Tallow / Beef Dripping - What Is It & How To Use It? - Butcher Magazine (2024)

Tallow / Beef Dripping - What Is It & How To Use It? - Butcher Magazine (1)

Some call it tallow, some call it dripping, and people-in-the-know call it the secret ingredient.

With the rise of foodie diets, paleo eating, the keto diet, and the (recent) realization that saturated fats aren’t bad for us after all, beef tallow is making a comeback. This is a Rocky-style comeback with all cylinders firing and support from adoring followers. As long as humans have been eating meat, we’ve cooked and enhanced the flavour of foods with tallow.

In the UK, this once common item in every kitchen is storming back into the top 10 food charts. We don’t like to brag at Butcher Magazine, but we’re way ahead of the game. Ask us about Tallow, Dripping, or Lard!

So Who Are You And What Do You Know About It?

You’ve probably arrived here seeking more than the Wikipedia one-liner answer to your questions. You might even be looking for a complete guide to tallow. You’re in luck. I’m a butcher with over 40 years experience. I eat beef, dripping, and every other part of the cow (waste not, want not). I know a few things about this lovely ingredient. But keep it quiet! We don’t want everyone to run out and buy the stuff, do we? I like getting this liquid gold for cheap.

What is Tallow?

Tallow is a high-fat, cow “lard” substance that has been melted and clarified to be used as a cooking oil or recipe ingredient. Tallow is creamy white and solid at room temperature.

Is tallow the same as dripping?

Yes, it is.

It depends on which side of the Atlantic you come from. In the UK and Ireland, the word is dripping. North Americans prefer to use the word tallow, which we’ll admit, sounds better.

Is tallow healthy?

Many people ask me if beef tallow is good or bad for us. In the past, the answer I gave was “well, beef is good for you but don’t eat too much saturated fat”, even when deep down, I knew there was nothing bad about quality, grass-fed beef. The old food pyramid advice kept tasty meat and fats off the plate for years.

These days I tell people to cook their potatoes in dripping. To baste their roasts in it. It’s a source of fat, an essential nutrient. It’s not a slimming food but if you live a healthy lifestyle and you don’t overindulge on high-sugar junk foods, you will have zero problems with this natural, unprocessed product.

Saturated fats (which make up the majority of fat in tallow) are not the demon fat that we once believed. One thing’s for certain, the fat in animals, such as cows, is superior to the trans fats produced in labs for junk food.

Is it good for you? Well, don’t drink it by the cupful, but a certain proportion of saturated fats in your diet mimics the diet we humans have kept for millions of years. We got this far without our species dying off from heart disease.

Nutritional Content

Tallow contains Choline (an important macronutrient for energy and muscular contractions), Vitamin D (essential for bone growth and calcium absorption), Vitamin E (an antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage), Selenium (an immune system booster and antioxidant), Cholesterol (an essential fat used for Vitamin D, hormone, and cell membrane manufacture). And the animal fat is a great transporter of fat-soluble vitamins.

How do I render beef fat into tallow or dripping?

At Butcher Magazine HQ, we try to eat wisely. That’s why we avoid vegetable oils for cooking. These unstable oils have gone through chemical extraction from plants and seeds and are unstable at high cooking temperatures. Unstable meaning they oxidise. It causes those nasty free radicals to appear and they can damage our cells. So we prefer to use beef fat in the form of tallow for cooking. And it tastes amazing – bonus!

Tallow / Beef Dripping - What Is It & How To Use It? - Butcher Magazine (3)

You’ll need a slow cooker for this but these are inexpensive and easy to use.

A muslin cloth (cheesecloth), food blender, and something to store the end product are the only other items needed.

  • Cut the fat into small pieces.
  • Process the fat in the food processor until it’s minced.
  • Place the pulverised fat into the slow cooker at as low a heat as possible.
  • Leave to cook for 5 hours or until there are no solids left and the slow cooker contains only liquid.
  • Pour or spoon the fat through the muslin cloth into a container such as a bowl.
  • Let the liquid cool until it turns a lovely white colour.

You can add the tallow to jars or chop it into chunks for easier adding to your cooking.

Tallow / Beef Dripping - What Is It & How To Use It? - Butcher Magazine (4)

Where to buy tallow?

The best place is with your local butcher. Try to find a butcher that deal with local meat. Organic is best and grass-fed is essential.
If you don’t live near a butcher, you can order online from reputable beef dripping suppliers online.

Buy grass-fed products that free of hormones and antibiotics.

What is the difference between suet and tallow?

Suet is a hard fatty part of the cow, sourced from the around kidneys and sometimes from the loins. Tallow is the rendered version of suet.

What is the difference between lard and tallow or beef dripping?

Lard is from a pig. Tallow is from a cow. It’s that simple.

Tallow / Beef Dripping - What Is It & How To Use It? - Butcher Magazine (5)

Is it paleo-friendly?

Yes, paleo is all about eating like our ancestors did. And they ate plenty of beef and animal fats.

Is tallow keto-friendly?

It certainly is. Expect suet, tallow and other fat products to become hot sellers over the next few years as the keto diet gains in popularity

What kind of foods can you cook with dripping?

Anything you want but I recommend cooking chips, potatoes, onion rings, and vegetables such as parsnips and carrots. It’s also great drizzled on toast, just like olive oil. Only better, of course.

What’s the smoke point of tallow?

The smoke point of tallow is around 250°C or 400°F so you’ll need some serious heat before this oil burns.

Is tallow better than ghee for cooking?

Both products serve the same purpose.

Ghee is clarified butter, a by-product of milk. Ghee is a safe milk product for lactose intolerant people. But apart from that, there’s little difference between the two for cooking.

Both are high in saturated fat. Both have high smoke points. And both are delicious. Choosing one over the other would come down to a matter of taste.

Tallow / Beef Dripping - What Is It & How To Use It? - Butcher Magazine (6)

What about the effects on my skin?

Fatty foods (and let’s face it – tallow is a fatty food) get a bad rap for their so-called negative effects on skin, especially facial skin. And in many people’s view, animal products are the main offender. But there is no evidence to prove this.

Tallow, Ghee, and Butter (all products from our bovine friends) are low in PUFAs and safe for cooking at high temperatures. They are not chemically extracted and have been used by humans for millennia.

Some people use tallow as a moisturiser. That might sound gross, but from a scientific point of view, the natural chemicals in the beef fat are not much different from those in an organic skin product. Tallow-based soap is growing in popularity these days. The vitamins in the oil are great for skin repair.

What is beef dripping sauce?

I like to call this “nectar of the Gods”, but let’s stick with the ordinary title for simplicity.

I once saw a question on the internet that asked, “ How do you make beef dripping sauce like Miller & Carter?”. The answer was “You don’t”. That’s about as true as it gets. A good beef dripping recipe is like the recipe for Coca-Cola. Nobody shares it.

Ask a chef and they won’t tell you. This kind of sauce is a well-kept secret among those that know. But I’ll give the game away.


  • ¼ cup (70g) of beef dripping
  • 2 cups of grass-fed bone broth or beef broth
  • 100ml of red wine
  • ¼ cup red onion
  • 1 tbsp of flour
  • 2 cloves of garlic (minced)
  • A generous splash of vinegar
  • Salt and pepper

Fry the garlic and onions in the dripping until just before browning

Add the wine and broth and bring to the boil

Let simmer for 2-3 minutes

Add the vinegar, flour, and red wine and reduce for 15 minutes (keep reducing if required until the mixture starts to thicken)

Add the salt and a knob of butter (options) to add a little kick.

Pour on beef for a taste explosion.

Where can I buy beef dripping sauce?

I’ve never seen it for sale. The best thing is to make beef dripping yourself.

Is this just a fad or food for chefs?

James Whelan Butchers in Ireland won a prestigious award in the annual Guild of Fine Food awards in London not for some fancy cut of beef, or faddish food product. Their beef dripping product scooped the top spot and beat thousands of other entries. Pat Whelan describes his product as a flavour enhancer. And that’s how it should be. Flavour enhancers stay in fashion.

Is tallow or beef dripping vegetarian?


Can I take “hard muscle fat” and render that down?

Tallow/Dripping is made from kidney suet primarily because it renders down with very little solid material remaining. You can use other beef body fat to render but it leaves some solids that are known as greaves. It is all beef fat, but it is quicker and cleaner to render the internal body fat than the muscle fat.

What else can we use Beef tallow for?

  • For making soap. It’s the way we used to do it.
  • As a moisturizer. Mixed with essential oils, tallow works great for topical treatments.
  • As a gentle clothes washing product
  • As a butter substitute. We all love butter. But try this lactose-free alternative.
  • As an ingredient in cake baking or pastries
Tallow / Beef Dripping - What Is It & How To Use It? - Butcher Magazine (7)

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Tallow / Beef Dripping - What Is It & How To Use It? - Butcher Magazine (2024)


How do you use beef dripping on beef? ›

Uses: In the past, dripping was served as a spread and 'bread and dripping' was considered to be a real treat after the traditional Sunday roast. Nowadays it is used mainly as a cooking fat - either for shallow frying meat, as a roasting fat for potatoes or to dot over a joint to keep it moist during cooking.

What is beef tallow and how do you use it? ›

Beef tallow is rendered fat from cattle, often derived from suet, which is the hard, saturated fat found around a steer's kidneys. It is used in a variety of applications including frying food, making candles, and even skin products.

What is the difference between beef dripping and tallow? ›

Dripping is a great fat for cooking as it is flavoursome, nutritious, and stable at high temperatures. Tallow is actually a generic term for any type of rendered fat. In the US it is most commonly used to refer to what we here in the UK call dripping – rendered beef fat.

Does beef dripping need to be refrigerated? ›

Officially, considering food safety guidelines, I should really say that you could keep it in a sealed container in the fridge for about a week. But unofficially, providing it has been stored in a cold part of the fridge, in a clean sealed jar, we would keep it for a month for cooking.

Why is beef dripping good for you? ›

Beef dripping is thought to be good for increasing “good” cholesterol levels and supporting cognition and brain health as well as a strong metabolism. The highest quality dripping comes from grass fed cattle as opposed to those conventionally raised on grain in feed lots.

How many times can you reuse beef dripping? ›

This dripping, technically known as suet, keeps in the fridge for months and can be used to deep fry up to five times provided it is strained through a fine sieve after each use. It adds fabulous flavour and texture to dumplings or suet pastry and supreme steak and kidney pudding.

How unhealthy is beef tallow? ›

Suet and Tallow Are Healthy Fats.

Suet and Tallow, just like avocado oil and coconut oil consists of natural and healthy unrefined saturated fats ~ an ideal daily addition to your healthy diet. Processed vegetable and seed oils like Canola Oil and Sunflower Oil are high in unhealthy polyunsaturated fats.

Does beef tallow taste like butter? ›

Beef tallow has a distinct, rich flavor that is similar to butter or other animal fats. It adds a depth of beefy flavor to dishes that other vegetable oils and types of fat can't achieve.

Why did people stop using beef tallow? ›

Beef tallow was initially used because the supplier for McDonald's couldn't afford vegetable oil. In the 1990s, as health concerns over saturated fat reached an all-time high, McDonald's faced a backlash against the use of beef tallow, and worried about losing customers, the chain switched to vegetable oil.

Does tallow need to be refrigerated? ›

Tallow will solidify and keep at room temperature in a sealed container for up to a year and won't go rancid. Beef Tallow will keep even longer in the refrigerator or indefinitely in the freezer.

Does Burger King use beef tallow? ›

This Washington Post article from 1985 identifies Arby's, Bob's Big Boy, Burger King, Hardee's, McDonald's, Popeyes, and Wendy's as fast-food spots that use beef tallow in their fryers. All but one of these have swapped the tallow out for supposedly healthier oils in recent years.

Did McDonald's use beef tallow? ›

McDonald's cooked its fries in beef tallow for decades

Founded in 1940, McDonald's initially used 93% beef fat tallow for their French fries in an effort to save money, according to a piece on the origins of the favored fast food item published by Atlas Obscura.

How do you eat beef tallow? ›

You're going to love cooking with beef tallow. You can fry it, bake with it, and basically use it for any savory dish that requires cooking oil. Try it for your next omelet. Sauté fresh greens with a little garlic, sea salt, freshly ground pepper, and beef tallow for a new spin on green leafy vegetables.

What is the difference between beef tallow and lard? ›

The Difference Between Tallow and Lard

The basic difference is that tallow comes from beef and other ruminants, while lard is produced from rendered pork fat. Lard and tallow are both rendered fats and they can largely be used interchangeably.

When did McDonald's stop using beef dripping? ›

In 1990, the company announced that they would replace the beef tallow with 100 percent vegetable oil. After the announcement, McDonald's stock fell 8.3 percent. The new fry didn't stack up. As it turns out, the beef tallow had added more than just cholesterol to the signature french fry.

Does beef tallow smell? ›

Tallow does have a natural odor, it smells different to everyone and some may love it (we think it smells like icing) while others may not. Some batches don't smell like tallow at all while some do end up with a faint tallow smell, it all depends on a variety of factors that are impossible to control.

Can you cook steak in beef dripping? ›

Rub the steak fillet with melted beef fat or beef dripping, and season heavily with fine Cornish sea salt. Step 2Place in a very hot dry cast iron pan for 3-4min on each side so you get a deep crust, ensuring you're constantly moving the steak around the pan until it's beautiful brown.

What is the unhealthiest cut of beef? ›

Best cuts: Sirloin tip side steak, eye of round roast, top round steak and bottom round steak. Worst cuts: T-bone steak, rib-eye steak, filet mignon and porterhouse steak. Best cuts: Breast. Worst cuts: Thigh, wing, drumstick and leg.

What meat makes the best dripping? ›

Beef suet, the internal fat covering the kidneys and inner organs is the best fat to use to make dripping/tallow. You can use any beef fat, but kidney suet melts faster and better and has fewer solids to dispose of when the process is finished.

Which is healthier butter or beef dripping? ›

When it comes to dripping, it has more calories than butter (889 per 100g compared with 717) and the same amount of saturated fat (51 per cent) but by virtue of its much stronger flavour, far less is required.

Can you cook roast potatoes in beef dripping? ›

Put a few tablespoons of dripping into a roasting tin and place in the oven with the meat for about 10 minutes. Add the potatoes to the tin, turning to ensure that they are basted in the fat. Sprinkle with fine sea salt. Cook for about an hour or until crisp and golden.

What is the jelly from beef dripping? ›

The jelly is fantastic used pretty quickly in stews, casseroles or sauces but it is the white fat that needs to be taken off and clarified. Clarifying is a simple process but it is time consuming and a little messy. Basically you melt the fat slowly again once you have removed it from the jelly.

Can you eat beef dripping on toast? ›

Pork or beef dripping can be served cold, spread on bread and sprinkled with salt and pepper (bread and dripping). If the flavourful brown sediment and stock from the roast has settled to the bottom of the dripping and coloured it brown, then in parts of Yorkshire it is known colloquially as a "mucky fat" sandwich.

Is tallow healthier than olive oil? ›

As mentioned above, tallow provides both saturated and monounsaturated fats. It's made up of about 40 percent to 50 percent monounsaturated fats, which are considered one of the most heart-healthy fats in our diets. This is the same type of fat found in olive oil.

Does beef tallow raise cholesterol? ›

Because beef fat is 19% stearic acid, the cholesterol-raising potential of beef is not as great as predicted by its total saturated fatty acid content. However, beef tallow is hypercholesterolemic compared with fats containing less cholesterol-raising saturated fatty acid.

Is beef tallow anti aging? ›

Tallow is rendered beef fat that works wonders for skin care. Tallow's natural oils may aid in skin hydration and can be used on dry and oily skin. It contains vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties that protect the skin from UV rays and fight the signs of aging.

What is better ghee or tallow? ›

Recommended Uses:Tallow VS Ghee

Ghee: Ghee is excellent for high-temperature cooking like sauteing, high-heat frying, and roasting. Tallow: Tallow shines when fried or roasted. You can use it when you wish to make your vegetable dish meat-rich.

Can you overcook beef tallow? ›

If you overcook the tallow, it will have a darker appearance and stronger taste.

Is tallow better than avocado oil? ›

Organic, unrefined avocado oil is the healthiest choice to use for cooking. Tallow is a form of rendered animal fat, usually made from beef, although there are also vegetarian versions also available. If you're using beef to make tallow, the healthiest tallow comes from grass-fed beef, not grain-fed beef.

Does McDonald's still use beef tallow in their fries? ›

Once at the restaurant, our fries are simply cooked in dedicated frying vats in a non-hydrogenated blend of sunflower and rapeseed oil which is 100 percent suitable for vegetarians. In fact, McDonald's French Fries are officially accredited by the Vegetarian Society.

What oil does McDonald's use for french fries? ›

We stick to a gold standard that helps us ensure we deliver you a great tasting McDonald's fry. It starts with the right potatoes, which we cut exactly right, and then use a canola-blend oil with just the right amount of flavoring.

What does McDonald's soak their fries in? ›

Step 2: Dip in “Ingredient Bath”

The now-cut and blanched fries are dipped in an “ingredient bath” which consists of dextrose and sodium acid pyrophosphate.

Can bacteria grow in tallow? ›

Tallow storage

The main hazards to tallow quality during storage are possible overheating, which can cause an increase in bleached colour, and growth of bacteria, which cause an increase in free fatty acids.

Does beef tallow mold? ›

Rendered beef fat is shelf-stable long-term. If made correctly and stored in a clear jar, tallow will not spoil. Using a dirty container or having any traces of water in the fat usually leads to some sort of mold growing on either the surface of the tallow, the rim of the jar, or the lid.

How do you know when tallow is done? ›

Your tallow will be finished rendering when the fat covers most of the remaining pieces in the pan. Those pieces will be lightly browned and look crisp all over. You won't be able to see any more white or solid pieces of fat. Strain the rendered fat.

Does Chick Fil A use beef tallow? ›

Many restaurants cook their french fries in oil which is containing beef tallow, or they use the same oil for fries and meat, but Chick-fil-A does not.

Is Popeyes chicken fried in beef tallow? ›

Popeyes uses a combination of beef tallow and partially hydrogenated beef tallow in their fryer oil. This produces a lower trans fat content than what you might find at Church's.

What are Wendy's fries cooked in? ›

Cooked In Vegetable Oil (Soybean Oil, Vegetable Oil [May Contain One Or More Of The Following: Canola, Corn, Or Cottonseed], Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Dimethylpolysiloxane [Anti-Foaming Agent]). Seasoned With Sea Salt. COOKED IN THE SAME OIL AS MENU ITEMS THAT CONTAIN WHEAT, MILK, AND FISH. Salt: Sea Salt.

Does Buffalo Wild Wings use tallow? ›

BWW uses seed oils, but they generally fry their wings in beef tallow. Buffalo Wild Wings (BWW) has become synonymous with delicious wings that have been fried to perfection.

Why do McDonald's french fries taste different? ›

"It's because McDonald's cooks their fries with beef flavoring mixed within their vegetable oil, right," Howlett continued. "So, that's why the fries taste so good but also so different from everybody else's."

Can you cook eggs in beef tallow? ›

Preheat pan to medium heat. Using a mesh strained, crack eggs into it in order to separate the yolk / stronger white from the water whites. Add about a teaspoon of wagyu beef tallow and carefully slip the eggs into the pan, directly over the now Melted tallow.

What is the healthiest beef tallow? ›

The very healthiest beef tallow comes from grass-fed cattle. Grass-fed tallow is higher in healthy saturated fats, omega 3's, stearic acid, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) than 'regular' tallow. It also provides other fat-soluble nutrients like: Vitamin A.

What is the best way to cook with beef tallow? ›

Frying with tallow is possibly the best use of beef fat. Tallow has a smoke point of 420ºF which is why tallow lends itself well to high heat cooking like frying. The original McDonald's french fry was fried in tallow. Grass fed beef tallow is also good for getting a nice searing steaks!

Are cows killed for tallow? ›

Tallow is made from the boiled carcasses of slaughtered sheep and cows, which the fatty product is then derived from.

How long does tallow last? ›

Tallow can be stored in a: Pantry – Tallow stored at room temperature has a shelf life of up to 12 months. Refrigerator – Tallow kept in a fridge has a shelf life of 12 to 18 months. Freezer – Frozen tallow can be kept in a freezer for over 24 months.

Is bacon fat the same as beef tallow? ›

The difference is a matter of sourcing. Tallow is rendered beef fat, while lard is rendered pork fat.

How do you cook with beef dripping? ›

This dripping, technically known as suet, keeps in the fridge for months and can be used to deep fry up to five times provided it is strained through a fine sieve after each use. It adds fabulous flavour and texture to dumplings or suet pastry and supreme steak and kidney pudding.

Is beef dripping good to cook with? ›

Beef dripping is also more stable than vegetable oils and fats when used for frying. For more technical information on that, go to the Nortech Foods site. The result is that dripping is good for making roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding. It was also traditionally the fat of choice for making British fish and chips.

Is beef dripping healthier than butter? ›

By any estimation, lard is a healthier fat than butter. Gram for gram, it contains 20% less saturated fat, and it's higher in the monounsaturated fats which seem to lower LDL cholesterol (the "bad" kind) and raise HDL (the "good").

What is the best beef for dripping? ›

Beef suet, the internal fat covering the kidneys and inner organs is the best fat to use to make dripping/tallow. You can use any beef fat, but kidney suet melts faster and better and has fewer solids to dispose of when the process is finished.

How do you use tallow? ›

Use tallow to cook at high heat, and as a replacement for vegetable and other industrial oils in recipes. You can also use tallow to soothe dry skin and heal skin infections. You could also try making soap and candles with this ancestral fat!

Can you fry steak in beef dripping? ›

Get a large heavy-based frying pan smoking hot and add the beef dripping. Season the steak with salt and sear in the beef dripping, rolling the steak in the pan until it is brown all over.

What are the side effects of beef tallow? ›

Animal fats or tallow has a negative impact on human health by increasing LDL-cholesterol, obesity and enhance the risk of coronary heart diseases and other diseases like cancer (Yuan et al., 1999; Jurek et al., 2005; Zeb and Ali, 2008).

Is beef dripping old fashioned? ›

Beef Dripping gives that unique, 'old-fashioned' flavour to roast potatoes, chips and Yorkshire puddings – for a traditional snack, try it spread it on a slice of bread with a sprinkling of salt and pepper.

How long does beef dripping last for? ›

Storage Hints

Good up to 9 months from when it was made, if kept in refrigerator. Store covered. It freezes well.

What is the most tender slice of beef? ›

Considered the most tender cut of all, a filet mignon is taken from the center of the beef tenderloin. It is lean yet delivers a melt-in-your mouth, buttery succulence.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.