Twilight - Edward is ferociously attracted to Bella by her smell. That may make his love unconditional (because she can't change the smell of her blood), but does it make it less admirable since it's not completely based on character? Showing 1-12 of 12 (2024)

Jilllian wrote: "I was very much bothered when I first discovered this fact. It hinted at it in Twilight, but I think I tried to place less emphasis on that fact than I did on watching them discover things about e..."

This is not entirely true. He is not attracted to her in the romantic sense because of the smell of her blood. In fact, he hates her for it when he first meets her. He experiences a predatory type of bloodlust. He's a vampire and the smell of her blood makes him want to kill her for food. He struggles with that feeling for a while but doesn't kill her because 1) he's intrigued by her because he can't read her mind. Thus he has to actually talk to her and spend time with her to get to know her. 2) after he gets to know her (as a person), he falls in love with her. Bella's initial attraction is based mainly upon Edward's looks and the mysterious reputation that he has in school. But after she gets to know him, she falls in love with him because of his character also.

Twilight -  Edward is ferociously attracted to Bella by her smell. That may make his love unconditional (because she can't change the smell of her blood), but does it make it less admirable since it's not completely based on character? Showing 1-12 of 12 (2024)


Why is Edward attracted to Bella's scent? ›

During biology class, Edward reacted with disgust towards her, as if she was nauseating to him, and it was later revealed this was because the scent of her blood was irresistible to him.

Is Edward physically attracted to Bella? ›

One great thing about the series is that Bella is the one who is more interested in physical relationships than Edward which is a nice gender reversal away from stereotypes. However, they both clearly are very attracted to one another and find each other very appealing.

How does Bella describe her love for Edward in Twilight? ›

First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn't know how potent that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. Don't be self-conscious, if I could dream at all, it would be about you.

Why was Edward disgusted with Bella's smell? ›

Originally Answered: Why did Edward hate Bella's smell? To him, Bella smelled so good that he thought he might kill her. “You're like my own personal brand of Heroin.” is how he explained it.

How long did Bella's pregnancy last? ›

Summary. In The Twilight Saga, Bella's pregnancy with Renesmee lasted only 28 days due to her hybrid nature as a half-human, half-vampire, causing rapid growth. Renesmee's accelerated growth during her early years was a result of her dhampir hybrid status, reaching full maturity by around seven years old.

Does Bella smell bad to Edward? ›

Though we can infer that Bella's scent caused Edward to act strangely towards her the first time they met, we learn the power it has over him and how painfully it affects him in "Midnight Sun." "Her scent hit me like a battering ram, like an exploding grenade...

Did Bella and Edward actually kiss? ›

Their First Kiss

As they are showered in the light of the moon, Edward tells Bella to stay still because he wants to try something. As fans held their breath, Edward leans in to tentatively kiss Bella. Bella becomes so enamored by the kiss that she goes full force initiating a small makeout.

Did Bella sleep with Edward? ›

Bella tells him of the nightmares she's been having and the ever present fear she has of the Volturi. Later that night, Bella awakes from a very vivid dream of her and Edward making love. She begs him, repeating the word “please” until he can no longer resist her. They make love, this time without any harm or bruising.

Were Bella and Edward dating in real life? ›

Stewart and Pattinson officially became a couple in 2009 as the Twilight costars shifted their on-screen love as Bella Swan and Edward Cullen into the real world. For the bulk of their relationship, the pair were busy trying to stay out of the spotlight and away from paparazzi.

How tall is Edward Cullen? ›

His eyes, once green, are now described as topaz. His appearance changes if he goes too long without feeding: his eyes darken, becoming almost black, and purple bruises appear beneath his eyes. Edward is 6'2", and has a slender but muscular body.

Why can't Bella and Edward make love? ›

Edward resists Bella's attempts to coerce or seduce him in part because he knows she cannot overpower him, as he is a vampire and can absolutely physically stop her if need be. Bella dances dangerously close to interfering with his autonomy by pushing him towards physical encounters he expresses discomfort with.

Why did Rosalie not like Bella? ›

Rather, Rosalie was constantly annoyed by Bella's presence, because she managed to get attention from her brother, Edward, who paid no attention to her or any other woman, even though she had no romantic feelings for him. She also thought that Bella was throwing away her life by being with a vampire.

Why did Edward's eyes turn black? ›

In the world of Twilight, when vampires have black eyes it means they need to feed. A vampire's eyes will go from their natural color, which depends on their diet, to black, darkening more the thirstier they get. In about two weeks, if the vampire doesn't feed, their vampire eyes will go completely black.

What if Bella Swan was on her period? ›

If Bella was on her period that day, this would have worsened the condition as Edward would be exposed to open blood, which lured him very much, without any preparation to resist the temptation.

How come jaspers powers work on Bella? ›

Then Jasper, while to an extent he may or may not affect the body itself when manipulating emotions, he's still affecting the emotions themselves, but not any thoughts attached to the emotions. So because Jasper's gift is emotional and not mental, it is able to affect Bella.

Why did he imprinted on Bella's daughter? ›

By imprinting on Renesmee, Jacob has imbued her with protection from other werewolves in his tribe. Jacob explained to Bella that he was never actually attracted to her but to the baby, Renesmee, developing in Bella's womb, an explanation that has troubled people ever since.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.