White dragon (2024)

White dragons (also known as ice dragons or glacial wyrms) were the weakest and most feral of the classic chromatic dragons.[8][9]


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Abilities
    • 3.1 Breath weapon
  • 4 Society
    • 4.1 Diet
    • 4.2 Lairs
    • 4.3 Religion
    • 4.4 Parenting and development
  • 5 Notable White Dragons
  • 6 Appendix
    • 6.1 Gallery
    • 6.2 Appearances
      • 6.2.1 Adventures
      • 6.2.3 Comics
      • 6.2.4 Video Games
      • 6.2.5 Board Games
      • 6.2.6 Card Games
    • 6.3 References
    • 6.4 Connections


White dragon (1)

White dragons were physically the smallest of the chromatic dragons, even smaller than black dragons. They appeared in shades from white to grey and ice-blue, and in arctic environments, this appearance served as good camouflage.[9]

White dragons were physically distinguished by several features: their necks were short and they had a flap of skin, called a dewlap, lined with spines beneath their chins. Their heads were very streamlined and featureless, and they had high crests atop their skulls. They have a crisp, vaguely chemical odor.[8]

White dragon toes were spaced more widely than those of other dragons, with barbed claws to aid movement on ice. Their very thin eyelids prevented snowblindness when observing arctic landscapes.[9]

When in the stage of being a wyrmling, white dragons had a less pronounced crest and small stubs where their future horns would be. They completely lacked the dewlap and their bodies were protected by a leathery white hide in place of scales.[10]

A dragon egg could be identified as belonging to a white by the greenish-white tinge seen when held in front of an intense white light, though it shared this trait with green dragons and any dragon breed with a gas or vapor breath weapon.[11]


Whites also had exceptional memories,[8][9] and would often hunt down beings who crossed them, no matter how long it might take.[8] They were not as cruel as black dragons and were not as ferocious as reds, but they were still competent in combat.[9]

White dragons preferred to attack first, then eat their prey, rather than pausing to ask questions. They did not often contemplate what to eat, simply choosing the most convenient prey, and would often freeze it after the kill by burying it in snow or ice for days.[8][9]


Breath weapon[]

White dragons expelled a cone of intense cold.[5]


White dragon (2)

They were still powerful enough to overwhelm most humans and had exceptional long-term memories. Adult white dragons had several abilities well suited to their arctic habitat: they could climb ice cliffs with ease, fly very high and fast, and were exceptional swimmers. They loved to swim in cold water; the more frigid, the better. Much of their diet consisted of aquatic creatures, even whales.[9] White dragons preferred to scavenge for and collect treasure, rather than involving themselves in politics as other dragons might. Like other dragons, they looked down on others, and tended to view other creatures as prey.[9]


White dragons, as with some other dragon breeds, were unable to chew their food. Hence, to aid digestion, they swallowed small stones, pieces of metal, and even coins, which went into a small second stomach like a bird's gizzard. These stomach stones ground down their food and were eventually expelled in waste.[12]


Most white dragons laired in ice caves, often dug into the side of an arctic mountain, on tundra, or glacial plains, although they did not need ice and snow, and some settled near mountain peaks or in forests. They could create their own caves by applying the breath weapon to tightly packed snow in order to transform it into solid ice.[9]

White dragons made their homes in frozen lands and ice-covered mountains.[8]

Whites preferred glittery treasure that resembled ice, such as diamonds or light gems, but platinum, silver, and anything reflective or polished works of art were also popular.[9]


Back when her domains included winter, some white dragons were known to worship the Raven Queen.[13]

Parenting and development[]

White dragon (3)

White dragons usually laid about eight or ten eggs in a clutch. A white dragon egg was incubated for fourteen months. The first three and a half months were within the mother's body. On average, between a quarter and a third survived to hatching.[9]

White dragon eggs had to be buried in snow or encased in ice while incubating.[14] The parents did not bother to tend or protect the eggs in any way, although they would usually lay them near their lairs. A newly hatched white wyrmling had scales as clear as ice, which became white as the dragon matured. They were expected to survive on their own from the moment they hatched, although some white dragon parents would permit their young to live in their lair until they reached adulthood.[8]

The wyrmling developed into a young dragon after about three or four years, and then into an adult after about 100 years. Elder white dragons aged from about 750 years, while ancients aged from 1700 years, and the oldest white dragons lived around 2100 years.[9]

Notable White Dragons[]

White dragon (4)


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White dragon (6)

A white dragon from 2nd edition.

White dragon (7)

Another white dragon from 2nd edition.

White dragon (8)

The white dragon glazhael freezing one of his victims.

White dragon (9)

A white dragon giving a group of adventurers a cold shoulder, and a cold everything else as well.

White dragon (10)

Adorable, yet deadly.

White dragon (11)

A white dragon defending it's hoard from a party of adventurers.

White dragon (12)

A white dragon depiction from Warriors of Waterdeep.

See Also

White dragon (13)

An adult white dragon from Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of Neverwinter.



Novels & Short Stories


Video Games

Board Games

Card Games

Organized Play & Licensed Adventures


  1. 1.0 1.1 Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Christopher Perkins(2014-09-30). Monster Manual 5th edition. Edited by Scott Fitzgerald Gray. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 100–103. ISBN978-0786965614.
  2. James Wyatt(October 2021). Fizban's Treasury of Dragons. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 168. ISBN978-0786967292.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Mike Mearls, Stephen Schubert, James Wyatt(June 2008). Monster Manual 4th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 84–85. ISBN978-0-7869-4852-9.
  4. Bruce R. Cordell, et al.(November 2008). Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons. Edited by Michele Carter, et al. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 187. ISBN978-0-7869-4980-9.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Skip Williams, Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook(July 2003). Monster Manual v.3.5. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 77–78. ISBN0-7869-2893-X.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Doug Stewart(June 1993). Monstrous Manual. (TSR, Inc), p. 69. ISBN1-5607-6619-0.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Gary Gygax(December 1977). Monster Manual, 1st edition. (TSR, Inc), p. 34. ISBN0-935696-00-8.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Andy Collins, James Wyatt, and Skip Williams(November 2003). Draconomicon: The Book of Dragons. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 55–56. ISBN0-7869-2884-0.
  9. 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 Bruce R. Cordell, et al.(November 2008). Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons. Edited by Michele Carter, et al. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 42–43. ISBN978-0-7869-4980-9.
  10. Bruce R. Cordell, et al.(November 2008). Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons. Edited by Michele Carter, et al. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 186. ISBN978-0-7869-4980-9.
  11. Ed Greenwood(January 1996). Volo's Guide to the Dalelands. (TSR, Inc), p. 193. ISBN0-7869-0406-2.
  12. Gregg Sharp(June 1988). “The Ecology of the Red Dragon”. In Roger E. Mooreed. Dragon #134 (TSR, Inc.), p. 36.
  13. Bruce R. Cordell, et al.(November 2008). Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons. Edited by Michele Carter, et al. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 28. ISBN978-0-7869-4980-9.
  14. Andy Collins, James Wyatt, and Skip Williams(November 2003). Draconomicon: The Book of Dragons. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 11. ISBN0-7869-2884-0.
  15. R.A. Salvatore(July 2007). Road of the Patriarch (Mass Market Paperback). (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 6, p. 99. ISBN978-0-7869-4277-0.
  16. BioWare (June 2002). Designed by Brent Knowles, James Ohlen. Neverwinter Nights. Atari.


The Family of Dragons

Metallic dragons: GoldSilverBronzeCopperBrassElectrumMercuryPlatinumSteel

Chromatic dragons: BlackBlueBrownGrayGreenOrangePinkPurpleRedSaltWhiteYellow
Gem dragons: AmethystBeljurilCrystalEmeraldObsidianSapphireTopazRuby
Neutral dragons: AmberJacinthMoonstonePearl
Lung dragons: Chiang lungLi lungLung wangPan lungShen lungT'ien lungTun mi lungYu lung
Ferrous dragons: • CobaltIron
Planar dragons: AdamantineAstralBattleBlightChaosEtherealHellfire wyrmHowlingMirageOceanusPyroclasticRadiantRustShadowStyxTarterian
Spelljamming dragons: Moon/lunarRadiantSun/solar
Epic dragons: ForcePrismaticTime
Catastrophic dragons: BlizzardEarthquakeVolcanic
Miscellaneous dragons: CobraDzalmusMistRattelyrSongVishap

Draconic transformations: AirAscendantBrainstealerHidecarved

White dragon (2024)


Is the white dragon good or bad? ›

The adult white dragon in the Monster Manual is listed as Chaotic Evil. I allowed my players to roll on a stronghold chart (homebrew) and they got a natural 100, yielding them an adult dragon, which they rolled for a 1 and got White.

How smart is the white dragon? ›

Though only moderately intelligent, white dragons have extraordinary memories. They recall every slight and defeat, and have been known to conduct malicious vendettas against creatures that have offended them. This often includes silver dragons, which lair in the same territories as whites.

What is the significance of the white dragon? ›

In the present era, the white dragon symbol is sometimes associated with St Edmund, and those who commemorate him. St Edmund is sometimes regarded as the patron saint of England during the Anglo-Saxon era, until he was displaced by St George, who is famous for having slain a dragon.

What are white dragons weak to? ›

As one may expect, white dragons cannot be harmed by cold damage, though they are vulnerable to fire damage.

Is White Dragon a real villain? ›

August Ransom "Auggie" Smith, also known as the White Dragon, was the bigoted and cruel father of Keith Smith and Christopher Smith, the vigilante known as the Peacemaker. He was also the supervillain leader of a white supremacist organization known as the Aryan Empire.

Who killed White Dragon? ›

This freaked Plastique out, to see him murder Twister in cold blood like that, so she decided to end White Dragon's life. She used her explosive powers on him, but he seemed like he was able to fight off her attack... But then she snuck her fingers into the eye holes of his mask and blew him up....

Are black dragons evil? ›

Brutal and Cruel.

All chromatic dragons are evil, but black dragons stand apart for their sad*stic nature.

Who is the white dragon a villain to? ›

Daniel Ducannon (1985 - 2011)

White Dragon is a legacy name used by super-villains, traditionally associated with white supremacy. The name is taken as a reference to the Ku Klux Klan. Daniel Ducannon, an enemy of Hawkman, was the original Dragon, a Neo-Nazi in a powerful suit of armor which focused his fire powers.

What is white dragon real name? ›

In the aforementioned HBO Max series, White Dragon's real name is August "Auggie" Smith. He is depicted as the abusive father of Christopher Smith the titular Peacemaker played by John Cena.

How powerful is the White Dragon? ›

The first White Dragon was a talented inventor and scientist with a genius-level intellect. The second White Dragon is an expert martial artist. He can also shoot gas or fire through the nostrils of his dragon mask. His costume also contains steel claws.

What is the white dragon in myth? ›

The White Dragon of Iceland was long considered to be a creature of mythology. In the medieval Welsh epic The Mabinogion, an invading White Dragon battles a Welsh Red Dragon, ravaging the kingdom in their wrath.

What is the red flag with a white dragon? ›

The white dragon flag consisted of a white dragon on a blood red background. Even though the Saint George flag is the official flag of England, the 'White Dragon Flag' is still in use and is still very popular amongst the English who some of which would like to have it re instated as the official flag of England.

What color dragon is the weakest? ›

White dragons are always hungry, and tend to become more savage as they mature. Knowing that they are the smallest and weakest of dragons, many whites harbor inferiority complexes.

What makes dragons weak? ›

It was etched with ancient dragon runes, revealing a surprising secret about dragonkind. The stone revealed that all dragons have a hidden weak spot - their bellies. It warned that if a dragon's belly was hit, they could lose their magical abilities temporarily.

Is the red or white dragon stronger? ›

Red dragons are D&D 5e's most powerful chromatic beasts and immense physical powerhouses. While they often lack tricks or unique abilities, they carry the day with sheer physical might and devastating fire breath. Ancient red dragons believe themselves to be strongest D&D dragons and do plenty to back that claim up.

Who is the White Dragon a villain to? ›

Daniel Ducannon (1985 - 2011)

White Dragon is a legacy name used by super-villains, traditionally associated with white supremacy. The name is taken as a reference to the Ku Klux Klan. Daniel Ducannon, an enemy of Hawkman, was the original Dragon, a Neo-Nazi in a powerful suit of armor which focused his fire powers.

Which dragon is good red or white? ›

If you are a sweet lover, dragon fruit with white pulp and tiny black seeds taste better. If you prefer less sweetness, then you need to try the one with the red pulp. It's fun to add this healthy fruit to your everyday diet as it has multiple benefits that can benefit your overall health.

Is the red or White Dragon stronger? ›

Red dragons are D&D 5e's most powerful chromatic beasts and immense physical powerhouses. While they often lack tricks or unique abilities, they carry the day with sheer physical might and devastating fire breath. Ancient red dragons believe themselves to be strongest D&D dragons and do plenty to back that claim up.

Is peacemakers dad the White Dragon? ›

Auggie Smith was the cruel white supremacist supervillain known as the White Dragon, and the nasty and disapproving father of Peacemaker.

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