Which Utensil Is Best For Drinking Water? (2024)

It is important to drink water from the right utensil for a healthy living. Which are the best options? Read on to know.

It is so important to keep ourselves hydrated all day! We all know water is essential but how do you know if the water you are drinking is safe for you or not? Even when we drink purified water, a lot of harmful chemicals and particles enter our body. How is that possible? This happens when you store your water in the wrong container. Are you storing water in the right container? You may be drinking water from a bottle that has a lot of chemicals and may be harming your body. To keep ourselves healthy, it is important to drink water from the right utensil.

From plastics to stainless steel to glass containers, you get a lot of options when it comes to storing water. Which one to choose? It is important to pick the right one to enjoy all the benefits of drinking water. Read on to know which utensil is the best to drink water from.

Clay Water Bottle

Which Utensil Is Best For Drinking Water? (1)

  • Clay water bottle doesn't have any dangerous chemicals. Drinking water from clay bottle helps you improve your metabolism.
  • Drinking water from clay water bottle helps in treating acidity. It also helps you deal with gastric pain.
  • No utensil other than a clay pot or a clay water bottle can cool your water. It is the best utensil to drink water from, especially during summer season.
  • When you drink filtered water, a lot of minerals that are essential for your body get washed off. Clay water bottle helps in retaining the minerals. Drinking water from this bottle will help you fuel your body with rich minerals.
  • Drinking water loaded with chemicals can weaken your immune system. Having water from a mud bottle can help you improve your immunity.
  • Mud bottle is eco-friendly. It is organic and recyclable. When drinking water from this bottle, you know you aren't harming the environment.

Clay pots and clay water bottles are easily available online and offline.

Glass Bottle

Which Utensil Is Best For Drinking Water? (2)

As compared to plastic bottles, glass bottles are a better option to drink water. Glass bottles aren't prepared using any chemicals and this ensures that it doesn't come with harmful chemicals. Glass water remains clean and clear even if you put coloured drinks in it. It is really easy to wash glass bottles. They remain clean even after a hundred washes. When you buy a glass bottle, make sure you don't buy a coloured one as it can be harmful for your health.

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Copper Bottle

Which Utensil Is Best For Drinking Water? (3)

We have all seen our parents and grandparents drinking water from copper vessels. Do you know, drinking water stored in copper vessels and bottles helps you balance the three doshas of your body - vata, kapha and pitta? If you store water in a copper bottle overnight then the copper ions dissolve in water that helps in killing harmful microorganisms like algae and fungi in your body. Drinking water from this bottle also helps in maintaining the pH level of the body.

Copper, glass and clay, all these three utensils are good for drinking water. If you haven't been drinking water from these utensils then its time you start right away. For more such healthy tips, stay tuned to HerZindagi.

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Which Utensil Is Best For Drinking Water? (9)


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Which Utensil Is Best For Drinking Water? (2024)


What is the best utensil to drink water from? ›

Copper, glass and clay, all these three utensils are good for drinking water.

In which metal we should drink water? ›

Ayurvedic texts mention the use of copper vessels for drinking water. Copper is the only metal with anti-bacterial properties, which were proved to be true even during the 1800s when copper mine workers were immune to Cholera.

What is the safest metal for drinking water? ›

To be sure that the water you drink is safe, the best water bottle material is 18/8 food-grade stainless steel. The grade refers to the composition of metals, 18% chromium and 8% nickel, and is one of the highest grades of stainless steel available.

Which is better for drinking water copper or steel? ›

If we compare stainless steel vs copper water bottles to find the better option, then greater votes would go to copper. It's because copper helps in preserving the minerals of your drinking. Furthermore, the copper vessels also add healthy metallic nutrients to the water by supercharging it with ions.

What is the cleanest way to drink water? ›

The healthiest way to consume water is often to drink it in its raw form from natural sources. This will allow you to preserve the structure and mineral content of your spring water, without the trace chemicals and synthetic plastics used by most water bottle companies.

What is the purest way to drink water? ›

Distilled water is the PUREST drinking water possible.

Tap water is loaded with many types of suspended pollutants, chemicals, toxins and other contaminants. Bottled water is usually plain tap water that has been minimally filtered to get rid of the bad odor and taste.

Is stainless steel safe for drinking water? ›

Stainless steel is manufactured from safe, natural elements that are free of disease-causing chemicals and carcinogens. It's completely safe to drink water stored in stainless steel bottles even for long durations.

Is silver or copper better for drinking water? ›

So who wins when it comes to safety for humans? Copper Copper must come out on top, since our bodies can use it and process it just as any other essential nutrient. There is little chance of a person ingesting excessive silver if they do not take it on purpose, since silver does not occur in any of our food sources.

Is it OK to drink water in metal? ›

Metal water bottles are generally safe to drink. However, this depends on the metal used. Stainless steel water bottles are often regarded as the safest option. If you use a stainless steel water bottle instead of a plastic container, hazardous pollutants will not seep into your drinking water.

Which metal kills bacteria in drinking water? ›

Storing Drinking-water in Copper pots Kills Contaminating Diarrhoeagenic Bacteria.

What is the best water for kidneys? ›

Pure-filtered water for good kidney health

Pure, naturally-filtered water is the best thing you can drink for good kidney health.

What metal is best for fresh water? ›

Marine Grade Galvanized Steel

Because of its zinc coating, galvanized steel is typically recommended for cool freshwater temperatures.

Who should not drink copper water? ›

If you have been drinking water that has been constantly stored in copper bottle or vessel, chances are high that you might be at the risk of copper toxicity. It can cause severe nausea, dizziness, abdominal pain and can result in liver and kidney failure.

Is it OK to drink copper water everyday? ›

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends no more than 0.47 mg of copper per cup (2 mg per liter) of water. This ensures that the tolerable upper intake level of 10 mg per day won't be exceeded ( 11 ).

What is the best stainless steel for drinking water? ›

304 stainless steel fittings are commonly used to plumb residential, commercial water well and potable water plumbing installations. They are also an excellent choice for many other commercial or industrial non-potable water applications where good corrosion resistance is required.

What is the best water to drink everyday? ›

Mineral, structured, and pure spring water are some of the healthiest water you can drink because they're clean and contain all the essential minerals your body needs. Filtered water removes contaminants but might also remove essential minerals.

What is the fastest way to purify water? ›

Boiling is the best way to kill disease-causing organisms, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites. The high temperature and time spent boiling are very important to effectively kill the organisms in the water. Boiling will also effectively treat water if it is still cloudy or murky.

What is the simplest way to purify drinking water at home? ›

The simplest method to purify water is to boil it for a good time. High temperatures cause the bacteria and virus to dissipate, removing all impurities from the water. In doing so, chemical additions cease to exist in the water.

What is the cleanest bottled water? ›

1. Fiji. Since 1996, Fiji has offered clean, rainforest water to 60 countries. Sourced from an ancient artesian aquifer surrounded by dormant volcanoes, its purity is simply due to the fact that it's naturally filtered by volcanic rock.

Can you drink rain water? ›

Avoid using rainwater for drinking, cooking, brushing your teeth, or rinsing or watering plants that you intend to eat. Instead, use municipal tap water if it is available, or purchase bottled water for these purposes.

Which bottled water is the safest to drink? ›

The added chemicals and filtration systems used ultimately affect how the water tastes and its final pH level. The study concluded that four (yes, only four) bottled water brands have a pH and fluoride level completely safe for your teeth: Fiji, “Just Water,” Deer Park Natural Spring Water, and Evamor.

Is it better to drink from glass or stainless steel? ›

Stainless steel is better than glass for a water bottle when it comes to durability, insulation, and resistance to high impact. A stainless steel bottle can keep your water cold or hot for longer hours, while glass cannot. However, both of them can keep your drinks free from chemicals.

Is it better to drink water out of plastic or stainless steel? ›

The best alternative to plastic bottles is a food-grade stainless steel water bottle because it doesn't contain the harmful chemicals that plastic does and it won't leach chemicals, even if you fill it with hot beverages.

What should you not drink with stainless steel? ›

Stainless steel water bottles are versatile when it comes to temperature but there are some drinks that you should not put in them. Three of those drinks are lemonade, hot tea, and hot milk. These drinks can either damage your water bottle or cause bacterial buildup inside.

Is copper water anti aging? ›

Yes, you heard that right. Drinking water from a copper vessel can surely reduce the effects of ageing. Ayurveda believes that copper is a mineral that has anti-aging properties. Water stored in copper vessels has antioxidant properties as it helps in reducing free radical damage.

Why we should not drink water in copper vessel in summer? ›

Using copper utensils

The Ayurveda expert says drinking water stored in copper vessel is extremely healthy but not during summer as copper is heating in nature. She adds that people with acidity, inflammation, migraine, heat issues especially should avoid it.

Why do you drink water in silver? ›

Water stored in a silver vessel ensures that it is completely germ free, which saves you from water borne diseases. If you want to use your water bottles for a long time and keep the bacteria away from your water, then you must use silver bottles.

How long can water sit in metal water bottles? ›

The insulating properties of stainless steel water bottles mean that you can enjoy cool drinking water up to 24 hours after filling the bottle from your water cooler. Hot water stays warm for nearly six hours in a stainless steel bottle.

How long can you leave water in a bottle? ›

If left in the open, your water may taste slightly different since it will absorb carbon dioxide. For this reason, the recommended period is to consume the water 3 days following the day it was opened. For best refreshment, you can recap your water and store in the fridge, out of sunlight to keep a crisp taste.

How long can you keep a stainless steel bottle? ›

Stainless steel water bottles can last an average of 10 to 12 years before they need to be replaced. This is because stainless steel water bottles are generally durable, non-corrosive, and stain-resistant. They can tolerate impact and will not immediately show some signs of wear and tear.

What is the only metal that is antibacterial? ›

The antimicrobial activity of copper and copper alloys is now well established, and copper has recently been registered at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as the first solid antimicrobial material.

What are the side effects of drinking copper water? ›

However, it is possible that eating or drinking too much copper can cause headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, liver damage, and kidney disease. High levels of copper may damage red blood cells and may also reduce the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen.

Can distilled water carry bacteria? ›

Distilled water is essentially free of contaminants like pesticides and bacteria, which could be especially helpful to those with weakened immune systems.

What color is urine when your kidneys are failing? ›

When your kidneys are failing, a high concentration and accumulation of substances lead to brown, red, or purple urine. Studies suggest the urine color is due to abnormal protein or sugar as well as high numbers of cellular casts and red and white blood cells.

Is lemon water good for kidneys? ›

Lemons contain citrate, which helps prevent calcium from building up and forming stones in your kidneys. Interestingly, the benefit doesn't seem to be present in oranges, making lemon a unique tool in kidney stone prevention.

What metals should not be in water? ›

Besides the aesthetic concerns, the corrosion process can result in the presence of toxic metals in your drinking water. These metals include Chromium, Copper, Lead, nickel, and Zinc.

What are the bad metals in water? ›

Heavy metals include: arsenic, antimony, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, selenium and many more. Heavy metals can contaminate private wells through groundwater movement and surface water seepage and run-off.

Which metal is the most polluting water? ›

The most common heavy metal pollutants are arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead and mercury.

Is stainless steel good for drinking water? ›

Stainless steel is manufactured from safe, natural elements that are free of disease-causing chemicals and carcinogens. It's completely safe to drink water stored in stainless steel bottles even for long durations.

Which metals are safe to drink from? ›

Stainless steel bottles should be the only metal bottles you drink from. Stainless steel bottles can keep hot and cold beverages and offer several other benefits. Stainless steel is free of the chemicals found in plastics, which can cause significant health problems even in tiny amounts.

Is water from the sink good to drink? ›

In most parts of the United States and Canada, it's safe to drink tap water from public water systems. Tap water that's been properly filtered is equally safe as bottled water and provides you with essential minerals you may not get from bottled water.

Is brass better than copper for drinking water? ›

Copper pipes are less likely to corrode than brass pipes, making them a better choice for areas with high water acidity. Both copper and brass pipes are non-toxic and safe for drinking water applications. Copper pipes are more expensive than brass ones, but they will last longer and require less maintenance.

How long is water safe in stainless steel? ›

The insulating properties of stainless steel water bottles mean that you can enjoy cool drinking water up to 24 hours after filling the bottle from your water cooler. Hot water stays warm for nearly six hours in a stainless steel bottle.

What are the three most toxic metals? ›

Unlike many chemical elements – such as iodine – these 3 metals (mercury, arsenic, and cadmium) offer no benefit to the body. Instead, these heavy metals can be very toxic – disrupting, for instance, many important systems in the body (like the nervous system).

Which metal is most harmful to your body? ›

High mercury exposure results in permanent nervous system and kidney damage.

Is it better to drink bottled water or tap? ›

Overall, both tap and bottled water are considered good ways to hydrate. However, tap water is generally a better option, as it's just as safe as bottled water but costs considerably less and has a much lower environmental impact. Plus, with a reusable water bottle, tap water can be just as convenient as bottled.

Is toilet tap water safe to drink? ›

Your bathroom tap water is perfectly fine to brush your teeth and to wash up. As long as you're not swallowing the water, you're unlikely to get lead poisoning. Just be extra aware of small children – when they are brushing their teeth, remind them to spit.

How long can you keep water in a copper bottle? ›

However, research suggests that for the leached copper to kill bacteria, the water must be stored in a copper vessel at least overnight or up to 48 hours.

Can we drink water in copper bottle daily? ›

01/10Health benefits of drinking water from copper bottle

Storing water in a copper vessel works as a purification process. It can kill all the microorganisms like molds, fungi, algae and bacteria, present in the water that could be harmful for the body. It also helps maintain body's pH (acid-alkaline) balance.

Which Colour bottle is good for drinking water? ›

You can use a yellow colour tumbler or use a yellow colour filter to solarize water with this colour. Yellow colour is considered as the weight corrective colour.

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.