Tips For Wearing Invisalign For 22 Hours Every Day | Premier Dental Care (2024)

April 5, 2022

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Tips For Wearing Invisalign For 22 Hours Every Day | Premier Dental Care (1)

When it comes to correcting a compromised smile, Invisalign has become one of the most popular and effective solutions available. These awesome, transparent aligners can truly transform a smile—but only if you’re diligent about wearing them for 22 hours every day! For some people, this can prove to be quite challenging; here are some tips to ensure that you give your Invisalign trays the opportunity to do their job.

Why Does The 22-Hour Rule Matter?

If there is a cardinal rule for Invisalign, it’s this: your trays must be worn 20 – 22 hours a day for them to be effective. The trays slowly and gradually shift your teeth into place, so if you aren’t wearing them, they obviously cannot do their job! These micro-movements are spread out over months to help minimize the amount of discomfort that you’ll feel.

Each set of trays is also worn for a predetermined amount of time, which is typically around two weeks. When you swap sets, the new trays will be straighter than the previous ones to keep up with your teeth’s progress. Wearing your Invisalign regularly is the only way to ensure that the treatment is ultimately successful.

Tips For Meeting the Mandatory Wear Time

Despite the convenience of Invisalign, many patients still have difficulty wearing their trays for as long as they’re supposed to. To avoid complications, here are some tips for ensuring that your trays remain in your mouth for 22 hours daily:

  • Remove your aligners for a set amount of time – Aim to take them out for around 15 minutes at breakfast, 30 minutes at lunch, and an hour at dinner. This should give you enough time each day to eat, brush your teeth, and clean your aligners.
  • Advance to your next set of trays before bed – This will allow you to sleep through the initial discomfort of wearing a new set of trays.
  • Multi-task while wearing your aligners – If your trays aren’t in your mouth, consider placing them in an appropriate cleaning solution while you eat.
  • Establish and maintain an oral hygiene routine – Make brushing your teeth and flossing after you eat a regular habit; oral hygiene still matters during your treatment!
  • Use an app – Take advantage of technology to assist you; apps like Tray Minder can help you keep track of your wear time throughout the day.

Wearing your Invisalign trays for 22 hours each day might seem like a monumental challenge, but there are many ways to make it easier and manageable. By doing so, you’re ensuring that your trays can do their job and provide you with a beautiful smile!

About the Practice

Premier Dental Care proudly serves the dental needs of the Herndon area under the leadership of Dr. Farshad Bakhtyari, affectionately called “Dr. B” by his patients. Dr. Bakhtyari earned his DMD from Boston University and is also a member of the American Dental Association, the Northern Virginia Dental Society, and the Virginia Dental Association. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, feel free to reach out through the practice’s website or by phone: (703) 860-8860.

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Tips For Wearing Invisalign For 22 Hours Every Day | Premier Dental Care (2024)


Tips For Wearing Invisalign For 22 Hours Every Day | Premier Dental Care? ›

Invisalign patients who don't wear their aligners for 20-22 hours per day may wind up with a lengthier total treatment time, which can be frustrating.

How to wear Invisalign 22 hours a day? ›

How to Meet the Mandatory Invisalign Wear Time
  1. Remove your aligners for a certain amount of time every day. ...
  2. Use an app. ...
  3. Multi-task throughout your treatment. ...
  4. Establish an oral hygiene routine. ...
  5. Advance to your new set of trays before bed.
Oct 13, 2021

What happens if you don't wear Invisalign for 20 hours a day? ›

Invisalign patients who don't wear their aligners for 20-22 hours per day may wind up with a lengthier total treatment time, which can be frustrating.

Is wearing Invisalign 21 hours a day enough? ›

You shouldn't leave your Invisalign off for longer than 3-4 hours each day, and not in one go. Anything longer will disrupt your treatment and may cause your teeth to revert to their original positions. Dentists recommend keeping your aligners in for 20-22 hours daily.

Is there a class action lawsuit against Invisalign? ›

The court has permitted the lawsuit to proceed as a class action on behalf of all individuals or entities in the United States who purchased Invisalign Aligners directly from Align during the period from January 1, 2019, through March 31, 2022 (the “Class Period”).

Can I leave my Invisalign out for 3 hours? ›

The biggest risk of missing any period of Invisalign® use is that the teeth may shift back to an incorrect position. Invisalign® aligners are intended to be worn for 22 to 23 hours out of the day. Any less than this, and you risk hurting your progress.

Which teeth move first with Invisalign? ›

In general, the teeth that tend to move first with Invisalign are the ones that require the most significant correction or adjustment. This often includes teeth that are overcrowded, rotated, or misaligned.

Do people really wear Invisalign 22 hours a day? ›

It's worth noting that the clear aligners are only effective when they're in physical contact with teeth. For that reason, Invisalign strongly recommends that the trays be worn at least 20 to 22 hours per day.

What is the shortest amount of time to wear Invisalign? ›

The shortest Invisalign treatment time is typically 6 months or less. However, this time frame is frequently connected to mild cases requiring minor tooth movement or single-tooth alignment.

Does Invisalign really take 2 years? ›

In general, Invisalign treatment typically takes anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to achieve the desired teeth alignment. It is essential to note that consistent and diligent wear of the aligners for the recommended duration maximizes the efficiency of the treatment, resulting in optimal outcomes.

Can I drink coffee with Invisalign? ›

However, we recommend you take your Invisalign out before drinking hot coffee. Not only can the dark color of the coffee stain your clear aligners, but the heat from the beverage can warp the aligners themselves. That makes them more difficult to get in and out, and the heat could ultimately ruin them.

How to get rid of Invisalign Lisp? ›

5 Tips to Reduce Invisalign Lisp
  1. Slow down and over-articulate words. Enunciating each syllable clearly versus rushing through sentences gives your lips and tongue more time to form sounds correctly.
  2. Remove aligners when possible. ...
  3. Practice talking with aligners. ...
  4. Drink cool water. ...
  5. Get aligner adjustments.
Feb 4, 2024

When to take off Invisalign? ›

You can take them off for special occasions, like a wedding, job interview, or for playing your favorite sport or instrument. Your doctor will tell you how long to wear your aligners each day, but typically people wear their Invisalign aligners 20 to 22 hours a day to get the best results.

What is the negative of Invisalign? ›

Potential Drawbacks of Invisalign - It's Not For Frequent Snackers or Sippers. Invisalign aligners should be removed to eat or drink anything besides water. This is because the aligners will trap food particles and will result in yellow, discolored aligners and can cause cavities or gum disease.

What is the failure rate of Invisalign? ›

Invisalign Failure Rate

Several patients doubt the effectiveness of Invisalign. However, the success rate of Invisalign treatment is approximately 96%, indicating a failure rate of only 4%, or approximately 1 in every 25 patients.

What stops Invisalign from working? ›

Tooth shape: Too-short or pegged teeth can prevent Invisalign from working properly. Tooth position: If your teeth are too rotated, Invisalign cannot shift them into proper alignment. Large gaps: Even though Invisalign can fix small gaps between the teeth, large gaps may require braces.

Can you wear Invisalign for 23 hours a day? ›

The trick of Invisalign treatment is to wear the aligners as much as you can. While the aligners are removable, you should only remove them when absolutely necessary such as when you need to eat or brush your teeth. Ideally, you should wear your aligners for around 23 hours every day.

What happens if you wear Invisalign for 23 hours? ›

Invisalign is designed to work when worn for 20 to 22 hours a day. Failure to comply with this results in less effective and poor-fitting aligners, which causes your treatment to take longer. You should only take your aligners out to eat, drink, brush, and floss. Otherwise, wear your aligners at all times!

What is the minimum hours a day to wear Invisalign? ›

The importance of the 22-hour compliance rule

These tiny changes are spaced out over many months, so patients experience minimal pain during treatment. But the aligner trays need to be on the teeth to be effective. As a result, Invisalign advises wearing the trays for at least 20 to 22 hours each day.

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