‘The Chosen’ Is Christian TV That Even Heretics Can Get Behind (2024)

Jesus was wise and loving, a teacher, philosopher, and religious leader who (to around two billion people, anyway) also happened to be the son of God. Yeah, but was he funny? Scholars argue that, yes, Jesus actually had a great sense of humor and a droll sense of irony that’s often overlooked. Still, you’ve likely never seen a Jesus as sitcom-witty as the one portrayed in The Chosen, the hit streaming series filmed right here in Texas. This Messiah and his disciples have a quippy, lightly teasing banter that suggests their true holy scriptures include old DVDs of Friends.

Take this exchange from the show’s second season: Jesus’s followers John (George H. Xanthis) and Big James (Abe Martell) call on him to smite some unruly Samaritans, so Jesus (Jonathan Roumie) co*cks an eyebrow and deadpans, “You wanted to use the power of God to bring down fire to burn these people up?” John takes a beat. “Well ... it sounds a lot worse when you say it that way,” he says. All that’s missing is a choir of angels to supply the heavenly laugh track.

Although The Chosen draws directly from the New Testament, it’s become a global phenomenon largely because it doesn’t treat the Gospels as, uh, gospel. Its creator, Dallas Jenkins, a recent Texas transplant, developed the series in 2018 with the hope of turning Bible stories into something truly binge-worthy. As he recently told the Wall Street Journal, Jenkins, himself an evangelical, was inspired by secular if similarly impassioned shows such as Friday Night Lights, The West Wing, and The Wire, and wanted to make a show with a similar naturalistic bent that delved into the people and the politics of Jesus’s time. That meant less emphasis on the divine and more focus on the human—Jesus included.

‘The Chosen’ Is Christian TV That Even Heretics Can Get Behind (1)
‘The Chosen’ Is Christian TV That Even Heretics Can Get Behind (2)

Judging by the response so far, Jenkins has succeeded. Plenty of filmmakers have tried jazzing up the Bible for modern audiences, using everything from R-rated gore to cartoon vegetables in an attempt to broaden its appeal beyond the devout. (Jenkins’s father, the novelist Jerry B. Jenkins, even scored his own Christian crossover sensation with the Left Behind franchise.) But few have achieved the kind of widespread attention or intense devotion afforded to The Chosen, which last year surpassed Mystery Science Theater 3000 to become the most successful crowdfunded project ever. When the show’s first season, which debuted in 2019,became available to watch for freein early 2020, it was backed by 16,000 donors who’d chipped in just north of $10 million. To date, The Chosen has raised more than $40 million, enough to cover production costs through at least the third of its seven planned seasons.

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Lucy Stone

Thanks to a “pay it forward” model, The Chosen remains free to stream via VidAngel or on the show’s dedicated mobile app. Its current batch of sixteen episodes has been translated into fifty languages, from Albanian to Zulu. It even hit the big screen in December: a new special, Christmas With the Chosen: The Messengers, was shown in some 1,700 movie theaters nationwide. After it shattered presales records for its distributor, Fathom Events, it went on to earn $4.2 million on opening day, bringing in $13.7 million by mid-month. That’s a considerable return for the franchise, which typically spends $1 million to $2 million on each episode.

Some of those tithes have also gone toward giving The Chosen a more permanent home. The show filmed much of its debut season about forty miles west of Fort Worth, in Poolville’s Capernaum Studios, a re-creation of a first-century village that has long been popular with church tour groups and as a setting for live biblical productions.

By the end of season two, The Chosen relocated from Utah, where most of the season had been shot, to Midlothian, about half an hour southwest of downtown Dallas, and the 1,200-acre, Salvation Army–owned Camp Hoblitzelle, where crews are currently building sprawling production facilities. This new outpost will host the filming of the next five seasons of The Chosen, as well as other faith-based projects Jenkins hopes to shepherd. The camp also promises to become a tourist attraction, with an immersive biblical experience that features attractions such as a “ritual bath” and a working olive press.

But what about the agnostics? Converting the doubters is a lot to ask of any Christian entertainment. Even some evangelicals may find that a lot of the films and TV series about Jesus are a tad preachy, their portrayals too saintly or stiff for an emotional connection to take hold.

But in this respect, at least, The Chosen has the most potential to cross over to a wide audience since Touched by an Angel, or maybe Amy Grant. The show is more of a character-based drama than anything. It presents Jesus and his disciples as real, vaguely neurotic people, busting free of the stained-glass images that have long enshrined them. They bicker and fall in love. They struggle with insecurities and jealousies. A lot of them are just plain rude to one another. In many ways, The Chosen feels like a pious Entourage, following a bunch of hothead doofuses as they jockey for power around their famous friend.

This approach isn’t without controversy. As Jenkins acknowledged in one of his regular video commentaries, some viewers were offended that the show seemed to treat Jesus like a “rock star” in its season two finale, which saw Jesus about to deliver his Sermon on the Mount from a makeshift stage in front of thousands of fans (most of them played by Chosen backers who paid for the privilege). Jenkins has shrugged off those criticisms. “That’s a really, really silly perspective,” he said, insisting that the scene was both a “practical” way to convey Jesus’s growing popularity and, to be blunt, just good television. Maybe that’s blasphemy to some; Jesus Christ Superstar received its fair share of condemnation too. But it speaks to Jenkins’s abiding belief that entertaining audiences isn’t a sin.

That approach is also much more likely to resonate with younger audiences. The Chosen’s liberal sprinkling of anachronisms—ancient Romans and Pharisees alike casually drop phrases like “freaked out,” “that’s not a good look,” and “don’t be salty”—might irritate some purists. Still, those moments go a long way toward loosening things up on the show. In one episode, Jesus even dances! At a party! Whether or not you believe he was actually our Lord and Savior, The Chosen does a pretty good job of suggesting why so many people wanted to follow this guy around.

Granted, even with its prestige TV–like allure, it’s the power of faith that compels most of its viewers, and there’s no avoiding The Chosen’s commitment to ministry. Every episode inevitably boils down to some teachable moment—if not an out-and-out sermon—about the importance of forgiveness or humility, of “doing unto others” and so on, in a way that secular audiences are likely to find sanctimonious or dull, no matter how many one-liners precede it. That the story stretches out over seven seasons also means The Chosen feels slow and repetitive at times, wandering the desert at its own unhurried pace. Given that the second season climaxed with Jesus about to deliver his Sermon on the Mount, there’s still quite a long road to Jerusalem ahead. But for those who might wonder why “the greatest story ever told” couldn’t also have a little more humor or humanity, then The Chosen is something of a miracle.

This story appeared in the February 2022 issue ofTexas Monthlywith the headline “The Greatest Story Ever Streamed.” It originally published online on December 8, 2021.Subscribe today.

‘The Chosen’ Is Christian TV That Even Heretics Can Get Behind (2024)


Is The Chosen series biblically accurate? ›

The Chosen stays true to the details that are in the text of the New Testament. Each episode takes artistic license to fill in the many blanks where the text does not go into detail, but this artistic license is all feasible considering the details that are provided.

What religion is behind The Chosen? ›

Is The Chosen a Catholic based series? The series was conceived within an explicitly Christian framework with an approach that is intended to be ecumenical. Writer and director Dallas Jenkins is an Evangelical, but the actor who plays Jesus, Jonathan Roumie, is a Catholic.

Is The Chosen based on Christianity? ›

The Chosen is based on the true stories of the gospels of Jesus Christ.

What does the Catholic Church say about The Chosen? ›

Created outside of the Hollywood system, The Chosen allows us to see Him through the eyes of those who knew him. What is this? The Chosen stays faithful to the Gospels and at the same time tells us a story that is in between the lines of scripture.

How close is The Chosen to the Bible? ›

Although The Chosen draws directly from the New Testament, it's become a global phenomenon largely because it doesn't treat the Gospels as, uh, gospel. Its creator, Dallas Jenkins, a recent Texas transplant, developed the series in 2018 with the hope of turning Bible stories into something truly binge-worthy.

Where is Lilith in the Bible? ›

The Bible mentions the Lilith only once, as a dweller in waste places (Isaiah 34:14), but the characterization of the Lilith or the lili (in the singular or plural) as a seducer or slayer of children has a long pre-history in ancient Babylonian religion.

What church is The Chosen affiliated with? ›

Individuals working on the show come from various faith backgrounds, Eves said. There are Catholics, Presbyterians, Evangelicals, Baptists, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and even non-believers involved in the show.

What denomination is the creator of The Chosen? ›

“The Chosen” is distributed by partner Angel Studios, a streaming video company that was co-founded by brothers Neal and Jeffrey Harmon, who are Latter-day Saints.

Do the Mormons believe Jesus is God? ›

Like most Christians, Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Creator of the World.

What religion sponsors The Chosen? ›

“The Chosen” is distributed by partner Angel Studios, a streaming video company that was co-founded by brothers Neal and Jeffrey Harmon, who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Angel Studios raised millions through crowdfunding to fund the multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ.

Is VidAngel a Mormon company? ›

Then of course, VidAngel's owned by 8,000 Americans of all different faiths. But the two founders, we are faithful members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Is The Chosen made by BYU? ›

"We want 'The Chosen' to get into as many homes as possible, and BYUtv does that as well as anyone," said Dallas Jenkins, creator of "The Chosen." "When I first made a short Nativity film at my friend's farm in Illinois, I had no idea it would lead to 'The Chosen' and its global response.

What does Bible say about chosen? ›

“For you [Israel] are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession” (Deuteronomy 7:6).

What is the moral of The Chosen? ›

Danny's relationship with his father is strained. They only communicate through the Talmud. This story is about the concept of the American Dream where anyone can be successful if they are willing to work for it and are willing to sacrifice if necessary.

Is the actor who plays Jesus in The Chosen Catholic? ›

Jonathan Roumie is a devout Catholic actor best known for his role playing Jesus in the hit series “The Chosen.” The 48-year-old's popularity has spread like wildfire as the show has more than 450 million views worldwide.

Will The Chosen show the crucifixion? ›

Roumie says the scene is crucial in setting the tone for "The Chosen," which will screen its season 3 finale in 2,000 theaters Feb. 2 and 3. Season 6 will feature Jesus' crucifixion after Pontius Pilate washes his hands of capital punishment to appease the crowds, despite his wife's pleas.

Why is The Chosen called The Chosen? ›

The novel's title refers to the idea that the Jews are God's chosen people and therefore hold special privileges and responsibilities. Both Danny and Reuven fulfill their duty by studying Jewish liturgy, and they derive great pleasure from Jewish traditions.

Is The Chosen ok to watch? ›

The first episode is too intense for little kids but the rest of the episodes are fine for anyone. This show is a work of art that tells the beautiful story of the Gospel in a super cool way! 4 people found this helpful.

What religion is Lilith from? ›

Although the figure of Lilith is commonly found in Jewish folklore and midrash, the origin of Lilith is as a Sumerian succubus. The first Jewish story of Lilith was told in the Alphabet of ben sirah. Before the introduction of the Alphabet of ben sirah, Lilith was mostly seen as a demoness instead of the "first Eve".

Why was Mary called Lilith? ›

The Twelve were with him, 2 and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out; This is why we first hear Mary Magdalene called Lilith—to characterize that she was possessed of evil spirits.

Who is Lilith and why is she not in the Bible? ›

Lilith is cited as having been "banished" from the Garden of Eden for not complying with and obeying Adam. She is thought to be mentioned in Biblical Hebrew in the Book of Isaiah, and in Late Antiquity in Mandaean mythology and Jewish mythology sources from 500 CE onward.

Does the LDS church endorse The Chosen? ›

Pastors' note: We are not endorsing or promoting The Chosen, but we aren't discouraging it either. Since many of you are watching it and enjoying it, we are encouraging you to do that with discernment.

Are Mormons Christians? ›

Mormons consider themselves Christians, but many Christians don't recognize Mormonism as an official denomination. Mormons believe in the crucifixion, resurrection and divinity of Jesus Christ. Followers claim that God sent more prophets after Jesus's death.

Is the LDS church the only true church? ›

Although other churches might have parts of the truth scattered throughout them, our church is the only church on the earth that contains the full truth. We are also the only church that has the right to officiate in the roles of the priesthood.

Why did The Chosen leave Utah? ›

“We had pretty much decided on Malta, Bulgaria, or Utah, and we found out Utah was a no, and that was because of COVID,” Eves said. At that point, Dallas Jenkins, the writer and director, went back to the farm where he'd filmed the short that inspired The Chosen and prayed they'd be able to keep going.

Do Mormons believe in the Bible? ›

Latter-day Saints revere the Bible. They study it and believe it to be the word of God. However, they do not believe the Bible, as it is currently available, is without error.

Is The Chosen a charitable organization? ›

We are a Texas based non-profit, 501c3 corporation.

What do Mormons say Jesus is? ›

We believe Jesus is the Son of God, the Only Begotten Son in the flesh (John 3:16). We accept the prophetic declarations in the Old Testament that refer directly and powerfully to the coming of the Messiah, the Savior of all humankind. We believe that Jesus of Nazareth was and is the fulfillment of those prophecies.

Who do Mormons pray to? ›

Mormon prayer is a sincere, heartfelt talk with God the Father. Mormons pray only to God; they do not pray to any other being or to anything made by man or God.

Do Mormons believe Jesus came to America? ›

Mormons also believe that Jesus visited the Americas after his resurrection and that there is no eternal hell. * The Mormon church originally allowed polygamy. Smith took at least two dozen wives, say historians. His successor, Brigham Young, had about 20.

Has The Chosen made money? ›

For example, in 2021, The Chosen made revenue of $49 million and a net income of $25.9 million, based on its Form 1-K filing with the S.E.C.

How many people have donated to The Chosen? ›

The creators of a faith-based TV series have taken crowdfunding to a bold new level. Producers of “The Chosen,” which chronicles the life of Jesus Christ, have raised $11 million from nearly 16,000 “investors,” not mere donors or supporters.

Why did Big James leave The Chosen? ›

Trivia (2) The role of Big James, originally played by Shayan Sobhian, was later recast to Kian Kavousi. This was because Sobhian departed to play Behrad Tarazi on DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016).

What company does the Mormon church own? ›

The Deseret Management Corporation (DMC) (/ˌdɛzəˈrɛt/ ( listen)) is a global operating company, managing for-profit entities affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).

Does the Mormon church own any DNA companies? ›

In 2001, Mormon billionaire James Sorenson started one of the earliest genetic test kit companies, Relative Genetics, in part due to his religious interests. It was later bought by Ancestry.com, another Mormon company. While today, Ancestry is a publicly traded company, it uses LDS church records and the IGI.

What media does Mormon church own? ›

Bonneville International Corporation is a media and broadcasting company, wholly owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) through its for-profit arm, Deseret Management Corporation. It began as a radio and TV network in the Triad Center Broadcast House in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Where is The Chosen filmed now? ›

The Chosen Season 3 Filming Location

Season 3 was filmed in similar sets as Seasons 1 and 2, but was also filmed at Camp Hoblitzelle's 1,200-acre property in Midlothian, Texas. The Chosen spent millions of dollars constructing a Biblical village set and a 30,000-square-foot soundstage.

Why is genealogy of Jesus different in Luke and Matthew? ›

One common explanation for the divergence is that Matthew is recording the actual legal genealogy of Jesus through Joseph, according to Jewish custom, whereas Luke, writing for a Gentile audience, gives the actual biological genealogy of Jesus through Mary.

Where in the Bible does it say chosen not forsaken? ›

2 Corinthians 4:8-10 KJV

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.

What does God's chosen servant mean? ›

Matthew references Isaiah -- the longest OT quote in his gospel -- to show Jesus as God's chosen servant, the Promised One who would be loved by God; filled with the Spirit; and a beacon of hope to all nations. This passage makes clear that Jesus is chosen and commended by the Father. He was eternally chosen and loved.

What is the main conflict in The Chosen? ›

major conflict Danny's struggle between his family and religious obligations, and his desire to become a psychologist is the novel's central conflict. Reuven experiences this conflict indirectly—as he helps Danny struggle through it, he struggles to understand it himself.

What is silence in The Chosen? ›

Each character must learn the meaning and use of silence for himself. This points to the fact that silence in The Chosen represents introspection and self-knowledge. At the same time silence can also represent great connection and understanding between two people.

Is The Chosen true to the Bible? ›

The Chosen stays true to the details that are in the text of the New Testament. Each episode takes artistic license to fill in the many blanks where the text does not go into detail, but this artistic license is all feasible considering the details that are provided.

What does the Catholic church say about The Chosen? ›

Created outside of the Hollywood system, The Chosen allows us to see Him through the eyes of those who knew him. What is this? The Chosen stays faithful to the Gospels and at the same time tells us a story that is in between the lines of scripture.

How tall was Jesus? ›

He may have stood about 5-ft.-5-in. (166 cm) tall, the average man's height at the time.

Does The Chosen series have a Bible study? ›

The Chosen: An Interactive Bible Study is the official companion to season 1 of The Chosen, the groundbreaking television series. It parallels each episode, connecting readers to the Bible in a brand new way. This book includes a deeper look at Isaiah 43 and its fulfillment in Jesus and the lives of his followers.

Is the book The Chosen based on a true story? ›

The Chosen by Chaim Potok is fiction and not a true story. In 1981, The novel became a movie, although there are differences between the two storylines. Even more than half a century later, the themes of this novel still apply today.

Is The Chosen preachy? ›

I love that this show doesn't feel preachy, like most Christian media. The way the camera kind of bobs and sways as it follows the action lends an almost documentarian vibe that makes me feel like I'm simply witnessing a story unfold. No agenda. No sermon.

Is The Chosen OK to watch? ›

The first episode is too intense for little kids but the rest of the episodes are fine for anyone. This show is a work of art that tells the beautiful story of the Gospel in a super cool way! 4 people found this helpful.

Why is the book The Chosen called The Chosen? ›

The novel's title refers to the idea that the Jews are God's chosen people and therefore hold special privileges and responsibilities. Both Danny and Reuven fulfill their duty by studying Jewish liturgy, and they derive great pleasure from Jewish traditions.

Does Nicodemus follow Jesus? ›

Nicodemus chose not to go with Jesus because he had a covenant with his wife. He believed in Jesus and was a witness to Jesus' miracle's. That being said Nicodemus is a Chosen One.

What town is The Chosen filmed? ›

Support from fans (yielding $22 million) funded seasons one and two, making it the largest fan-supported entertainment project ever. Season three is underway, and filming took place locally at The Chosen's new permanent home in Midlothian, Texas.

Who are The Chosen according to the Bible? ›

God chooses Israel and ultimately Jesus, and this results in the exact opposite of God favoring one group to the exclusion of all others. Instead, God works out his plan to extend his love to all the world through one group or individual. ).

What is the main message in The Chosen? ›

The main theme in the novel is Danny's conflict between his desire for secular knowledge and his obligations to his father, Rabbi Saunders, and his father's followers. Reuven Malter is the son of Modern Orthodox Jew and teacher David Malter.

What is the conflict in The Chosen? ›

major conflict Danny's struggle between his family and religious obligations, and his desire to become a psychologist is the novel's central conflict. Reuven experiences this conflict indirectly—as he helps Danny struggle through it, he struggles to understand it himself.

Is the chosen one Cancelled? ›

Netflix and British producer RedRum halted production on its comics-based TV series “The Chosen One” after two actors were killed and six other members of the cast and crew were injured, according to a person with knowledge of the production who was not authorized to speak publicly.

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