Can I have a bank account with the Federal Reserve?
Can individuals use such accounts to pay bills and get money? No. The
Federal Reserve Banks are not authorized to open accounts for individuals. Only depository institutions and certain other financial entities may open an account at a Federal Reserve Bank.
You can't pay bills with your number. Never give out your ss number to anyone over the phone. It is attempted identify theft.
Individuals do not have accounts at the Federal Reserve. The bill payments being attempted using the Fed's routing numbers are being rejected and returned unpaid.
4. Can I open a bank account with the Reserve Bank? The Reserve Bank is not a commercial bank and so does not provide banking facilities to the general public. It does, however, provide banking services to some government, commercial bank and other clients.
FedBook Selfie
You can open a Savings account through the mobile app using your Aadhaar and PAN Card. Account number will be generated instantly.
There is no federal reserve bank that your social security number is linked to. A claim otherwise is a scam. The only accounts at the Fed are for member banks.
There is no monetary value to a birth certificate or a social security number/EIN, and TreasuryDirect accounts must be funded by the owner (from the owner's personal bank account) to have any value.
You can do so by signing up for direct deposit, which sends payments directly into your bank account. Or, you can have your benefits automatically deposited into your Direct Express® Debit MasterCard® account. Direct deposit is a simple, safe, and secure way to get benefits. What is the Direct Express® card?
Simply put- the Fed doesn't have an account for you. Your SSN is simply a way to credit you with social security benefits based on your work- at retirement or disability.
Can I put my money in a Federal Reserve Bank?
The Federal Reserve Banks provide financial services to banks and governmental entities only. Individuals cannot, by law, have accounts at the Federal Reserve.
In addition to Social Security, the SSN is now also used for a wide range of purposes. These include obtaining credit, opening a bank account, obtaining government benefits or private insurance, and buying a home or a car.

If you see an account you don't remember, contact financial and government institutions to inquire about any accounts you may have under your name. They will usually ask for verification like your Social Security number and, in the case of physical banks, the city or branch where you opened the account.
The Federal Reserve does not provide payment services directly to consumers and businesses. Banks and credit unions can provide their customers with access to instant payments through new features on their mobile apps, banking websites, or other interfaces such as those used for business payments.
In addition, Federal Reserve Banks provide services to banks such as loans, currency and coin storage, and safekeeping services. The Reserve Banks finance their operations through providing these services as well as interest on government securities. Excess earnings are transferred to the U.S. Treasury.
Reserve is your secondary checking account – for any of your short-term budget planning needs.
The account offers a handful of key benefits which include Forex card, POS, Payment gateway, Pick up facility, Wealth management services, Platinum Debit card, Special benefits for promoters, Salary accounts for employees, Fed E Biz: Net Banking with bulk uploading facility and much more.
Please contact Federal Bank's customer support either via placing a call to 1800 425 1155 or sending an email to for placing a request to deregister FedMobile. Information Message: “Please note that after deregistration request is processed, your FedMobile access will be disabled.
The Treasury General Account is the general checking account, which the Department of the Treasury uses and from which the U.S. government makes all of its official payments. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York holds the Treasury General Account.
The back of the card contains information about the SSN and the card itself, including where to mail found cards, where and how to obtain information from SSA, a card stock sequence number, and the card's official form number.
Can I order money from the Federal Reserve?
How do I access Federal Reserve Cash Services? If FedLine Web, your normal currency and coin ordering channel, is unavailable, you can also place orders by contacting your local Federal Reserve office via telephone.
Social security number cards are the property of SSA and must be returned upon request.
Have you heard about the Social Security $16,728 yearly bonus? There's really no “bonus” that retirees can collect. The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses a specific formula based on your lifetime earnings to determine your benefit amount.
If your spouse dies, do you get both Social Security benefits? You cannot claim your deceased spouse's benefits in addition to your own retirement benefits. Social Security only will pay one—survivor or retirement. If you qualify for both survivor and retirement benefits, you will receive whichever amount is higher.
As a result of the June 1936 decision, the current SSN is composed of three parts: The first three digits are the area number. The next two digits are the group number. The final four digits are the serial number.