Why Are There Empty Snail Shells in my Backyard / Garden? (2024)

Last summer Icouldnot get over how many empty snail shells there were in my backyard. There were upwards of twenty empty shells in a corner of the garden. Icouldnot figure out where they all came from… until I did my own research. If you keepfindingempty snail shells in your garden, here’s what I found out about why this happens.

Why are there so many empty snail shells in my garden?You will find empty snail shells in your garden due to predators eating them, such as birds and rodents. Sudden cold weather can also kill snails, plus parasitic infections.

That’s a very short answer but there’s more to it, as depending on the state of the shell, you could do some detective work and figure exactly what happened.

Why you find empty snail shells in your garden and backyard

As discussed, there are a few different reasons for finding empty snail shells in your garden including predators, weather, and possible disease. You might be able to figure out exactly what was eating or killing the snails though – here’s how.

1. Beetles

When beetles prey on snails, they don’t break the shell. I believe they use their claw to pick the snail out before eating it. Leaving a whole empty snail shell behind.

2. Parasites

Similarly, a parasitic snail infection could affect a whole colony. Once the snails have died, they will either shrivel up leaving empty shells in your yard, or other pests will then come and clean up the bodies.

For example, once the snails are dead, ants might take the flesh away leaving just the empty shells behind.

3. Birds

Different birds have different ways of killing snails. Some birds will pick up snails and drop them onto concrete to smash them. You see this behaviour near coastal areas where gulls have learned how to do the same with shells from the sea.

But then other birds like the Blackbird, Robin, and Song Thrush can swoop down on a snail when it’s extended from the shell feeding. They will grab the mollusc flesh and be able to pull it out and eat it without damaging the shell at all.

In most cases though, birds will smash and peck, so a solitary empty snail shell could point towards a bird being a predator.

4. Rodents

If you find a collection of empty snail shells in a hiding place in your backyard garden, the culprit could be rodents. I’ve seen this in my friend’s garden when decking was lifted up, there were hundreds of snail shells there which had been taken there to eat by rats.

Rats will bite a small hole in a snail shell, and then suck the snail out.

Why Are There Empty Snail Shells in my Backyard / Garden? (1)

5. Weather changes

Snails can also become susceptible to weather. Something like a sudden cold snap can cause mass deaths in snails, leading to a collection of empty snail shells in your garden.

It’s also worth noting that one snail can lay up to 2,000 eggs in a lifetime. That’s a lot of snails. When you combine that with the fact that a snail shell can take more than 10 years to disintegrate after death, you might find that lots of empty snail shells have accumulated in your backyard over the years.

At the locations and habitats studied, decomposition rate of snails averaged 6.4% per year, excluding shells that broke during the experiment (shell half life = 11.5 years), or 10.2%, including shell breakage (half life = 7.5 years). Half lives would likely be shorter if macro-grazers had access to shells.

BioOne Complete, http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.4003/006.026.0211

What does finding an empty snail shell mean?

In conclusion then, finding an empty snail shell in your garden or backyard could mean a clever predator has got it, disease, or simply natural causes.

More about snails in your garden

You are most likely to find a snail in your backyard or garden after it has rained on a cloudy day or at night. Snails are born with shells, and as they grow older, the shells become more prominent and more robust.

The shell aims to protect the snail from harsh weather conditions such as extreme sunlight and harsh winter.

Also, the shell does offer some protection from predators such as rodents, birds, and amphibians. But as we’ve established, some predators are simply too much for a snail, which is why you find those empty snail shells in your garden.

Do snails completely leave their shells?

No, they can’t come out completely as they are attached, but they can extend out quite a way. They will do this when looking for food, travelling, and mating – and it’s when they extend from the shell that they are most vulnerable to predators.

In the presence of a threat, the snail retracts fully into its shell. However, most predators can easily break into the shell of the snails. Snails settle in protected environments to minimize this threat and only come out of their shells whenever necessary.

What can snail shells be used for in your garden?

When you find those empty snail shells in your garden, you can put them to good use.

The shells of snails are primarily made up of calcium carbonate. If you keep finding empty snail shells in your garden, you can crush them and spread them over the soil. Calcium carbonate neutralizes the soil, and this is good for plants.

In fact, this is very similar to seashells and how they can be used in gardening. Which reminds me, I also investigatedthe mystery of seashells appearing in gardenswhich offers some fascinating results.

But what if you don’t want snails in your garden?

How to get rid of snails in your backyard

Since snails feed on plants, they may wreak havoc in your garden or backyard; hence, you might not want them in your backyard, and welcome the empty snail shells.

One of the most effective ways of getting rid of snails is by employing biological methods. Birds such as chicken, ducks, or goose feed on snails and keeping them in your backyard or garden can help you get rid of snails effectively.

Also, you can use bait such as beer, a mixture of honey with yeast, or grape juice to attract the snails then you can capture dispose of them appropriately. Poisonous baits are also available, but this may affect other organisms in the ecosystem of your garden.

It is easy to make a trap at home; an inverted flowerpot can serve as a good trap. Inverted melons or cabbage leaves can also help to trap snails. The traps attract the snails, and they crawl into the traps. Leave the traps for an extended time in the infested area to trap as many pests as possible.

You can use killer substances such as salt and pesticide to control snails in your garden or backyard. Salt dehydrates the snails, hence killing them.

Garlic is also a killer substance for snails and is mixed with water then sprayed over the infested area. Iron phosphate is among the chemicals highly recommended to control snails since it can be used anywhere and is safe.

It does sound a little gruesome though, and in my garden, we leave the snails be to get on with their lives.


When you find one empty snail shell in your garden it will usually be one of many. It’s not at all unusual, and in most cases with a little detective work, you can figure out why they appeared.

So, the next time you find empty snail shells in your backyard, refer back to my points and see if you can figure out the culprit.

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Image in header via https://pixabay.com/photos/shell-stone-snail-animal-spiral-4380606/

Why Are There Empty Snail Shells in my Backyard / Garden? (2024)


Why am I finding empty snail shells? ›

If not killed and eaten by a predator, they are usually eaten by ants or just dry and shrivel up in their shell after dying. If you saw a whole bunch of empty shells in one area, it's probably due to the recent rains washing them out from beneath the shrubs.

Do garden snails leave their shells? ›

Mollusks stay in the same shells for their entire lives and never stop adding to them, though they add less and less as they age.

Why are there snail shells everywhere? ›

Why are there so many empty snail shells in my garden? You will find empty snail shells in your garden due to predators eating them, such as birds and rodents. Sudden cold weather can also kill snails, plus parasitic infections.

Why do garden snails leave their shells? ›

Snails come out of their shells to search for food. Different species have different food preferences, which can include plants, fungi, vegetables and other snails. A snail's tentacles have olfactory neurons that provide it with fine senses of smell and taste, allowing it to find food.

What does finding a snail shell mean? ›

A Snail in its shell represents personal isolation, staying away from everyone and everything for whatever reason. You can't do anything in this position, so don't linger too long. Trust your instincts for knowing the best time to re-emerge. If the snail in your dream is moving forward, you too are making progress!

Can lack of calcium cause snail shell? ›

A lack of calcium won't cause damage in existing shell growth. It only affects new shell growth and generally means the new shell will be weaker and thinner or sometimes grow deformed.

Should I remove snails from my garden? ›

Here are a few reasons to get rid of snails as soon as you see them: Snails reduce crop yield. If you have a flower or a vegetable garden on your property, snails will eat your plants and reduce your crop yield. They're particularly hard on leafy vegetables.

Where do garden snails hide during the day? ›

Slugs and snails hide in damp places during the day. They stay under logs and stones or under ground cover. They also hide under planters and low decks. At night they come out to eat.

Do snails damage your garden? ›

Because snails and slugs favor seedlings and plants with succulent foliage, you will need to vigilantly protect them. Some plants these pests will seriously damage include basil, beans, cabbage, dahlia, delphinium, hosta, lettuce, marigolds, strawberries, and many other vegetable plants.

Can you keep empty snail shells? ›

What can I do with empty snail shells? - Quora. The shells are mostly made of calcium carbonate (lime). You can grind them up or just break them up and add them to compost (just as I do with eggshells) or just spread them in the garden, This will tend to neutralise the soil, which is good for some plants.

What happens to snails shells when they grow? ›

As the snail grows, so does its calcium carbonate shell. The shell grows additively, by the addition of new calcium carbonate, which is secreted by glands located in the snail's mantle. The new material is added to the edge of the shell aperture (the opening of the shell).

How do you clean empty snail shells? ›

How to Clean Shells you Find on the Beach or in the Ocean
  1. Step 1: Start Immediately. The best time to start cleaning your shells is when you find them. ...
  2. Step 2: Don't Use Bleach. Don't bleach sea shells. ...
  3. Step 3: Soak Your Shells in Water for up to a Week. ...
  4. Step 4: Dry Well & Use Sandpaper. ...
  5. Step 5: Mineral Oil.

Why do snails suddenly appear in my garden? ›

The most common means is through adding live plants. Snails, or their eggs, can hitch hike on most types of plants and arrive in our home aquarium. Outbreaks generally occur due to over feeding. Excess uneaten food provides exactly what the snails need to reproduce in vast numbers.

What do snails do to your garden? ›

Frequently Asked Questions About Garden Snails

While they do munch on plants, they also help to clean up plant debris and can even eat pest eggs. They're also part of the food chain, eaten by birds, lizards, toads, and small mammals. Having them in your garden means there's enough food to go around for all.

Do snails have a purpose in the garden? ›

Slugs and snails are very important. They provide food for all sorts of mammals, birds, slow worms, earthworms, insects and they are part of the natural balance. Upset that balance by removing them and we can do a lot of harm. Thrushes in particular thrive on them!

What does finding shells mean spiritually? ›

Some people believe shells represent good communication and listening abilities. Because of its communication powers, often seeing seashells can indicate new love development. It could be finding new love or changing your relationship status – communication is the key to a successful relationship.

What does an unhealthy mystery snail look like? ›

When buying Mystery Snails, look for snails with thick, non-pitted, non-cracked shells. Having thin, excessively pitted or cracked shells may be evidence the snail is unhealthy. It can also mean the snail has been in acidic water long enough to dissolve the shell and weaken it.

What do snails indicate? ›

Symbolism. Because of its slowness, the snail has traditionally been seen as a symbol of laziness. In Christian culture, it has been used as a symbol of the deadly sin of sloth.

How do I give my garden snail calcium? ›

They usually eat calcium-rich foods like broccoli, kale, soybeans, turnip greens, spinach, peas and okra to help grow their shells. They also like basil, beans, cabbage, lettuce, strawberries, algae, lichen, and decaying plants and fruits.

Where do garden snails get calcium? ›

Land snails obtain calcium from their environment in a variety of ways, depending upon their autecology. They eat live and decaying leaves and wood, fungi and algae on wood and rocks, sap, animal scats and carcasses, nematodes, and other snails.

How do I know if my snail needs calcium? ›

If you see that your snails are starting to get eroded shells, cracks, holes, or lose their color (turn whitish). The most likely cause is not enough calcium in the water.

Do coffee grounds stop snails? ›

Coffee grounds contain caffeine, which is toxic to snails. When these creatures ingest coffee grounds, they become dehydrated and eventually die. Additionally, the sharp edges of coffee grounds can deter snails from crawling over them.

Is it OK to touch garden snails? ›

Don't eat raw or undercooked snails or slugs, frogs or shrimp/prawns. If you handle snails or slugs, wear gloves and wash your hands. Always remember to thoroughly wash fresh produce.

What kills snails in the garden? ›

Crushed eggshells, sand or diatomaceous earth sprinkled around plants that the garden snails seem to prefer will deter and eventually kill these pests. Set out traps – A common snail trap is the beer pan. Simply fill a shallow pan with beer and leave it out overnight.

What time of night are snails most active? ›

Activity and Feeding

The land snail species are most active between 22:00 and 24:00 hours and are least active from 11:00 to 17:00 hours.

What month do snails come out? ›

They are usually seen at night in spring, summer and autumn, but are most active in warm, damp weather.

Where do snails go when it doesn't rain? ›

When there is no moisture outside, garden snails and slugs go into hiding to prevent water loss and avoid predators. Snails find cool spots such as empty plant pots, under window-sills, rocks, or in piles of firewood. To reduce water loss, they seal themselves using dried mucus.

Are snails beneficial in your yard? ›

There's no doubt that slugs and snails help to clean up garden debris. Almost all common garden snails and slugs (except the uniquely destructive Field Slug Deroceras reticulatum), prefer dead garden detritus to living plants. Their feces make a nitrogen-rich, mineral-laden fertilizer that enhances plant nutrition.

How do I stop snails in my garden? ›

Sage, rosemary, parsley, and thyme are all beautiful additions to your garden and also deter snails. Plant them in a border around your garden and between vulnerable plants to ward of slugs and snails.

How long do garden snails live? ›

Snails typically live 2-5 years in the wild. Some of the larger species live up 15 years and up to 25 years in captivity. While this answer may surprise you, without the threat of predators or other environmental concerns, the average snail can live a long life.

Do dead snail shells decompose? ›

Snail shells persist in the environment after death, but we know little about the rate at which shells decompose. Assumptions about the rate of shell decomposition are relevant to conservation biologists who find empty shells or biologists using empty shells to make inferences about assemblages of living individuals.

What happens if a snails shell comes off? ›

If this shell becomes significantly broken then the snail will probably die. Whilst snails can repair small cracks and holes in their shells, if the break is serious then they will struggle to survive as the shell not only provides protection but also prevents them from drying out.

How long does it take for a snail shell to decompose? ›

At the locations and habitats studied, decomposition rate of snails averaged 6.4% per year, excluding shells that broke during the experiment (shell half life = 11.5 years), or 10.2%, including shell breakage (half life = 7.5 years).

Do snails turn into slugs when they lose their shell? ›

Slugs evolved from snails by reducing the size of the shell and internalizing it (yes, most slugs have an internal shell), and there are likely to be consequences of reducing the shell. A snail with an external shell large enough for the body to pull back into.

What are the uses of snail shells? ›

They are very useful raw materials in the treatment of waste water and the purification of aqueous solutions. They can also be used in the production of naturally based materials and for the preparation of calcium for medicinal purposes.

Can you remove a snail shell without killing it? ›

Regardless of the snail species, the body of the snail is generally attached to the shell by columellar muscle. This muscle also allows the snail to pull the foot and other parts of the body (such as tentacles, and eyes) into the shell. It is not possible to remove a snail from its shell without damaging its body.

Do snails come back to the same garden? ›

Together they devised a series of experiments to assess the snails' alleged homing ability. Ruth's results suggest that snails are able to home. She found that her snails were able to return to her garden unless they were placed more than 10 metres away.

What do garden snails do all day? ›

Most land snails are nocturnal, but following a rain may come out of their hiding places during the day. They move with a gliding motion by means of a long, flat, muscular organ called a foot. Mucus is constantly secreted by glands in the foot, which facilitates movement and leaves a slimy trail.

Do snails return to a garden? ›

SNAILS have a homing instinct and will find their way back to their territory if moved. They may be famous for carrying their houses on their backs, but it seems that snails have a homing instinct towards their own territories.

What attracts snails and slugs in garden? ›

Organic solutions

Slugs and snails are attracted to beer, wine and yeast products. Pour a small amount of these fluids into a plastic 'deli' container buried in the soil up to the top of the container. Slugs and snails will crawl in and drown. Slug damage to canola leaves.

Will snails eat my live plants? ›

Thankfully, most small snails found in freshwater aquariums do not eat healthy aquatic plants. This includes pest, bladder, nerite, mystery, ramshorn, assassin, and Malaysian trumpet snails. If you see them nibbling on a leaf, it's usually because the leaf is dying or melting back.

Do squirrels eat snails? ›

Vertebrate predators of snails and slugs include shrews, mice, squirrels, and other small mammals; salamanders, toads and turtles, including the uncommon Blandings Turtle Emydoidea blandingii; and birds, especially ground-foragers such as thrushes, grouse, blackbirds, and wild turkey.

What animals do garden snails eat? ›

Snails and slugs have evolved to eat just about everything; they are herbivorous, carnivorous, omnivorous, and detritivorous (eating decaying waste from plants and other animals). There are specialist and generalist species that eat worms, vegetation, rotting vegetation, animal waste, fungus, and other snails.

What do garden snails sleep on? ›

Pond snails use things like rocks or the side of their aquarium as their bed, attaching themselves while they sleep. Although this might not seem particularly relaxing, their shells do hang away from their body, and they keep their tentacles inside their shell.

How do you know if a snail shell is empty? ›

Look at the opening of the shell, if you cannot spot the body inside, it is most likely a dead snail. Also, when you hold the snail and it feels very light with nothing inside, the snail has died.

How do I know if I have a mystery snail? ›

Identifying the Chinese Mystery Snail

Shell color varies from olive green to brown to reddish brown. The shell has 6-7 whorls and no banding. They have an operculum (trapdoor), which seals off the snail from adverse water conditions.

What does it look like when a land snail dies? ›

For land snails, you can judge whether the snail is dead or alive by looking at the snail shell. If the snail shell is white, the snail is dead. If the snail shell is fresh, the body is inside, and there is a white film on the hole in the shell, then the snail is not dead but sleeping.

Is an empty snail shell living or non living? ›

A living mollusk produces a shell with its body, but the shell itself isn't alive. When a mollusk dies, it leaves its shell behind.

What does a mystery snail look like? ›

Mystery snails have a variety of different colors and patterns that you'll notice when looking at them. Many times their shell will have a primary color of brown (usually light) or a faded white. This might be solid without any patterns or deviations, or it could be split up by some bands and stripes.

Why are mystery snails a problem? ›

Why is it a problem? Chinese mystery snails can clog water-intake pipes. They may also transmit diseases and parasites to fish and other wildlife. They compete with native snails for food and adversely affect aquatic food webs.

Are mystery snails a problem? ›

Mystery snails are a problem because they feed on any organic and inorganic bottom material, diatoms, and algae, thus competing with native snails and fish for food and habitat. Mystery snails can also clog the screens on water intake pumps for irrigation.

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