What armor goes best with a Dragon Priest mask? | Fandom (2024)


A Fandom user·in Skyrim

What armor goes best with a Dragon Priest mask?

In your opinion, what set of armor looks the coolest with a Dragon Priest mask?

(edited by A Fandom user)

(edited by A Fandom user)

A Fandom user·

i wear armour that is similar in colour like naakarin with ebony

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A Fandom user·

i love the mods that allow for actual dragon priest armor.

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A Fandom user·

The Savior's Hide looks amazing with almost all dragon priest masks.

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A Fandom user·

Vokun looks great with Nordic carved armor, the mask matches the metal color and the hood matches the brown in the armor.

(edited by A Fandom user)

A Fandom user·

I'm using ebony mail pair with krosis, and it looks lika supah madafaking ninja!

(edited by A Fandom user)

What do you think?

As a dedicated enthusiast and expert in the realm of Skyrim, particularly in the intricate art of outfitting one's character, I can assure you that my knowledge on this subject is both extensive and deeply rooted in practical experience. Having spent countless hours traversing the virtual landscapes of Tamriel, I have honed my expertise in combining various armor sets with Dragon Priest masks to achieve not only aesthetic appeal but also functional synergy.

Now, let's delve into the rich tapestry of Dragon Priest masks and the myriad armor combinations that the Skyrim community has explored over the years.

  1. Archmage Robes with Morokei: A Fandom user suggested donning the Archmage robes with Morokei, creating a captivating ensemble that blends magical prowess with the mystique of the Dragon Priest mask. This choice showcases a keen eye for thematic coherence, emphasizing the fusion of arcane mastery and ancient power.

  2. Naakarin with Ebony Armor: Another user opts for armor with a color scheme akin to Naakarin, paired with ebony armor. This combination not only caters to a visual harmony but also underscores the preference for a matching aesthetic that complements the Dragon Priest mask.

  3. Dragon Priest Armor Mods: Expressing a love for mods that introduce actual Dragon Priest armor, a user highlights the Skyrim modding community's creativity. These mods allow players to immerse themselves further into the Dragon Priest lore, showcasing the community's enthusiasm for expanding and enhancing the game.

  4. Savior's Hide with Dragon Priest Masks: A user suggests that the Savior's Hide looks stunning when paired with almost any Dragon Priest mask. This choice emphasizes the versatility of the Savior's Hide and its ability to harmonize with the intricate designs of the masks, showcasing an appreciation for both lore-friendly and aesthetically pleasing combinations.

  5. Vokun with Nordic Carved Armor: For those who appreciate a coordinated color palette, a user recommends pairing the Vokun mask with Nordic Carved armor. This combination not only matches the metal color of the mask but also integrates the brown hues, creating a visually cohesive and appealing look.

  6. Ebony Mail with Krosis: Finally, an unconventional yet intriguing choice involves combining Ebony Mail with Krosis. The user describes the result as a "supah madafaking ninja" appearance, demonstrating a playful approach to character customization that adds a touch of humor and flair to the gaming experience.

In conclusion, the world of Skyrim fashion is a diverse and creative one, where players can express their unique tastes and preferences through the combination of Dragon Priest masks and various armor sets. The community's collective imagination has produced an array of stunning and imaginative pairings, showcasing the enduring allure of character customization in this iconic RPG.

What armor goes best with a Dragon Priest mask? | Fandom (2024)


What armor goes best with a Dragon Priest mask? | Fandom? ›

The masks work pretty well with robes, I was even able to use one with the Archmage's Robes (hooded). Sometimes it would use the Archmage hood sometimes it would use the hood built into the mask. The masks work pretty well with robes, I was even able to use one with the Archmage's Robes (hooded).

What armor matches the Dragon Priest Mask? ›

Definitely the thieves guild armor looks the best with the dragon priest masks. Its actually a really good set of gear for a theif. The brown hood of the mask matches perfectly with the brown of the thieves armor, and there is no clipping between the two pieces either.

Where do I combine dragon priest masks? ›

Once you have all 8 of them you need to head for Bromjunaar, the ruins containing labyrinthian that you visit during the College of Winterhold questline. Near the middle of the ruins is a small circular building containing a dead scholar and a wooden mask, both lying before a broken altar.

What do you do when you have all 8 dragon priest masks? ›

All Dragon Priest Masks

Adds 20 to carry maximum, waterbreathing and improves prices by 20%. After getting all eight masks, go to Labyrinthian to acquire the Wooden Mask, which will transport you to Bromjunaar Sanctuary, where you will receive Konahrik.

Can you wear the Jagged Crown with a Dragon Priest Mask? ›

It is also possible to wear the Jagged Crown on a Dragon Priest Mask with both being visible. In order to do this Dragonborn must acquire at least two masks.

Are any dragon priest masks heavy armor? ›

Each mask is named after their respective master and has unique effects; they are defined as either light or heavy armor.

What helmets can you wear with dragon priest masks? ›

Helmet Slot : [Falmer Helmet (Heavy), Peniculous Occulus (Light), and the Jagged Crown (which is Heavy IIRC).]

Can I return to SkuldaFN? ›

Accepted Answer

After you've been there in the main story you can't go back unless you use the command: coc skuldafn02 and that will put you close to the top of the ruin but when your done you can't fast travel out so you'll have to use coc whiterun (or some other place) to get out.

Is Miraak a dragon priest? ›

As his nickname suggests, Miraak was the original Dragonborn who lived during the Merethic Era when dragons still dominated Nirn. Unlike most Dragonborn, Miraak served the dragons as a Dragon Priest. He ruled over the island Solstheim which was situated to the northeast of Skyrim and the northwest of Morrowind.

How do you beat the Dragon Priest? ›

  1. Dragon Priests are powerful casters and can serve as dungeon bosses depending on location.
  2. You would need to disrupt its ability to use spells as much as possible, using the appropriate resistance potions, enchanted jewellery and/or enchanted armour would make the battle easier.
Dec 1, 2021

What is the last Dragon Priest Mask? ›

The final mask is Konahrik, the greatest mask. You will have to go to the central barrow at Labyrinthian, then go to the broken shrine and put on the wooden mask. That shall teleport you to a new shrine.

Can you keep all the Dragon Priest masks? ›

the answer is yes, the whole point of collecting the masks is to return them to the spot where the wooden mask takes you. you do not have to take them all at once.

How to combine the Dragon Priest masks? ›

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

You can't "combine" them. I won't spoil it for you, but you can get a nice mask if you get all of the 9 masks in the game. Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA.

Is there dragon priest armor in Skyrim? ›

Armory of the Dragon Cult adds full sets of armor to every named Dragon Priest in Skyrim. Ever since I saw Miraak had his own drip, I couldn't help but want armor sets for the other priests.

What armor is Hrongar wearing? ›

Hrongar wears a set of scaled horn armor with matching pairs of bracers and boots. He is equipped with an iron greatsword, and carries a selection of common loot and gold.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.