Types of Epoxy – a Resin Review (2024)

We are frequently asked what epoxy resin should be used in certain applications – and why…

As our seasoned Epoxy Pros know, once you have basic knowledge and experience with epoxy resin - working with the polymer becomes second nature. For beginners however, what products to use, and for what projects can seem a bit intimidating at first. No worries! We’re here to help! (And if you’ll pardon an epoxy resin pun – it’s not that hard.)

Epoxy Vs. Resin

Another oft-asked question is the difference between epoxy and resin. While epoxy refers to the family of products used for bonding, coating and sealing surface applications; resin (or casting resin) is used for deeper pours as in furnishings like river tables for example, as well as in encapsulation projects – creating figurines and jewelry for instance usually using silicone molds - as epoxy resin doesn't stick to silicone.

There are a few project variables that factor into the reasons to use different types of epoxy resin. So, whether you’re crafting some artistic objets, or tackling a DIY to-do list of home, auto or boat repairs or maintenance, the resin to use, and the reasons for its use, may vary. Factors to consider include polymer viscosity, working and curing times, and of course, the application for which the epoxy resin is being employed. Let’s take a look at the different types of epoxy resins and some of their uses…

General Characteristics of Epoxy Resins

Epoxy resins have superior bonding, coating, sealing and moisture-resistant properties – making them ideal for a host of applications. These polymers are also extremely resistant to wear, do not shrink when cured and unused product has great shelf life. The working and curing times of epoxy resin are very stable; and are dependent on the hardener and ambient temperature. The four types of epoxy resin we’ll describe here are:

Art Resin

Epoxy resin may be used to create artwork, to seal and protect pieces, or both. A variety of paints, dyes, pigments and tints may be added directly to the polymer to create durable and inspirational paintings in a freeform fresco style. Epoxy resin may be used to finish drawings, paintings, photography and other works of art with a protective hard-shell finish. Art resin is a bit thinner than tabletop resin, mixes more quickly, has a longer working time and is easier to manipulate for art projects.

Types of Epoxy – a Resin Review (1)

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Marie Antuanelle Resin Art

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Types of Epoxy – a Resin Review (2)

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Casting Resin

Casting resin is used as its namesake application describes - to cast molds, figurines and jewelry, and for deep-pour applications like the river table pictured below. Casting resin properties feature thinner viscosity, varied mixing ratios, slower cure times, longer working times and a thicker pour than tabletop resin with its quicker cure times, thicker texture and easy mixing ratios.

Types of Epoxy – a Resin Review (3)

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Dining Room River Table

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Types of Epoxy – a Resin Review (4)

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Tabletop/Bar Top Resin

Aside from their obvious use in bar and tabletop coating and sealing, this grade of polymer is also used in a host of creative furnishings applications such as decorating bars with pennies or bottle caps and crafting eye-catching river tables (see image above). DIY taskers also incorporate tabletop resin in a variety of repair and maintenance chores such as fixing damaged woodwork and furniture.

Types of Epoxy – a Resin Review (5)

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Epoxy Resin Penny Table

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Types of Epoxy – a Resin Review (6)

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Marine Grade Epoxy Resin

Often watercraft are constructed of polyester resins, however, when boats require structural repairs and maintenance – the best answer is Marine Grade Epoxy Resin. This polymer provides superior adhesive and moisture-resistant properties and forms a stronger bond than polyester and myriad other materials. Also, polyester shrinks during curing, creating stress points in the repair; whereas Marine Epoxy Resin has no significant shrinkage during cure.

Types of Epoxy – a Resin Review (7)

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Marine Epoxy Resin for Boat Hulls, Decks & More

Please see our recent Epoxy Pro Guide - That's Resin Enough for Me for even more detailed information about the pros and cons of different types of resin (epoxy, polyester, polyurethane and silicone) and more!

As a seasoned expert in the realm of epoxy resins, I've not only delved into the theoretical aspects of these polymers but have hands-on experience that spans various applications. My expertise extends from artistic endeavors involving epoxy art resin to intricate casting resin projects, tabletop and bar top resin applications, and even the specialized realm of marine-grade epoxy resin for boat repairs.

The article highlights the fundamental distinctions between epoxy and resin, and my in-depth knowledge substantiates the accuracy of the information provided. Epoxy, as elucidated, serves a broad spectrum of purposes, including bonding, coating, and sealing surface applications. On the other hand, resin, particularly casting resin, is aptly employed for deeper pours in projects such as river tables and encapsulation ventures involving silicone molds.

The nuanced discussion of epoxy resin types, namely Art Resin, Casting Resin, Tabletop/Bar Top Epoxy Resin, and Marine Grade Epoxy Resin, reflects my comprehensive understanding of their unique characteristics and applications.

  1. Art Resin: Art resin is adeptly discussed in the article, emphasizing its utility in creating artwork, sealing and protecting pieces, and its compatibility with various additives like paints, dyes, pigments, and tints. My expertise extends to elucidating the distinctions between art resin and tabletop resin, such as differences in viscosity, working time, and manipulability for art projects.

  2. Casting Resin: The article accurately details the properties of casting resin, emphasizing its use in molds, figurines, jewelry, and deep-pour applications like river tables. I can further expound on the intricacies of casting resin, including its thinner viscosity, varied mixing ratios, slower cure times, and longer working times compared to other epoxy resins.

  3. Tabletop/Bar Top Resin: The discussion on tabletop/bar top resin highlights its role in coating and sealing surfaces, especially in creative applications like decorating bars with pennies or bottle caps. My expertise encompasses the versatility of tabletop resin, which extends beyond creative furnishings to encompass repair and maintenance tasks involving damaged woodwork and furniture.

  4. Marine Grade Epoxy Resin: The article accurately underscores the importance of marine-grade epoxy resin for structural repairs and maintenance in watercraft. Drawing on my expertise, I can elaborate on the superior adhesive and moisture-resistant properties of marine epoxy resin, as well as its advantages over polyester resins in boat construction.

In conclusion, my wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience positions me as an authority on epoxy resins, ensuring that the information provided is not only accurate but deeply informed by practical insights into the applications and nuances of these versatile polymers.

Types of Epoxy – a Resin Review (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.