Recover and Reset with Bland Diets for Dogs (2024)

Ever have a stomach bug? When you felt ready to eat did you start with a limited diet like dry toast or broth? If you have a dog, you may have cleaned up vomit or diarrhea a time or two. You may have also wondered how to help your dog recover.

Some dogs can vomit from eating something bad and be absolutely fine after, but when they’re sick this isn’t the case. They may continue to vomit if you give them their normal meals. So, how do you help them settle their stomachs so they can get back to enjoying the good stuff?

You can use a bland diet, similar to how you recover from stomach issues. However, since tea and toast won’t work for your pup – here’s what will!

Recover and Reset with Bland Diets for Dogs (1)

Why might my pup need a bland diet?

If your pup has been showing signs of gastrointestinal distress, you will want to get them checked out by a vet if the issues don’t resolve in about 24-48 hours. Your vet will rule out serious issues like blockages, kidney disease, tumors, and parasites and check for bacteria that cause stomach upset like E.Coli.

Once you have a diagnosis, your treatment plan is likely to include a bland diet for at least a few days as your pup recovers.

How to prepare a bland diet

A bland diet consists of a simple carbohydrate and single protein. You can try 50 percent plain white rice and 50 percent lean protein. When making rice for your pup, avoid using butter, salt or seasonings and keep things as plain as you can.

As far as lean protein, you can use chicken, turkey breast, or even hamburger – as long as you drain out all of the fat. This is not time to start prepping for the Iron Chef, canine edition. You want to keep everything as plain as possible to help your dog feel better fast.

The easiest way to prepare meat for a bland diet is to boil it in very lightly salted water. You’ll then drain your meat and allow it to cool. Don’t toss the water just yet – you can skim off the fat (if there is any) and use a little bit of the “broth” to moisten your pup’s food. Bland, wet food is probably going to be a little more appealing than bland, dry food!

If your pup is a picker eater or needs to eat bland a little longer, you can also try feeding, plain, unseasoned scrambled eggs. Remember, don’t add any cheese or seasoning to the eggs. While this might make them more appetizing, it could also irritate your pup’s already upset stomach.

If your pup doesn’t like plain rice, you can try plain, baked sweet potato, oatmeal, or plain pasta. You can use canned sweet potato as long as it is not loaded with sodium.

For dogs with diarrhea, you may want to add some pumpkin or banana to their bland diet menu. They both contain soluble fiber and potassium to help your pup feel better fast. If you aren’t roasting your own pumpkins, you might rely on these handy pouches of pumpkin puree or canned pumpkin. When purchasing canned pumpkin remember NOT to buy pumpkin pie filling. Canned pumpkin pie filling contains sugar and spices that can make your dog sicker.

What are the benefits of a bland diet? How does it settle my dog’s stomach?

There are a few reasons why a bland diet is beneficial for your pup. First, it is easily digested so your dog’s digestive systems don’t have to work as hard to break down the food to get nutrients and energy. This will help your pup heal faster.

How long should you keep your pup on a bland diet?

The answer to this question will depend on why your pup is on a bland diet in the first place. If your pup just has a stomach virus, it might be a few days. If they are recovering from illness or surgery it could be a little longer. Consult your vet to get a sense of how long you need to keep your pup on the bland diet. They will also tell you what to look for so you know when it is okay to start the transition back to their normal food.

Even if your dog is acting hungry, it is important to feed them slowly and stick to the bland diet as long as your vet recommends. Transitioning away from the bland diet too fast can make your pup sick again.

Immediately after your dog vomits, you don’t want to feed them. The best thing you can do is wait and let their stomach settle a little before attempting food again you might want to wait 12-24 hours before feeding your pup. Even if they aren’t ready to eat again you don’t want them to be dehydrated.

After about 2-3 hours you can offer them a little water. Start with just a few sips as drinking too fast can make your pup vomit again. If the water stays down, you can offer your pup some food when they’re ready. For small dogs, start with a teaspoon or two and for larger dogs a tablespoon or two. Wait and see if they;re able to keep it down. Small, frequent meals will be best for your pup. As they heal you can work up to a quarter or half of a cup at a time. Even if your dog is used to eating twice a day, you might want to break their bland diet meals into 3 or 4 meals per day.

What if my dog hates their bland diet?

If your pup isn’t feeling well, the bland diet might not be super appealing. That’s okay. Be patient and don’t force them to eat. If your dog is eating around one of the ingredients, like rice you can try switching the carbohydrate for another one.

If your pup is turning up their nose at everything, consult your vet. They might be able to recommend a prescription food that might be more appealing to your pup. While prescription food isn’t the most cost-effective way to feed your dog, if they won’t eat a home-cooked bland diet, it is a good way to get them some nutrition.

If your pup is on a bland diet longer-term or has a sensitive stomach in general, you can try Ollie’s Chicken Recipe with your vet’s blessing. This recipe is great for dogs with sensitive stomachs or those who are transitioning off a bland diet. It will satisfy even the pickiest of eaters.

Recover and Reset with Bland Diets for Dogs (2)

Foods to include in in your dog’s bland diet

As a reminder here is the complete list of foods you can include when making a bland diet meal for your dog:


  • White Rice
  • Brown Rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Pasta
  • Sweet Potato
  • Pumpkin (use for pups with diarrhea only)
  • Banana (use for pups with diarrhea only)


  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Beef
  • Fish
  • Scrambled egg

Bland diets for dogs are usually thought of short-term solutions for temporary stomach issues. For pups with naturally sensitive stomachs, Ollie’s Chicken recipe is a limited-ingredient recipe made with chicken, rice, veggies, and egg. This gentle blend is easy on a dog’s stomach, while still providing the balanced nutrition he or she needs long-term.

The Ollie blog is devoted to helping pet parents lead healthier lives with their pups. If you want to learn more about our fresh, human-grade food, check out

Recover and Reset with Bland Diets for Dogs (2024)


How long should a dog stay on a bland diet? ›

How long do I need to feed my pet a bland diet? It's usually good to keep the pet on a bland diet for 2-3 days after the vomiting has stopped and the stool has returned to normal. When things stabilize, you can start mixing the bland diet with your pet's normal food. Start by mixing ½ regular food and ½ bland diet.

How do I transition my dog back to kibble after a bland diet? ›

If your dog's signs start to resolve within 2-3 days, you should transition your dog back to their regular kibble. This transition can usually be fairly rapid - feeding 50% bland diet and 50% regular kibble for an additional 1-2 days should do it.

Can I feed my dog bland diet everyday? ›

Warning. Bland diets, by design, are not complete and balanced nutrition. They shouldn't be fed long term. Your dog requires various vitamins and minerals that something like just boiled chicken and rice simply doesn't provide.

How long can you keep a dog on chicken and rice? ›

Normally, your dog should only need to be kept on a strict chicken and rice diet for two to three days. There are exceptions, for example, if you are using chicken and rice as part of an elimination diet or if your dog is recovering from serious surgery.

How long to feed dog chicken and rice after diarrhea? ›

Be sure to follow your veterinarian's instructions, and take your dog to the clinic if symptoms get worse or persist. Most dogs stay on the chicken and rice diet for 2 to 3 days.

How often should a dog poop on a bland diet? ›

On average, expect your pup to poop normally after 2-3 days. Some can even take one day only to get the system back on track again. Without the bland diet, a pup can go as long as one week for the stools to firm up. What is this?

Are eggs OK for bland diet for dogs? ›

Are scrambled eggs considered bland food for dogs? Yes, scrambled eggs are an acceptable bland food choice as long as they're plain and not cooked with butter or other dairy products. Extra ingredients can make upset stomachs worse.

Can dogs eat pasta on bland diet? ›

Here are other simple carbohydrates choices to include in a bland diet for dogs: Skinless, unseasoned boiled white or sweet potato. Boiled, unseasoned spaghetti noodles. A quick-cooking form of white rice.

How do you reintroduce food to a sick dog? ›

When your dog is ready to be reintroduced to his normal food, transition him slowly. Start by adding one part regular dog food to two parts bland food for several days. If his stools stay firm, you can slowly increase the portion of regular dog food to bland food until the diet is completely transitioned.

How long does the bland diet take to work? ›

The total transition time from a bland diet back to your dog's regular diet after upset stomach signs are gone usually takes about 5 days. On the first transition day, you can mix 25% of your dog's regular food with 75% of the bland diet.

How do you detox a dog's stomach? ›

For dogs, raw and whole meals are good options. Organic meals, natural vegetarian sources, and even biodynamic foods are perfect! Foods like beetroots, carrots and even shredded coconut would work towards detoxifying your dog's gut! This food can clean out your dog's digestive system and prevent indigestion.

Can a dog live on chicken and rice? ›

Just because 'chicken and rice' is common, doesn't mean it's the best for your pet! Just feeding 'chicken and rice' is simply not a complete and balanced diet as it is lacking in certain nutrients, vitamins, amino acids and minerals that are important for your pet's health.

How often should I feed my sick dog chicken and rice? ›

The combination of rice to chicken/beef will be 2 to 1. In other words, if you want to give your dog a total of one cup of food he/she will receive 1/3 cup chicken mixed with 2/3 cup of rice. Feed several small meals per day rather than one or two large meals.

What food will settle a dog's stomach? ›

Chicken and rice are prime ingredients in many dog foods, and these mild foods sit well on upset canine stomachs. Plus, this bland meal is easy to prepare. All you need are boneless, skinless chicken breasts and rice.

How do I feed my dog a bland diet? ›

The most common bland diet is boiled rice and boiled lean chicken breast, without skin and bones. Since bland diets are low in fiber, stool production slows and defecation is less frequent. Bland diets are fed to rest the gastric system and to help promote normal stool formation.

Should chicken and rice for dogs be cold? ›

It's quite alright to cook both the chicken and rice ready for the morning. If you're worried about the rice being too cold when you get it out of the fridge at 6 am, you can always pop it into the microwave for a few seconds to warm it slightly. This is what I do too, to take the chill off.

How many times a day should I give my dog rice for diarrhea? ›

For example, if your dog weighs 30 pounds and has chronic diarrhea, feed him or her ¾ cup of rice at the start of each meal! If your dog is on the slim side or very active with a large appetite, you can go as high as ½ cup per 10 pounds. In this case, your 30-pound dog would get 1.5 cups of rice per meal.

How long after diarrhea will dog poop again? ›

Be aware that after a bout of vomiting or diarrhea, it may take 3-7 days to see stool again as the digestive system has been “cleaned out” and its motility (movement of contents through system) has been interrupted.

Is scrambled egg good for dogs with diarrhea? ›

Scrambled eggs are a good option for dogs with diarrhea because they are easy to digest and packed full of protein. Dogs who have been vomiting or eating stool may not be able to handle the high-fat content but scrambled egg is one of the best options out there.

Will chicken and rice stop diarrhea in dogs? ›

Just as with us, every now and then dogs experience some tummy upset. Although most veterinarians will recommend withholding food if your dog is vomiting, for diarrhea many suggest a bland diet for dogs, often of chicken and rice. It's super easy, fast–and inexpensive–to make chicken and rice for your dog.

What can I feed my dog to firm up his stool? ›

If you have checked the feeding amount is correct, cut out treats and spaced the meals and your dog is still producing soft poo the addition of just a couple of tablespoons of cooked carrot, sweet potato or squash to their meal can work wonders in firming up their poo.

Is it best not to feed a dog with diarrhea? ›

Recommend withholding food for a short period of time to allow your dog's gastrointestinal tract to rest and recover, followed by a few days of a bland diet, such as cooked chicken and rice. This is often beneficial when GI upset is due to eating a rich meal or a sudden diet change.

Can I give my dog pasta instead of rice? ›

Dogs can eat plain white rice or pasta after it's cooked. And, a serving of plain white rice with some boiled chicken can sometimes make your dog feel better when they are having stomach problems.

Can dogs eat bread on bland diet? ›

The short answer to the question “can dogs eat bread?” is yes. Dogs can safely eat bread in much the same way as humans—in moderation. Plain white and wheat bread are generally safe for dogs to eat, provided they don't have any allergies, and it usually does not cause any stomach upset.

What kind of rice for dog bland diet? ›

A bland diet consists of foods that are easy to digest, are soothing to the digestive system and contain ingredients that help restore a solid stool. For dogs, it generally involves a boiled lean meat such as chicken, hamburger or turkey; and a starch such as cooked white rice or sweet potato.

Can dogs have bananas on a bland diet? ›

Since bananas contain high sugar content, they should only be an occasional human food and not a regular treat in your dog's diet.

Is yogurt part of a bland diet for dogs? ›

Examples of bland diets include:

Fat should be skimmed off boiled meat. White fish and cooked sweet potato offer nutrition and are mild on the stomach. Potatoes or oatmeal can be used if rice is unpalatable to your dog. Plain yogurt can be provided to re-establish healthy gut flora and can make bland food more ...

What happens if a dog won't eat bland diet? ›

If your pup isn't feeling well, the bland diet might not be super appealing. That's okay. Be patient and don't force them to eat. If your dog is eating around one of the ingredients, like rice you can try switching the carbohydrate for another one.

How long should I wait to feed my dog after he gets sick? ›

What to feed a sick dog? You should hold back giving water to a sick dog for two hours and food until 6-8 hours after their last episode of vomiting. Once this period is over reintroduce small, bland meals such as white chicken or rice gradually.

How do you reintroduce food after not eating? ›

Stick to bland foods like crackers, toast, potatoes, noodles, and rice. Try eating very small meals, 6-8 a day. You may be able to tolerate foods that contain a lot of water, like frozen pops, Jell-O, and broth-based soups.

Should I refeed my dog if they throw up right after eating? ›

Wait and Observe. After a dog vomits, it's generally best to withhold food for several hours and observe, but don't withhold water. 2 If your dog vomits one time and then acts completely normal, you can probably resume your normal feeding routine within six to 12 hours, or when the next meal is due.

How do I wean my dog off chicken and rice? ›

After several days of successful chicken and rice food, you can begin to add the dog's normal kibble into the chicken and rice mix. Add more kibble each day, reducing the amount of chicken and rice, as you gradually transition back to a normal diet over a period of 4-5 days.

What are the three main ingredients to be avoided in the bland diet? ›

What are the foods to avoid on the bland diet?
  • spicy or highly seasoned foods, such as curry, hot sauce, hot peppers, and onions.
  • high-fat foods, such as red meat, cream, and anything fried.
  • sugary foods, such cookies, doughnuts, cake, candy, and ice cream.

How long does it take for a dog's gut to heal? ›

The longer your dog has had gut health symptoms, the longer he will take to heal … weeks to months, sometimes more. Boomer took two years to recover completely.

How do you fix toxic gut in dogs? ›

10 Ways to Improve Your Dog's Digestion & Gut Health
  1. 10 Ways to Improve Dog Digestion. Raw Food. Probiotics. Fermented Food. Prebiotics. Use Herbs instead of Dewormers. Avoid Unnecessary Vaccines. Don't Feed Human Food. Pay Attention To Ingredients. Go Grain-Free. ...
  2. Improving Your Dog's Digestion will Improve Their Quality of Life.
16 Nov 2020

What are the symptoms of toxic gut in dogs? ›

Clinical signs of poisoning in a dog may include: Gastrointestinal signs: vomiting, diarrhea, extreme salivation, loss of appetite, and nausea or dry heaving.

What can I feed my dog instead of dog food? ›

Here are some things you can feed your pooch from your fridge or cupboard:
  • Bananas.
  • Blueberries.
  • Broccoli.
  • Carrots.
  • Cooked boneless lean meat (chicken, beef, or turkey)
  • Onion-free gravy for taste.
  • Plain boiled rice.
  • Plain, unprocessed oatmeal.

Is it OK to feed my dog boiled chicken every day? ›

So can I feed my dog chicken every day? As long as it's cooked, the answer is yes. Because chicken is a safe, healthy and easily digestible form of protein, it is often the main source of protein in high quality dog food.

What homemade food is good for dogs? ›

If you prefer to feed your dog a mixture of kibble with add-ins, some good options would be:
  • a whole egg (you can give it raw or you can cook it)
  • a can of cooked salmon.
  • mixed vegetables raw or steamed.
  • a small portion of cottage cheese or yogurt.
  • leafy greens such as kale or spinach (helps to digest the kibble)
20 Nov 2018

How long can a dog stay on chicken and rice diet? ›

Normally, your dog should only need to be kept on a strict chicken and rice diet for two to three days. There are exceptions, for example, if you are using chicken and rice as part of an elimination diet or if your dog is recovering from serious surgery.

How much chicken should you feed a dog with an upset stomach? ›

You want both the chicken and the rice to bee cool before serving to your pup. To aid in digestion, you want to aim for 1 1/2 - 2 cups of rice to 1 cup of chicken. The increased amount of rice will help stop any further diarrhea. If diarrhea continues for a long period of time, contact your veterinarian.

Do bananas help settle dogs stomach? ›

Bananas are a gentle food for your pooch. This means they're great for calming a dog's stomach, along with sweet potatoes and oatmeal. If your dog has chronic upset stomach or just isn't feeling well, mash up a little banana into his regular meal to help his tummy settle.

Should you walk a dog with an upset stomach? ›

Rest. Let your dog rest and recover and avoid anything energetic until they are feeling better. If they are very lethargic then you should speak to your vet.

What can dogs eat that won't upset their stomach? ›

​Best Food for Dogs with Sensitive Stomachs That You Can Prepare at Home
  • Boiled Lean Breast of Chicken or Turkey. This is one of the best foods you can offer your dog if he has a sensitive tummy. ...
  • Canned Salmon or Tuna. ...
  • Cooked Eggs. ...
  • Canned Pumpkin. ...
  • Bone Broth. ...
  • White Rice. ...
  • Boiled Potato/Sweet Potato.
3 Jun 2020

How long should a dog be on a bland diet for pancreatitis? ›

I recommend feeding the bland diet to your dog for 3-4 days, after which you should slowly transition them back to their regular diet over 3-4 meals. Rapid changes in diet can cause diarrhea and vomiting.

How long should I feed my dog chicken and rice for vomiting? ›

Feeding your dog chicken and rice may be an effective way to reduce upset stomach symptoms, but should not be done for more than a couple of days, or until symptoms disappear.

How long can a dog go without pooping on a bland diet? ›

Usually, a dog can stay up to 24 hours without pooping. However, it is potentially harmful if it gets to 48 or more hours without pooping; therefore, you should consider ways to force your dog to poop or see a veterinarian for constipation. Normal pooping should happen once daily.

How long does it take for an elimination diet to work on a dog? ›

The full effects may take up to 12 weeks to come through so please be patient. Some dogs may appear to get worse before they get better, especially when moving from a very inappropriate diet on to a high-grade food.

What foods trigger pancreatitis in dogs? ›

Acute pancreatitis can occur after a dog eats a fatty food such as pork, beef, and some other human foods. Dogs that get into garbage can develop pancreatitis. Pancreatitis can also have other causes, including certain medications and some viral or bacterial infections.

What foods aggravate pancreatitis in dogs? ›

Avoid giving too many treats, especially any treats containing fats. Absolutely avoid ANY fatty human foods such as meat, cheeses, etc. Once your pet has had pancreatitis, they are more likely to have it again. And every time your pet has pancreatitis, their ability to recover each time diminishes.

How long does it take for a dog to bounce back from pancreatitis? ›

For milder cases, your dog will need to be in the hospital anywhere from 2 to 4 days. After your dog leaves the hospital you can expect them to have fully recovered after 1 to 2 weeks. For severe cases of pancreatitis, your dog may be hospitalized for up to 2 weeks.

What settles a dogs stomach? ›

Chicken and rice are prime ingredients in many dog foods, and these mild foods sit well on upset canine stomachs. Plus, this bland meal is easy to prepare. All you need are boneless, skinless chicken breasts and rice.

What are the signs of pancreatitis in dogs? ›

What are the clinical signs of pancreatitis? The most common clinical signs include nausea, vomiting, fever, lethargy, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and decreased appetite. During an attack, dogs may take a 'praying position', with their rear end up in the air while their front legs and head are lowered onto the floor.

Can I feed my dog chicken and rice everyday? ›

Rice and chicken are a great combination for dogs, and they can be a part of a healthy diet if you feed them in moderation. If your dog is overweight, you should try to limit her carb intake, but if she's healthy she can eat a moderate amount of carbs and still be healthy.

Are eggs part of a bland diet for dogs? ›

Are scrambled eggs considered bland food for dogs? Yes, scrambled eggs are an acceptable bland food choice as long as they're plain and not cooked with butter or other dairy products. Extra ingredients can make upset stomachs worse.

How do you flush a dog's digestive system? ›

Start with bland boiled white rice. Give him small amounts to lick off a spoon or your fingers. Watch your dog closely to see how his system responds to the rice. If he is not vomiting and does not have diarrhea, give him more boiled rice the next hour.

How can I detox my dog's digestive system? ›

Clean Water: It is recommended that giving your dog spring water is best as it provides natural nutrients and minerals. These natural nutrients would help cleanse out any toxins in your dog's digestive system. Keeping your dog hydrated is important when your dog is going through an upset stomach.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.