and it is actually possible to lose money running an Etsy store if sales proceeds don't exceed listing costs. Not all types of items can be sold.

Who is the highest paid Etsy seller? ›

How this woman became the biggest seller on Etsy with $80,000 a month in sales. Alicia Shaffer is the most successful seller on Etsy. The mom of three started selling boho-inspired hats and scarves through her online shop, Three Bird Nest, in November 2011.

How much does Etsy take from a $100 sale? ›

Transaction Fees

When you make a sale through, you will be charged a transaction fee of 6.5% of the price you display for each listing plus the amount you charge for shipping and gift wrapping.

Does Etsy have a monthly fee to sell? ›

To boost your sales, Etsy offers to sellers two types of packages – Etsy Standard and Etsy Plus, and Etsy will charge you for some extra features you choose to use. While Etsy Standard is a default plan and is actually free, Etsy Plus costs $10 a month.

Can Etsy be a full time job? ›

Do People Who Sell on Etsy Make a Full-Time Living With Their Business? The short answer is yes! The long answer is that it completely depends on your product, brand, and how much time you are willing to invest into your business.

Do I need an LLC to sell on Etsy? ›

If you're based in the US, you can either operate your Etsy shop as an unincorporated entity — a sole proprietorship or a general partnership — or you can incorporate and form a corporation or a limited liability company (LLC). Sole proprietorships and general partnerships are the two simplest options.

How many items should you have to start an Etsy shop? ›

Discover how Craftybase is the Etsy inventory software you've been missing out on: track raw materials and product stock, COGS, pricing and much more. It's your new production central. Very generally speaking, as a starting point you should consider starting with somewhere between 5-20 different products.

Can I start Etsy with no money? ›

It doesn't cost anything to set up an Etsy shop, but it does cost money to list and sell items.

Is selling on Etsy worth it? ›

Yes, selling on Etsy is worth it in 2024, especially if you combine it with other sales channels, like your own website and social media platforms. The marketplace gives you access to thousands of customers as soon as you set up your Etsy store.

Do you pay taxes if you sell on Etsy? ›

Etsy typically reports your gross income to the IRS on Form 1099-K, but even if you don't receive a 1099-K, you still have to report your Etsy sales income on your tax return. If your state has income tax, you'll need to pay state income taxes on the net income from your Etsy sales as well.

How long does it take to get paid on Etsy? ›

If you're a new seller, by default your funds will be sent to your bank account weekly, every Monday. You can view or change your deposit schedule: On, select Shop Manager. Go to Finances.

What percentage does Etsy take? ›

Transaction fees

Etsy charges 6.5% of the total order amount in your designated listing currency. This fee applies to the total cost of the item, along with shipping and gift wrap (if you charge your customers for those). You will see the charges itemized separately on your Payment account.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.