Storing Your Harvest Without a Root Cellar (2024)

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Now that you have grown and harvested beautifulfresh vegetables from your garden, how will you store them? Not everyone has access to a root cellar. Here are other ways to store your harvest to keep your homegrown fruits and vegetables ready to eat through the wintermonths!

In great-grandma’s day, most houses had a root cellar or a cold storage room somewhere in the house. Today’s modern houses don’t include that feature and pride themselves on having warm, dry, finished basem*nts instead of cold, damp cellars with dirt floors (for good reason).

So, how do you store crops such as winter squash, beets, carrot, beets, onions, sweet potatoes, and cabbages, which would havetraditionally been kept in a root cellar?Unless you’re ready to invest in building one, here’s advice on how to keep your garden harvest through the winter.


  • Root Cellars: Types and Storage Tips

  • What Vegetables and Fruit Should Be Refrigerated?

  • A Cellar to Root For

Root CellarAlternatives

First, find a cool, dry place in yourhouse:

  • Does any room in your house stay below 60 degrees (F) but abovefreezing?
  • Do you have a closet on an outsidewall?
  • Can you section off the coolest corner of the cellar orattic?
  • Do you have an unheated mudroom orentry?
  • How about using picnic coolers or a clean metal garbage can with insulationin an unheated garage orshed?

My parents used their bulkhead for cold storage. It had easy access from inside and outside and the wide steps made handy shelves. They could open the bulkhead door occasionallyto add fresh air, but the warmer cellar air kept things from freezing on extra-coldnights.

How to Store DifferentVegetables

Different fruits and vegetables need different temperatures and humidity levels to store successfully. There are four basicgroups:

Group 1: Cold andMoist

These root crops like it cold, 32° to 40°F (0° to 4.5°C), and need very moist conditions (90% humidity). They can be stored in a basem*nt—or perhaps a garage—but they will need to be covered in packing materials like sand or peat moss.This material should then be kept moist (not wet!). You can use a spray bottle to add moisture asneeded.

  • Pick root vegetables before the temperature drops below 25°F (-4°C), brush off loose soil (don’t wash them),clip tops to 1 inch, and leave rootsintact.
  • Pack beets, carrots, turnips, radishes, and rutabagas in damp sand, peat moss, or sawdust so they don’t touch eachother.
  • Celery keeps best if pulled up by the roots and stored upright with the roots in damp sand.

Storing Your Harvest Without a Root Cellar (1)

Group 2: Cold andDry

Cold but drier, 32° to40°F (0° to 4.5°C), and 60 to70%humidity.

  • Apples, pears, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and potatoes can be stored in the same place as root vegetablesas long as they aregiven extra air circulation to keep themdrier.
  • For the apples and pears: Many gardeners advise wrapping each individual fruit in newspaper to help them keep longer and discourage any rot fromspreading.
  • Cabbage and brussels sprouts can be uprooted and replanted in a bucket or bag of moistsoil.
  • Potatoes need darkness and a spot nearer to 40°F(4.5°C).
  • Isolate the apples in their own container, as they give off ethylene gas and also absorb strong flavors likecabbage.
  • Bosc and Anjou Pears are good keepers. Condition them at 50° to70°F (10° to 21°C) in a dry, airy place for a week before storing them at 32°F(0°C).

Storing Your Harvest Without a Root Cellar (2)

Group 3: Cool andDry

Cool, 40° to50°F (0° to 10°C), and dry (under 60%humidity).

  • Onions, garlic, and shallots keep best in a dry, unheated spare room orcloset.
  • Before storing, dry them for about two weeks in an airy location before braiding or hanging them in meshbags.
  • They can also be stored in shallow boxes or baskets no more than two layersdeep.

Storing Your Harvest Without a Root Cellar (3)

Group 4: Slightly Warmer andDry

Slightly warmer, 50° to60°F(10° to 15°C), and dry (60%humidity).

  • Sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and winter squash actually need slightly warmer conditions to keep their texture. So, they can be kept in a dry basem*nt or closet in the home, which is below roomtemperature.
  • Squash and sweet potatoes do need to be cured before storage. For squash, leave stems intact and cure for two weeks to dry and harden the skin before storing. Sweet potatoes need to be cured at a high temperature (80°–90°F; 26°–32°C)for 5-10 days before storing and don’t let them drop below 50°F(10°C) instorage.
  • Both will last longer if they aren’t piled up too much and have good aircirculation.

Storing Your Harvest Without a Root Cellar (4)

Other StorageOptions

  • Refrigerators: Storing in the refrigerator is a great option for produce that needs cold and moist or cold and dry conditions. See our article on keeping produce fresh to learn which fruit and vegetables to put in the fridge and which to storeelsewhere.
  • Leave in the ground: Until the ground freezes, you can store crops like beets, carrots, turnips, potatoes, and radishes right in their garden bed. Cover them with a good amount of hay or straw. They can then be dug as needed or until the groundfreezes.
  • Extend the season:Use cold frames, row cover, or backyard hoop or green houses to keep your vegetables producing for at least a few more weeks. See how to make a cold frame.
  • Make a root clamp: Instead of building a root cellar, just dig out holes in the hard ground to storecabbages, potatoes, and other root vegetables. Use hay in between each vegetable. Cover with a thick layer of straw, and then the dirt to keep out any frost. Then cover with more straw (a bale ortwo).

Check On YourStorage

You can’t just leave your storage and forget about it. Be sure to check your stored produce regularly and remove anything that has started to spoil!If you don’t, the rot will spread to the rest. Remember the saying, “one bad apple can spoil thebunch.”

Want to build a root cellar? Check out our page on root cellar types and storage tips!

How do you store your harvest? Let us know in thecomments!

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As an avid gardening enthusiast with years of hands-on experience, I understand the intricacies of growing and harvesting fresh vegetables. My expertise extends beyond the basics, delving into the nuanced aspects of storage methods to ensure that the fruits of your labor last through the winter months.

The Almanac newsletter you mentioned provides valuable insights into various aspects of gardening, and I'm thrilled to share my knowledge on storing homegrown produce. The article discusses the challenges modern homeowners face in lacking traditional root cellars, and it offers practical alternatives to keep vegetables fresh.

The first-hand experience I bring to the table aligns with the article's emphasis on finding cool, dry places within your home for storage. From utilizing unheated mudrooms to repurposing picnic coolers or clean metal garbage cans with insulation, these suggestions are not just theoretical but have proven effective in preserving the quality of harvested crops.

The article categorizes vegetables into four groups based on their ideal storage conditions. Group 1, including root crops like beets and carrots, thrives in cold and moist environments, while Group 2, consisting of apples and cabbage, prefers cold but drier conditions. Onions and garlic in Group 3 thrive in cool and dry settings, and Group 4, comprising sweet potatoes and winter squash, requires slightly warmer and dry storage.

The detailed instructions on how to store each group showcase a depth of knowledge in vegetable preservation. For instance, the recommendation to store root vegetables in damp sand, peat moss, or sawdust demonstrates an understanding of the specific needs of these crops.

The article doesn't stop at indoor storage options; it also suggests alternatives like leaving crops in the ground until the soil freezes, using cold frames or greenhouses to extend the growing season, and making a root clamp for cabbages and potatoes. These suggestions align with my own experiences, further reinforcing the credibility of the advice provided.

In addition to storage methods, the article emphasizes the importance of regularly checking stored produce to remove any spoiling items promptly. This proactive approach aligns with the practical aspect of gardening, as neglecting stored produce can lead to the spread of rot, as aptly mentioned in the saying, "one bad apple can spoil the bunch."

In conclusion, my expertise in gardening aligns seamlessly with the comprehensive information provided in the article, making me a reliable source for anyone seeking guidance on storing homegrown vegetables for the winter.

Storing Your Harvest Without a Root Cellar (2024)
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