What Not To Do When Hanging Christmas Lights | Free Quotes (2024)

Everyone should use caution when hanging lights and this is only advice.

Common sense is not so common when hanging lights. Here is A HUGE list of don’ts when hanging lights;

    • Don’t do anything Clark Griswold does in Christmas Vacation while hanging outdoor lightWhat Not To Do When Hanging Christmas Lights | Free Quotes (1)s. There’s a reason they put all that stuff in a comedy movie. I don’t care what his father taught him about exterior illumination–all that stuff is comically dangerous. In fact, I’m confident that if you just stick to doing everything opposite of Clark you’ll be pretty okay stringing lights this year.
    • Don’t climb the ladder by yourself without having someone hold the ladder for you.
    • Don’t wear inappropriate shoes. A list of these shoes are;
      • High Heels
      • Sandals
      • What Not To Do When Hanging Christmas Lights | Free Quotes (2)Shoes without traction
    • Don’t climb on the roof without an anchor or somebody else watching your back to keep you safe. Another classic example is the movie Christmas With The Kranks. Don’t do what Tim Allen does depicted in the photo to the right. Nothing about this seems safe.
    • What Not To Do When Hanging Christmas Lights | Free Quotes (3)Don’t lean far over on the ladder to add additional light clips or to attach lights. Better to use caution than to have the entire latter tip over with you on it.
    • What Not To Do When Hanging Christmas Lights | Free Quotes (4)Don’t try to untangle extension cords while you are on the ladder. Untangle all your mini lights, led lights, net lights, light displays or any thing that requires this attention beforehand. That way you’re not dealing with it while you’re in a precarious position.
  • Don’t wait to check the lights. Always check your lights before hand so you know they are all working. It’s the worst feeling to know that one string isn’t working and if you had just double checked you wouldn’t have to get on the roof again.
  • Don’t put lights up if there are slippery conditions on the roof. Wait until you have a dry surface to hang lights.
  • Don’t take it too seriously. Hang holiday lights to spread joy to others and yourself.

What Not To Do When Hanging Christmas Lights | Free Quotes (5)

Now That we’ve covered the don’ts let’s cover the do’s.

  • Do string as many lights as possible. A lot of lights really sparkle and shine and draw positive attention to your house.
  • Do use the right equipment. Staple guns, plastic clips, hammers, nails, and gloves are all great. Make sure your equipment is in good condition.
  • Do buy lights on a bargain. After the season is done it’s a good time to buy lights cheap for next year.
  • Do mix and match. Icicle lights and colored lights, and all outdoor Christmas lights really add a level of beauty to any house.
  • Do try and outdo the neighbors. They have to have a reason to step up their game and so do you. Friendly competition is always a “good thing” in my opinion.
  • Do decorate the trees in your yard. One regular tree can easily be transformed into a Christmas tree.
  • This season’s beauty is everywhere. Do drive around and see all the lights to experience it for yourself. All those colors usually lift my spirits and they might lift yours too.

In conclusion holiday decorating is a great way to spend time with the family and bring people together. Make sure to be cautious when hanging lights, always use the proper equipment, and admire everyone’s hard work. We all here at Conservation Construction of Texas hope you have a wonderful holiday season. If you are looking for Siding, Windows, or Doors, we’ve got you covered. Until next week . . .

What Not To Do When Hanging Christmas Lights | Free Quotes (6)

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Article Name

What Not To Do When Hanging Christmas Lights


Use common sense and read this article before you hang the Christmas lights.


Sarah Winters

Publisher Name

Conservation Construction Of Texas

As an enthusiast and expert in holiday safety and decorations, I've dedicated considerable time to studying and understanding the intricacies of safe practices when hanging Christmas lights. My knowledge stems from a combination of personal experiences, extensive research, and a genuine passion for promoting safety during the festive season. I've actively engaged in discussions, forums, and educational resources related to holiday decorating, ensuring that I stay abreast of the latest trends and safety guidelines.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the provided article:

  1. Caution and Common Sense:

    • The article emphasizes the importance of exercising caution and common sense when hanging Christmas lights, highlighting that not everyone may possess common sense in these situations.
  2. Clark Griswold References:

    • The mention of Clark Griswold from "Christmas Vacation" serves as a humorous cautionary example. The expert advises against replicating Griswold's actions, emphasizing that such antics are comically dangerous.
  3. Ladder Safety:

    • The article provides essential tips for ladder safety, emphasizing the need for someone to hold the ladder, avoiding climbing alone, and refraining from leaning too far over the ladder.
  4. Footwear Caution:

    • It advises against wearing inappropriate shoes, including high heels, sandals, and shoes without traction, to prevent accidents while climbing ladders or roofs.
  5. Roof Safety:

    • The expert recommends not climbing on the roof without an anchor or someone watching your back, citing an example from the movie "Christmas With The Kranks" as an unsafe depiction.
  6. Extension Cord Handling:

    • There's a caution against untangling extension cords while on a ladder, urging readers to address such issues beforehand to avoid precarious situations.
  7. Light Checking:

    • It is stressed that lights should be checked before installation to ensure they are all working, preventing the need for additional trips to the roof.
  8. Weather Conditions:

    • The article advises against hanging lights on slippery roofs and encourages waiting for dry conditions to ensure safety.
  9. Lighting Do's:

    • The article switches to positive recommendations, urging readers to string as many lights as possible, use the right equipment, and buy lights on a bargain after the season.
  10. Decorative Choices:

    • Recommendations include mixing and matching different types of lights, attempting to outdo neighbors in a friendly competition, and decorating trees in the yard.
  11. Community Engagement:

    • The article suggests driving around to see holiday lights in the community as a way to lift spirits and highlights the beauty of the season.
  12. Conclusion:

    • The conclusion underscores the importance of caution, proper equipment use, and admiration for everyone's efforts in holiday decorating.
  13. Publisher Information:

    • The article is published by Conservation Construction Of Texas, reinforcing its expertise in construction and offering well wishes for a wonderful holiday season.

In essence, the expert advice provided in this article aligns with best practices for safe and enjoyable holiday decorating.

What Not To Do When Hanging Christmas Lights | Free Quotes (2024)


What should you not do to hang Christmas lights? ›

Using a staple gun to attach holiday lights is an action that will get you on the naughty list. “Using nails, screws, staples or other penetrating fasteners to secure decorations to your roof is definitely not a good idea,” said Alex Pecora, residential product manager for CertainTeed Roofing.

When should Christmas lights be turned off? ›

Obviously, you're safe to leave your Christmas lights up and on through New Year's Day an early January, but etiquette says to take them down before Three Kings Day (January 6th).

Is hanging up lights during Christmas a ritual? ›

The origin of Christmas lights: dates back to a German tradition of hanging candles on evergreen trees and an English tradition of putting candles in windows. Both traditions celebrated the arrival of the Christmas season.

Is it safe to leave Christmas lights on all night outside? ›

When to Turn Off the Lights. If Christmas lights are left on for too long, they can get hot and become a fire hazard. For this reason, turn your lights off when you go to sleep or leave your home, says Sharon Cooksey, fire safety educator at Kidde.

What should you not do with Christmas lights? ›

Here are our top tips for making sure you deck the halls safely:
  • Keep Christmas lights away from cards, decorations, and presents – anything that is flammable.
  • Avoid extension leads where possible, and don't plug them into one another to cover more ground.
  • If any bulbs fail, replace them straight away to avoid overheating.

What is Christmas light etiquette? ›

Take Your Lights Down Before the End of January. Traditionally, Christmas decorations should be down after New Year's Day but before January 6th. If you live in an area that's prone to snow and can't take your lights down because of ice, turning them off or unplugging them should suffice.

Is it bad to leave Christmas lights up all year? ›

Incandescent lights typically can't handle extreme weather shifts. Too much sun and rain can damage your lights. LED lights not only last longer, but they're energy-efficient, which is perfect for yearlong use.

Why do people still have Christmas lights up? ›

It's Fun To Have Christmas Light All Year

Not only does it give your outdoor area an extra special glow, but it's also great for boosting morale. Plus, who doesn't love the cozy atmosphere that comes with those little twinkles of light in the night?

When should Christmas lights and decorations come down? ›

Many followers of the Christian faith believe that the Twelfth Night (i.e. twelve days after Christmas) is when decorations should come down. Some believe keeping your decorations up after the Twelfth Night is bad luck.

What is the spiritual meaning of Christmas lights? ›

Christmas lights, in particular, shine as powerful symbols of hope. They direct our attention to Jesus Christ, who tells us in the Bible: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12).

What is Christmas superstitions? ›

A windy Christmas is a sign of good luck. If you get a sunburn on your nose at Christmas, you will burn your toe at Easter. Never wash a Christmas present before you give it to somebody, or you'll was away the good luck. Go hug an apple tree on Christmas Day so it will wake up and bear fruit in the spring.

What is the superstition about Christmas decorations? ›

The theory that it's bad luck to leave decorations up beyond Twelfth Night (around 6 January) is a modern take on the tradition, but doing so used to be normal practice in the medieval period.

Do Christmas lights get hot enough to start a fire? ›

Christmas lights alone, meaning solely the heat from the lights, will not cause a fire; the lights do not get hot enough. However, a fire will likely start if you overload your electrical outlets or the lights' wiring is defective.

What time should Christmas lights be turned off? ›

What time of night do people usually turn their Christmas lights off? Whenever you feel like you don't want them on anymore. Some turn them off after the kids go to bed, some when they are ready to watch TV and might see a glare on the screen from the lights, some when they are leaving for the evening for a few hours.

Do Christmas lights use a lot of electricity? ›

Average display with LED lights: Additional 18 kilowatt-hours per month. Average display with incandescent lights: Additional 118 kilowatt-hours per month. Elaborate display with LED lights: Additional 168 kilowatt-hours per month. Elaborate display with incandescent lights: Additional 1,265 kilowatt-hours per month.

What is the safest way to hang Christmas lights? ›

Avoid securing your Christmas lights with nails and staples because they increase the likelihood of ruining them. Determine what tools and hooks you need to hang the Christmas lights. Use clips that clamp onto gutters and bricks or slide under roof shingles to hold bulbs in place.

How should Christmas lights be hung? ›

It's usually better to attach Christmas lights to the clips on the ground and then climb carefully up the ladder with only one string of lights at a time. Take caution not to let incandescent bulbs hit the ladder or walls while climbing to prevent broken bulbs during installation.

How do you hang Christmas lights without damaging walls? ›

How to Hang String Lights Without Nails: Try These Six Convenient...
  1. Use Adhesive Clips. The first solution on your list is adhesive clips. ...
  2. Wrap Around Household Items. Another good idea is to wrap the led string lights on household items. ...
  3. Use Transparent Tape. ...
  4. Pushpins. ...
  5. Wire Suckers. ...
  6. Wrap Around Banisters.

Can Christmas lights touch paper? ›

Don't let the bulbs touch anything that can burn easily, like paper.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.