Vitamin B12 (2024)

Cobalamin; Cyanocobalamin

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water. After the body uses these vitamins, leftover amounts leave the body through the urine.

The body can store vitamin B12 for years in the liver.

Vitamin B12 (1)

Vitamin B12 is important for metabolism. Metabolism within the body includes the processes of energy generation and use; including nutrition, digestion, absorption, elimination, respiration, circulation, and temperature regulation.

Vitamin B12 (2)

The human body stores several years' worth of vitamin B12, so nutritional deficiency of this vitamin is extremely rare. Although, people who follow a strict vegetarian diet and do not consume eggs or dairy products may require vitamin B12 supplements.


Food Sources

Side Effects



Vitamin B12 (2024)


What is vitamin B12 good for? ›

Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin) plays an essential role in red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function and the production of DNA, the molecules inside cells that carry genetic information. Food sources of vitamin B-12 include poultry, meat, fish and dairy products.

What are the symptoms of lacking B12? ›

What are the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency anemia?
  • Weak muscles.
  • Numb or tingling feeling in hands and feet.
  • Trouble walking.
  • Nausea.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Weight loss.
  • Irritability.
  • Lack of energy or tiring easily (fatigue)

How much B12 should I take daily? ›

The recommended daily amount for B12 is 2.4 mcg for adults. Pregnant and lactating women need higher amounts [1]. There is no upper intake limit for vitamin B12 because there is no known toxicity [2]. Most vitamin B12 supplements provide a range of strengths between 500 to 5,000 mcg [2].

What happens when your vitamin B12 is low? ›

Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause symptoms that affect your brain and nervous system (neurological symptoms), including: numbness. muscle weakness. psychological problems, which can range from mild depression or anxiety, to confusion and dementia.

Does B12 give you energy? ›

So does vitamin B12 give you energy? While B12 doesn't directly provide energy, it does give the body the tools it needs to convert food molecules into energy. Getting the recommended daily amount of B12 can therefore help ensure that the body is able to make the energy it needs to do everything you need it to do.

Does B12 make you feel better? ›

Vitamin B12 is needed for the production of serotonin, a chemical responsible for regulating mood. Vitamin B12 supplements may help improve mood in people with an existing deficiency.

What food is highest in B12? ›

Good sources of vitamin B12
  • meat.
  • fish.
  • milk.
  • cheese.
  • eggs.
  • some fortified breakfast cereals.

What is the most common cause of B12 deficiency? ›

Diet. Some people can develop a vitamin B12 deficiency as a result of not getting enough vitamin B12 from their diet. A diet that includes meat, fish and dairy products usually provides enough vitamin B12, but people who do not regularly eat these foods can become deficient.

How do I raise my B12 levels? ›

If you're looking to boost the amount of vitamin B12 in your diet, you should eat more animal products, like meat, seafood, dairy and eggs. Fortified breakfast cereals are another great way to get more B12. It is possible that your provider may want you to take a vitamin B12 supplement in addition to your diet change.

Is it OK to take 1000 mcg B12 daily? ›

If you are low in vitamin B12, a common recommended dose for oral supplements is about 1,000 mcg daily. But you should make sure to ask your healthcare provider about how much vitamin B12 you should look for in a supplement.

Can vitamin B12 help with tiredness? ›

Vitamin B12 is often used to improve cognitive function, depressive symptoms, and fatigue. In most cases, such complaints are not associated with overt vitamin B12 deficiency or advanced neurological disorders and the effectiveness of vitamin B12 supplementation in such cases is uncertain.

How long does it take B12 to work? ›

It may take a few weeks before your vitamin B12 levels and symptoms (such as extreme tiredness or lack of energy) start to improve. If you have hydroxocobalamin injections to boost your vitamin B12 levels at the start of treatment, the cyanocobalamin tablets may start to work within a few days.

How tired can low B12 make you feel? ›

Megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B-12 deficiency may lead to a person feeling fatigued. Without enough red blood cells to carry oxygen around their body, a person can feel extremely tired.

What diseases can cause low B12? ›

You need intrinsic factor so that your body can absorb B12 vitamin. People with pernicious anemia have a B12 vitamin deficiency. Digestive diseases: Diseases that affect the digestive system, like Crohn's disease and celiac disease, can prevent your body from fully absorbing vitamin B12.

Which fruit is rich in vitamin B12? ›

Bananas are a cheap, healthy, and nutrient-dense fruit that can easily become a part of every individual's diet. It is one of the best fruits rich in vitamin B12. Bananas also contain fibre and potassium. It helps manage blood pressure, reduce stress, and relieve constipation and ulcer problems.

Which drink is good for vitamin B12? ›

Vitamin B12 Energy Drinks
  • HERBALIFE FORMULA 1 KULFI Nutrition Drink. 4.2. ₹1,385. ₹2,276. 39% off.
  • Hulk Nutrition Hard Core Pre-Workout For Explosive Ener... 4.3. ₹901. ₹2,499. 63% off.
  • GLUCON-D Instant Energy Drink. 4.5. ₹310. ₹380.
  • 4.5. ₹528. ₹655. 19% off.

How long does it take to feel energy from B12? ›

How Long Does It Take for B12 to Work? You may start feeling the effects of vitamin B12 within 3-4 weeks of taking a supplement consistently. However, if you have a severe B12 deficiency it can take six months or more to fully correct it.

Do B12 pills work? ›

Vitamin B12 supplements (along with other B vitamins) reduce blood levels of hom*ocysteine, a compound linked to an increased risk of having a heart attack or stroke But despite reducing hom*ocysteine, research shows that these vitamins don't reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease or stroke.

Should I take my B12 in the morning or night? ›

Vitamin B12

As a general rule of thumb, take your B vitamins in the morning or with a meal. Vitamin B12, for example, should definitely be taken in the morning. This is because it is important for energy metabolism, which may interrupt your sleep if taken at night.

What does vitamin B12 do for hair? ›

However, vitamin B12 may give you the appearance of fuller and thicker hair because the increase in oxygen to hair follicles can help stimulate the replacement of lost strands. Vitamin B12 may also help give your hair an overall healthier appearance since intake of enough B12 is responsible for stronger hair shafts.

What causes B12 deficiency in older adults? ›

Mild vitamin B12 deficiency in otherwise healthy individuals can result from dietary patterns that result in insufficient dietary intake of animal source foods including strict vegetarian and vegan diets, or can be caused by changes in stomach function resulting from aging and/or pharmaceutical use [12].

Can you get too much B12? ›

Is taking high doses of B12 helpful or harmful? Since B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, it's generally considered safe, even at high doses. No Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) has been established for B12, due to its low level of toxicity.

How can I absorb B12 better? ›

Maintain gut health

Boosting cobalt supplies and fortified meals is essential, but so is increasing absorption power. This is where gut health comes into play since it is important for proper vitamin and nutrient absorption. Vitamin B12 gets absorbed in the stomach, thanks to a protein known as intrinsic factor.

Who is most at risk for vitamin B12? ›

Vegans who consume no animal products and vegetarians who consume some animal products (e.g., dairy products, eggs, or both) but not meat have a higher risk of developing vitamin B12 deficiency because natural food sources of vitamin B12 are limited to animal foods [3,55].

What medications should not be taken with B12? ›

As summarized in the table provided, vitamin B12 (cobalamin) absorption and utilization by the body can be compromised with the chronic use of certain medications which include: colchicine, chloramphenicol, ethanol, histamine 2 receptor antagonists (H2RA), metformin, and proton pump inhibitors (PPI).

Are B12 shots better than pills? ›

B12 injections are absorbed much better by the body because they are administered intramuscularly (into the muscle), and therefore directly into the blood. B12 tablets must pass through the digestive system, which leads to much poorer absorption rates.

How much B12 should a woman take daily? ›

Who needs more B12? Most women get the recommended daily amount — 2.4 micrograms (mcg) for most adults, 2.6 mcg for pregnant women, and 2.8 mcg for women who are breastfeeding — in their diets.

Does vitamin B12 help with brain fog? ›

B Vitamins For Brain Fog

Sufficient levels of vitamin B12 are necessary to optimize nerve function, memory, and quick thinking. If you don't eat adequate amounts of shellfish, poultry, and dairy products, vitamin B12 supplements can help improve cognitive decline, poor memory, as well as muddled thinking.

Why am I so tired all the time? ›

You may be too exhausted even to manage your daily affairs. In most cases, there's a reason for the fatigue. It might be allergic rhinitis, anemia, depression, fibromyalgia, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, lung disease (COPD), a bacterial or viral infection, or some other health condition.

What's the best vitamin to take for energy? ›

The eight B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, biotin, folate and B12) provide the most energy, as they aid in cell metabolism, help the body transform carbohydrates and fats into energy and carry energy-nutrients around the body.

What is the best time of day to take B12? ›

“Take water-soluble vitamins on an empty stomach with a glass of water,” recommends Dr. Perez-Gallardo. And since it can be energizing, Dr. Perez-Gallardo says that the best time to take vitamin B12 is in the morning, so it won't affect your sleep.

How many times a week should I take B12? ›

* Based on the new labeling that started January 1, 2020, the target is 4.5 mcg three times a day. If you're over 65 years of age, you should take at least 1,000 mcg (µg) cyanocobalamin every day. Tip: If you're experiencing deficiency symptoms, the best test is a urine MMA, not serum B12 level.

How long does it take to recover from B12 deficiency? ›

How Long Does It Take to Recover From Vitamin B12 Deficiency? Recovery from vitamin B12 deficiency takes time. You may not have any improvement during the first few months of treatment. Improvement may be gradual and may continue for up to six to 12 months.

What vegetable has the most vitamin B12? ›

Vegetables– Usually, most vegetables contain some amount of Vitamin B12, but there are some Vitamin B12 foods for vegetarians that contain a very high amount of Vitamin B12 namely- Spinach, Beetroot, Potatoes, Mushrooms, alfalfa, and others.

Who should take vitamin B12? ›

People over 50 years of age are advised to eat foods fortified with vitamin B12 or to take a vitamin B12 supplement. 25-100 mcg daily has been taken by mouth to maintain vitamin B12 levels in older adults. Speak with a healthcare provider to find out what dose might be best for a specific condition.

When should I not take vitamin B12? ›

You may need to take vitamin B-12 separately from the above drugs and supplements — say, one in the morning and one at night — so you can get the full dose of vitamin B-12. Don't take vitamin B-12 supplements if you have sensitivities or allergies to vitamin B-12, cobalt, and any other ingredients.

Does B12 help your hair grow? ›

B12 Benefits for Hair

Vitamin B12 is one of those vitamins because it nourishes your hair follicles through production of oxygen-rich red blood cells, which promote healthy hair growth.

Does B12 help with weight loss? ›

There's no solid proof that vitamin B-12 shots, also called injections, help you lose weight. Vitamin B-12 is a water-soluble B complex vitamin. It's found naturally in many foods, such as meat, fish and dairy products. Vitamin B-12 is added to some foods and is available as a dietary supplement.

What are the cons of taking vitamin B12? ›

Using high doses of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) to treat anemia can lead to low levels of potassium and/or high platelet counts in the blood. Severely low potassium levels can cause life-threatening heart problems, and high platelet counts can lead to issues with too much blood clotting.

What medications Cannot be taken with B12? ›

7. Cautions with other medicines
  • metformin for diabetes.
  • antacids like Gaviscon.
  • H2 blockers like ranitidine , cimetidine, famotidine, nizatidine.
  • proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like lansoprazole, omeprazole, pantoprazole or rabeprazole.
  • antibiotics such as chloramphenicol and neomycin.
Mar 10, 2021

How long does it take for B12 vitamins to start working? ›

Once you begin treating your vitamin B12 deficiency, it can take up to six to 12 months to fully recover. It is also common to not experience any improvement during the first few months of treatment.

Does vitamin B12 help with GREY hair? ›

Vitamin B-12 deficiency is one of the most common causes of prematurely graying hair. Researchers have noted that vitamin B-12 deficiencies are often concurrent with folic acid and biotin deficiencies in people whose hair has started to turn gray early.

Does B12 thicken hair? ›

However, vitamin B12 may give you the appearance of fuller and thicker hair because the increase in oxygen to hair follicles can help stimulate the replacement of lost strands. Vitamin B12 may also help give your hair an overall healthier appearance since intake of enough B12 is responsible for stronger hair shafts.

What is the best vitamin for thinning hair? ›

“Vitamins are essential for healthy hair growth and may help in preventing hair shedding and thinning,” says Michele Green, M.D., a cosmetic dermatologist in New York. “The best vitamins for hair growth include B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin E, zinc, biotin and iron.

Does B12 help with sleep? ›

It has been found that the vitamin works directly on the brain to help induce sleep. Vitamin B12 benefits have been demonstrated to help patients with sleep disorders, such as insomnia, who have difficulty falling asleep. It has also been shown to improve sleep in healthy individuals depending on the dose that is used.

Does B12 affect mood? ›

Vitamin B-12 and other B vitamins play a role in producing brain chemicals that affect mood and other brain functions. Low levels of B-12 and other B vitamins such as vitamin B-6 and folate may be linked to depression.

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