Room Makeover Ideas: How to Paint Paneling | CertaPro Painters® (2024)

If your home has been rockin’ the rustic wood panel vibe since the 70s, you might be looking for tips on painting wood paneling to introduce a more fresh or modern feel.

Paneling is more versatile than homeowners think. A fresh coat of paint can transform an old-fashioned space into a room Joanna Gaines would be proud of.

Discover how painting wood paneling can give your tired wood paneling new life. Here are some of the many design options before hiring professional painters.

Is it Easier to Paint or Remove Wood Paneling?

Removing wood paneling can be a daunting task. It can also damage the walls underneath, resulting in massive repair bills. Wood paneling can be part of a modern aesthetic that matches the rest of your home. It can even be a fast way to get the rustic farmhouse look if it’s done right!

With the variety of colors and painting techniques available, there’s simply no reason to spend the time and money uninstalling wood paneling.

Room Makeover Ideas: How to Paint Paneling | CertaPro Painters® (1)

What Kind of Paint Do You Use on Paneling?

Room Makeover Ideas: How to Paint Paneling | CertaPro Painters® (2)

Overall, the best option for painting paneling is an interior latex paint with a satin finish. You’ll get the best of both worlds in terms of coverage, ease of cleaning and shine. However, any finish will work well for paneling if the prep work is done properly.

Painted wood paneling can breathe new life into retro walls, but what color scheme you go with largely depends on your unique style and situation. Below are some color ideas to spark some inspiration:

Paint It White

Room Makeover Ideas: How to Paint Paneling | CertaPro Painters® (3)

White is a classic makeover option that can make any wood-paneled wall pop.

If you don’t want to go bold, there are plenty of other options. Try a whitewash for a happy middle ground. This wood paneling makeover idea adds modern charm to the wood by using paint mixed with water. Once you apply the paint, make sure to wipe it off right away to get lighter wood.

Go Darker

Room Makeover Ideas: How to Paint Paneling | CertaPro Painters® (4)

Painting wood panels a darker color can be a showstopper, but be careful not to overdo this tempting makeover idea. Grey and grey blues are gorgeous tones to paint the wood paneling.

Create Contrast

Room Makeover Ideas: How to Paint Paneling | CertaPro Painters® (5)

If your home has built-in bookcases, try painting the back wall to give the shelf a modern look. It can also provide a contrast to the items displayed on the shelves. Painting an accent color behind the shelves will guide the eye to similar colors in the room and throughout the house.

Can You Paint Wood Paneling Without Sanding?

Room Makeover Ideas: How to Paint Paneling | CertaPro Painters® (6)

While painting can be a rewarding makeover idea for wood paneling, it can be tricky. The natural texture of real wood and the slickness of faux wood paneling means the right prep work is paramount. If you don’t do it correctly, the results could be disappointing, to say the least.

Any expert will tell you that the most important prep step when painting wood paneling is sanding first. “Our professional painters provide our customers with prep work to ensure they apply a perfect coat of paint, no matter the surface,” says Jessica Belman of CertaPro Painters® of Redmond, WA.

Let CertaPro Painters® Breath New Life In Your Home

CertaPro Painters® will help you explore more options, so you don’t have to call in an expensive crew to tear your wood paneling down. We also offer advice and free painting estimates.

More homeowners are deciding to update their wood paneling rather than spend money on a costly renovation. After speaking with one of our paint consultants, you’ll feel confident about joining the trend.

Contact CertaPro Painters® today and inquire about our painting services for more information on how we can help you bring your wood paneling makeover ideas to life!

Room Makeover Ideas: How to Paint Paneling | CertaPro Painters® (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.