Why is my bathroom mirror turning black? | Fixing black spots on mirrors (2024)

Can you see dark spots in your mirror? Do you have black rust-like stains on your mirror? Mirrors often develop dark spots around the edges or in the middle due to damage to the silver backing from moisture.

What causes the mirror to discolour?

Desilvering often occurs in mirrors placed in bathrooms as they are exposed to a high level of moisture, the water can seep into the silver backing. Moisture breaks down the bond between the glass and the backing product causing the silver layer to chip off leaving the mirror with black spots or edges wherever the silver layer is damaged.

This can also break down due to age, incorrect glass cleaners, or faulty manufacturing.

How to prevent desilvering?

  1. One way is to limit splashing water over the bathroom mirror to protect them from excessive exposure to water.
  2. Dry off the edges of the mirror after you brush your teeth or wash your face.
  3. You can also keep a dehumidifier in your bathroom as it can help to control the moisture level in your bathroom.
  4. If the mirror is at a low height, consider changing the location of the mirror so the splashes are restricted especially when you brush or wash your face.
Why is my bathroom mirror turning black? | Fixing black spots on mirrors (1)

What to do if your mirror is desilvering?


If the mirror has dark spots on the edge you can install a customised frame over the damage. However, this won’t fix the problem and the silver backing will continue to fall away.

Why is my bathroom mirror turning black? | Fixing black spots on mirrors (2)


The process of resilvering allows you to restore the mirror to its original appearance. However, it is rare to find a resilvering service.

A few reasons why resilvering is not recommended are due to its cost and time. The mirror may also get damaged during the transport and shipping process. As a result, resilvering may not be a feasible option for many. Consider resilvering if you have an antique mirror or if it holds sentimental value. But if the mirror doesn’t have any sentimental value, why waste time and money on desilvering when you can get a custom-cut mirror glass replacement for a fraction of the time and cost?

Replacing the mirror

If your mirror is not valuable, the best and most affordable option is to replace the mirror with a new one.

At Glass One, we can custom cut and replace your mirror with brand new mirror glass. We also apply an additional coating to help avoid black spots and last you for decades to come!

Why is my bathroom mirror turning black? | Fixing black spots on mirrors (2024)


Why is my bathroom mirror turning black? | Fixing black spots on mirrors? ›

Desilvering is basically water damage and refers to that annoying process when the backing of an old mirror deteriorates and you get dark spots that turn to black edges. It is also known as mirror rot, water damage, oxidation or tarnishing.

What causes black spots in the mirror? ›

When the steam or humidity rises to the top of the room and ventilation is not sufficient, the mirror (which is normally positioned high up in the room) is the first thing to steam up. Over time, this causes damage to the mirror that appears as black spots or corrosion which cannot be reversed.

Why is my bathroom mirror turning black? ›

Most often, bathroom mirrors are the most affected by mirror rot. Contaminants in the air attack the silver backing of your bathroom mirror, which causes discoloration and flaking. Soapy water or incorrect cleaning liquids are prone to accumulate on the edges of the mirror and will erode the backing.

What does mirror rot look like? ›

Mirror rot, or mirror desilvering as it's officially called, is when the shiny surface of your mirror begins to fade to an ugly, tarnished black. Oftentimes, this desilvering begins as tiny, almost unnoticeable black dots along the corners or edges of your mirror.

How do you get black mold off a mirror? ›

Household Vinegar

White distilled vinegar is mainly used as a homemade cleaning solution that is sprayed directly on the glass surface and doesn't require to be mixed with water. Gently wiping down the moldy area after sprinkling the vinegar can remove the majority of the accumulated mildew or mold.

How do you remove oxidation from a mirror? ›

Spray glass cleaner or vinegar and water on the cloth, if you spray it directly on the mirror, it can create tarnish marks. Use a microfiber cloth in an S pattern to clean the glass - start from the top left corner and drag the cloth to the right corner. Use a zigzag pattern to clean instead of using a circular motion.

Can you get rid of spots on a mirror? ›

The best possible thing you can do is go to your nearest grocery store and grab a bottle of windex! It's esspecially made for windows and mirror are extremely similar to mirrors. This is what i use and it leaves my mirrors spotless! Use this with either a paper towel or a clean towel and it will do the trick!

Can you fix mirror rot? ›

Mirror rot can be cut off or covered. It can't be bleached off. You may have some success with a spray rust remover lubricant and a toothbrush. This will temporarily remove the black tarnish without helping the desilvering.

What is ghosting on a mirror? ›

For example, when a lens is directed at a strong light source, a whitish flare is produced. When unneeded light reflects off the lens surface and mirror frame, ghosting occurs.

How do I make my side mirror clear again? ›

First, if you haven't wiped down your mirror in some time and it has collected any dust, you can do a quick wipe down with a dry cloth. Next, mix together 1 cup of white vinegar and 1 cup of warm water. You don't always need to use soap because this creates suds and bubbles that can leave streaks and residue.

How do I keep my bathroom mirror clean? ›

Begin by removing hair spray or any stubborn debris with rubbing alcohol and a clean cloth. Dip a corner of the cloth in the alcohol to scrub the debris before you clean the rest of the mirror glass. Spray the mirror with your cleaning solution or glass cleaner. Grab a microfiber cloth for a streak-free shine.

How to fix mirror black spots? ›

Tear off small bits of aluminium foil and use the clear adhesive tape to tape those pieces over the black spots, being sure the shiny side of the foil is against the back of the mirror, and that the foil is as smooth as possible. Once all spots are covered, replace the frame of backing and rehang.

How do you get rid of fungus on mirrors? ›

Mix vinegar and water in equal proportions. Rub or spray the mixture on the blotches on the mirror. Let stand for five minutes before rinsing using warm water.

Can mold grow on glass mirror? ›

Technically speaking, the answer is no, not the glass itself. It would be impossible for mold to grow a root structure into the glass the surface as it is not permeable. However, when there is enough dust, dirt or debris accumulation on the glass, and combined with water of course, the mold can grow on there.

Can you fix a mirror that is silvering? ›

You can restore your favorite mirror to its original luster with a re-silvering process. Even though a glass professional can remove the backing, strip the remaining silver, and apply new silver, this process is complicated and can get expensive. Instead of re-silvering your mirror, consider: Mirror replacement.

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