Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (2024)

If you’ve shopped on Amazon lately, you’ve probably noticed that the platform has become a cesspool of non-name brand goods. And most of these products are sold by private label sellers, retail/online arbitragers and companies in China selling direct on Amazon.

Of these 3 types of sellers, the Chinese have been the fastest growing segment and they are utterly dominating the platform. In fact, they’ve pretty much taken over.

Here are a few statistics to describe the Asian invasion this past year…

  • Over 250,000 Chinese Sellers Joined Amazon Last Year
  • 40% of Amazon’s 2 Million Sellers Are Based In China
  • They Have Years Of Exporting Experience
  • They Have A Pricing Advantage Over Other Sellers

Why is this happening?

For many years, the traditional supply chain used to look like this…

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (1)

  1. A manufacturer in China sells raw goods to a distributor.
  2. A distributor acts as a single point of contact for the manufacturer and sells products to wholesalers
  3. A wholesaler buys these products in bulk and sells them to individual retail shops
  4. A retail shop sells these goods to the end consumer

Every step of this supply chain results in a markup of 50-100%.

But thanks to Amazon, the supply chain now looks like this…

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (2)

In this new version of the supply chain, the Chinese manufacturer completely bypasses the middlemen along the way and sells directly to the end consumer at rock bottom prices that are hard to match.

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Are you interested in creating a strong, defensible brand for your products? If so, I put together a comprehensive package of resources that will help you launch your own online store from complete scratch. Be sure to grab it before you leave!

Table of Contents

Amazon Has Changed Everything

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (3)

In the past, it was much more difficult for a Chinese manufacturer to sell in the United States.

There were language barriers. The Chinese were not familiar with the culture. There were many obstacles involved with shipping and freight forwarding.

But most importantly, there was no single large retailer that they could focus their efforts on to move mass quantities of product.

Meanwhile, Amazon’s gigantic marketplace changed everything. For one thing, Amazon has been aggressively courting Chinese sellers since 2015.

For example, when Amazon started operation “Panda” in 2015, the number of Chinese sellers more than doubled that year resulting in over 20% revenue growth for Jeff Bezos.

Fast forward to 2018 and Chinese seller growth has been exponential.

Here’s what Bezos and company has been doing to encourage Chinese sellers to sell on Amazon.

  • They implemented a Chinese version of seller central
  • They hired Chinese speaking support staff
  • They started offering end to end ocean freight solutions direct to Amazon warehouses
  • They started actively training Chinese manufacturers on how to sell on Amazon

Why The Chinese Have An Advantage

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (4)

Now having a little extra competition on Amazon is to be expected but what’s frustrating is that the Chinese simply don’t play by the rules.

After all, when you are thousands of miles of away, it’s near impossible to force Chinese sellers to obey the law.

For example, the Chinese repeatedly sell counterfeit merchandise on Amazon and get away with it. Amazon doesn’t really care as long as they are making a profit and you really have to hound Amazon repeatedly before they take any action.

In addition, there are many companies in China that sell both positive and negative reviews.

If you’ve sold on Amazon for any length of time, you’ve probably been the target of a malicious negative review attack.

You’ve also probably witnessed brand new listings accumulate hundreds of 5 star reviews within a week of launch. Well now you know how:)

Often times, these Chinese sellers have hundreds of accounts. They don’t care if they get banned because they always have a backup. And as a result, they can violate Amazon’s terms of service with impunity.

If ignoring all of the rules wasn’t bad enough, both the Chinese and US governments are facilitating these advantages.

First off, the Chinese are exempt from taxes. Now I shouldn’t say that they are exempt but many Chinese simply don’t pay. After all when you live in China, what’s the worst thing that can happen to you?

The Chinese also get heavily discounted shipping.

The only reason dropshipping from AliExpress works today is because shipping from China to the US is cheaper than shipping within the US thanks to a shipping method called ePacket. As a result, the Chinese have inherent cost advantages that US sellers don’t have.

The Chinese also have access to more resources. Every year, I run an ecommerce event called The Sellers Summit where I bring together sellers from all over the world to share ideas and strategies. But the problem is that I only hold it once per year.

Meanwhile, the Chinese have events and seminars every week. There are large ecommerce parks built exclusively for sellers that are backed by the government.

In addition, the Chinese government has drastically reduced taxes to encourage global trade.

The Chinese government fully supports and aids Chinese sellers. Meanwhile, they have easy access to suppliers and can act much faster than a private label seller in another country.

For example, my wife and I attend the Canton Fair every other year. But it’s a huge ordeal.

We have to fly 18 hours, find babysitting, book a hotel etc… Meanwhile, someone in China can hop on a train, meet with a few vendors and return home in time for supper.

This is huge!

Now That I’ve Scared You, What Can You Do About It?

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (5)

Even though the Chinese are dominating Amazon, not all hope is lost:). In fact, small business owners are still thriving.

Every year, my buddy Andrew Youderian of Ecommerce Fuel conducts a survey of ecommerce merchants making 6, 7 and 8 figures in annual revenue and here are some highlights from his findings.

Out of over 450 ecommerce businesses surveyed…

  • Average Revenue Per Store Was 2.4 Million
  • Average YOY Revenue Growth Was 36.8%
  • Private Label Growth was 43.1%
  • Average Gross Margins Were 39.2%

As you can see, the small business ecommerce market is still alive and kicking and the key stat to focus on above is that average gross margins did not drop year over year despite the Chinese competition!

In fact last year, gross margins from the shops surveyed were pretty much identical at around 39%.

Why is the small business ecommerce market holding strong?

First off, there’s a misconception that ecommerce is nearing saturation in the US. But did you know that ecommerce represents only 9% of overall retail sales?

9%!!!! That’s nothing!!!

Ecommerce is growing at over 10% per year and it’s not even close to being saturated. A rising tide lifts all ships.

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (6)

Second of all, Amazon is growing at over 30% per year. There doesn’t seem to be any end in sight and there are still many opportunities abound!

If you are discouraged from starting your own ecommerce business, just know that ecommerce still has a long path of growth ahead of it.

The Game Has Changed And You Must Adapt

The reason most people fail at ecommerce is because they are using old tactics in a new era. In this day age, you simply can not throw something up on Amazon and expect it to sell well.

You need to either have a strong value proposition or the best price and preferably both.

Here’s a quick example to illustrate my point.

Recently I did a search for black bags on Amazon. Now assuming you know nothing about handbags, which one of these would you buy?

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (7)

When the brand names are unknown, most shoppers will gravitate to the listing with the lowest price or the most reviews. If your product is not one or the other, then you won’t make many sales.

Now let’s say that competing on price is not an option for you. How can you possibly compete with a Chinese manufacturer who can undercut you at will?

Establishing A Recognizable Brand Is Now A Must

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (8)

First off, I want to clarify the definition of having a “brand”.

A lot of Amazon sellers out there consider themselves a brand if they design some clever packaging and slap their logo onto the box. Well guess what?

Just because you have a logo does NOT mean you have a brand.

After all, a brand means absolutely nothing unless it’s recognizable. Referring to the earlier handbag example, technically all of those products have a brand. But the brand is worthless unless it carries any weight.

If you want to measure how strong your “brand” is, you can conduct this quick 2 minute exercise.

Go into Google Analytics and find out how much direct traffic you are getting for your website.

Here are some statistics for my online store at BumblebeeLinens.com

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (9)

  • Direct traffic went up 17.25% in 2017
  • Direct traffic is up over 67% in the past 3 years

Now you’ll notice that you can’t perform this exercise at all unless you have your own website because Amazon hides every statistic from your view.

And this is important because you can not establish a strong brand on Amazon!

When people shop on Amazon, they think that Amazon is the brand owner and not you. As a result, if you are only selling your items on Amazon, you will forever be a victim to price wars and Chinese competition knocking off your products.

How Do You Establish A Brand?

Establishing your brand is a long term strategy which involves consistent communication with your customers. It’s a process by which you must bring visitors back to your website over and over again until your company is ingrained in their minds.

And this can not be done with Amazon.

Here are the primary ways I have increased mindshare for Bumblebee Linens over the years

  • Content Marketing – We routinely put out new content on our blog and send it out to prospective customers. There is zero selling. The articles and posts we publish are meant to educate and effectively utilize Gary Vaynerchuk’s famous jab jab jab right hook methodology.
  • Email Marketing – By sending out regular emails to our list, we bring back customers over and over again until they are ready to buy. Here’s a post I wrote on 5 Email Autoresponders Your Online Store Needs To Automate Sales that you should definitely read.
  • Retargeting – By pixeling customers who have visited our site, we show them ads to tell a story and remind them that we exist. Here’s a post I wrote on How To Use Facebook Dynamic Retargeting To Make A 12x Return On Your Ad Spend
  • Push Notifications – By having customers opt in to push notifications, we can easily push offers to the notification bar of smart phones and web browsers. Here’s a post I wrote on 3 Ways To Use Dynamic Push Notifications To Increase Sales For Your Online Store
  • Facebook Messenger – Right now Facebook Messenger offers up to 8X the open rates and click through rates compared to email. In addition, you can use messenger bots to create a custom tailored customer journey. Here’s a post I wrote on How To Use Facebook Messenger To Sell Online – A Guide To Building Chatbots For Ecommerce

Bottom line, establishing a recognizable brand involves repeated exposure to your company until you become a household name in your niche. And you can’t do this unless you own your own web property.

You Must Build Defensible Products

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (10)

Back in the day, you could throw up anything on Amazon and it would sell. But the competition has greatly increased over the years and Chinese sellers are a large part of the blame.

Every single product that you sell online now must have a strong value proposition and a highly optimized product listing. It must stand out in a sea of generic junk.

The best way to tell if your product idea has any legs is to type in your product in Amazon and closely examine the results.

  • Does every product look the same? Would your listing look any different?
  • What does your product have that the others do not?
  • Can you present your product better than the other products on the front page?

If the answer is no to any of the questions above, then you many want to reconsider your product. After all, there are too many “me too” products on Amazon already.

You Must Diversify

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (11)

Thanks to evil Chinese sellers, your business is at risk if…

  • You only sell a few products
  • You only sell on Amazon
  • You don’t have a customer base
  • You don’t know how to drive your own traffic

I’ve launched several products in my day where I’ve accumulated multiple 1 star reviews on Amazon before my products even hit the warehouse!

Evil Chinese sellers were paying for 1 star reviews to effectively kill my products before launch!

One of my friends received such a large deluge of fake 1 star reviews on one of his bestselling products that it effectively killed that product completely.

Malicious activity on Amazon is now par for the course and if you sell a single product on Amazon, your business is built on a house of cards.

Related: The Dangers Of Selling On Amazon And Horror Stories From Real Amazon Sellers

I can’t say this enough but in this day and age, you really need to have your own branded website and you need to learn how to drive your own traffic.

I know too many people who have put all of their eggs in the Amazon basket, ordered a huge container of goods only to have no way to sell them due to malicious activity.

Here are some posts I’ve written in the past that will help you drive your own traffic.

  • How To Use Facebook Dynamic Retargeting To Make A 12x Return On Your Ad Spend
  • Facebook Ads Vs Google Adwords – Which Ad Platform Is Right For Your Ecommerce Business?
  • Best Comparison Shopping Sites – Google Shopping Vs Nextag Vs Bing Vs Shopping.com
  • How To Run Amazon PPC Sponsored Product Ads – A Step By Step Guide
  • Bing Search Ads – How I Made An Extra $3253 Last Month With A Few Clicks Of The Mouse
  • A Facebook Advertising Strategy For Ecommerce Stores That Really Works

Focus On Repeat Business

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (12)

Most people who sell online fail to recognize their most important asset….their existing customer base! Well guess what?

When you sell on Amazon, you don’t have access to your past customers and that’s a huge detriment to the growth and longevity of your ecommerce business.

After all, did you know that…

  • 61% of SMBs report that more than half of their revenue comes from repeat customers
  • It can cost 5X more to acquire new customers than to keep current ones
  • A 5% increase in customer retention can increase a company’s profitability by 75%
  • A 2% increase in retention has the same effect as decreasing costs by 10%

When you only sell on Amazon, you have to constantly fight for new sales because you can’t market to your past customers.

Meanwhile when you own your own platform, you can establish a strong customer base and build a solid foundation for consistent and repeatable sales.

To reinforce this point, here are a few interesting statistics from our online store

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (13)

  • Only 12% of our customers buy from us more than once but they make up 36% of our revenues
  • 51% of our revenue comes from our top 10% customers
  • Most of our repeat customers are B2B

The key takeaway from the data above is that every year, 36% of our revenues are pretty much in the bag because we’ve built a strong relationship with large repeat B2B customers in our space.

As a result, any new customers that we add in any given year builds upon our existing foundation of sales.

On the flip side when you sell on a platform that you don’t own, the platform can cut you off at any time and eliminate all of your sales overnight.

You do not have access to your customer base. You can not access your email list and there is no way to contact your past customers.

In fact, the best way to combat Chinese sellers on Amazon is to establish strong relationships with your best customers. After all, people buy again and again from people they trust.

Leverage Influencers In Your Space

When it comes to selling online, customers are 77% more likely to buy a new product when they learn about it from someone they know and trust.

And influencers can play a key role in spreading the word about a brand new unknown product.

Here’s an influencer campaign that we ran during black friday that resulted in 4 figures worth of sales in just a few days.

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (14)

When someone with a large following endorses a product or brand, that brand will linger in the minds of their followers.

If You Want To Learn More…

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (15)

Because Chinese sellers have caused such a fundamental shift in the marketplace, “How To Beat The Chinese” was one of the main themes for the Sellers Summit.

In fact, here’s a copy of my keynote speech if you want to check it out.

Click Here To Buy A Virtual Pass To Sellers Summit

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (16)

Ready To Get Serious About Starting An Online Business?

If you are really considering starting your own online business, then you have to check out my free mini course on How To Create A Niche Online Store In 5 Easy Steps.

In this 6 day mini course, I reveal the steps that my wife and I took to earn 100 thousand dollars in the span of just a year. Best of all, it's free and you'll receive weekly ecommerce tips and strategies!

Note: This post above may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase when clicking a link. Please consult our privacy policy for more information.

Related Posts In Fighting Dirty Amazon Sellers

  • Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them
  • The Dangers Of Selling On Amazon And Horror Stories From Real Amazon Sellers
  • Amazon Scams And Dirty Tactics To Expect When You Sell On Amazon
  • Why Amazon Sucks For Building A Sustainable Ecommerce Business
  • How To Report A Seller On Amazon And Fight Hijackers Who Steal Or Piggyback On Your Listing

About Steve Chou

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (17)

Steve Chou is a highly recognized influencer in the ecommerce space and has taught thousands of students how to effectively sell physical products online over atProfitableOnlineStore.com.

His blog, MyWifeQuitHerJob.com, has been featured in Forbes, Inc, The New York Times, Entrepreneur and MSNBC.

He's also a contributing author for BigCommerce, Klaviyo, ManyChat, Printful, Privy, CXL, Ecommerce Fuel, GlockApps, Privy, Social Media Examiner, Web Designer Depot, Sumo and other leading businesspublications.

In addition, he runs a popular ecommerce podcast, My Wife Quit Her Job, which is a top 25 marketing show on all of Apple Podcasts.

To stay up to date with all of thelatest ecommerce trends, Steve runs a 7 figure ecommerce store, BumblebeeLinens.com, with his wife and puts on an annual ecommerce conference called The Sellers Summit.

Steve carries both a bachelors and a masters degree in electrical engineering fromStanford University. Despite majoring in electrical engineering, he spent a good portion of his graduate education studyingentrepreneurshipand the mechanics ofrunning small businesses.

Why Chinese Sellers Are Dominating Amazon And How To Beat Them (2024)


Why are there so many Chinese products on Amazon? ›

Amazon started a program to get the factories to sign up themselves. They run workshops in China and have regular appearances at trade fairs encouraging Chinese manufacturers to sign up to Amazon as a seller directly, with the idea that removing a middleman from the process will makes the prices lower.

Why did Amazon ban Chinese sellers? ›

Amazon has said that it issued the bans after repeated warnings over manipulated reviews, and that no seller has been targeted by nationality. Meanwhile, in Chinese media, the sellers have a different account. They describe paying ever-rising costs, while struggling with restrictions on how they sell on the platform.

Do Chinese people use Amazon? ›

Joyo.com was renamed to “Amazon China” when sold to Amazon Inc in 2004 for US$75 Million. Amazon China closed its domestic business in China in June 2019, offering only products from sellers located overseas.
Amazon China.
Type of siteOnline shopping
Available inChinese
OwnerAmazon (2004–present)
3 more rows

How do I pick a winning product to sell on Amazon? ›

7 Amazon Product Selection Tips For 2022
  1. Look for Products in the Goldilocks Price Range. ...
  2. Items Sell Well When They're Not Big and Heavy. ...
  3. You're Familiar With the Product. ...
  4. The Product Has Popular Keywords. ...
  5. Look for a Combination of Rank and LQS. ...
  6. Look for Products That Don't Have Too Many Reviews.
3 Feb 2022

What is Amazon's entry strategy in China? ›

Amazon entered the China market by acquiring Joyo in 2004, the biggest online book seller in China. Joyo was rebranded as Amazon China in 2011. As Amazon grew from an online book store to e-commerce juggernaut in the United States, it failed to recreate such success in China.

Why Chinese products are everywhere? ›

In addition to its low labor costs, China has become known as "the world's factory" because of its strong business ecosystem, lack of regulatory compliance, low taxes and duties, and competitive currency practices.

Why do we still buy from China? ›

China is the United States' largest trading partner. Companies import goods from China in part because their lower cost allows higher retail markups. That means more of what consumers spend goes to those companies and, indirectly, their workers.

Why is Amazon leaving China? ›

Amazon's Kindle pullout coincides with growing regulatory pressures on both local and foreign companies that operate in China, including censorship and content curbs.

Why we Cannot ban Chinese products? ›

Can India prevent the supply of Chinese products in the Indian Market? The answer is no; because as per the rules made by the World Trade Organisation, it is not possible to impose a full ban on imports from any country even if there are no diplomatic, regional, and trade relations with that country.

Why did China ban direct selling? ›

Direct sales were banned in China in 1998 because of the then widespread popularity of pyramid schemes, peddled on a door-do-door basis.

How can I avoid buying anything from China? ›

Check the Labels:

Most commonly on clothing, you will find that within the labels there are disclaimers such as “made in China” or “made in India”.

What is Chinese Amazon called? ›

Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd. (BABA) is often called "The Amazon of China" in reference to the giant American e-commerce company, Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN).

Which country is most use Amazon? ›

The United States has the largest Amazon user base.

There are 148.6 million Amazon Prime members in the U.S. as of 2022, or roughly 74.3% of global Amazon Prime members. Amazon is also popular with U.S. households, as 76.6 million have Amazon Prime memberships.

How popular is Amazon in China? ›

Amazon.cn holds just a 6 percent share of the Chinese e-commerce market, according to The Wall Street Journal, citing Nomura Securities.

How can I sell faster on Amazon? ›

17 Ways to Sell More on Amazon in 2022
  1. Use the Best Images Possible. ...
  2. Use FBA. ...
  3. Invest in Inventory Management Software. ...
  4. Feature Vendor Powered Coupons. ...
  5. Get on Top of Negative Reviews. ...
  6. Reprice Your Way to Buy Boxes. ...
  7. Make Product Listings the Best They Can Be. ...
  8. Know Thy Competition.
6 Oct 2022

What is the best strategy to sell your products? ›

14 selling strategies to try
  1. Identify a problem and solve it. People buy products and services they need. ...
  2. Understand your product. ...
  3. Price appropriately. ...
  4. Know your customer. ...
  5. Align with your customer's needs. ...
  6. Don't sell what isn't needed. ...
  7. Build a relationship. ...
  8. Articulate a clear sales message.

Which types of selling are most popular on Amazon? ›

Best Selling Categories on Amazon
  • Gift Cards. ...
  • Electronics. ...
  • Camera and Photography. ...
  • Video Games. ...
  • Books. ...
  • Clothing, Shoes, and Jewelry. ...
  • Beauty and Personal Care Products. ...
  • Home and Kitchen.
15 Nov 2022

What is the secret to Amazon's success? ›

Jeff Bezos has openly shared his 'secret' to Amazon success is “obsessive compulsive focus on the customer”. Is Jeff Bezos revealing the truth behind his success? Yes, I believe he is. Steve Jobs contributed to Apple's success by doing the same thing — obsessively focus on customer experience.

What is China's trade strategy? ›

China's fast trade development is attributed to its implementation of a strategy and policy featuring "active absorption of foreign direct investments and encouragement of foreign trade development" for the sake of coping with global economic integration and international industrial relocation.

What is Amazon's biggest competitive advantage? ›

The main element of competitive advantage of Amazon is that it provides a great customer service experience, such as easy to operate, fast online order, smooth checkout, and stress-free returns. These factors made Amazon unique and have a competitive difference among all other competitors.

Why is China so successful? ›

China's economy has grown to one of the largest and most powerful in the world over the past few decades. Driven by industrial production and manufacturing exports, China's GDP is actually now the largest in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP) equivalence.

Are all Chinese products poor quality? ›

Factories in China sometimes churn out cheap, poor-quality products. But many are indeed capable of manufacturing products that are both high tech and high quality. In fact, many importers continue to find success sourcing products from China, even as manufacturing wages continue to climb there.

Why are Chinese products poor quality? ›

Why Were Made In China Products Associated with Bad Quality? China has a reputation for producing cheap and low-quality products. This is partly because it was a developing country for so many centuries, and its manufacturing industry was not fully developed until recent decades.

What would happen if we stopped trade with China? ›

If the U.S. is forced to sell half of its direct investments in China, that would cost American investors $25 billion a year in capital gains and up to $500 billion in GDP losses, the report said. U.S. businesses risk losing global competitiveness if sweeping policies force separation from China, the report said.

Who buys from China the most? ›

United States

Are Apple iPhones made in China? ›

As it stands, Chinese contractors produce more than 90% of Apple products, including an estimated 98% of iPhones.

Is Alibaba better than Amazon? ›

BABA is the top e-commerce platform in China by profit, while Amazon is #1 in the U.S. by revenue as well as profit. Beyond the fact that they have similar core businesses, both Amazon and Alibaba also have cloud computing segments.

Will Amazon leave China? ›

Amazon is shutting down its Kindle bookstore in China, marking another retreat by a Western tech giant in the world's second biggest economy. The company announced Thursday that starting July 2023, Kindle users will not be able to buy online books in the country.

What percent of Amazon is owned by China? ›

Amazon: 13% JD.com: 9% Pinduoduo: 4%

Can India survive without Chinese products? ›

It may be possible for India to stop the import of finished goods. It may not be economically beneficial. However, it may at least be possible. However, when it comes to raw materials such as steel and minerals, imports can't really be stopped.

Is banning Chinese products a good idea? ›

It might get derailed due to such move. Complete ban of trade will directly relate to disrupt of relations in other dimensions like cultural, political, people to people contact etc as trade and commerce is the connecting link between countries in the recent era.

What if India bans all Chinese products? ›

If a complete boycott of Chinese goods is issued, these companies also will face pressure from China to prevent production in India. The result is going to be a loss of employment in huge numbers.

Did Amazon ban Chinese sellers? ›

Amazon's Banned China Sellers Turn to Walmart's Marketplace. Merchants dropped over fake reviews and ratings are rushing to sell on the brick-and-mortar giant's online site to reach U.S. consumers.

Can we boycott Chinese products? ›

The only feasible Solution to boycott Chinese products is to implement an import-substitution method and produce alternatives to all products.

Why did India ban Chinese products? ›

Synopsis. There had been several calls to shun Chinese products after a border clash with China in 2020 in which 20 Indian soldiers and several PLA soldiers were killed. Following the event, India imposed a ban on 59 apps including Tik Tok, UC Browser, and other apps.

What items Cannot be shipped from China? ›

Country Specific List for China
  • Animals and/or plants and their products carrying dangerous viruses, bacteria and injurious insects.
  • Any item which is harmful to China's politics, economy, culture/morals.

What is the cheapest thing to import from China? ›

Toys are one of the most profitable as well as cheap products to import from China. This type of product covers various kinds and categories, like wooden toys or educational toys. You can find toys on Amazon and most selling prices are expensive: basic types covering from $60 to hundreds of dollars.

Why shipping cost from China is so cheap? ›

Chinese products are inexpensive due to mass production and low labor costs which get shipped all around the world. In the past, China has made a huge investment in building required infrastructure such as electricity generation, ports, highways, etc. to increase productivity.

Who is bigger Amazon or Alibaba? ›

Analysts expect Amazon to generate more than three times as much revenue as Alibaba this year, and its market cap of $1.7 trillion dwarfs Alibaba's market cap of approximately $333 billion.

When did Amazon shut down in China? ›

It shut down its China online store in 2019. The report detailed how the Kindle business was one it had sought to expand in China, and cited an internal 2018 Amazon briefing document that said by the end of 2017, China had become Kindle's largest global market, "accounting for 40%+ of our world device sales volume".

Is Alibaba like Amazon in China? ›

Alibaba's Business Model

Amazon and Alibaba are both e-commerce giants operating largely without physical stores. Amazon dominates the American shopping space, while Alibaba does the same in China. Amazon sells products directly while also serving as an intermediary for other sellers, taking a cut of the sale.

Who is Amazon's biggest customer? ›

With 314 billion U.S. dollars in net sales, the United States were Amazon's biggest market in 2021. Germany was ranked second with 37.3 billion U.S. dollars, ahead of the UK with 31.9 billion.

Which countries have no Amazon? ›

11 countries where Amazon is not the most-used e-commerce...
  • Argentina.
  • Poland.
  • China.
  • Australia.
  • Singapore.
  • Portugal.
  • Russia.
  • South Africa.
4 Oct 2022

Does Pakistan use Amazon? ›

Pakistan is home to the world's largest Amazon seller groups: “eCommerce by Enablers” with over 1.2 million members, “Extreme Commerce by Sunny Ali” has more than 1.1 million members, and “Ecommerce Success Pakistan” has nearly 200,000.

How do I avoid buying Chinese products on Amazon? ›

Tips for Avoiding Chinese Goods on Amazon
  1. Avoid brand names that are weird combinations of consonants and vowels.
  2. Avoid products that are identical to one with different brand names.
  3. Carefully inspect products that have generic product titles and do not list a brand name.
7 Nov 2020

Why do sellers leave Amazon? ›

Reason #1 why people quit Amazon: not understanding the rules. Reason #2: focussing on the negative. Reason #3: not finding profitable products to sell. Reason #4: not knowing their numbers well enough.

How do I report a Chinese seller? ›

You can make complaints to the Chinese Embassy or Consulates in your country. In some cases, the embassy or consulates will refer your complaints to the law enforcement agencies and trade promotion agencies in China, who have the authority to mediate your dispute with the Chinese supplier.

Will Amazon refund me if I get scammed? ›

You are eligible to receive up to $2,500 of the purchase price, including shipping charges. You can file an A-to-z Guarantee claim after you've contacted the third-party seller and have provided the third-party seller one calendar day to address the issue.

How do I make sure Chinese supplier is legit? ›

10 ways to find & verify Chinese suppliers you can trust
  1. Use search engines & Chinese suppliers' directories. ...
  2. Make a phone call. ...
  3. Check business licenses. ...
  4. Ask for references. ...
  5. Get a sample. ...
  6. Money matters. ...
  7. Conduct factory audits (or at least pretend to) ...
  8. Make good use of databases.

How do I take legal action against a Chinese company? ›

When you sue, you need to submit relevant documents to the Chinese court, such as your identity certificate, power of attorney, and pleadings. These documents need to be notarized in your country, and then authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate in your country.

How hard is it to sue a Chinese company? ›

No. In fact, it won't be any harder than if you were to sue any other company. You should first decide to file a lawsuit in China or elsewhere.

How do I turn in a scammer? ›

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the main agency that collects scam reports. Report the scam to the FTC online, or by phone at 1-877-382-4357 (9:00 AM - 8:00 PM, ET). The FTC accepts complaints about most scams, including these popular ones: Phone calls.

Can Amazon seller refuses return? ›

Amazon FBA Return Policy

As a seller, you have no control over whether a product is accepted as a return, even if it is clearly the buyers' fault that the product is damaged or defective. In most cases, customers can request returns within 30 days of receiving their order.

Can Amazon refuse a refund? ›

Any items returned without original documentation will be rejected. Items that have been resized, damaged, or otherwise altered after delivery won't be accepted for return.

Can money be refund if scammed? ›

Contact your bank immediately to let them know what's happened and ask if you can get a refund. Most banks should reimburse you if you've transferred money to someone because of a scam.

How do Chinese pay suppliers? ›

Top 9 ways to pay your suppliers in China
  1. Wise Business. ...
  2. International wire transfer / Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) ...
  3. Escrow. ...
  4. Letters of Credit (LCs) ...
  5. Sourcing agencies. ...
  6. PayPal. ...
  7. Western Union. ...
  8. International credit or debit cards.
23 Mar 2022

How do Chinese deal with suppliers? ›

How to Work with Chinese Manufacturers (11 Top Tips)
  1. Culture – it affects business, too. ...
  2. The perils of email-only contact. ...
  3. Communication – make it personal. ...
  4. “Yes” doesn't always mean yes. ...
  5. But don't forget that you are running a business. ...
  6. Be wary of middle-men. ...
  7. Don't lose your cool. ...
  8. Keep using titles respectfully.
24 Sept 2020

How do Chinese choose suppliers? ›

But not all Chinese suppliers are reliable.
Questions to ask Chinese suppliers
  1. Are you a manufacturer or a trading company? ...
  2. What is your experience in manufacturing these products?
  3. What are your MOQs (minimum order quantities)? ...
  4. What are your production times and delivery times?
  5. What are your payment terms?
4 Apr 2022

Why do we buy everything from China? ›

In addition to its low labor costs, China has become known as "the world's factory" because of its strong business ecosystem, lack of regulatory compliance, low taxes and duties, and competitive currency practices.

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.